Thursday, August 9, 2018

Suggested Daily Supplements

Suggested Daily Supplements

Acidophilus or a good pro-biotic – Good bacteria needed by intestines. Take one with each meal. (pill form) 4 billion per pill is best.

Beta Carotene - Eat one or two medium raw carrots, with skin, per day.

B-6 – 100mg after breakfast and evening meal. The body uses up B-6 every day.

Zinc - 50mg after breakfast and evening meal. This is for stress. The body uses up zinc every day. Males also take 50mg after noon meal also. When body is low in zinc, it borrows it from the prostate.

Vitamin C – 500 mg after breakfast, lunch and evening meal. Time released with rose hips are best.

Vitamin E – 400 IU with 100 micrograms of selenium. (You can buy the capsules that combine the two together. Take 1 after breakfast and evening meals.

Flax Seed Oil – 6 -9 grams. Two capsules after breakfast, lunch and evening meal. This does not apply to young children or to the underweight elderly.

Multi-Vitamin – Take one good multi-vitamin tablet 2 times a day or Swanson whole food multi--1 three times daily with meals.

Kelp (Iodine) – 150 mcg - 1 per day if it is not in your multi-vitamin.

Chlorophyll – Take 1 tablespoon of liquid 2-3 times daily. You can buy  liquid chlorophyll at a low cost from health food shops,  chlorophyll morning and evening or Swanson Vitamins chlorophyll capsules.

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