Saturday, August 4, 2018

How Water Performs Its Life-Giving Functions

Water has life-giving properties, those other ones were life-sustaining properties of water. Water has life-giving properties, it manufactures hydro-electricity, in other words, it is a natural source of energy. All neurotransmission in the body depends on this hydro-electricity from the water. That’s why water is a better pick-me-up than anything you might imagine.

OK? Now the process of hydrolysis—the medical community has always used the word ‘hydrolysis of this’ ‘hydrolysis of that’ and yet they never assume that water has a metabolism of its own. I was six years at the 

The University of Pennsylvania doing research in order to find this, put this thesis together, and one day I visited a conference and one of the professors asked me what do you do, I said: “I’m trying to look at the metabolism of water.” He frowned at me and thought me an ignorant person. He said, “We thought that the water doesn’t have any metabolism.” I didn’t want to offend him in front of his colleagues, I said, “May I come to your office and talk to you about this?” He said, “Yes, by all means.” So I got an appointment from him, he was an eminent professor at the University of Pennsylvania. I went to see him and in order to make sure I understood what he had said was correct, I said, “Did I understand correctly that you said that water has no metabolism, water is just an inert substance for the ride.” He said yes. I said, “Then what is hydrolysis? You use the word frequently and use it every time. What does hydrolysis mean?” If I had hit him with a ton of gold, it wouldn’t have impacted his brain as much as that word did. He went white, pale, and he said, “Yes, of course, we never thought about that.” So the word hydrolysis means metabolism of water.

Water is a nutrient, water is actually a primary nutrient in the body that your body depends on, on a regular basis for its performance and functions. Water at body temperature, when it is squeezed to 2.5-angstrom units, it gels, it becomes like ice, and it’s this thickness of ice that sticks the components of the cell membrane together.

So water is actually a cementing material in the body, it’s that mortar between the bricks, and lack of water will cause a disturbance in that process. And in order that the cell doesn’t disintegrate completely, the body has found a substitute, and it’s produced this stickiness of cholesterol in order to bind things together. So cholesterol in the body performs not only an insulating function, but it’s also part of the emergency bonding material.

Now, as far as water is a source of energy, this is the research by Philippe and Wiggins: ‘…the source energy for cation transport or ATP synthesis lies in increasing chemical potentials with the increased hydration of small cations and polyphosphate anions, in the highly structured interfacial aqueous phase of the two phosphorylated…’ This must be double-Dutch to you too! But trust me, it means that water is the source of energy for synthesis of ATP. Now, hydrolysis of water produces energy.

This is a formula calculated by George and group when magnesium ATP is hydrolyzed, magnesium ATP itself has only 600 kilojoule- moles of energy inherent to itself. When it’s hydrolyzed, the components become 5850 kilo-joulemoles of energy. In other words, water has transferred its own energy to the components, and that’s how it has driven the chemical reaction by the energy produced by hydrolysis. So, the pound of meat that you eat has no energy value whatsoever, unless water is there to hydrolyze it and break it down. It is, in fact, the water that energizes the food that you eat, the potato, the sugar; none of these has the ability to pass energy into the human body unless water is there to break them down and magnify the energy content by one order of magnitude.

There are two oceans of water in the body—one ocean of water is in the cells, and then there is the ocean of water outside the cells. Water that we drink goes through the cell membrane and replenishes the ocean inside. The salt that we take regulates the volume of the ocean outside. And these two oceans have to be in balance. You cannot fill up the Atlantic more than it is full already and let the Pacific dry up, or fill the Pacific and let the Atlantic dry up, you have to fill them both. And that’s why God created connections between all the oceans, in order to balance the oceans. We also have to balance the oceans of water in the body.

In fact, the design of the body is that it automatically balances these oceans by certain mechanisms. So, water and salt are vital elements in the human body. Water diffuses through the cell membrane at a rate of 10-3 centimetres per second, which is a very fast rate of transfer of water into the cell. In a well-hydrated cell membrane, there is a channel between the two layers of the membrane.

All the enzymes travel through that channel and meet their counterpart. And they call this a lateral diffusion of the enzyme systems, and the body needs to have that channel sufficiently hydrated. The water comes through these elements and fills up this channel, and allows physiological functions to take place. In a dehydrated state, the channel is gone, these processes come into another, and they produce locks, so nothing travels. That’s how the cell goes into hibernation, in bacteria and things like that, that might have these same processor animals that go into a dry phase, this is how it happens.

Reverse osmosis is when we don’t have diffusion, and the body has to filter water and inject it into the vital cells, and that’s called reverse osmosis. Then we have the osmotic movement of water when glucose stimulates insulin production and the gates are open, water travels with glucose and amino acids into the cells. And this is a mechanism where we lose our perception of thirst and gradually as a result of lifestyle we become susceptible to disease, depending on how much water we are taking or beverages that are dehydrating substances.

When the body has to depend on insulin release to osmotically shift water into the cells, obesity becomes an unavoidable complication. And that’s what I’m writing on now, “Obesity, the Deadly Disease of Dehydration” is the title of my next book. Now, this is a process of reverse osmosis, vasopressin sits on its receptor and converts it into a ‘shower-head,’ with a cluster of perforations of two-angstrom units.

And this ‘shower-head’ process fills with the osmotically balanced serum, and the vasopressin puts a squeeze on the system and only water, one molecule of water is filtered through the system. And alcohol stops this function, that’s why you get a headache with alcohol because your brain depends on this mechanism in order to get hydrated on a regular basis. This is how the body transfers water into the brain tissue—reverse osmosis.

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