Thursday, August 9, 2018

How Does Water Cure Help?

The WaterCure (1/4 teaspoon high-mineral celtic sea salt per quart or liter of water) has been found to be effective against many maladies.  Below are my summaries of Dr. Batmanghelidj’s writings on these topics.  Many people are surprised and pleased at the results they get with the watercure.  (My own friends have relieved their asthma, arthritis, chronic hip pain, joint pains, hand pains, headaches, migraines, constipation, fatigue, insomnia and more.) 

As with anything, sometimes watercure is not the whole answer, and other remedies need to be explored.  (To get the most out of this post, you might first read the previous  “Watercure is Vital.”)

Scroll down for the scoop on:
arthritis & auto-immune disease
back pain
colitis & constipation
headaches, migraines
high blood pressure, hypertension
immune system
stomach ulcers

Arthritis  & Auto-immune diseases
There is much new material being written about Rheumatoid Arthritis and other Auto-immune diseases such as Lupus and Fibromyalgia.  These areas of inflammation and acidity in the body can be relieved by drinking water and using high-mineral sea salt.  (More suggestions available for autoimmune.)

Asthma is a body response to dehydration.  To manage its drought, the body obstructs its air passages, says Dr. B.  The bronchial passages narrow and obstruct air in an effort to keep water vapor from leaving the body.  When asthmatics drink extra water, they have less wheezing.  Salt helps to break up the mucus plugs in the lungs. 

(Ronald Reagan’s physician, Ralph Bookman, M.D. said, “Unquestionably, the single most important element in the treatment of asthma and other bronchial allergy symptoms is hydration. Unless adequate fluids are available to the mucus glands in the bronchial tree, their secretions will be tenaciously hard to raise. In asthma, liquids are medications. . . Liquids make mucus liquid. They change it from a troublesome solid that makes breathing difficult to an easy to cough up liquid. I demand that my patients drink 10 full glasses of liquid every day -“)

Back Pain
The discs between the vertebrae are like water cushions, supporting our weight.  A lack of water in the spinal column can show up as low back pain and ankylosing arthritis of the spine.  Good steady hydration can often relieve this pain as well as other types of joint pain.

As we know, most cancer is an invasive tissue that breaks the boundaries of its host organ, is anaerobic (low oxygen needs), and usually thrives in an acidic environment.  Cancer cells have abnormal DNA.  These characteristics are related to dehydration.

Cells have many sensors and receivers on their membranes. One such sensor controls the boundaries for the cell’s growth, so it doesn’t crowd out the other cells. But cancer cells have lost these boundary receptors — this is called receptor down-regulation.
Receptor Down-Regulation (cancer cells that lose boundaries):
In dehydration, protein breakdown occurs faster than protein production.
When histamine breaks into the energy reserves in the calcium deposits in the cells (and eventually the bones), much loose calcium is released. This calcium release is a signal that the energy stores of the body are getting depleted. Then the proteases (for protein breakdown) get mobilized, breaking into the protein structures of the cells. The breakdown of protein structures includes destruction of the boundary-sensing receptors that would stop cell growth into neighboring cells. With the loss of these sensors, tumor cells grow.

Most cancer cells live only in low-oxygen acidic environments — which are the direct result of low water, high acid, and toxin build-up.
Dehydration-produced cancers are more frequent in tissues that have secretory functions, like the intestinal tract, the breast, the pancreas, the prostate.

DNA damage occurs before cancer forms.
When the kidneys are well-hydrated, they regulate the balance between acid and alkaline body fluids.  Normal healthy cells keep a pH of 7.4, which is alkaline. When the body gets dehydrated, acid builds up, stays in the cells, and erodes their fragile structures, such as DNA.  Excessive acidity defeats the repair of the DNA. Thus DNA deteriorates.

Cholesterol is part of nerve cell membranes and hormones, but it is also used like a protective clay at the cellular level. 
Cholesterol is an insulating bandage for abrasions inside arterial walls, which are damaged because of concentrated, acidic, (dehydrated) blood.  That is, the area gets damaged first, then cholesterol covers it like a bandage.  So if we didn’t have dehydrated acidic blood and consequent damage to the arteries, we would not get cholesterol blockage of the heart arteries.
Water is sticky and holds cellular membrane structures together. In dehydration, cholesterol serves this function — cholesterol holds and insulates the membrane, protecting that cell from losing its water.  When we are dehydrated and increase our food intake, cholesterol levels gradually rise to perform this function. 

