Monday, November 13, 2017

Professor Roy Taylor, the man behind the research about how Type 2 diabetes can be reversed.

 Hi. I'm Newcastle University Professor Roy Taylor, the man behind the research about how Type 2 diabetes can be reversed. AMA!
submitted   by uniofnewcastle
As a result of my research, hundreds of people have been inspired to take control of their health. We used a very low-calorie diet in people with Type 2 diabetes. The resulting fat loss meant they came off medication and their bodies started producing insulin again - meaning they were diabetes free. My more recent published research has shown that the same effect can be achieved through bariatric surgery. We found that decreasing the fat actually within their pancreas allows insulin production to start again.

Edit: Thank you for all the questions. This is such an important area of research as it has the potential to restore people to full health without using tablets or injections. Knowing the underlying mechanisms allows us to see that Type 2 diabetes can be simply understood and requires appropriate action.

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