Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Image result for DIGESTIVE SYSTEM

32 - parotid gland
33 - submandibular
34 - sublingual gland
35 - mouth / tongue
36 - oesophagus
37 - stomach
38 - pylorus
39 - duodenum
40 - gall bladder
41 - pancreas
42 - liver
43 - jejunum
44 - ileum
45 - small intestine
46 - colon
47 - caecum
48 - appendix
49 - sigmoid
50 - anus

SALIVARY GLAND The three pairs of salivary glands produce the enzyme ptyalin, required for the initial conversion of cooked starch into the form of maltose. 

STOMACH The stomach produces an enzyme, pepsin, from a combination of the enzyme pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid, for the initial conversion of protein foods.

PANCREAS, GALL BLADDER, DUODENUM The pancreas produces an enzyme, trypain, for the conversion of protein (proteose and peptones) into peptides, assisted by the gall bladder which produce bile. This takes place within the duodenum and also the conversion of fats and oils (lipids) are converted by the enzyme lipase (pancreas) plus bile into fatty acids and glycerol.

SMALL INTESTINE, LIVER, COLON In the small intestine, the enzyme amylase converts uncooked starch into maltose, plus the maltase converts maltose into glucose. Also within the small intestine, the jejunum converts peptides into amino acids; they pass into the bloodstream and go to the liver. The colon collects all the unused food materials and disposes of the waste via the rectum. 

Calcium is essential for the involuntary muscular movements of the digesive system, termed peristaltic action. Natural foods: tahini, yoghurt, almonds, hazel nuts, sunflower seeds, dreid apricots, walnuts.

Phosphorus is required for the movement of fatty acids and phospholipids and distribution of fats. Natural foods: pepitas, sunflower seeds, tahini,  Brazil  nuts, cashews, garlic.

Sodium stimulates the production of carbohydrate digestive enzymes such as saliva. Natural foods: celery, olives, spinach, cheese, eggs, beetroot, carrots, pears.

Sulphur keeps the digestive system clean, for pancreatic enzymes, insulin and protein digestion. Natural foods: Brazil nuts, scallops, crustacea, garlic, onions, spinach.

Chlorine is essential for the production of the protein enzyme pepsin in the stomach. Natural foods: tomato, celery, lettuce, cabbage, papaya, radish.

Magnesium ingredient of enzymes for protein and carbohydrate digestion and glucose conversion. Natural foods: Brazil nuts, tahini, pepitas, almonds, cashews, bananas.

Manganese production of bile, insulin and essential for metabolism. Natural foods: wheatgerm, hazel nuts, nuts, oats, garlic, seeds, apples.

Copper protein metabolism, enzyme component. Natural foods: tahini, sunflower seeds, cashews.

Iodine thyroid gland, digestion, body metabolism. Natural foods: wheatgerm, sunflower seeds.

Zinc component of insulin and many enzymes. Natural foods: wheatgerm, sunflower seeds.

Chromium glucose conversion, insulin activity. Natural foods: eggs, whole grains, cheese.

Vitamin D essential for digestion and metabolism. Natural foods: regular moderate sunlight.

Vitamin B complex, vitamin A and K

** Nutrients are measured in milligrams(mg) per 100 gram of food.

Image result for RDI chart in Laugh with Health

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