Saturday, October 15, 2016

a total expert in skin care.

 Today's cool fact of the day is that you shed your entire outer skin layer every two to four weeks. Those dead skin cells that pile up in your home or office actually may have a purpose. Turns out that scientists discovered squalene, one of the lipids or fats produced by your skin that is found in high concentrations in your dead skin cells, it actually helps to indoor air ozone and increase air quality. I guess you should use a loofa all over the place in your house and just swim in dead skin cells, except that's really disgusting. That was a good cool fact of the day, I got to say.

Dr. Susanne Bennett, has a book coming out called The 7-Day Allergy Makeover. She’s a total expert in skin care. Why would we talk about skin you might ask? The reason is that I’m getting old. I’m 41 and I need to look young so I can keep getting jobs and stuff, because as you get older it helps you after especially age 50. It helps you enormously, whether you’re a man or a woman, to look youthful and healthy. There are lots of studies out there that show people who look youthful and healthy get a job offer over people who look sick and unhealthy.
This isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with aging gracefully. There isn’t, but I will tell you that I have no intent of aging gracefully. I have an intent of aging as little as humanly possible. Part of that is taking care of my skin, so I’m making that a priority this year. That’s why Susanne Bennett is on the show. Susanne, welcome.
Susanne:       Hi, Dave, and thanks so much. I’m so excited to share with you anything and everything you want to know about skin, healthy skin and any kind of ways to enhance that aging process. I’m right there with you, Dave; I’m 52 this year. I’m constantly looking at what can we do to make it healthier.
Dave:             If you’re watching this video instead of listening in your car, you’re jaw just hit the floor because there’s no way that Susanne is 52. You’re doing something right on your skin and doing something right for the rest of your body. You’ve been in practice for 24 years. You practice at Wellness for Life Center in Santa Monica environmental medicine, allergies, molds, and toxins. Might you know something about molds and skin quality?
Susanne:       Absolutely. I am a big, big advocate of going anti-fungal. In my book, in fact, it’s my number four food that you got to really get away from your body so that we can reduce inflammation. Be anti-fungal, don’t be exposed to all that. There is so much that we can talk about when it comes to mold. Did you know that you can actually have a lot of fungi growing on your skin? There’s a lot to be talked about when it comes to mold and yeasts.
Dave:             This is going to be a fruitful discussion, I can tell already. You studied chiropractic not plastic surgery or something like that. [crosstalk 03:17]
Susanne:       That’s right.
Dave:             What do you call someone who is just a skin doctor, like an epidemiologist … no, an epiderm-
Susanne:       A dermatologist.
Dave:             Just a dermatologist, thank you. I’m like it’s an epidermatologist, but the epi doesn’t belong there. Got it. I know there’s a name, I’m not thinking of it because I forgot to take my [an-ar-as-a-tam 03:30] with my [blo-thru 03:31] coffee this morning.
Susanne:       The typical skin doctor is called a dermatologist. The way I got into working with skin was because of my son. My story really is about when I was a chiropractic … When I first started I was a chiropractic physician sports medicine doctor. As a sports doctor, we worked on all kinds of physical rehab. PT had a big, big practice. Then when my son was born seven years into my practice, he started having all of these allergies and particularly ectopic dermatitis which is itchiness, rashes on their skin, hives, and things like that. That started about five to six months of his age, very, very young. Of course derm would give us a little cream that you put … the cortisone cream and back then I knew nothing about derms, skin issues. We use it and sure enough, it would still come back. More and more and started seeing more allergies.
It wasn’t this typical runny nose or sneezing. Cody was sick. He was starting to have more severe reactions, throat closing up. I had to carry [crosstalk 04:30] We had to literally an epi pen, which is a medical injection device that you had to put it … slam it into my kid’s leg just so his throat can open up without going into the hospital. There was some major hospitalizations on … for him, too. As he was getting all these, got worse, really bad. Then skin started happening. I realized that gosh, so much of his issues were all about his environment and what he was eating. That’s when I started discovering more and more … tons of research. I never slept at night because my son was the most important thing to me. I would work in the day and, sure enough, in the night I just study, study, study and found out that there was a lot of things we could do naturally. Naturally to heal the skin and naturally to get rid of these allergies.
What I ended up doing was I changed my entire sports medicine practice and started treating allergies and helping other people get well from the inside out. Then I put all of the information I’ve had in practice, like you said 24 years, and I’ve had a huge amount of allergy cases. Over 100,000 patients have logged in. From that, I’ve gotten all the [needle movers 04:46] that will actually help you get rid of your allergies, feel better, and get rid of all these hidden allergies that I always talk about. Of course, some of it is skin. People think that skin is basically you got to lather on stuff on the outside, but it’s actually an internal problem, internal. That’s what I’ve found with Cody. You know that patch I told you about, the skin under Cody’s skin? What I did was at six months I shaved off his entire head. How much hair does kids have at that age? I shave it all off and I sent it away and found out he had a huge amount of nickel, arsenic, and mercury in his … huge, huge, I mean over the top. Because of that, that’s when I really started looking at what is going on and why is he at this little age getting nickel in his body? What was going on.
