Thursday, November 1, 2012


"I firmly believe that if the entire materia medico as now used could be sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind—and all the -worse for the fishes."- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Basically, there are two types of diabetes. For the treatment of one, insulin is needed because the pancreas no longer manufactures insulin. This type is called insulin-dependent diabetes. For the treatment of the other, some chemicals are needed that can gradually release insulin from the pancreas so the diabetic can control the clinical symptoms. This type is called insulin-independent diabetes; the pancreas still has the ability to manufacture insulin. Insulin-independent diabetes, established in the elderly and which can be regulated by the intake of "tablet" forms of medication, is most probably the end result of brain water-deficiency, to the point that its neurotransmitter systems—
particularly the serotonergic system—is being affected. The physiology of the brain is designed in such a way that it
automatically begins to peg-up the glucose threshold so that it can maintain its own volume and its own energy requirements. The brain needs glucose for its energy value and its metabolic conversion to water. The prevalent consensus of opinion is that the bulk of energy requirement in the brain is provided by sugar alone. My personal view is that this is only the case if there is water and salt shortage in the body. Water and salt are absolutely essential for the generation of hydroelectric energy, particularly for neurotransmission mechanisms.

The reason and the mechanism for altering blood sugar levels is quite simple. When histamine becomes active in water regulation and energy management, it also activates a group of substances known as prostaglandins (PCs). PCs are involved in a subordinate system for rationed distribution of water to the cells in the body.

The pancreas—a very complex gland located between the stomach and the duodenum—other than being the seat of insulin manufacture is engaged in the production of copious quantities of a bicarbonate-containing watery solution. This bicarbonate solution is emptied into the duodenum to neutralize acid coming from the stomach. This is how the acid from the stomach is neutralized. It happens that while the stimulating agent, PG of the E type, may
be involved in shunting circulation to the pancreas so that the watery bicarbonate solution can be made, at the same time it naturally inhibits the secretion of insulin from the pancreas. It acts like a very tightly operated servomechanism.
The more one system has to be served, the more the other system will be decommissioned.

Why? Simply,insulin promotes movement of potassium and sugar into the cells of the body. It also promotes entry of some amino acids into cells. Accompanying the passage of sugar, potassium, and amino acids, water will also pass into the cell that has been stimulated by insulin. Such action will automatically reduce the available water that is more easily accessible from outside the cells. In a dehydrated state, the action of insulin would be counterproductive. The logic employed in the design of the body has therefore installed the two actions of water distribution to the pancreas and the needed inhibition of insulin action in the same agent—prostaglandin E. In this way, and at the expense of severe deprivation of some cells, water is made available for the act of food digestion and acid neutralization in the intestines.

As it happens, when insulin secretion is inhibited, except for the brain, the metabolism of the body is severely disrupted. In a dehydrated state, the brain benefits from insulin inhibition. The brain cell itself is not dependent on insulin for its functions While cells in most other parts of the body are totally dependent on the properties of insulin for their normal function. If we think about it, there is a natural logic to the ultimate production of insulin-independent diabetes in severe chronic dehydration. Why is it called insulin-independent diabetes? Because the body can still
manufacture insulin, although it takes the influence of some chemical agents to promote its secretion.
This phenomenon of insulin inhibition with dehydration shows that the primary function of the pancreatic gland is directed at the provision of water for food digestion. Insulin inhibition is an adaptation process of the gland to the dehydration of the body.

Even the simplest explanation on tryptophan may seem too complicated. However, some very basic understanding
about this amino acid must be provided to make sense of some of the statements that are presented in this book
Remember, the body is a very complex chemical plant that is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the flow of its
primary raw materials.
The brain is designed to resuscitate itself, when there is water and salt shortage in the body. It raises the levels of
sugar in circulation. The raised level of sugar is supposed to balance the vital osmotic equilibrium, in the same way
that a doctor resuscitates a patient by the use of sugar and salt-containing intravenous fluid drips. One also needs
to recognize another simple point: Osmotic forces that must be available for extracellular fluid volume regulation are
developed primarily by its salt content, by its raised sugar content, and sometimes by its increased uric acid content.
But in insulin-dependent type of diabetes, there may be severe salt shortage, in which case the brain has no
alternative but to raise the level of sugar even more to compensate for the low salt reserves in the body. This
process is an automatic step in the design of the brain activity that is master-managed by the various direct, and
indirect, functions of tryptophan. It has also been shown that tryptophan is the basic substance that the body needs
as a vital ingredient to convert into the three or even four most essential neurotransmitters so far recognized.
In insulin-independent diabetes, one needs to pay particular attention to adequate protein intake to make up for the
possible tryptophan insufficiency that may be the root cause of the disease. Why? It seems that dehydration causes
a severe depletion of brain tryptophan, a most essential amino acid in the human body. When there is adequate
amount of tryptophan in the brain, among its other effects, the pain threshold is raised—one endures pain better.
»Tryptophan content in the brain shows a great drop in its levels in some diabetic animals.
To stress this point again, salt, sugar, and uric acid are involved in balancing the osmotic forces of fluid composition held outside the cells. Salt content is responsible for the greatest contribution to the extracellular osmotic balance. Regulatory properties of tryptophan itself, or its dependent neurotransmission systems, operate a measuring mechanism for the amount of salt that is kept in the body. Serotonin, tryptamine, melatonin, and indolamine are derived from tryptophan, and all are neurotransmitters. Thus, tryptophan is the natural brain regulator for salt absorption in the body. It seems that lower levels of tryptophan—and in consequence, its neurotransmitter products—will establish lower-than-normal salt reserves.