Colitis & constipation
The large intestine reabsorbs water from the excrement.  If we are dehydrated, then our intestinal contents are already dry.  This leads to constipation and spasm as the large intestine squeezes harder.  Dr. B sees colitis pain as a definite sign of dehydration.
Drinking a large amount of water can easily relieve constipation. 

Water is an antidepressant because it maintains tryptophan flow into the brain for conversion into serotonin and melatonin.  Both of these are vital for our emotional balance and happiness.
The brain is very sensitive to a lack of water, as it consists of 85% water.  A living brain is like jelly, and suffers when its water content drops.

Also:  when we have a water shortage, histamine becomes our water manager. When the brain has to rely on histamine for a long time, it becomes inefficient.

Diabetes (adult-onset)
Adult-onset diabetes tends to arise in those who are overweight or elderly, who are  already dehydrated at the cellular level.  Their body is trying to conserve water for the most vital processes.  Insulin requires lots of water to feed all the cells.  The body doesn’t have enough water, so it inhibits insulin.  The body becomes ‘insulin-resistant’ and requires even higher levels of insulin (unless the body can get the water it really wants).

The beta-cells of the pancreas produce insulin, which opens ‘food gates’ on cell membranes, so food and water can enter the cells.  This cellular digestion requires plenty of water all over the body.

Besides the body needing water for cellular digestion, the pancreas needs water for the enzymes it produces.

After our food passes through our acidic stomach, the pancreas injects watery digestive enzymes and alkaline bicarbonate into the intestine.  The pancreas needs plenty of water to produce these enzymes.  If the blood is concentrated (dry), it won’t contribute much water.  So the pancreas sends out a chemical, PGE-2, which brings more circulation to the pancreas, delivering more water. 
To conserve water, PGE-2 inhibits the beta cells from releasing insulin, so we won’t spend so much of our water on cellular digestion.  The body knows there’s not enough water to feed the cells, so it cuts back on insulin.

Thus the pancreas brings as much water as possible to itself, by shutting down some of its own beta cells.

When the beta cells shut down, we diagnose the first stage of adult-onset diabetes. We prescribe pills that overcome PGE-2 so the beta cells will continue producing insulin. (Even though the hydration issue is not addressed.)

The body’s next attempt to block insulin (in order to conserve water) is to cover the insulin molecule with xanthurenic acid. The coating of xanthurenic acid makes the insulin molecule unrecognizable to the receptors on the body’s cells. So the “food gates” on the cellular membrane won’t open.  At this point diabetic pills will no longer work, and the patient must depend on insulin injections.

High blood sugar means the blood is further concentrated, which will pull more water out of the cells, dehydrating us even more.
The watercure will reverse the early stages of adult-onset diabetes, and will help the overall situation for most diabetics.

The sodium-potassium pump of every cell membrane creates hydroelectric energy for the body.  (ATP or GTP)  When we feel tired, drinking water will often generate more energy for us.  Although there are many components to Fatigue Syndrome, the watercure can help.

Headache, Migraines
Headaches and migraines indicate that our brain and eyes want more water.  As mentioned before, the brain is a water-loving organ, made of 85% water.  When it starts getting a bit dry, your head hurts – so give it plenty of water.  Relief comes when cellular hydration is restored.
Following Dr. B’s suggestion, I have helped people avert migraine headaches by having them drink two glasses of water and then put salt on the tongue (as soon as the first hint of migraine arises).


Heartburn a sign of dryness in the stomach and esophagus.  It is an important thirst signal.  If we take only antacids or medications for it, then the dehydration continues as a major long-term problem for the body.   To avoid heartburn, we should drink a large glass of water 20 to 30 minutes before a meal.  See also ‘Stomach Ulcers’ below.

High Blood Pressure – Hypertension
High blood pressure actually begins with dehydration and drought.  When there is lower flow in the blood vessels, an “injection process” using extra pressure delivers water into the cells of the most vital organs.  That extra pressure is the beginning of high blood pressure.