The truth of the matter, Dave, a lot of it was coming from me. I was nursing him and during my pre-natal care time in 1994 they knew nothing about … 1993, ’94 … knew nothing about mercury and tuna fish.
Dave:             Oh no.
Susanne:       All the way through my entire pre-natal time and, for sure, it ended up basically creating a major damage to my son’s gut. The overload of toxicity in mercury was so crazy. That was all the beginning of how it all started.
Dave:             It’s amazing what that kind of motivation … In my case it was survival and your’s mother’s love. You’ll stay up late and you’ll study for four or five hours a night until you get to the bottom of it, because of the internet it’s much easier. When I was a kid we had to go microfiche. I was the last wave of people who had to learn how to use [crosstalk 07:36] those things. Now you just go to Google and you can go to PubNet and you can get everything. With your training in medical care, you really have an advantage. You learn how to hack some allergies. You’ve learned the same thing. You can see them in people’s skin. People are have this ongoing thing, you have issues or you have allergies. Usually, if you eat the wrong food, a day or two later it shows up in your skin, sometimes four days later.
Susanne:       Correct.
Dave:             It’s that long lag-time that’s so confusing for people because they think it should have happened the next day, or it should have happened right all at once. Why the time lag? What’s up with that?
Susanne:       There’s several factors. Now we know about real immediate hive reactions, right? Immediate hive reactions are called IgE. As soon as they put something in their mouth, their lips start to blow up and they get hives all around their belly and their arms and they start really feeling the histamine release. That’s the immediate allergic reaction. When that’s happening is that some individuals don’t have that and it ends up being a latent. It would be 24 hours, sometimes even 48 hours. Sometimes when you’re ingesting food, and depending on why you’ve got … what kind of a floor you’ve got in your gut, what type of … Do you have any type of inflammation, because if you have this condition called leaky gut syndrome it takes a little bit of time. If you’re familiar with leaky gut, it is when you’ve got a permeability that’s really high and undigested food that is bigger in molecule gets into the blood stream because the holes in your gut are much bigger. When that happens, it’s a longer time for your body to react.
Not just that, you also have the fact that when it comes to skin allergies it could be also because you’ve got a load of bad bacterial and yeast growing in your gut. When that happens, we poop, they poop, too. They’ve got toxins that they are spewing out. Those toxins we can absorb. In the gut if you don’t know this, but in the gut there is actually a portal vein in your large intestine. That portal vein is a connection from the large intestine to the liver. If you don’t poop very well and you don’t have good bowel movement, at least one to two a day, big ones, then you’re going to absorb those toxins and waste products back into your liver. Where does it go? Swims around and goes into one of the biggest excreting elements and tissue in our body which is our skin. That’s why we sweat so much.
Dave:             Susanne, I [crosstalk 10:11]
Susanne:       … all over the place.
Dave:             I have to wonder why do I keep talking about poop on the podcasts? It’s so funny, but it’s an integral part of your skin health is how all you poop, just like you’re saying.
Susanne:       Huge integral part. In my practice, every one of my patients I talk about everything about their bowel movement, their regularity, the color, the size, if it’s loose, if it’s a stinker. There are a lot of things we can talk about, even gas.
Dave:             Biohackers are poophackers. Is that what we are saying?
Susanne:       Yes, got to fix that.
Dave:             Please don’t Twitter that. I haven’t actually asked you about this. Are you using the coconut charcoal in your practice to absorb toxins in the gut.
Susanne:       You know what, well I’ll tell you what. I definitely do use charcoal, but I just got an experience of yours. I was one of those people that have got to get a couple of really cool goodies down in Tampa when we all hung out together. Oh my gosh, it’s amazing what you can use with that black charcoal. You can absorb … I use it for different reasons. I use it quite a bit for allergic conditions. When you have allergies or you felt like you ate something wrong, and what I mean by that it is the somal component I talked to you about earlier. We can be eating a salad and you go out to eat and you’re eating this kind of gross, green [crosstalk 11:36] exactly, but you can tell. You’re in front of people and you don’t want to spit it out right there and then, so you end up swallowing it. If you have in your little wallet or purse or pocket these black charcoal that you use, my gosh you can absorb those toxins and just literally make it out without it being absorbed. Yes, those are awesome.
Dave:             It’s hilarious. I do that with my kids. I can tell you when they eat something where they start going bonkers. You give them charcoal and five minutes later they’re back to their normal selves.
