Monday, October 31, 2016

Women's Healthy - Breast Cancer Prevention

In the face of epidemics, scientific research has often empowered people to defend themselves --- choosing to give up smoking to reduce the risk of getting cancer and other heart and lungs diseases, and lowering blood pressure to ward off strokes. 
Although women have felt powerless to prevent breast cancer in the past, extensive research in recent decades, 1990s- 2015, has armed them with important information and useful tools for protection. Through these widespread studies, nutrition is emerging as a key component of preventing  breast cancer. 
Nutrition might even be the most powerful measure the majority of women can take against breast cancer.
(Genetic predisposition is another question but nutritional intervention can still play an important role.)
Researchers at the Simone Protective Cancer Institute of New Jersey point out that 90 percent of all cancers could be traced back to smoking and dietary, or nutritional, factors. 
Diets rich in nutritional chemopreventive substances -- nutrients and phytochemicals that delay , forestall , or even reverse the growth cycle of cancerous cells -- are an important avenue to cancer prevention. 

So- while age and family history are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, much research suggests that women are NOT HELPLESS in the face of this disease. They can take charge through nutritional programs designed to prevent the cancer from ever occurring. 

PHYTOCHEMICAL : A large, general class of compounds that includes vitamins, minerals, and other naturally occurring nutrients and non-nutritive substances in plants. 

Some of the latest research concerning breast cancer prevention underscores the importance of diets rich in various superfoods and nutrients. The recommendations include olive oil, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables ( for their indole-3-carbinol), carrots ( for their carotenoids) , fish oil ( for its docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid) , green tea ( for its polyphenols and catechins), foods high in folic acid and the  B-vitamins, raw fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene and glucaric acid, and foods low in saturated fats. 
One of the newer foods to hit this list of chemopreventive substance is the pomegranate, a rich source of ellagic acid and related compounds. 

 Ellagic Acid is a natural nutrient found in many potent anti-cancer fruits and nuts. By itself it is not a cancer treatment, but it is important to understand the importance of this nutrient when putting together your cancer treatment and especially your “cancer diet.”

How It Works
Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring polyphenolic constituent found in 46 different fruits and nuts such as grapes, pomegranate, red raspberry, strawberry, blueberry and walnuts. “[Ellagic acid] prevents the binding of carcinogens to DNA and strengthens connective tissue, which may keep cancer cells from spreading.” Ellagic Acid has the ability to inhibit mutations within a cell’s DNA. Furthermore, it is considered to be a cancer inhibitor which has the ability to cause apoptosis or normal cell death in cancer cells.

And today I want to share a little bit with you on acidity in the body. Now here's a little chemistry for you. When you are neutral you are at pH seven. Anything that's above seven is considered alkaline. Anything that's below seven is considered acidic. Now we are neutral at pH of seven as human beings. And anytime we get below seven we're considered to be in an acidic state. And most of the chronic diseases that we face today are attributed to having a highly acidic diet. Now you might be asking yourself what is considered acidic. Anything that has full fat dairy, soda, sugary drinks, most meats unless they're lean. And cheeses. So those are just a few of the things that can actually put your body into more of an acidic state. 
Now what are alkaline things. Produce, fresh produce for the most part will help to correct that acidity in your body. You can also add lemon which you might be thinking well lemon is acidic. But it's actually a form of acid that helps to normalize your pH. Another thing that's really helpful is apple cider vinegar. You can add a teaspoon to about five to six ounces of water. And that can help balance your acidity as well. So if you are thinking "am I acidic or not"? The answer is probably yes because most of us are. There is so much refined processed food in our diet. So make it a point to get fresh fruits and vegetables in every single day. Add apple cider vinegar to your water. And maybe throw in a little bit of lemon. And enjoy some fresh juice and you'll be well on your way to helping to normalize your pH and be healthy.

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