Friday, September 2, 2016

How to Deal with Your Back Pain and Rheumatoid Joint Pain

How to Deal with Your Back Pain 

and Rheumatoid Joint Pain: 

A Preventive and Self Treatment......

This educational and preventive treatment manual gives you easy-to-use techniques for relieving chronic back pain and rheumatoid joint pain. This new approach to prevention and treatment of back pain is simpler, inexpensive, less dangerous and more effective.
-- Learn the vital information on the mechanics behind your spinal column, the role of the disc and its needs for water
-- Learn the simple body movement that will promote fluid circulation in the disc spaces the twill result in relief of back and sciatic pain.

Mar 04, 2010Barbara rated it really liked it
My rating is going to need some explanation. I gave it four stars 
because I thought it had good information. I would give it only 
two or three stars if I was rating how interesting or intelligible a 
read it was. He wrote this book for the Laman, but I have a 
college degree and I thought it was rather technical.
There was however some very good information about why 
dehydration can cause back and arthritis pain. Conversely, there 
was good reasoning about how rehydrating your body can reduce 
or relieve pain entirely. Plus, water is free and good for you, so it 
can't hurt to try it. My friend who recommended this author has 
suffered from arthritis since her early twenties, at least 10 years, 
and she has found signigicant relief from properly hydrating her 

There was also a good set of exercises for bad backs. Some 

exercises were to help with alignment and others to strengthen 
your core muscles. My back is not hurting particularly right now, 
but from my experience with back exercises, these exercises are 
sound and would be beneficial. I plan on performing them myself.

I am very interested to read this author's book, Water: For 

Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!, to 
learn more about the benefits of your body being properly 
hydrated. Look at my review of that book if you want to know 
more particulars about the water cure.

Joi Carey rated it did not like it
I read this book for the information regarding rheumatoid 
arthritis. The basic gist of the book for RA is drink 1.5-2 
liters of water a day. I already do that with no results so I 
can not give this book a positive rating. it may be great for
people with back pain.
Dec 11, 2012Gita rated it it was amazing
I gave it 5 stars because i not only read it but used the 
information given to successfully get rid of my lower back pain 
which was taking toll on my day to day life. My utmost 
admiration for the Doc for writing such powerhouse of 
information books in such a simplified manner & helping 
people get free of the clutches of ever so greedy Doctors while 
effectively setting free from the clutches of the debilitating 
conditions of the readers without costing a single penny !
Doris Jean
Excellent book. The back is explained and illustrated with 
pictures and exercises are recommended. It is one of the best 
(maybe THE best) book I have ever seen on the mechanics of 
back pain. I recommend it wholeheartedly to the world.

Jul 28, 2014Pamela Very helpful.

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