Susanne:       Exactly, because you’re blocking the ability for the absorption to occur. That’s right.
Dave:             Aren’t we being a little picky? Say you ate slight off, wilted piece of lettuce, what’s really the big deal from doing that?
Susanne:       Let’s talk about that. An average person, when they’re really healthy and they got high acid level in their stomach, then their body has the ability to kill it and get rid of that fungi, a little bit of mold, a little bit of yeast, maybe a little bit of bacteria.
Dave:             What about the toxins that came with the mold, though? You can’t kill a toxin.
Susanne:       Absolutely. If you’re familiar with aflatoxins, they are chemicals that are naturally produced by fungi such as … We talked about aflatoxins. They’re also called [patch-o-len 12:50], [a-ko-geech-ic 12:52] acid, Griseofulvin, these are all [crosstalk 12:58]
Dave:             I’m just laughing. I didn’t know we were going to talk about mold and I’m just like [crosstalk 13:02]. You totally know what you’re talking about. Keep going, explain this.
Susanne:       All of the microtoxins, you are going to eat as well if you’re going to be eating some of this mold and mold spores. If that’s the case, you got to watch out. When it comes to these types of microtoxins, it’s very, very difficult to get rid. Using the black charcoal would be excellent, too.
Dave:             That is why I use it, that’s why I made it which is kind of cool. I’m just impressed that you’re using it for allergies in your patient population because I just designed it for general detox which is a legal requirement that I only use it for that. It’s cool to find that you’ve found other uses for it. I want to make sure we talk about skin because we promised to talk about skin at the beginning. One of the things that you are, aside from being a practicing physician who cares for people, is that you are responsible for the creation of a new to-date physician-only intensive collagen serum. You basically created something that causes amazing changes in skin. I’ve certainly experienced it. [crosstalk 14:14] you want to talk about Purigenex and what it does?
Susanne:       You know I told you earlier I’m 52 years old. What ended up happening in my early, early years … I’m a huge ocean advocate. I’m a big, big surfer. Love the water. I live by the ocean. I’m snorkeling as much as I can because I’m more like a dolphin rather than a human. Sometimes I think of that. What ended up happening very, very early on, my skin was deteriorating. Dave, if you’ve ever seen my photo … I’m at the Purigenex website, It’s the only place you can see this by the way. You will never find this photo on my [inaudible 14:53] because, by gosh, my before photo at 43, I was loaded with wrinkles, loaded. Deep, deep crevices on my forehead, all around my eyes, and then of course this sagging and very crepey-looking skin. I got to get my skin … I’m totally vain. I want my skin to look great because inside I feel great. I want to match my internal youth to the external youth. I’m thinking what can I do? Yeah, I was in the sun a lot. I didn’t like to use a lot of the sunscreen and the sun blocks because a lot of time it would get into my eyes and that would cause more problems when I’m in the water.
I looked and looked. Nothing, nothing out there was working. I’ve done those $500 tiny, little bitty jars that you get at the big, big, nice stores. Nothing worked. Lathered on things. I’ve done it all. I must tell you though I’ve never tried, because of the way my belief system is … I never tried any kind of peels or chemical peels and IPLs and things like lasers. I’ve never done that before. I don’t think I ever will because it’s just not in my nature to do that kind of surgically enhancing things. [crosstalk 16:11] but more aggressive.
Dave:             What about cold lasers? Have you ever used those for skin care? The ones that don’t burn or peel anything.
Susanne:       I’ve not yet used cold lasers. I have not yet, but I’ve heard that they’re really good. [crosstalk 16:21]
Dave:             I used them, they get rid of dark circles pretty effectively, really fast. [crosstalk 16:26] and collagen and stuff.
Susanne:       They say that it enhances the collagen formation. I’ve seen people who’ve come into my office and have that and, yes, it looks nice. I’m not sure if it’s for everyone because it all depends on your coloring. If you notice, I’m tan. I’m a darker individual. Darker individuals have more problems with laser. That’s another reason why it’s a little bit more difficult. Anyway, because I didn’t want to use any of these more aggressive techniques, I was so fortunate I’m Korean. One of my dear Korean friends actually gave me a product from Korea. It was made by a [inaudible 17:13] doctors in Seoul, Korea. When she brought this back, I was like, oh my God, I’ve got to try to. This was in 19 … that’s when I was 45. By the time I got this product, 45 years old, and I started using it, and within even the first application I was blown away.
This product is a purified collagen that is medical-grade. It’s a medical-grade collagen. The [inaudible 17:40] doctors have completely changed this formula so that it can actually be absorbed through the skin. What I’m saying is transdermally absorbed. You apply it on the face and it’s not injectable.
