Sunday, November 20, 2016

Water Magnets & HemoTherapy & Magnetic Water & Degenerative Disease

Who bestow water on our planet? 

Water Magnets & HemoTherapy
In the many popular books and websites that discuss magnet therapy, references to Magnetized Water tend to be fleeting. Magnetized Water is not even mentioned in a recent otherwise rather thorough review of magnet therapy (Vallbona, C. and T. Richards (1999), “Evolution of Magnetic Therapy from Alternative to Traditional Medicine,” Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 10:3:Aug:729-54). Magnetized Water’s clinical trial record is exceedingly scanty. Magnetized Water has been used as a treatment of urinary calculi (Zhang, Y.S. and H.W. Wu (1987), “Der Einfluss von magnetischem Wasser auf Harnsteine—eine experimentelle und klinische Studie,” Zeitschrift für Urologie und Nephrologie 80:9:517-23) and, in conjunction with surface magnets, as a treatment of ascariasis in children (Wu, J. (1989), “Further Observations on the Therapeutic Effect of Magnets and Magnetized Water against Ascariasis in Children-Analysis of 114 Cases,” Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 9:2:111-2). Millions of people worldwide drink magnetized or otherwise energized “healing water” daily as a kind of general prophylaxis, though there does not seem to be any clinical evidence pro or con regarding its validity. Magnetization of water is also playing a proven, ever-growing role in industry as a means of reducing scale and microbial infiltration.

In a broader sense, there has been an increasing appreciation of the role that water plays in living systems. The specific finding that gave the impetus to the hypothesis that Magnetized Water is in fact an effective treatment of HIV, for instance, was the recent discovery by Vanderbilt researchers (or rather by their patients, who tipped them off) that “Water drinking increases blood pressure profoundly in patients with autonomic failure and substantially in older control subjects” (Jordan, Jens et al. (2000), “The Pressor Response to Water Drinking in Humans. A Sympathetic Reflex?,” Circulation, Feb. 8:504-9). While the researchers could not identify the causes of this pressor effect, its very existence calls attention to the close relationship between water intake and the blood. From the perspective of Magnetized Water therapy, it raises the question of whether the effect of the therapy is not a result of some vague percolation of magnetized water throughout the entire body but rather the consequence of a specific impact of the “charge” in Magnetized Water on the ultrasensitive red blood cells.

Two important scientific aspects of Magnetized Water deserve careful analysis in future studies. The first is the physics and chemistry of magnetized water itself. Water of many kinds is fundamental to life. Scientists study water from various perspectives to understand its role in Nature. As water undergoes magnetization, it presumably develops special physicochemical characteristics that have an influence on its action in vivo. The means and degree of magnetization, the energy state of water molecules after they rapidly lose their "charge" upon leaving the magnetic field, the presence of other chemicals in solution, the analogy with electroactivated water, and alterations of permeability of membranes are all of interest.

As a physical therapy Magnetized Water appears to resemble the various therapies termed “Physical Hemotherapy” in Russia (For a survey, see Ulashchik, V.S. (1999), “Hemophysiotherapy: Foundation, Perspectives of Utilization and Research [Russian],” Voprosy Kurortologii, Fizioterapii i Lechebnoi Fizicheskoi Kultury 3:May-Jun:3-9). These include Biophotonic Therapy (low-intensity red laser and ultraviolet) but also Magnetic Hemotherapy, in which extracorporeal blood is exposed to a pulsed or steady magnetic field before being reinfused. The therapeutic profile and mechanisms of action of Magnetic Hemotherapy are virtually identical to those of Biophotonic Therapy. So it seems reasonable to hypothesize that Magnetized Water is just a different means of applying Magnetic Hemotherapy—i.e., that the central mechanism of action of Magnetized Water is its activation of the blood cells, red and white.

Various theories seek to explain the medicinal effects of activated blood cells. In effect, the various kinds of Physical Hemotherapy stimulate the immunological response of all blood cells, but because there are 700 Red Blood Cells for every White Blood Cell, they should be primarily considered red blood cell therapies. Thus it is to be anticipated that, if Magnetized Water indeed fits into this category, it might have a very high effectiveness in destroying many kinds of pathogens, including HIV.

While Magnetized Water appears to possess major advantages over drug therapies of HIV (lower cost, potentially fewer side effects, possibly greater effectiveness), Magnetized Water appears potentially superior in several ways. Magnetized Water does not involve extracting blood, using needles and heparin, or the danger of transmission of infections. Magnetized Water is generally perceived as harmless—so there may be psychological/placebo and compliance advantages.

In Close-to-Nature Medicine ( can be found a protocol for a clinical trial to treat early-stage HIV with Magnetized Water Therapy.

