Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Chapter 6 . Successful Cases

I. Excerpt from First Aid at Funeral, and 93-Year-Old Granny Doing Lajin
In 2010, I specially went back to my hometown in Jiangxi province to teach relatives and friends to Paida and Lajin. My aunt always laughed off, as if it had nothing to do with her. On August 26, 2012, she came back home to sleep at past 23:00, and never g ot up again.
Many people assume that since they do not have obvious symptoms, they do not need to pay close attention to their health. This is a huge mistake! Up to now, I have heard of four people dying this way going to sleep and never waking up again. One of them was a doctor, who had been treating patients on the previous day, and did not go to work the next morning. When his colleague went to see him, he was already dead. So, can you trust your health in the hands of doctors? 

Image result for Renzhong acupoint

My elder cousin could not take the fact of her mother’s sudden death, and fainted when she got emotionally out of control. Before I arrived home, she had fainted for a couple of times, and each time her husband and others had to pinch her Renzhong acupoint (used in first aid) and her thumbs. She would regain consciousness after a long while, but the areas pinched were bleeding and hurt a lot.

When I heard of it, I asked them to Paida her elbows and assured them that she would be alright afterwards. They assigned this task to me, and I did not even have time to attend the burial of my aunt, for her husband and my younger cousin asked me to take care of her and my uncle. Having fainted twice, she looked no better than a dead person, and in less than two minutes’ Paida, she woke up. With each Paida session, she felt better and better; my uncle had been suffering from coronary heart disease, and so he was also my chief target. He had tried Lajin, but had seldom practiced Paida, and I had to accept his excuses of lack of patience doing Paida. This time, he had finished his drugs and had not bought any, so he reluctantly received my Paida. As my aunt (his wife) was about to be buried, he was feeling sad, with a gloomy face and a hand pressed against his chest all the time. I patted his left elbow, and Mom patted the right one. After that, his face immediately shone and he felt more spirited. I then patted his head, and he said he was feeling more comfortable and relaxed. The next day, he went uphill (to visit my aunt’s tomb) for several times, and he was quite spirited.

I have been promoting Paida and Lajin for three years. My aunt, a younger relative in the family, did not take my advice and died! Whereas the eldest, my granny accepted it much faster. At 93, she is living a happy life. Each day, she does Lajin once, and has been doing it for over two years and four months. Since she started Lajin practice, she has created a dance and does it every day. And she rolls in the bed when at sleep, just like a kid. Sometimes, even I myself could not believe it, yet it is true. She eats more than us younger family members, sleeps soundly, walks flexibly, washes her own clothes and we do not have to worry about her. It is simply unimaginable in the eyes of those who haven’t tried Paida and Lajin. A friend of mine could not believe that my granny could do the standard posture of Lajin, and insisted on her doing it before his very eyes. Granny did it, and it got him dumbfounded. One has to try it himself if he wants to prove whether Paida and Lajin are effective, otherwise it would be idle talk.

Image result for 93-year-old granny doing standard Lajin 93-year-old granny doing standard Lajin 

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