Dave:             For people who are listening who are familiar with some of the upgraded products that I make, I have an internal collagen product that people take so that they can maintain tissue flexibility. The problem is, and I’ve tried this, you can smear it, and mine is enzymatically processed with small polypeptides and di- and tripeptides, but it doesn’t absorb through the skin. Except once, I did put it on top of a wound that healed much faster. I’ve read some stuff about that, but I don’t recommend doing that with a food-grade product unless you’re just crazy like I am. Your’s is the only the only thing I’ve found that absorbs through the skin. There’s really good research about a lot of collagen and skin care products that is kind of decorative.
Your’s the only one I’ve found that has evidence and that actually worked. That’s one of the reasons we should tell people that it’s only been available from dermatologists until right now. It’s about 300 bucks. It’s going to be on the upgraded self-site. We’ll be sending an email out about it as well. You’ll be able to order it for 399, and this is definitely an information thing, not infomercial, so we’re not trying to see you here. We’re just saying you can get it. You can check it out on upgraded self. It’s called Purigenex Intensive Collagen Serum and Mask Kit. The reason it is 399 bucks is that it is an eight-week supply. You put it on how many times? Tell people how this stuff works and how you could use it
Susanne:       Let me be clear. You mentioned earlier about the collagen being different. I’m going to tell you what the difference is. You got it refrigerated. That’s one of the biggest factors. Like you were saying you’ve got your [og-you-lized 49:05] collagen and then its polypeptides, but if it’s not refrigerated then it’s not biologically active for the skin. It’s different when you orally intake it. For the skin you need it to be in a very controlled, chilled manner because collagen is a triple–it’s like a braid–a triple helical structure. As soon as it goes above 60 to 65 degrees, boom, all of that unravels. Then it denatures and it doesn’t even work. If you got into any of these big stores that have collagen in the product and they say they have it, all it does, it’s just gelatin sitting on your face.
Number two, our product, the way they’ve made it so that I can penetrate is really fascinating. They’ve made it in a negative ionized state and it’s water soluble. Negative ionized, what that means is that as we age our skin actually becomes positive in nature, positive electrostatically. When it’s negative and the way they formulated it, they clipped off the peel of peptides which are these little end-products on the approaching strands where it causes allergic reactions. They’ve cut off all the allergic problems. Then they’ve created a negative ionized, it literally gets sucked in. It’s literally because of your positive state, your body is just physically attracting it. From that electrostatic gradient it goes in deeper.
Dave:             It’s really interesting, the charge on these molecules.
Susanne:       Does it make sense?
Dave:             Yeah. This is hacking of collagen and other things. We’re going in with biochemistry techniques. It couldn’t be done before. This charge is the same reason that the charcoal works. Charcoal has a strong negative charge on it. By playing with the charge on a molecule you can totally change what would have basically been smearing Jell-O on your face, to be perfectly honest. What you’re doing now is taking off the allergen ends and you’re making it so it can actually absorb into the skin because the skin has a positive charge that sucks it in. This is why I was a little skeptical of putting collagen on my face because I know the science because we formulated the upgraded collagen I put in my coffee this morning. I was blown away by how it worked and so was Lana, my wife, Dr. Lana. That’s why you’re on the show because you passed the credibility bar pretty well.
Susanne:       There’s no doubt that … You were asking about how often. Remember when I started using it and was blown away. I was using it once a week. I cannot tell a lie. When I was going to some type of big event or party, I would do two nights in a row or two days in a row. My skin would look plump. What it does is this. Once the collagen is directly absorbed into the basement layer, it actually activates your own fibroblasts. The fibroblasts are those cells in our skin that activate and makes more collagen. Not only are you putting collagen into your tissues, but also making your own skin to make more collagen. That’s why, as I was getting … Once I started after a month doing it once a week, actually it was eight week. It’s a two week because … Can I do a show now?
Dave:             Sure. I want to make … People on video can see this. People who are driving, which is the majority of them right now, probably won’t be able to see it so hold it in the middle.
Susanne:       Let me explain that.
Dave:             Hold it in front of you, though, so they can see the box.
Susanne:       In this box there’s eight masks. Eight masks that come in these tiny little test tubes, and the test tubes have this actual paper mask infused with the collagen. You’re going to be applying it. It’s easy. You go onto the website and you can see exactly how to do it. What you’re doing is every week you’re applying this mask. Morning and night you use the serum so that you continue to replenish the collagen. You do this before and after any of your regular serums and sunscreens and your moisturizers. You do that once a week and every day you do the serum. If you do that you’re going to start to really see the changes.
Dave:             One question I never asked. I went through my first batch. Is this something you should be doing every eight weeks, you should replenish or is this a onetime upgrade. Honestly, I don’t spend a lot of time with masks on my face. I use a clean mask called [al-o-tur-a 23:58] that one of our other guests has just created. There’s only so many hours in a day and how much crap can I smear on my face? What’s the deal?