Magnetic Water & Degenerative Disease
The Ohno Institute was established by Dr. Yoshitaka Ohno to foster research, education, training, and the dissemination of information on health and aging disorders. Its focus for the past five years has been on studying and promoting the benefits of naturally magnetized water, found in Japan by Dr. Ohno and brought to the United States. This unique water has been used by Japanese doctors for years to help patients recover from serious illnesses. It has also been shown to have a positive effect in preventing diseases associated with aging. Dr. Ohno started the Ohno Institute to further his study on the effects of this water in solving health problems. Early in his medical career, Dr. Ohno began searching for ways to stop the suffering of his patients with degenerative diseases. These were diseases which could not be treated successfully with standard medicine, such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as diseases which needed to be managed with constant medications, such as hypertension, asthma, and diabetes.

He began to realize that the side effects of these medications were creating serious, chronic health problems while increasing the body’s deterioration. After further study, he realized that the condition of the body’s water was directly related to the way the body continuously deteriorated, as well as recovered from illness. In order to test his theory, Dr. Ohno studied and tested many different water sources.

During his time in Japan conducting his research, he discovered naturally magnetized water that was being used by a prominent physician to treat his patients. While in consultation and observing these patients, it became apparent that this water was unique and had therapeutic benefits. His theory was supported by previous studies conducted in Russia, China, Japan and the United States with magnetized water, which reported improvements in persons suffering from serious, chronic diseases. Dr. Ohno has conducted numerous studies on this water and has been encouraged by his findings. It is becoming more widely accepted that this naturally magnetized water has remarkable health benefits.

In order to provide nutrition to the trillions of cells, as well remove and transport waste products to the kidneys and lungs, blood circulates in a continuous pattern. Anything that slows down the blood’s movement, even for a fraction of a second, can result in oxygen depletion, leading to severe damage to organs. This is directly related to the blood’s viscosity, its rate of flow, which is directly affected by blood composition. One of the main reasons blood flow is hindered is due to high viscosity (resistance).

Blood viscosity is four times greater than water viscosity. Water, which is not adequately magnetized, can increase blood viscosity. When blood is composed of contaminated water, viscosity increases even more, and waste products and plaque attach more readily, creating difficulty of transporting nutrients to tissues and organs. This creates the environment for free radicals to flourish, as oxygen bonds with saturated fats in the bloodstream and attaches readily to cell membranes and vascular structures. When this build up increases over time, such as around the brain cells, calcification in the form of plaques increases and destroys brain functions, such as seen in Alzheimer’s disease. When these formations occur in the vascular system, this becomes a factor in hypertension and stroke.

There has always been much controversy over “thick blood” and “thin blood”. There has never been a good explanation as to what this means in relation to how blood acts as the transportation system for vital nutrients and antigens in the immune system. Blood is the creator and regulator of fluids produced in the body such as urine, sweat, gastric juices, and liquified carbon dioxide.

Thick blood is “sticky” blood. This is blood in which saturated fats, plaque and other waste products have accumulated. The thick masses of these accumulations result in certain immune-related diseases such as gout, kidney and gall stones, as well as allergies. Slowing the blood’s rate of flow deprives cells, tissues and organs of vital nutrients in a timely manner. Blood must flow smoothly. Bio-magnetization keeps the blood’s viscosity, or rate of flow, normal and prevents fats and plaque from accumulating on arterial walls and in cell membranes.

There have been some interesting theories about magnetic influence on circulation of blood. There are much data to support them. One is that iron in the blood’s hemoglobin molecule will increase blood flow because of its ionization. Hemoglobin, per se, has no magnetic charge. However, magnetization in the blood’s water can charge a hemoglobin molecule and, therefore, organize its movement. This will influence blood flow, especially the blood’s viscosity.

The possibility that magnetism can influence blood flow is important to the body’s healing process. This needs to be explored more thoroughly because it can be a major factor in treating immune-related diseases. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to cells. If injured or diseased cells receive more oxygen, then they should generate faster and metabolize more completely. Rather than clot as would be expected if magnetism caused iron in the blood to draw together in a clump, blood cells would actually separate when magnetism is applied.

Magnetization is necessary to regulate blood chemistry, flow and keep a pH balance. Since the blood is 90% water, it is obvious that water, which is bio-magnetized, is more effective in maintaining blood quality. But in addition to the influence magnetism has on water and blood, it also is necessary to every aspect of life. Without magnetism, the earth would spin off its axis and disappear in space. The common factor of all aspects of life is dependency on magnetism for survival.

How can normal blood chemistry and circulation be maintained? For the past three years, the Ohno Institute on Water and Health has exposed a naturally magnetized water from Japan to extensive clinical testing to determine its role in preventing, as well as improving health and aging disorders. Some consistent findings include (1) removing acidity from tissues, (2) increased cell detoxification, and (3) increased intra-cell hydration. These are significant attributes in maintaining good blood composition and circulation.


Documentary on Water.. Water the most important and basic element on planet earth.. This video tell us about the miraculous technology and its Unbelievable positive impacts on human body, Agriculture and industrial areas..

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