Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Why the current medical view of AIDS is wrong.

Dr Batmanghelidj AIDS Notes: His Findings

Dr Batmanghelidj Aids Notes are based on an interview he had with Mike Adams. He explains why the current medical view of AIDS is wrong. The water cures protocol is one of the natural treatments for aids.
One of the worst erroneous conclusions modern science has drawn is the cause of AIDS. Science works on the assumption that AIDS is a viral disease. Yet humans have survived centuries surviving various diseases brought on by viruses.

The human body has defended itself against smallpox, polio, measles, and other deadly viruses. In spite of surviving all these other diseases, how is it that the body cannot fight off the slow growing virus of AIDS.
Dr. B's AIDS Research Findings
Having researched the AIDS topic extensively, the conclusion Dr. Batmanghelidj came to is that AIDS is a metabolic problem.

Dr Batmanghelidj AIDS Notes

Dr. B explained, Our body starts to cannibalize its own tissue when it is missing certain elements of the raw materials that it takes in from food or beverages. The body of a person with AIDS is depleted in a number of these building block amino acids. There is a shortage of tyrosine, methionine, cysteine and histidine. At the same time, they have a number of others in excess. So how can our body, dependent on amino acids to live, survive when it is depleted of the essentials of life.

With out an viable alternative to correct this deficiency, society is left with pharmaceuticals, which are amassing incredible profits. They are profiting by selling drugs on a false premise.
Cheating Hospice
One person with AIDS that had progressed to Stage III, was only given up to 4 days to live. Now in Hospice, she had supplemental oxygen and morphine for pain. Her weight loss brought her down to 75 lbs.
With nothing to loose, she started the water cures protocol. Within 30 days of starting the protocol, she was discharged from hospice and started living her life again.
The Protocol
The protocol requires drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. Then taking 1/8th teaspoon of unrefined sea salt for every 16 ounces of water.

Some may need more salt, but start by taking 1/8 tsp per 16 ounces before increasing. The most important aspect of this is the timing.

It is sequence is to drink the water 30 to 45 minutes before you eat and not sooner than 2 1/2 hours after you eat a meal or snack. This helps complete the digestive process.

Note: DR B explains amino acids in his book, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, page 123- 131 soft cover book.
The Water Cures Protocol One of the simple, easy and sustainable aids natural treatments.

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