Susanne:       I’ve been doing it since I’ve been 45 years old. I told you I’m 52 now.
Dave:             You seriously look amazing. I’m not just saying that. Anyone who’s watching this video can understand that you did something right.
Susanne:       Right there, I don’t have many wrinkles anymore. You got to look at my before pictures.
Dave:             Can I put them in the video and just on the blog post.
Susanne:       Absolutely. Go ahead. Before and after. You’re going to see the difference. What I do now, is I only do it once every three to four weeks. Once every three to four weeks of the mask. Then I do use the serum usually about three to four times a week now. I don’t do it every single day. The reason is you got to refrigerate it and more often than not I forget. Oh, I got to go to my refrigerator, get the stuff, put it on, and all that. What I ended up doing because of my need, I wanted to continue the process without needing as much of this … It’s an expensive product. you said earlier it was 399 for everyone, but the doctors sell this for over $700 to $800 in their practice.
Dave:             It’s never been available online at all until through Bulletproof. I’m really eager to bring things out of doctors’ offices and put them in the hands of people who don’t need a permission slip to buy them. Sorry if I [crosstalk 25:29] offended any doctor friends.
Susanne:       That’s right. You will notice that on our website there is no where you can actually buy the collagen formula. What I was saying earlier was that because I wanted to continue the process of healing and enhancing and plumping and tightening, I figured out different formulations and I created my Age Reverse Serum. That’s also provided for you guys and your listeners. My Age Reverse Serum has glutathione in it. If you’re familiar with plants, stem cells-
Dave:             I’ve used this stuff from when we met in Tampa. Go through the list of ingredients. People who are listening who know about Bulletproof stuff know that glutathione is something I manufacture for internal use, a special thing. It’s the primary anti-aging detox thing in your liver and it’s in your skin and particularly in your brain. So using glutathione topically, what else is in there?
Susanne:       We’ve got hyaluronic acid which is a plumper. We have the … This is my favorite part and people have not heard of this but edelweiss plant stem cells. What edelweiss is … Have you ever heard of that song in The Sound of Music, the Edelweiss, Edelweiss, anyway … It’s a plant which is an adaptogenic plant that lives in … grown just wildly in the Pyrenees and the Alps and Himalayans. Because of the cold environment and the sun and the solar radiation issues, the plant itself has developed its own nutrients and substances that ward off damage, literally cellular damage. This Italian company has found all of the incredible properties in edelweiss so that it stops the two enzymes that break our skin down and rapidly. One is called collaginate and the second one is hyaluronidase. Now both of these enzymes, what you want to do, you want to stop that breakdown so our skin does not break down as quickly. We age less. That’s what I put into this Age Reverse Serum is the plant stem cells coming from the edelweiss plants. It’s phenomenal. I love this formula.
Dave:             I understand how inhibiting the breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid, these are major components of skin, how this to be beneficial, but plant stem cells … I’ve seen claims that coconut water has plant stem cells but I haven’t actually seen any good science about plant stem cells having an effect in animals. Do you have good science on that? Or do you just know it?
Susanne:       Absolutely. We’ve done study … I’ll tell you my own practice I’ve done pilot studies. The Italian company, the manufacturing company, they have studies and they’ve done specific studies where they actually read the depth of the wrinkle. They can figure that out. The depth of the wrinkle they found, I believe it’s about 20%, there’s improvement after a certain number of days. They’ve seen that. They’ve also studied the actual chemistry. There’s chlorogenic acid in this plant’s stem cell. There are different chemicals and these are phenols and [crosstalk 28:54]
Dave:             Was it chlorogenic acid?
Susanne:       Yes.
Dave:             You know what else is the major source of chlorogenic acid in the human diet? Coffee.
Susanne:       That’s right.
Dave:             In fact, this is a total side topic here, but there’s a film producer who is really into Bulletproof. She called me a couple of weeks ago and said, “I feel like it’s a waste to throw away my ground coffee.” In the shower, she’s rubbing the extra used grounds … She rubs them on her face as an exfoliant. She’s like, “It feels so good and my wrinkles are less.” I never thought of chlorogenic acid topically and I have not actually tried smearing my coffee on my face, but I would.
Susanne:       That makes sense because actually there’s a lot of products in Europe that they use coffee ingredients to actually plump up their skin and get rid of cellulite. Are you familiar with that?
Dave:             Interesting. No, I didn’t know [crosstalk 29:51]
Susanne:       Transdermal gels and creams that you can use.
Dave:             With the green coffee extract or with-
Susanne:       No, actually they put caffeine in it. [crosstalk 29:58] and they may actually put the chlorogenic acid.
Dave:             That’s really cool.
Susanne:       You can do that.
Dave:             I didn’t realize that there was a chlorogenic acid from edelweiss. I did notice that the formula totally worked which is like it has to work and then we figure out why and how it works versus saying it should work and then it doesn’t actually work.
