Thursday, August 9, 2018



Water is a life-giving energy source and regulates 
the body’s metabolic processes. It is essential in 
the treatment and prevention of stress. Without 
a proper intake of water, we face the risk of 
developing chronic degenerative illnesses. Part 1 of 2.

Image result for Fereydoon Batmanghelidj,

by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD
An edited transcript of his lecture at
the Government Health Forum,
Washington, DC, USA
28–30 March 2003

Dehydration is the underlying cause of many 
chronic "diseases". Proper intake of water, 
salt and minerals can prevent these illnesses
and even reverse the damage already done. 
So-called "modern" medicine still blames 
viruses or genetics for most of these
degenerative conditions, and the pharmaceutical 
industry would lose billions in profits if people 
relied on the natural healing properties of water 
rather than on expensive and toxic drugs. Why 
the body needs water, the reasons why lack of 
water causes the body to become stressed and 
diseased, and very simple methods to ensure 
your own vibrant health are all explained here 
in detail.

What we doctors learned at medical school was 
based on a wrong primary assumption of science. 
Medical science is based on a number of flawed 
assumptions. Science of the 20th century is 
flawed; it represents a "dark age" of knowledge 
of the human body. Twentieth-century medicine, 
in order to seem "scientific", explained a whole 
lot of things, labelled things, wrote books and 
more books about the human body, about diseases
, but everything that they wrote was about 
"diseases of unknown aetiology". It explained 
them, but didn't know how they arose. Then later on it started blaming viruses, and some time later it started putting the blame on patients, saying that their diseases are "genetic". So the medical community, in order to camouflage its lack of knowledge of the human body, produced labels and put the blame on the person. That was 20th-century medicine.

My discovery, which explains that everything in the human body or in any living matter is regulated by the presence of water, is a paradigm shift from the solid side of understanding of the human body to the solvent side of understanding of the human body.

Histamine’s Role in Water Regulation

Part of my education was about histamine 
(everyone has heard of antihistamine), which is a neurotransmitter in charge of water regulation of the body. So, in 21st-century medicine, the new truth is that dehydration is the primary cause of painful, degenerative diseases including cancer and AIDS. We had gone wrong in medicine and did not understand the role of histamine in the
human body. We have to revise that understanding because now we know the solution to a lot of these disease conditions which are treated with antihistamines, and that solution is water.

Histamine is with us from day one of life. When 
the ovum becomes fertilised with the sperm, from that moment before it divides into two daughter cells to give life a chance to survive in its present form, it has the ability to release histamine. So, histamine is a neurotransmitter which is with us from "minute one" of life.

The human body contains a lot of water, but the water that is contained in the body is mainly already osmotically engaged. In other words, it is busy with an activity, a chemical reaction, a
chemical undertaking. That water is called bound water. Then the body needs, in order to perform new functions, osmotically free water, called free water

That is why you need to replace the water loss of your body with fresh intake of water in order to supply the body with free water to
perform new functions.

Water Is Necessary to Prevent Stress

In dehydration, even though the body has a lot of water in it, it is the lack of free water that constitutes dehydration. That is why you need to replace the water loss of your body with fresh intake of water in order to supply the body with 
free water to perform new functions. So, any time you want to perform a function which requires water to perform that function, you had better give that water to the body in advance of the event. In other words, if you want to eat, give it the water that is needed in order to digest food. If you want to exercise and sweat, give the body the water that it has to shed in sweat, and so on. It is free-water shortage in the body that constitutes dehydration. It's like a major business that has a lot of assets but no cash flow to pay the salaries of its staff. That's how a business gets into trouble, and that's why the human body gets into trouble when it doesn't have free water, which is the "cash  flow" of the body.

