Monday, April 8, 2019

live in harmony with nature

How can we live in harmony with nature?

Those who join in seeking balance among the economic, ecological, and social dimensions of their lives among the physical, mental, and spiritual will be rewarded. They are helping to create a new world in which people may learn to live in harmony with each other as well as in harmony with nature.

Is it possible to live in harmony with nature?

What is to live in total Harmony with nature? Harmony is peace, it is when people are all getting along together. ... Even though it's a good thought, I don't think it is possible to live in complete Harmony with nature because the whole concept of peace is broken.

How to Be in Harmony with Yourself
  1. Define where you are now. What have you achieved? ...
  2. Define where you want to get and who you want to become. ...
  3. Accept everything you are, have and have done. ...
  4. Learn to listen to your mind. ...
  5. Meditate. ...
  6. Respect your desires and needs.
  7. Give in order to get and satisfaction will come.
  8. Be grateful.

What does it mean to be in harmony with nature?

In so doing, Member States acknowledged that the Earth and its ecosystems are our common home, and expressed their conviction that it is necessary to promote Harmony with Nature in order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations.


  1. God
  2. Yourself
  3. Others
  4. and Creation

The four harmonies and further explanation:

You must be in harmony with God, by praying each day, and God will love you and make sure you are happy

  Be in harmony with yourself, by looking after yourself you can be happy everyday, and you will always love and be happy for yourself

Harmony with others, when you are in harmony with others you get lots of friends that love you and will always feel loved!

Harmony with creation, by looking after nature, it will be a happy and healthy place to live in each day

If you are not in harmony with these, it wouldn't be happy place.... and you want to be happy!

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