As a back-up mechanism in the body, the RA system seems to compensate by inducing salt retention in the body.Histamine and its RA system activity become increasingly engaged if the tryptophan-dependent neurotransmitter systems become less involved—through shortage or increased breakdown of tryptophan. It

follows that a low-salt diet is not conducive to the correction of a diabetic's high blood sugar.

If the blood sugar is to come down, a slight upward adjustment of daily salt intake may become unavoidable. Tryptophan is also a most prominent amino acid employed in the correction of errors in the process of DNA "printout" or replica production. With another amino acid, lysine, they form a bridging system (lysine-tryptophanlysine tripod) that cuts and splices the inaccuracies in DNA transcription. This property of tryptophan is most essential to prevention of cancer cell development in the body.

With the brain's tryptophan replenishment, the histamine-operated systems will be trimmed down to their primary responsibilities—unexaggerated functions. Salt content of the body will be better regulated. The sensation level before registering pain stimulus will be raised. Acid secretion in the stomach will come under normal control. Blood pressure will be normalized to its natural levels for the operation of all functions in the body: kidneys, brain, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal digestive activities, "shower-head" filtration of water into the nerve cells, the joints, and so on will function within their normal range of activity.

There is a direct relationship between walking and the build-up of the brain tryptophan reserves. There are several amino acids that compete for crossing the naturally designed barrier system into the brain. They all have to "piggyback" on the same transporter proteins. These competitors to tryptophan are grouped under the title of branched-chain amino acids (BC amino acids). During exercise, these BC amino acids, along with the fats, are used
as fuel in the larger muscles. Muscles begin to pick up these amino acids from the circulating blood. As a result, the odds are changed in favor of tryptophan for its passage across the blood-brain-barrier and into the brain. One major physiological value to exercising is the direct relationship of muscle activity to the build-up of the brain tryptophan

• The brain tryptophan content, and its various by-product neurotransmitter systems, are responsible for maintenance of the "homeostatic balance of the body." Normal levels of tryptophan in the brain maintain a wellregulated balance in all functions of the body—what is meant by homeostasis. With a decrease in tryptophan supply to the brain, there is a proportionate decrease in the efficiency of all functions in the body.

Depression and some mental disorders are the consequence of brain tryptophan imbalance. Prozac used in some mental disorders, particularly in depression, is a drug that stops the enzymes that break down serotonin, a byproduct of tryptophan. When more serotonin is present, all nerves function normally. However, Prozac cannot replace the indispensable role of tryptophan itself. One has to work at replenishing body reserves of tryptophan through a balanced diet and regular water intake.

My research has shown there is a direct relationship between water intake—hemodilution—and efficiency of function in the transport system for the passage of tryptophan into the brain. Water shortage and proportionate histamine release bring about an increase in the rate of tryptophan breakdown in the liver. It seems that adequate water intake arrests the increased and inefficient metabolism of tryptophan in the body. Chronic dehydration causes its loss from the pool of different amino acids held in the body. Tryptophan cannot be manufactured in the body; it must be imported through food intake. It is one of the essential amino acids. Thus, hydration of the body, exercise and the intake of right foods help replenish brain tryptophan reserves.

Another most important fact to remember is the idiosyncrasies that seem to operate in protein metabolism and their manufacture. Proteins are manufactured from joining amino acids together. There are 20 amino acids (AAs) from which different proteins are made. Each protein has a different mix of these AAs. Depending on the sequence of the mix, different characteristics are installed in each protein. Depending on the sequence and the number, the mix can function as enzymes, as assembly lines for the manufacture of other proteins, and as energy generators in the hydroelectric pump units.

All functions of the body are regulated by the special properties and the "sequence characteristics" of its AAs used in enzymes and body proteins. There are eight essential AAs that are not manufactured in the human body; they must be imported from food intake. There are three AAs that can be manufactured but in limited quantities. At certain times, they also become partially scarce. The other nine AAs are amply manufactured within the body. If the normal percentages held in the reserve pool of AAs in the body begins to fluctuate beyond a certain range, some AAs are dumped (differently broken or consumed) to keep the composition of the AA pool within the normal range for future protein and enzyme manufacture. Of the AAs that get dumped in stress, tryptophan seems to be one of the most important.

However, one can not consume this or that amino acid by itself to balance the pool, even if one knew all the intricate ramifications. One must consume the full range of AAs to build the "reserve pool" in due time. The precaution one can take is to eat proteins that have these AAs in ample proportions. Some proteins, such as long-exposed meat, may become deficient in some amino acids. The best proteins are those stored in the germinating seeds of plants, such as lentils, grains, beans, etc.—also in eggs and milk that nature provides to produce the next generation of
chickens and to feed the calf.

Lentils and green beans in particular are good stores for AAs in food ingredients. They contain about 28 percent proteins, 72 percent complex carbohydrates, and no oil. These types of foods are by nature better stores for provision of AAs in proportioned amounts. After all, these better choice of "foods" are naturally designed to procreate a "perfect" replica of the species concerned. The storage of a balanced amino acid composition as a life starter is part of the process.

Insulin-independent diabetes should be treated with an increase in water intake, exercise, and diet manipulation to provide the necessary amino acid balance for tissue repair, including brain tissue requirements. Salt regulation should also be kept in mind. Diabetes is a good example of the next-generation damage that is caused by dehydration. Whereas the onset of dehydration-induced diabetes is normally seen in the elderly and it is often reversible, the more serious and structurally damaging variety of the disease is often inherited by the offspring.
Juvenile diabetes will need the same approach to its early preventive treatment before permanent structural damage can take place. It should be remembered that the genetic transcription mechanism of the parents—in particular the mother—if affected by amino acid pool imbalance, will be equally represented in the offspring. In effect, this is how genetic damage and inherited disorders establish. What you will read in the next few paragraphs is designed to show a representative process.

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