Stress translates in the body into dehydration. In other words, every time you feel stressed, this translates into dehydration. The reason is that every time you're stressed, you secrete a lot of hormones that break up new material and mop up 
the free water from the circulation, and all of a sudden you are short of free water, so you are short of "cash flow". That is why the body begins to regulate the water content of the body: there is a "drought-management  program" and stress 
management. In stress management, you get these hormones: vasopressin, endorphins, prolactin, cortisone-release factor [sic] and angiotensin, which is activated both at the brain level and at the kidney level. Vasopressin is a very important substance. Vasopressin is subordinate to histamine as a water regulator, and vasopressin itself is a very strong cortisone-release factor. When there is dehydration and you have histamine release, you also have vasopressin release and you also have tissue breakdown as a result of cortisone release factor.

The True Origin of “HIV”

Now, this is a very important thing that I 
discovered: vasopressin as a cortisone-release 
factor stimulates a substance called interleukin-1, 
which is another activator of physiological events
, and cortisone-release factor and interleukin-1 
have a magnifying effect on one another; they 
create a vicious circle, an expansion system. At a
certain level of dehydration and dependence on
vasopressin, you get interleukin-1 activating 
interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor. These 
are the elements that begin to tap into the body's 
own tissues and break them down, cannibalised 
by these own tissues for resource management. 
It's because when you're dehydrated, your body 
also lacks the elements that the water will have 
brought to those areas in order that those areas 
still have some material to work with, and the 
body begins to break down its own tissue. 
Interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor activate 
enzymes called proteases at the cell membrane 
and wherever they are, and these proteases begin 
to break down and fragment proteins and the 
DNA; they cause fragmentation of DNA.

The new understanding, or my understanding, is 
that these fragments of DNA, as soon as they are 
released, bring a little bit of membrane with them
—fragments that would be labelled as "viruses". 
These are the "slow viruses" which have the 
medical community not understanding the DNA
component of dehydration breakdown. 
Dehydration produces disease, but the medical 
community has blamed it on the "virus".

One of the "viruses" that has received this 
treatment is "HIV" [human immunodeficiency 
virus] itself. HIV, the "slow virus", is a fragment 
of DNA and it was harvested in cell culture 
mediums by introducing interleukin-6 and 
tumour necrosis factor, and the product that was 
cultivated was labelled "HIV-1". This "HIV-1" is 
not a virus; it's a fragment of the DNA. It has the 
same characteristics as half of vasopressin itself. 
That is why they can never produce a vaccine 
against HIV, because as soon as they [try to] 
produce a vaccine against HIV they neutralise
vasopressin, which is a water regulator. 
Vasopressin operates the reverse osmosis 
program of the body, and that would be 
tantamount to causing suicide of the cell or the 
body and killing the person. That is why they will
never be able to use HIV and produce a vaccine 
for it, because it is part of the vasopressin 
molecule. This is the mechanism where all the 
auto-immune diseases occur. Interleukin-6, when 
it goes into the beta-cells of the pancreas, cuts 
the beta-cells, breaks down the beta-cell nuclear 
structure, fragments it and throws it out. It has 
been shown scientifically that this is the case.

This is a process of auto-immune activity that
produces insulin-dependent diabetes. I will explain
insulin-independent diabetes later on, but I 
wanted to explain this here for you to understand 
how some of these so-called "conditions" of 
"slow viruses" and auto-immune diseases are 
connected to dehydration as the origin of the 
disease and a lack of resources that the body 
would need in order to compensate for the 
deficiencies that dehydration brings about.

Many “Diseases” Are Caused by Dehydration

In dehydration, we lose a lot of the essential 
amino acids and these are used as antioxidants 
because, when there isn't enough water to wash 
the toxic waste away, the toxic waste has to be 
neutralised, otherwise it will destroy the system. 
Tryptophan, tyrosine, methionine, cysteine and 
histidine become depleted as a result of being 
neutralised in order to compensate for the toxic
waste build-up in the body that hasn't been 
washed away. You know that when you go to a 
field john [portable toilet], there is no water; you 
have a chemical there that sanitises, deodorises, 
whatever is introduced into the bowl. The body 
uses these elements as the sanitising elements.