Susanne:       Remember, I’m the one who’s always in the water, always in the sun. I need products that actually going to prevent radiation damage. I need products that’s going to prevent any forms of drying out, oxidation issues.
Dave:             Do you mean sun radiation damage because I don’t’ think we can say that it’s going to prevent radiation damage; I mean solar radiation damage like sun damage. This isn’t going to do anything for that.
Susanne:       Let’s talk a little bit about that because there’s glutathione, a load of it, a load of glutathione in this product. We all know that glutathione is the master antioxidant. If you’ve got exposures, orally let’s say and as well as even externally, if you have glutathione within your body as well as even in your skin, the likelihood of you damaging your cells if far less.
Dave:             There is a reason that I use five doses of glutathione before I get on an airplane that has lots of radiation from flying high up in the sky and sunlight. Yeah, I can see that argument there. I just want to make sure we’re not saying all kinds of radiation because even if you’re loaded [crosstalk 31:28]
Susanne:       Radiation to me … There are all different forms of a radiations. Our problem here on the west coast, and I live in California, is that the current of water as well as the air current is all coming from Asia, Japan, to here. For me, I want to make sure that I get enough glutathione orally. I use the sublingual oral as well as the ones that I put on my skin. I will tell you with my patients, you don’t need to use as much sunscreen and sunblock. I only use sunblock. There’s sunscreen, there’s a lot of chemicals in sunscreen, oxybenzone, things like that. I don’t like them so I use a sunblock which is a zinc oxide and only a zinc oxide formula. I do that when I’m in the water. What I like to I use a stick and I created this stick-
Dave:             You have a stick. I didn’t even know about this. [crosstalk 32:28]
Susanne:       Not many people … My patients know it, Purigenex. I created this stick because I said that I don’t like the zinc, any kind of the stuff in my eye. This stick is … Can you see this? Can you see what it says here? This little icon?
Dave:             Not really, it’s got like a wave and a sun.
Susanne:       There’s a wave, there’s a sun, there’s a snow, and there is a wind. This is an element protection stick. It literally rolls water off your skin. I use this when I’m going in the water because I don’t want the chemicals in my eyes. I created this so that I could go in the water. Everything thing I created is I do it because I know that it works for my body.
Dave:             Wouldn’t coconut oil around your eyes do something similar?
Susanne:       You know what, it will actually go in. Coconut oil [crosstalk 33:19] in the water. Where I go, I go a lot into La Paz in Mexico in water in the Sea of Cortez. It’s very, very clean and that’s the place where I go. It’s warm, it’s 85 degrees.
Dave:             Yeah, and I’ve had coconut oil in my eyes. It’s not that much fun. I get you there.
Susanne:       It’s not fun.
Dave:             That’s cool.
Susanne:       What I’m saying is with the glutathione … and this is the Age Reverse, with the glutathione you have uronic acid. We’ve got ascorbyl vitamin C which is the really nice type of vitamin C which is great for the skin, which reduces pigmentation. It’s known to reduce pigmentation. There’s been studies on that. Then we talked about the plant stem cells. If you look at the formulation, there’s low, low, little amounts of the binders and chemicals in it. It’s mainly all of the active ingredients to help your body and your skin tighten and keep that collagen. Keep the collagen that you’ve been putting on. It replenishes and activates your ability to make more collagen.
Dave:             As someone who has spent a lot of time thinking about skin and worked with a lot of patients, what are some things that people can do without any of these specific products? Like daily practice, things like [crosstalk 34:37] loofaing or massaging or hanging upside down? Give us the skinhacking catalog of tricks that we can do?
Susanne:       Number one, get probiotic soap. In this little inch of your skin there are a billion bacterias living right there, bugs. Bacteria, fungi, we talked about that, as well as even viruses. You want to make sure that your flora on your outside is healthy. They say that family floras are all linked together. You guys have similar floras. In fact if you have an animal, your flora shifts. You’re always touching that animal, the hair. You want to make sure you clean your body with a healthy soap that does not create any damage, irritations, dryness.
Number two, I would get a star filter. I don’t mean the little one. I mean the big one that’s about a foot long with a full-charcoal filter that you attach to your shower head.
Dave:             Why not just do it in the whole house? I’ve always done a giant charcoal filter for the whole house.
Susanne:       Absolutely, but not everyone … Some people live in an apartments, they don’t own their own place, and you can’t do that. Yes, the whole house is what I’ve got. I totally agree on that because then you’re going to get rid of everything. What I also have is a whole-house fluoride filter. Many people don’t know about this, but across America we are all inundated with fluoridated water. That’s another story that we can talk about another time. Fluoride is unhealthy as well.
