Sunday, February 7, 2021

Covid Vaccine Frauds

Pfizer Covid-Vaccine is fraud. 

Pfizer’s vaccine studies are based on FRAUD and put lives in danger, warns former Pfizer vice president.


 Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former vice president and scientific director for Pfizer, has come forward with evidence that widespread SCIENCE FRAUD 357 was used in the 2020 race for a coronavirus vaccine.

In pursuit of speedy regulatory approval, Pfizer abandoned all scientific integrity. The study design for new mRNA injections is based on fraudulent diagnostic protocols that manipulate data endpoints and conceal the short and long-term adverse events inflicted by their vaccines.

Dr. Yeadon is joined by German lung specialist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. The two brave doctors have filed an urgent application with the European Medicine Agency, calling out the BioNtech/Pfizer vaccine study because it’s based on FRAUD.

mRNA vaccine studies are based on fraud, conceal serious vaccine injuries

The doctors concur that Pfizer’s vaccine studies should be halted until a credible study design can be presented, one that doesn’t falsify data endpoints and one that addresses a host of serious safety concerns. The doctors warn that Pfizer is conflating non-specific symptoms of illness with COVID-19 diagnoses for the control arm while using inaccurate, high cycle PCR tests for a diagnosis. The doctors warn that the vaccine’s efficacy is being contorted because the study design fails to properly diagnose cases of COVID-19 and fails to confirm infection using the Sanger sequencing method. They conclude that risk of disease and potential vaccine benefit cannot be measured or determined with accuracy. They demand a halt to all human experimentation with these mRNA injections.

Wodarg and Yeadon also warn that the vaccine’s efficacy toward spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2 is a real measurement of immune reaction, but this effect will also cause autoimmune issues as well. Among these autoimmune issues is the destruction of the female reproductive system 138. The vaccines will produce temporary antibodies to coronavirus by attacking the spike’s syncytin-homologous proteins. Not coincidentally, the syncytin-1 is also essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals and humans. Therefore, the vaccines could cause infertility, miscarriage and birth defects, and Pfizer is not disclosing this information to patients.

The use of polyethylene glycol will also cause autoimmune reactions 86, a problem already being observed in U.K. patients. A 2016 study in Analytical Chemistry found anti-PEG antibodies in 72 percent of human samples, and 8 percent of those samples contained high levels, which led to increased adverse events and waning vaccine efficacy.

Pfizer skipped animal studies to hide pathogenic priming, a deadly effect of coronavirus vaccines

Even more concerning is the vaccine’s potential for pathogenic priming. The doctors warn that the vaccine can cause the formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” that caused death to animals in prior coronavirus studies.

Because the vaccine is not tested for its real-life preventative effect when humans are re-introduced to the wild virus, any claims of effectiveness are FRAUD. There’s no evidence that the vaccine actually prevents infection. In fact, the opposite evidence is true. All animal studies for coronavirus vaccines show an influx of non-neutralizing antibodies that causes an exaggerated immune response. When the animal is exposed to the wild virus later, their immune system overreacts, destroying itself. This overactive immune response caused the death of all the animals exploited in the study. These animal studies were bypassed for the COVID-19 vaccine trials because the scientists were well aware of animal fatalities from previous coronavirus experiments.

This antibody-dependent amplification occurs after vaccination, but the damage is concealed until weeks or months later, when the animal or person is exposed to the wild virus in real-time. This deadly immune reaction is caused by the vaccine,  but will ultimately be blamed on the subsequent wild virus infection. This is the perfect alibi for criminal vaccine makers  Pfizer.

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