Water distribution has another component which 
is very important. It's an emergency water 
distribution to the areas where water is so vital in
order to perform a function. Histamine cells, 
mast cells, basophils and neurotransmitters contain
histamine, platelet-activating factor and heparin. 
As you know, heparin prevents bleeding. Platelet-
activating factor activates the platelets in order 
to break up and release whatever they contain.
Unfortunately, platelets also contain a lot of 
serotonin, so the purpose of producing platelet
activating factor, which would produce 
coagulation of blood, and heparin, which prevents
coagulation, is very simple because blood is 94 
per cent water. When that water is to be tapped 
into, a tiny amount of bleeding is caused, and 
serotonin causes microscopic slits in the wall of 
the capillaries and then blood oozes out. Once 
the blood oozes out, its water is reabsorbed into 
the system, and the remainder, which is six 
per cent of the total volume, becomes plaques 
which we see in neurological disorders. 

You have the blood–brain barrier, in which the
capillaries are tight junctions. Nothing goes 
through them but through the wall; there are no 
holes in them like in the rest of the body. This is 
an emergency route of water supply, and we call 
this vasculitis. You can get it in the brain, you can 
get it in the kidneys, and you can get it in the 
gastrointestinal tract. That's how you get 
gastritis, bleeding of gastric ulcers and such. So, this
emergency route of water supply can produce 
migraine headaches, Alzheimer's disease, multiple 
sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, gastritis, purpura 
(bleeding into the tissue), nephritis, nephrotic 
syndrome and so on. This is the result because 
the body is short of water. It needs the water in order 
to perform a series of functions within that 
physiological activity.

In dehydration, you also get associated mineral
deficiencies because you also become 
achlorhydric. The stomach does not produce 
enough acid, and you need acid in order to absorb 
zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium and other 
essential minerals. So, in this pattern of mineral 
deficiency, you can see neurological disorders 
such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, 
Alzheimer's disease and so on. The 21st century
view of the human body is that
all actual diseases should be viewed
as deficiency disorders, secondary to
persistent dehydration. Once you're
dehydrated, you become amino acid
deficient and you also become mineral
deficient, which is the foundation for
all diseases in the human body.

By ignoring the dominant and vital importance of water to optimum health and well-being of the human body, the medical and
scientific communities have allowed the drug industry to perpetrate fraud against society. 

The Drug Industry Suppresses
Knowledge of Water’s Benefits

By ignoring the dominant and vital importance of 
water to optimum health and well-being of the 
human body, the medical and scientific
communities have allowed the drug industry to 
perpetrate fraud against society. What this 
industry has done for financial gain constitutes a 
form of terrorism: it terrorises people by 
producing fear tactics on the television and in the 
media and so on; it forces people to go to their 
doctors and demand a certain type of medication. 
One of them is for asthma, for example. Asthma 
is a state of dehydration, and one of the ads that 
I have seen recently, everywhere, says "Life 
should take your breath away, not asthma".

Double-blind, randomised trials are only suited for
evaluation of drugs and chemical compounds to 
ensure their safety. This costly procedure is not 
suited for study of the dehydration-produced 
metabolic problems and their associated 
deficiency disorders. In other words, throw that 
system of drug industry evaluation out of the 
window, go back to Nature and try to find out 
what your body wants—then give it to it. Don't 
listen to what the doctor says. Doctors don't know 
what the problem is with your body, and 
unfortunately doctors who are in the mainstream 
certainly don't know. I didn't know. I had to spend 
22 years of research in order to come to this level 
of understanding. Those in the health care system 
who choose to ignore this information and 
continue to use drugs for conditions that are 
caused by dehydration and mineral deficiency 
would expose themselves eventually to being 
legally challenged as criminally negligent. So, 
sooner or later you will find one of these 
"ambulance chasers" taking a doctor to court, 
saying: "Why did you treat this person's 
hypertension with diuretics? You caused 
this man ill health, you caused him a lot of 
problems, and you shortened his life by at least 
20 years as a result of your medication—diuretics, 
calcium-blockers, beta-blockers and so on. 
Whereas his body was short of water and that is 
why he had the hypertension." Now, that day will 
come soon. Where did 20th-century medicine go 
wrong? What are the early symptoms and signs of 
dehydration? Twentieth-century medicine started 
thinking that a dry mouth was the only sign of 
dehydration, which is wrong. In order to be able 
to chew and swallow food, even if you haven't 
drunk anything, your body produces ample saliva 
to perform that function, so dry mouth is not a 
sign of dehydration. Anyone who is waiting to get 
dry mouth in order to drink water, or waiting to 
get thirsty in order to drink water, is inviting 
trouble. In fact, I wrote an article which was 
published in Townsend Letter for Doctors, 
responding to Heinz Valtin, MD, of Dartmouth 
College, who said that people shouldn't drink 
water just like that; they should wait until they get 
thirsty. I wrote in the article that waiting to get 
thirsty is to die prematurely and very painfully, 
and in the article I called him ignorant; you 
shouldn't rely on his statement.