Dave:             Is it unhealthy for your skin. We’ve talked on this show about what it does to your thyroid and it’s a waste product of the aluminum manufacturing process, industrial process. It’s just not good for you. If we assume it’s not good for you, what does fluoride do to your skin specifically?
Susanne:       The way I look at it is this, your skin is your third lung and it breathes. You sweat through, you absorb through the skin. Why do you think there are so many drugs with patches on it these days? What you want to know … Remember, our skin absorbs. When there are chemicals of fluoride as well as chlorine and all the other toxins that may be in, and including arsenic, in our water … Uranium is very high in California waters. The reason is because uranium … We have a lot of granite and our water comes from the California aqueduct which is in Colorado. Granite has a lot of uranium in it. All of these toxins can go through the skin. What you want to do I this, you want to have healthy skin so that you’re not overly burdening your body. Remember, including your gut, your skin has a huge, huge immune system. If you’re burdening your body constantly with toxins and chemicals and bugs, then your immunity on the inside is not going to be as strong for the rest of the body. Does that make sense?
Dave:             I’m sure that some people listening to this are oh, give me a break, more about toxins. It makes sense to me. It’s been my experience … I used to have all the horrible skin rashes and I would get these really deep pimples and all these things and they’ve been gone for years. I’m really picky about the kind of soap I’ll use on my skin for exactly the same reasons I don’t use toxins. I filter my water. I don’t even like taking showers a hotels because this water smells like they diluted it with Clorox to save money on clean water. It’s gross. I can tell, my skin gets dry and it’s unhealthy. It’s like take a fast, cold shower so I do less damage to my skin with just what’s in the water. It makes total sense to me. For people who all right listening to this going, give me a break, my skin is just fine. If you’re even using industrial-grade petroleum-based soap for a long time and you’re not following a practice of lowering the toxic burden on your skin, you’re getting what you’re used to getting. There’s a lot of upside potential for your overall health, not to mention how you look, if you pay a little bit of attention to it, and there’s more if you pay more attention. It’s a variable to manage just like eating a clean diet, just like exercising the right amount, not too much, not too little. It’s just a variable to manage but I think it’s an important one. What you said there matches my experience in my research.
Susanne:       That’s right. I believe that healthy skin leads to better health. That’s something that I’ve always said. When you’ve got a healthier skin, then also your ability to manage the external environment is better. Not just that, is that your skin, it’s [inaudible 39:07] perception. You read energy through your skin. I know that sounds weird but it’s true. We exude an energetic field. It’s not just here. It’s big. If you’ve got unhealthy skin, you’ve got acne. You don’t feel good inside. You don’t feel good if your outside doesn’t match your inside. You’ve also got to know that you can detox through the skin. You were saying you had these larger pimples. That’s because your body needed stuff to get out. There’s a way to get your skin and cleanse it through the process of exfoliation. I’ve actually written all about this. I’ve written it in a Huffington Post blog. One of my first articles was all about having to detox through the skin and how to do it step-by-step. There a special kinds of cloths that you can use and exfoliate. When you get that skin feeling really nice and buttery, like a baby’s skin, after you’ve exfoliated you feel phenomenal. There’s a lot of things you can do to continue to get healthier body internally, you’ve got to get healthy body … You’ve got to maintain a healthy skin outside.
Dave:             I definitely understand the radiant glow of healthy skin. I haven’t seen an research that says that there’s an energetic field around your body that’s influenced by the health of your skin. Do you have some research about that? I have research about the field outside the body and what it’s shaped like [crosstalk 40:34] comes from. Is this like more of a spiritually everything? Or is this hard science.
Susanne:       Have you ever had a Kirlian photography?
Dave:             Yeah.
Susanne:       It’s really that. [crosstalk 40:47]
Dave:             You’re saying when your skin is clean that the Kirlian photography looks different.
Susanne:       Even thermography. Thermography you can tell when you’ve got … I have a girlfriend who does that for a living, thermographies for breast cancers and things like that. In areas where there’s not enough blood flow that’s cold. Where there’s inflammation because of eczema or psoriatic, but it’s a really high level of turnover of the skin and inflammatory. It’s hot and red. There’s different areas. You can see that. That’s what I’m talking about.
Dave:             So for people who aren’t familiar, thermography is using a very sensitive camera that can tell hot spots, even just a tiny fraction of a degree. When you look at someone’s skin under that you can see some parts of the body are slightly hotter than others. It indicates either circulation problems or inflammation problems. They can be too cold or they can be too hot. It’s phenomenal. It’s a different view of reality where it’s temperature-based versus color-based. That’s neat even for things like sore muscles or for misaligned vertebrae in your back. You can see there is inflammation under the skin there because it’s hot on C1, C10, whatever [crosstalk 42:09] but I’m not a chiropractor by a long shot. C98, you know that one. It’s an interesting imaging thing.
