Monday, April 29, 2019

Water Cures Breast Cancer

Water Cures

Breast Cancer

Of all the types of cancer, breast cancer is one of the most prolific. More people will have breast cancer than any other type of cancer. It affects both women and men although it affects only one man for every 100 women. There are several treatment options, the most extreme being mastectomy. Even having the lesser treatment of lymph nodes removed, it results in negative life altering results. The logic for this form of treatment is what is the discomfort compared to death.

There is a question that everyone should be asking.

What if There Was a Better Way to Treat Breast Cancer?

For years, women have undergone treatments that are no longer necessary. They had surgeries that are no longer needed. They were told it was the only way and then, decades later, they were told there is a better way by the same medical professionals that told them the previous way was the only way.

Consider The Options: Risks and Rewards
Things change. And now, there is yet another way, perhaps an even better way. The difference, this is not a medical treatment. This is a holistic treatment. This treats your whole body and not just the cancer.

As a hospital nurse, one of the areas I specialized in and one of the doctors I worked for focused on breast augmentation as well as breast cancer treatment. One of the most common surgeries of the patients I cared for was surgical repair after removal of cancer of the breast. Instead of removing the breast along with the cancer, think of it as remodeling the breast. It was a wonderful alternative to the previously deforming treatment.

Even so, what if there was a different way? A way to avoid the need for surgery all together.

What if it was easy and almost free? What if it was doctors recommended?

Breast Cancer: A Better Way With Water Cures

Water cures has helped thousands of women to eliminate their breast cancer without surgery. One in particular is Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D. She tells how she was cured of cancer without chemotherapy, radiation, the side effects, and especially no pain.

She said that she could not have gotten well without Dr. Batmanghelidj and his book, Your Bodies Many Cries For Water. The Water Cures is the foundation of all healing.

Dr. Day went on to champion holistic healing for everyone. Beyond just using water cures, she has added dietary changes to help people around the world to eliminate disease and get their health back.

Do What Dr. Day Did, The Water Cures Protocol

Breast Cancer Causes

Research cancer of the breast and you will find the risk factors for getting cancer. Yet some people who have the risk factors do not get cancer.

This is because the medical establishment does not know what exactly causes cancer in the breast.

Cancer is the process where breast cells grow abnormally. The cells divide at a faster rate than the surrounding cells.

The cells in the milk-producing ducts it is called invasive ductal carcinoma. If it starts in the milk glands or lobules it is called ductal carcinoma.

When the cells spread through (metastasize) the breast, they go to the lymph nodes or even other parts of the body.

Scientific research speak of numerous factors that increase your risk of cancer of the breast.

The good news is that doctors feel that only 5% of cancers in the breast are related to inherited genes.

You can get a test to tell if you have the gene that would predispose you to getting breast cancer but it may be a waste of money for several reasons. For one, there is no definitive way of predicting that anyone will get breast cancer or not.

How Does Water Cures Work for Cancer of the Breast

There are a number of ways that cancer can form in breast tissues. Three of the most common are viruses, chemical exposure and radiation.


Do viruses cause cancer of the breast?

Diet affects circulating sex hormone levels, which in turn promote viral replication of the hormone-dependent viruses. They initiate cancer which is enhanced by sex and growth hormones. Diet and hormones can promote growth of both normal and malignant cells.

Water cures works to help regulate hormones to normal levels. It also helps the body shift to the alkaline side of the scale. Viruses cannot exist in an alkaline state.

Chemical Exposure

Environmental Chemicals and Breast Cancer Risk

Some chemicals we are exposed to are stored in our fat becoming more concentrated as we consume more of them. Certain chemicals require activation by enzymes in the body and become cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens).

Some chemicals are in the foods we commonly consume. Aspartame is one of the most common ones. Although weather it is cancer causing or not is highly debated, consider the source. The research that says it does cause cancer has nothing to gain. The people behind the research saying it is safe have a monetary profit incentive.

Water Cures works by helping the body eliminate chemicals. It is the ultimate detoxifier. It also helps regulate hormones, the ones that can cause chemicals to become cancer causing agents.


Does Radiation Cause Cancer in the Breast?
Ionizing radiation causes cancer, especially in the breast tissues of women.

When the body is properly hydrated, it can more readily produce glutathione (GSH), the bodies most potent anti-radiation protector. Our body makes several different types of GSH. Once expended, the broken down GSH is recycled and made back into GSH to do its job again.

Why Does Water Cures Work

Water cures works for most types of cancer to correct the cause of the cancer.

Additionally, in states of stress, the breasts produce prolactin. This increased production may result in cystic adenoma formation. With immune suppression, there is even greater risk of cancer formation. Water and sea salt help promote overall wellness. It promotes a healthy immune system. It helps our bodies be on the base side of the acid base balance

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