Anyone who is waiting to get a dry mouth in order to drink water, or waiting to get thirsty in order to drink water, is inviting trouble.

Water Regulates Most of the Body’s Functions

A mistaken assumption is that water has no direct
metabolic role in the body, that only solutes 
regulate all the functions of the body, which is 
inaccurate. You have substance A and substance B 
and if you put them in a test tube, no reaction 
takes place. You learned that in your first year of 
chemistry. Then the teacher adds some water 
from a beaker and all of a sudden the whole 
reaction takes place. Now, was it substance A 
and substance B that reacted or was it the water 
that regulated all the reactions? My introduction 
into science and medicine is that water regulates 
all functions including the function of everything 
that it dissolves.

"Water-intake-regulating mechanisms of the body 
are efficient throughout the life span of the 
personis another inaccurate statement because 
as we grow older, in the same way that the eyes 
become less sharp, our ears become deaf a little 
more, and all the other senses begin to diminish, 
so does the perception of thirst. Unfortunately, 
the elderly do not recognise their thirst.

Scientifically it has been shown that with elderly
people who were deprived of water intake for 24 
hours, some of them, when water was put next to 
them, didn't recognise that they were thirsty—
whereas the young people in the same group of 
study immediately started drinking lots of water.

Caffeine and Aspartame are Poisons

Another mistaken assumption, which is a problem
especially in America and probably in Western 
Europe, is that all fluids can replace the water 
needs of the body. That is junk science. It's not 
accurate. Caffeine in beverages is a dehydrating 
substance; it affects the brain and kidneys, and 
flushes more water out of the body than there is 
water in the cup. It inhibits enzymes in the brain 
that are involved in memory-making.

Phosphodiesterase is an enzyme that regulates 
the brain function for memorising things, so 
when you take caffeine you inhibit this.

Now, let's get into the philosophy of why plants
manufacture caffeine or even cocaine. Why do 
you think? Chemical warfare. Plants insert 
caffeine and cocaine or have caffeine and cocaine 
in their leaves and in their seeds so that they will 
make the ones that eat these things stupid. 
Phosphodiesterase is inhibited and that species 
begins gradually to lose the art of camouflage, 
alertness and quick reactionand to become 
stupid, so it becomes eaten very quickly by 
predators, and that's how the plant 
defends its next generation of the species. Now, 
we take this coffee, brew it, concentrate it, and 
drink it. We give caffeine to our children, and 
then we cry foul, asking why our children have 
learning problems, why they have "attention 
deficit disorder". Blame it on the industry, the 
beverage industry that manufactures sodas. 
Unfortunately, now, a lot of sodas are even more 
concentrated. They used to be in eight-ounce 
[~0.24 litre] cans, and now they are in 12-ounce 
[~0.35 litre] cans. 
They have more caffeine. It used to be 50 milli-
 grams of caffeine in a can; now it is 75 or 90 
milligrams of caffeine. Starbucks coffee contains
180 milligrams of caffeine in a cup of coffee. So, 
this is the lifestyle problem of society that 
produces disease and stupidity and a whole lot of 
other things.