Dr. Batmanghelidj writes, “anytime you are short of water, 66% is pulled out of the cells, 26% is taken from the areas around the cells, and 8% is lost from the blood.” ( p.6 of Obesity, Cancer, Depression)

          Even that 8% loss in the blood stream causes the capillary bed to shrink its entire network, to maintain steady pressure for its blood supply to the vital organs. This increases blood pressure (slightly but steadily).

Over time the increased blood pressure hardens the arteries, which causes even more constant pressure on the system.   One typical way to lower blood pressure is to get rid of more fluid to reduce the pressure (using diuretic drugs). But as the body is already lacking water, casting out fluid will only make it worse.  The capillary bed shrinks further, trying to maintain pressure to infuse the organs.  Pressure continues to climb.  Thus a diuretic will perpetuate the cycle of circulatory shutdown and further dehydration. 

In a dehydrated body, even the first rise in injection pressure of the emergency water distribution system IS hypertension, says Dr. B.   Doctors give diuretics, unaware that hypertension itself is a sign of dehydration.  So they further dehydrate the body, which often will respond with higher blood pressure and more ‘need’ for medications, so long as the hidden cause of dehydration is not realized.

Immune system
When our cells are dehydrated, histamine takes charge to manage our water.  Histamine causes Vasopressin to be released, which raises blood pressure, concentrates the urine, and makes the adrenals release cortisone.  Cortisone suppresses the immune system.  The whole effect creates low-oxygen conditions and a weaker immune system.

Insomnia can be another symptom of dryness in our water-loving brain.  Try drinking a very large glass of water or two, and then put a pinch of salt on your tongue, allowing it to dissolve as you drift to sleep.

The early sensations of thirst and hunger are so similar that we confuse them. In our thirst, we think we’re hungry, so we may over-eat. We find ourselves eating more food and drinking less water. We drink soda pop, which is calorie dense, magnesium-depleting, acidic and dehydrating.
When a person is overweight, they are bound to be dehydrated, because they simply have too many cells to hydrate easily.  The body needs half of its weight in ounces of water each day. For a large person, this would mean drinking a couple of gallons, which few would do.

Water can directly prevent obesity:
— by providing energy for brain function, it averts excess food intake.
— by activating fat-burning enzymes (lipase), water helps break up fat reserves

Taking water before eating stimulates the secretion of adrenaline and noradrenalin, which activate lipase to break down fat for use as energy. This is the way drinking water overrides the sensation of hunger. It also keeps the body in fat-breaking mode.
Also:  a drink of water stimulates the secretion of the hormone motilin in the gut. Motilin is a satiety hormone (making us feel full), plus it activates motility of the intestines for better elimination.  So a large glass of water or two before eating can help with weight loss.

1. Drinking a glass of water stimulates, for up to two hours, the sympathetic nervous system and the serotonergic centers of the spinal column and the brain. This increases stamina and raises the pain threshold (so you don’t feel as much pain). Thus water is a natural painkiller. 

2. Pain is a signal of water shortage and toxin build-up in the affected painful area. Histamine’s water-rationing program delivers enough water to preserve life, but not enough to clear acidic toxins and pain. (Cells naturally produce acid by-products.)

Where there is drought and acid build-up, a nerve chemical called kininogen gets converted to kinin.  Kinin produces pain.  The pain sensors and nerve endings in the area send their toxicity information to the brain.  The brain translates it as pain. This event causes a localized inflammatory reaction — in the joints, the spine, any of the organs, or anywhere.

Pain means that an area is acidic. Rehydration should be the first step toward pain relief, to wash away toxins and counterbalance the acid.  Pain meds bring relief but don’t treat the underlying acidity.  Water will.

Stomach Ulcers
Dehydration plays a role in the formation of stomach ulcers, because a dehydrated inner lining of the stomach becomes thinner, with less water in its cells.  Also the lack of water means lower production of protective mucus for the lining.  So the dryness and thinness of the lining allows the natural stomach acid to burn through it into the deeper layers of the stomach wall.  This is an important factor in the formation of an ulcer.   When we hydrate well, the cells of the inner lining plump up.  The lining gets thicker, forming a better barrier and safe container for the acid.  So hydrate and enjoy yourself!

Thanks to Dr. Batmanghelidj for all the above material gleaned from his books.

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