Saturday, October 1, 2016

Durian King of Fruits

I've discovered the BENEFITS OF DURIAN, a fruit beloved by people in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei .Durian is one-stop shopping for a recipe that lives up to the Water Secret ; it contains essential fatty acids and lipids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories -- all the necessary ingredients for protecting cells from dehydration while strengthening cell membranes. The sugar compound in durian, called trehalose, stabilizes cell membranes, while the omega fatty acids help make cell membranes. Further, the sulfur in durian encourages the body to make its own antioxidants. Durian is a little harder to find in regular market outside of South East Asia. Durian is called the KIng of Tropical fruits. Durian is an anti-aging miracle fruit , which has both a sweet and a creamy taste. Like pomegranate, durian is highly beneficial in topical treatments, too.It provides the skin's barrier with vital lipids and good-for-you sugars that encourage cell proliferation and boost cellular water. (This is the answer to Blue green algae to people living in landlocked highland) If you cannot get pass durian's pungent scent, look for it in topical skin treatment. People will put the durian to their nostril in selecting the best durian prior buying and packing home.

Resource :,+stabilizes+cell+membranes,&source=bl&ots=mEVhaM1H5Q&sig=SsHKiXPnU_6J9YBRzr4pKtj7mPg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzzISQ-rnPAhVEQ48KHeGcBTsQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=called%20trehalose%2C%20stabilizes%20cell%20membranes%2C&f=false

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