If that's not enough, they add artificial sweetener 
to it, which is a further crime against humanity. 
The artificial sweetener aspartame creates false 
hunger. It has been shown in animal models and 
in humans that as soon as animals and humans are 
given aspartame, within 90 minutes they're forced 
to go and eat even more. The reason is that a 
reaction called cephalic phase response occurs. 
As soon as the tongue is stimulated by 
sweeteners, the brain translates it into this 
quantity of energy depending on the sweetness. 
As soon as the brain realises that the energy that 
you promised it by the sweetness is not there, it 
compels you to go and eat, and eat more than 
you would have normally eaten. So that's why 
people who are taking artificial sweeteners in 
sodas, thinking that they're going to lose weight, 
are going to get fatter.

Aspartame has been involved in grand mal and 
petit mal seizures and optic nerve damage 
because 10 per cent is converted into methyl 
alcohol and formaldehyde. ( What causes a petit 
mal seizure? Affecting about two of every 1,000 
people, absence seizures (formerly called ''petit 
mal'' seizures) are caused by abnormal and 
intense electrical activity in the brain. Normally, 
the brain's nerve cells (neurons) communicate 
with one another by firing tiny electric signals.
Depending on the quantity that you take, you're 
actually taking a poisoning system from your
own gut for your nervous system and particularly 
for the optic nerve, which is very sensitive to 
methyl alcohol and formaldehyde. The sense of 
smell becomes affected. Aspartame has also 
caused brain tumours.

Water has life giving properties. It manufactures hydro-electricity.
In other words, it is a natural source of energy… That’s why
water is a better pick-me-up than anything you might imagine.

How Water Performs its Life-Giving Functions

Water has life-giving properties. It 
manufactures hydro-electricity.
In other words, it is a natural
source of energy. All
neurotransmission in the body
depends on this hydro-electricity
from water. That's why water is a
better pick-me-up than anything
you might imagine.

As for the process of hydrolysis,
the medical community has
always used the term "hydrolysis
of this" and "hydrolysis of that"
and yet it never assumes that
water has metabolism of its own.

I spent six years at the University of Pennsylvania
doing research in order to find this and put this 
thesis together. At a conference, one of the 
professors asked me what I do and I said, "I'm 
trying to look at metabolism of water." He 
frowned at me and thought me an ignorant 
person. He said, "We thought that water doesn't 
have any metabolism." I didn't want to offend 
him in front of his colleagues, so I said, "May I 
come to your office and talk to you about this?" 
He said, "Yes, by all means." So I got an 
appointment with him. He was an eminent 
professor at the University of Pennsylvania. I 
went to see him and in order to make sure I 
understood what he had said was correct, I 
said, "Did I understand correctly that 
you said that water has no metabolism, that 
water is just an inert substance along for the ride?" He 
said, "Yes." I said, "Then what is hydrolysis? You 
use the word frequently and use it every time. 
What does hydrolysis mean?" If I had hit him with 
a ton of gold, it wouldn't have impacted his brain 
as much as that word did. He went white, pale, 
and he said, "Yes, of course, we never thought 
about that." So the word hydrolysis 
means metabolism of water. 
Water is a nutrient. Water is 
actually a primary nutrient in the 
body that your body depends on, 
on a regular basis, for its 
performance and functions.

Water at body temperature, when it is squeezed 
to 2.5 angstrom units, gels; it becomes like ice, 
and it's this thickness of ice that sticks the 
components of the cell membrane together. 
Water is actually a cementing material in the 
body, it's that mortar between the bricks, and 
lack of water will cause disturbance in that 
process. In order that the cell doesn't disintegrate 
completely, the body has found a substitute, and 
it's produced this stickiness of cholesterol in order 
to bind things together. So, cholesterol in the 
body performs not only an insulating 
function; it's also part of the
emergency bonding material.

