Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Do you trust God more than Tom Brady?


Thought for the day:

Do you know what a lead pass is?

Simply put a lead pass is when a pass is made, not to where the player is, but where he will be soon.

lead pass

The quarterback throws the ball out ahead of where the receiver currently is.

If the receiver keeps running and it is a good pass, the two will meet down the field.

And then if we are lucky an amazing touchdown dance like this ensues.


But to the untrained eye, it looks like this pass and the receiver won't end up anywhere close to each other. This is where trust in the quarterback is required.

For some plays the receiver might not even look back at the QB until he has run for 20 or 30 yards. He is just trusting that his QB is going to have the ball right there at the right time.

God loves throwing lead passes.

With God, when you follow His principles, the results are almost always delayed. As in, when He asks you and I to do something, we rarely see the results of it immediately.

We have to keep doing what we know he told us to do (running) and trusting that God will get us the results (the ball) somewhere downfield.

For us, a few key moments in our life when we followed God’s direction come to mind:

  1. In my career - when He lead me to go "all in" on a business idea that looked like a complete dead end.
  2. Stepping away from my business for an entire year as a sabbatical. It looked like we might even lose our business.
  3. When we were trying to pay off our mortgage and sensed God leading us not to give less, but to give more - taking us in the opposite direction of our goal.

In each of these instances I was running. It looked like the QB wasn’t even looking at me.

But as I continued to run downfield, sure enough, eventually the ball came right to where I was.

  1. As it turned out, our business grew to replace my day job in 9 months and Linda's in another 9.
  2. After deciding to take that year off, our daughter was born and I got to spend her first 7 months soaking her up. AND, our business became more focused and effective than ever before.
  3. We ended up paying off our house about 5 years before we had planned.

On to Tom Brady

If I were playing catch with Tom Brady and he said “just start running and the ball will be there when you get there”, I would trust him.

He has 6 Super Bowl rings (a 7th soon?) that prove he can sufficiently get the ball to a receiver downfield.

How much more can we trust God when he says,
“Just start running. I’ll take care of the rest.”?

Whatever you are trusting Him for today, just keep running, and trust that He's got it all worked out.

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