Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Natural wholesome foods in their natural state provide safe nutrition, and there are numerous possible healing benefits if they are obtained regularly.

A papaya for breakfast provide anti-colon cancer qualities, due to the fibre, vitamin C and beta carotene. The kiwifruit supplies a good amount of vitamin C, antioxidant power, reducing free radicals. Lemon and lime juice supply flavonoids, flavonol glycosides, that help to reduce cell division in many cancer cells, plus they supply vitamin C. Grapefruit contain phytochemicals, limonoids,that inhibit tumour formation by producing an enzyme that helps eliminate toxins from  the liver. Fresh pineapple juice provides manganese, vital for antioxidant defence against free radicals. A rockmelon will provide vitamins C and A, for antioxidant power and anti-free radical activity. Berries, especially blueberries, are full of antioxidant power as they contain phenols, promoting anti-cancer action as they prevent oxygen damage in body organs. Blueberries are the ultimate source of phytonutrients that neutralise free radical cell damage and promote the action of vitamin C. A fresh fruit breakfast is a positive direction to start a new day. 

Start with a freshly extracted carrot and parsley juice for an excellent dose of carotene to inhibit tumour growth and for help with lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. Sulphur in carrots assists to eliminate toxins. Parsley supplies anti-cancer benefits such as myristicin, a volatile oil; and the flavonoid luteolin in parsley is antioxidant. Plus, wit its excellent vitamin C, parsley heals. Try 90% carrot juice with 10% parsley juice every two days. 

For colon cancer, try a legume meal. Refer to LEGUMES DAILY RECIPE GUIDE IDEAS & BENEFITS CHART. For other cancers, try steamed brown rice with broccoli. sliced Brussels sprouts, carrots, onions, corn and red capsicum. Rice is alkaline; it helps healing. Add garlic in the last seconds and ground pepitas, especially for prostate cancer. Or, for simple snack, try asparagus with soy mayonnaise and baked tofu, or a fresh salad with walnut oil. 

Wheatgrass juice is the ultimate blood rebuilder and anti-cancer tonic due to the super beta carotene power, super lycopene antioxidant power and chlorophyll content. The chemical composition of chlorophyll is nearly identical to human blood, except it is based on a magnesium atom instead of an iron atom. This unique structure of chlorophyll is described as 'concentrated sun power'. It increases the function of the circulatory system and the lungs, plus neutralise toxins, cleanses and rebuild the human body. Wheatgrass juice assist the body to manifacture healthy new red blood cells, haemoglobin. Wheatgrass juice is tops for healing!

Baked pumpkin with broccoli and fish/lemon for help with lung cancer. Tabouli salad with grilled tofu for help with colon cancer. Pasta with lots of ground pepitas, chopped parsley and Parmesan to help blood-based cancer. Serve with a sip of red wine. Brussels sprouts with honey carrots and salmon, with red chilli poppers for help with skin cancer. For sweets, acidophilus yoghurt with honey for colon health. Black cherries contain ellagic acid, flavonoids and perillyl alcohol; they're anti-carcinogenic and they stunt the growth of cancer cells. 

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