Now, as far as water being a source of energy is 
concerned, this is the research by Philippa 
Wiggins: "The source energy for cation transport 
or ATP synthesis lies in increasing chemical 
potentials with the increasing hydration of small
cations and polyphosphate anions, in the highly 
structured interfacial aqueous phase of the two 
phosphorylated intermediates." This must be 
double Dutch to you, too! But trust me, it means 
that water is the source of energy for synthesis of 

Now, hydrolysis of water produces energy. This is 
a formula calculated by George et al. Magnesium 
ATP itself has only 600 kilojoule-moles of energy 
inherent in itself; but when it is hydrolysed, the
components become 5,850 kilojoule-moles of 
energy. In other words, water has transferred its 
own energy to the components, and that's how it 
has driven the chemical reaction by the energy 
produced by hydrolysis. So, the pound of meat 
that you eat has no energy value whatsoever 
unless water is there to hydrolyse it and break it 
down. It is in fact the water that energises 
the food that you eat, the potato, the sugar. None 
of these has the ability to pass energy into the 
human body unless water is there to break them 
down and magnify the energy content by one 
order of magnitude.

There are two oceans of water in the body: one 
ocean of water is in the cells, and then there is 
the ocean of water outside the cells. Water that 
we drink goes through the cell membrane and 
replenishes the ocean inside. The salt that we 
take regulates the volume of the ocean outside. 
These two oceans have to be in balance. You 
cannot fill up the Atlantic more than it is full 
already and let the Pacific dry up, or fill the 
Pacific and let the Atlantic dry up: you have to 
fill them both. That's why God created 
connections between all the oceans, in order 
to balance the oceans. We also have to 
balance the oceans of water in the body. 
In fact, the design of the body is that it 
automatically balances these oceans by certain 
mechanisms. So, water and salt are vital elements 
in the human body. Water diffuses through the 
cell membrane at a rate of 103 centimetres per 
second, which is a very fast rate of transfer of 
water into the cell.

In a well-hydrated cell membrane, there is a 
channel between the two layers of the 
membrane. All the enzymes travel in that 
channel and meet their counterpart. They call 
this a lateral diffusion of the enzyme systems, 
and the body needs to have that channel 
sufficiently hydrated. The water comes through 
these elements, fills up this channel and allows physiological functions to take 
place. In a dehydrated state, the channel is gone. 
These processes come into another and they 
produce locks, so nothing travels. That's how the 
cell goes into hibernation. In bacteria and things 
like that which might have this same process, or 
in animals which go into a dry phase, this is how 
it happens.

Reverse osmosis is when we don't have diffusion, 
and the body has to filter water and inject
it into the vital cells. Then we have the osmotic
movement of water when glucose stimulates 
insulin production and the gates are open, and 
water travels with glucose and amino acids into 
the cells. This is a mechanism where we lose our 
perception of thirst, and gradually, as a result of 
lifestyle, we become susceptible to disease, 
depending on how much water we are taking or 
how many dehydrating beverages we are taking. 
When the body has to depend on insulin release 
to shift water osmotically into the cells, obesity 
becomes an unavoidable complication. That's 
what I'm writing on now; Obesity, the 
Deadly Disease of Dehydration is the [working] 
title of my next book.

In this process of reverse osmosis, vasopressin sits 
on its receptor and converts it into a "shower 
head" with a cluster of perforations of two 
angstrom units. This "shower head" process fills 
with the osmotically balanced serum, and the 
vasopressin puts a squeeze on the system and only 
water, one molecule of water, is filtered through 
the system. Alcohol stops this function. That's 
why you get a headache with alcohol, because 
your brain depends on this mechanism in order 
to be hydrated on a regular basis. This is how the 
body transfers water into the brain tissue: reverse osmosis.

The water comes through
these elements, fills up
this channel and allows
physiological functions to
take place. In a dehydrated
state, the channel is gone.

