Thursday, November 2, 2017

Why Walkactive is Better for You

Why Walkactive is better for you than power walking.

I click here and read page 19 onwards ....


'I've has so many pains in my muscles and joints ( I have polymyalgia rheumatical)  and I often still wake up with some stiffness and aches. But Walkactive has definitely loosened up all these joints and muscles so much. Now, after walking, I fell so much better than before. Best of all, I can incorporate Walkactive into my everyday life. I am now so aware of how I'm walking (wherever I'm walking - even down to the shops). This has been an amazing thing for my body - I really can feel the intelligent exercise working on me from the inside out!'  JULIE, 50, ATTENDED WALKACTIVE WALK FIRM COURSE.

So all this might sound a bit technical and complicated (at first). Bot don't worry - absolutely anyone can learn Walkactive and I'll be guiding you throughout each stage, so that it will all make sense to you. I also use a 'skill-layering' approach, whereby I teach you how to master one body part at a time. Then, when you're ready, you put all four body parts  together and hey presto! - that's Walkactive!


Walkactive is 'intelligent exercise' because it realigns your body from the inside out. Intelligent exercise :

• creates space between the joints, so you can achieve correct posture alignment, so you feel and look amazing and energetic - and you lose the aches and pains.

• helps the deep internal muscles to support the joints your joints can at last move freely, the way they are meant to move, no longer limited and restricted, robbing you of your height, good posture and range of motion.

• builds a strong internal framework, beginning with your bones and working outwards, through the supportive muscles; your big muscles will then 'shrink-wrap' themselves around this taut, lean framework [instead of bulking up and pulling your body out of alignment].


Most people assume that they have to do something really vigorous such as jogging, or a gym class for an hour three times per week, if they want to see results. They start regimes with the best intention, but then real life kicks in - social  events, family commitments, long hours at work, endless chores, dark nights closing in and so on. And things tend to slip. Before they know it, their amazing new regime is 'broken'  and they are back into their old, bad wrong habits again. They  feel like they've failed. 

  If this sounds familiar to you, I'm not surprised. But it's not going to happen again. Walkactive is different. It is not a 'regime' - it's a way of life, a healthy one, too. It is about changing your  habits in a very manageable way, so that you never want to go back. Walkactive can bring you all the body benefits of a strong workout - and more - with none of the pain, boredom or enforced routines.

Why Walkactive is better than running
Walking 'wrong' and running burn roughly the same number of calories over the same distance and at the similar speeds. If you run faster than you walk, you will burn more calories, but you may not get the toning benefits you hope for. Many women take up jogging in order to change their shape. They think it will bring streamlined thighs and hips. However, when you jog you are not contracting your glutes [bottom muscles] properly. Walkactive may be slower than running, but it tones your body much more effectively because it uses all your muscles in the right way. You are walking right.

click here and read page 24 to 28....


The key to getting results lies in the detail - it is vital to get the technique right. And this takes practice - lots of right practice. But this doesn't mean you have to set aside hours of walking time. In fact, it is best to do your Walkactive practice sessions in really small chunks at first: as short as 10 or 15 minutes at a time, with each session focusing on one body part - the 'skill-layering' approach. 

  I'm asking you to start like this because it is easy to overload your brain and body when you're learning a whole new way of walking. And when your brain gets overloaded, your technique goes out the window. Wrong walking again.  So try to be patient and don't rush it. Enjoy and have fun. I want you to trust my years of experience, my Walkactive process and, most of all, your own body. This will work if you do it right, baby step by baby step, but to do it right, you have to take it slow. 

 Now, I can't wait to get you started, so let us begin! 

At first , it is important to focus on technique rather than how fast you go, so you won't even get particularly hot or sweaty. You just need a simple pedometer to count your steps, basic comfortable clothes and a pair of flat shoes - ideally ones that allow your foot to spread, and that don't have too rigid a sole. Can go barefoot, too. 

A pedometer is essential to your Walkactive success - it is going to become your best friend. 
A pedometer is a device about the size of a matchbox that typically attaches to your belt or waistband and counts your walking or running steps. It is going to help you reach your target, track your progress and keep on going. When it comes to choosing a pedometer there are two things that really matter : it should accurately record how many steps you take, and it should calculate your step rate [i.e. how many steps you take per minute].The latest scientific research shows that the number of steps you take is more important than the distance you travel. And with Walkactive you'll burn plenty of calories - so don't worry about that!

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