The other one, Kirlian photography is more out there. This is looking an electromagnetic field around the body. It has been done since the ’70s. Some of it looks kind of strange. One of the more phenomenal things that they did that convinced me that there was something going on that we didn’t explain very well, was they would take an imprint of a leaf at different ages after it was picked. It turns out with this kind of photography that uses two plates, they can actually get a picture of the field around a leaf and I believe even so after the leaf was removed. There’s a bunch of reading you can do. You’ll start reading about all sorts of more esoteric things there. There’s something happening in Kirlian photography that, as far as I’ve seen, isn’t that well understood and it’s probably related to biophotons. That’s the geek explanation for some of the people who are listening who wanted to know.
Susanne:       Thank you.
Dave:             We’re coming to the end of the show and there’s a question that I’ve been asking everyone on the show for about 100 episodes now. The question is, given everything you’ve learned, not just your book on allergies, not just your expertise in skin care, but your whole life, what are the three most important pieces of advice that you have for people who want to kick more ass? People who want to perform better at everything they do.
Susanne:       That’s a great question. I love it. You were asking about physical?
Dave:             Nope, I’m asking about people … What are the sources of ass kicking? That’s part of the question.
Susanne:       Number one, the first thing that comes to mind is my gee of happiness. Number one gee of happiness is g stands for gratitude, being grateful. E is for enthusiasm, you’ve got to be enthusiastic with what you want to do. You really want to look forward in your life. Number three is engagement. You and I are engaging. Being with your community, your tribe, and find them and really reach out to people. Be passionate about what you do together. That’s number one. I would say my gee of happiness is really one of the top … on the top of my list because if I don’t have that then why am I doing what I’m doing? I want all three of that to lead into every aspect of my life.
Number two I would say that when it’s physically … one of the physical is sleep. I love sleep and I can’t tell you how much sleep can heal your life. It really can.
Number three would be correct your gut, heal your gut. In my book I talk a lot about gut and gut health because that’s my largest chapter. It’s all about nutrition. You do it through eating the right foods, the whole foods, the healthy foods, the organic, ones that are unadulterated, nonfungally.
All of that is my three. I would say gee of happiness, sleep can be your medicine, too, and let’s really clean up your gut and your nutrition.
Dave:             Thank you for sharing that. Would you also make sure that people know where they can get pre-order info for your new book on allergies.
Susanne:       The book is out March 4th. The allergy book is called The 7-Day Allergy Makeover. You can literally go to the website When you do that … By the way you can go to Amazon, you can go to any online bookstore right now and get it, but if you do go to the the7dayallergymakeoverbook I give you four free gifts. These four free gifts will already start you in getting you back on track.
Number one, you’ll get my dos and don’ts, allergy-free food checklist. A whole of foods, what you eat, what not to eat. Number two, you’ll get my comprehensive grocery shopping list so you can take that and easy … Oh my God, these are the things that I know that Dr. Susanne has said is allergy-free. I’ll feel better if I eat these foods. You can see that there’s going to be a lot of foods that you think it’s not in there, but that’s only because I’ve done a lot of research. On number three, you’ll get my … This is one of my favorite videos, my BBT, Body Balancing Technique, I created about ten years ago because I wanted something easy that I could do for myself in the morning so that I could activate my energy points all throughout my body. This is a combination of acupressure, you’ve heard of that? As well as Qi Gong acupressure, Korean yoga. I love Korean yoga.
Then number three, the Kung Fu master, Kung Fu principles. I’ve combined all three and I’ve created the BBT and you can do it in under five minutes and you feel an incredible amount of energy. In fact, before I did our session here today, I did it all. It’s easy to learn. I’m giving that to you. My fourth one is actually my meditation. We talked about sleep. I recommend you to do my morning and evening meditation. It’s an audio MP3 to help you relax your nervous system. Help you calm your allergies down. Help you go to sleep, deep sleep.
Dave:             I haven’t had a chance to try out BBT but it’s on my list of stuff to try. I’m pretty excited about that. We’ll get you up to speed on what you can do there to get access to the things that were only available through doctors’ offices until now.
Susanne:       That’s right. I’m so excited for your audience to try everything. Send me information. I would love to find out how things are going. I love before and after shots.
Dave:             Also, Dr. Susanne Bennett, thank you so much for being on Bulletproof Executive Radio. We are, at least on the day we’re filming this, number one ranked on iTunes, four spots ahead of Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser. Like how cool is that because The Biggest Loser is all about starvation and wasting your willpower on ignoring cravings whereas what we do on the high-fat world here is we hack the cravings using biology. That’s just way cool. Thank you for being a guest on the show.
Susanne:       Thanks so much. Your message is amazing and I’m so fortunate that you and I got to do and engage today. I’m really, really happy. Thanks again. I’m here to just help you feel better in any way I can. Thanks again, Dave.

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