Salt Is Vital for Life and Health

Salt is vital because it extracts and gets rid of 
acids. Sodium goes into the cell, a hydrogen ion 
goes out, and then potassium goes into the cell 
and sodium goes out. So, salt is vital for 
balancing the acidity of the cell. That's how the 
body becomes alkaline, because salt extracts the 
hydrogen ion and then the ion is taken to the 
kidneys and is flushed out if there is enough water. 
Salt is essential in order to regulate the blood 
sugar, and it's essential in order to manufacture 
hydro-electricity. Salt is vital to prevent catarrh
Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. It prevents 
cramps. The structure of bones depends on salt for 
fullness, because 27 per cent of the salt reserve in 
the body is in crystallised form in the actual bone 
structure, in the shaft of the bone. Low-salt diets 
actually cause osteoporosis, not calcium deficiency.

When you don't have water and salt, not only do 
you not absorb calcium but you also get rid of 
calcium. Nerve cell communication depends on 
salt. Absorption of food depends on the sodium–
potassium activity. Asthma and cystic fibrosis are
conditions that can benefit from salt intake as 
well as water.

Now, you've all seen these elderly people who 
develop leaky bladders; they have no control. 
This is a salt-deficiency problem. You need salt 
in order to strengthen smooth muscle; and when 
you don't have enough salt, smooth muscle loses 
its integrity. 
This is a testimonial from Dr E. Reed [sic]: "I 
have a weak bladder and have even taken spare 
clothing as I was sure it would be needed. I 
arrived with not a drop of anything on my clothing. 
I had talked myself off salt—a bad mistake."
For years she had had this problem until she came
across my information on salt and started adding 
salt to her diet. Within three or four days she 
became continent; she lost her incontinence.

Water Regulation of the Body

Water is essential through all phases of the body's
growth, from the intra-uterine phase of life until 
you reach your full height and full weight. Growth 
hormone and histamine regulate water intake. As 
you grow older, you lose the concentration or 
secretion ability of growth hormone, and 
gradually you only depend on histamine in order 
to regulate water intake of the body.

Histamine is forcing us to drink water, but, if 
instead of water we take tea, coffee, sodas and
alcohol, we gradually dehydrate the body. Now, 
if we take water, the pattern of life can go up to 
150 years, depending on if we understand the
water level of the body and the composition of 
the materials that we put into the body.

So, good diet and hydration are
essential for long life. Growth
hormone disappearance is secondary
to tryptophan and serotonin
deficiency. Growth hormone is under
the control of the tryptophan and
serotonin levels of the brain, so the
tendency to lose that is secondary to
the serotonin level of the brain. Once
you hydrate the body, gradually the
growth hormone level comes back
up, so I'm told.

The ratio of water inside the cell to
the ratio of water outside the cell
between the ages of 20 to 70 has
changed from 1.1 to 0.8; in other
words, there's far less water inside
the cells. The "plum-like" cells,
because of your not drinking water
and not allowing water to seep
through the cell membranes,
gradually turn into a "prune-like"
state—that is, a state of disease, a
disease-producing state. In other
words, persistent and intentional
dehydration reveals itself in as many
ways as we in medicine have labelled
as diseases. We have labelled
diseases; we have invented diseases.

We have not had diseases; we have
had "dis-eases" of dehydration. If we
recognise these dis-eases that can be
relieved with water, diseases will go
away. So will the sick-care system, so
will a lot of doctors, so will the
pharmaceutical industry—and thank
God for that!

About the Author:
Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD, was born
in Tehran, Iran, in 1931 and died in Virginia,
USA, in 2004. He received his formal
medical training at St Mary’s Hospital
Medical School of London University and
practised in the UK before returning to
Iran, where he played a key role in the
development of hospitals and medical
centres. During the Iranian Revolution,
he was a political prisoner and he treated
fellow inmates with the only medicine
available: water. After his release from
prison in 1982, he escaped from Iran and
migrated to the USA.

Dr Batmanghelidj devoted most of his
medical life to researching the cause and
cure of different ailments in the human
body. He had a number of books, videos,
audiotapes and medical research series
published. He was best known for his
book Your Body’s Many Cries for Water
(1992, 1997; reviewed in NEXUS 3/01; see

Editor’s Note:
The transcript of Dr Batmanghelidj’s
lecture was provided by The World
Foundation for Natural Science, based
in Washington, DC, USA (see 

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