Friday, February 26, 2021

Healthcare or Nightmare?

 Published on 18 Apr 2019


Healthcare or Nightmare?

10 doctors, 58 days in the ICU, 1 gigantic bill, Mum's life lost.

Never in my life would I have ever imagined I'd see a S$1 million medical bill.

$350,000 in medications… Over a thousand doses of drugs.. Complications one after another..

One thing for sure is this... If I had known that 18 May would be the last day of her life, I would rather spend $350,000 on bringing mum the greatest joyful, loving, happiest and most comforting experiences, rather than have her go through 58 extremely painful suffering days immobile in a cold and sterile hospital room.

Looking back, it is all a lack of the right knowledge that cost my mum's life. The painful unknown is... I will never know whether we did the right thing to send mum in through these doors.

There are many health alternatives that can help reverse cancer. However, what is the DOSE and FREQUENCY required to achieve that outcome? Unfortunately it is mostly trial and error, and in mum’s instance, she was unable to consume the dose required to reverse her condition.

Because of this, we were selectively close-minded to recommendations. There were many doctors, alternatives and nutritional supplements that family & friends recommended. We explored some and missed many. However, if we stayed 100% open and explored ALL alternatives, one of them may have been able to save mum. A very costly regret…

We didn't realise how urgent cancer was. For someone with a generally healthy diet with natural foods and active lifestyle, if cancer strikes, find out if “targeted chemotherapy” is available. We learnt that chemotherapy is very helpful and effective for certain types of cancers. For aggressive treatment as chemo, it needs to be administered as soon as possible while the body still has health reserves and is able to bounce back.

We also made the mistake of thinking “all hospitals are the same". We experienced a huge difference in SPEED and EXPERTISE between public healthcare and private specialists. For a woman over 50's and post-menopause, if there is unusual swelling in the abdomen, a detailed scan to check for tumour is required immediately. When mum was first admitted in January, the doctors took 2 long weeks to discover the tumour. Something that the right scan would instantly reveal. I still believe our public healthcare is one of the best in the world, however there are simply too many patients needing the attention of overworked doctors...

Unfortunately, I feel that the healthcare ecosystem is such that specialists and private facilities are gravely expensive, and it seems that billing is structured in a way to max-out insurance payout in a cold and professionally institutionalised way. My heart felt cold when I saw that on mum’s $1 million bill, she was referred to as “Customer” and not “Patient”..

It is truly regretful that we were ignorant about mum’s insurance coverage. Had we known that mum's insurance covered private specialist treatments, we could've sought private specialist expertise from Day 1. We only went to private later on. Even though these final 58 days in a private hospital led to this insane bill, we appreciated the speed of response and level of professional expertise of the team of specialists..

At the end of the day… there are a ton of what-ifs and grey areas. What is right? What is wrong? One thing for sure is this.. Nothing can be done now to reverse the situation. Nothing can turn back time. And our hearts will miss mum forever...

More than ever now, I deeply feel that “If you do not invest time, money and energy in your health, you will spend your fortune on sickness”.

Ignorance is gravely costly. The right knowledge saves lives and protects families.

I hope this post has helped someone out there.

May we live with vigour, and die without suffering.

Rest in peace my beloved mummy...

Source: Fina Leong Facebook post.

发表于18 Apr 2019

 $ 1,018,469.29




 $ 350,000的药物…超过一千剂的药物..接连出现的并发症..

 可以肯定的是……如果我知道5月18日将是她一生的最后一天,我宁愿花350,000美元给妈妈带来最大的快乐,爱心,最幸福和最安慰的经历,而不是让她去 经历了58个极为痛苦的痛苦日子,他们无法在寒冷,无菌的病房里动弹不得。

 回顾过去,所有的正确知识的缺乏都使我的母亲丧命。 痛苦的未知数是……我永远不会知道我们是否做了正确的事情来通过这些门送妈妈进来。

 有许多健康替代品可以帮助逆转癌症。 但是,达到该结果所需的剂量和频率是什么? 不幸的是,这主要是反复试验,而在妈妈的情况下,她无法消耗扭转病情所需的剂量。

 因此,我们选择性地紧贴建议。 家人和朋友推荐了许多医生,替代品和营养补品。 我们探索了一些而错过了许多。 但是,如果我们保持100%开放并探索所有替代方案,则其中之一可能已经节省了妈妈的费用。 非常昂贵的遗憾...

 我们没有意识到癌症是多么紧急。 对于那些以天然食品和健康生活方式为基础的健康饮食的人,如果癌症发作,请查明是否可以使用“靶向化疗”。 我们了解到化学疗法对某些类型的癌症非常有帮助和有效。 对于积极的化学疗法,需要在身体仍具有健康储备并能够反弹的同时尽快进行治疗。

 我们也误以为“所有医院都一样”。我们在公共保健和私人专家之间在SPEED和EXPERTISE方面经历了巨大的差异。对于50岁以上和绝经后的女性,如果腹部出现异常肿胀, 立即进行详细的检查以检查是否有肿瘤。一月份首次入院时,医生花了2个星期的时间才发现肿瘤。正确的检查会立即显示出来。我仍然相信我们的公共医疗保健是最好的 然而,在世界范围内,有太多患者需要过度劳累的医生的照顾...

 不幸的是,我觉得医疗保健生态系统是如此之大,以至于专家和私人机构都非常昂贵,而且看来账单的结构是通过冷漠和专业化的方式最大程度地提高保险支出的。 当我看到妈妈的100万美元账单上,她被称为“客户”而不是“患者”时,我的内心感到冷漠。

 真遗憾,我们对妈妈的保险一无所知。 如果我们知道妈妈的保险涵盖了私人专科治疗,那么我们可以从第一天开始就寻求私人专科治疗。我们后来才转到私人。 尽管这最后58天在私家医院中导致了这笔疯狂的账单,但我们还是对专家团队的响应速度和专业知识水平表示赞赏。

 一天结束时,会有大量假设分析和灰色区域。 什么是正确的? 怎么了? 可以肯定的是,..现在没有任何事情可以扭转这种局面。 没有什么可以倒回时间。 我们的心将永远怀念妈妈...


 无知的代价很高。 正确的知识可以挽救生命并保护家庭。





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