Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Potassium and Water

 Potassium  And Water

1. Better Brain Function

potassium helps brain functionYour brain does its best work when your potassium level is maintained. Go a long time without enough potassium and your brain could end up paying the price. It’s best to avoid the situation altogether by ensuring you’re getting adequate potassium.

In order to get the best and most noticeable results, try to get the recommended amount of potassium each day, which is 3.5 grams. It may involve cutting out processed food and stressing fresh fruits and vegetables, but it’s worth the effort and will pay dividends in the form of better brain health.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium helps send more oxygen to your brain, which lets it do its job better. When you don’t get enough you’re limiting the amount of oxygen that makes it to your brain and you’ll experience the side effects, which may be subtle at first but will worsen until the problem is corrected.

2. Better Muscle Function

Your muscles do a lot to help you get through your day, and if they’re not firing on all cylinders it’s going to be hard to get through your daily activities without feeling fatigued. Whether you’re trying to build lean muscle mass or just trying to keep your muscles healthy for life, potassium plays a role.

muscle function

One symptom of low metabolism is muscle weakness and damage, so in order to keep your muscle as healthy as possible, look to foods that are high in potassium, and stock up on them each time you’re at the grocery store. These include bananas of course, as well as avocados, raisins, and dried apricots.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium helps keeps your muscles healthy by working at the cellular level to repolarize the cells of your muscles, helping to repair them faster and more efficiently. It is also needed to help your muscles recovery from exercise

3. Lower Risk of Heart Problems

Taking in a sufficient amount of potassium will put you at a lower risk of developing heart problems like stroke and heart disease. If you’ve already been diagnosed with a heart problem, you’ve likely been told to watch your level of potassium.

What’s interesting is that many of the foods that are rich in potassium also contain antioxidants and other minerals that will help your heart and lead to greater overall healthiness. To complete your heart health profile be sure you’re getting adequate amount of exercise each day, such as a walk, strength training, or yoga.

How Potassium Helps: Your cardiovascular system benefits from reduced blood pressure, which puts less strain on the arteries and heart. In their more relaxed state, your heart and arteries can function better, resulting in more energy in the present, and a longer life going forward.

4. Maintains Fluid Balance

bananaGetting enough potassium each day helps keep your internal fluids balanced correctly. Potassium is just one part of the equation, and you’ll want to make sure you’re getting all of your important minerals to maintain a balance of electrolytes in your bloodstream.

You’ll want to watch how much sodium you’re taking in, since many of the foods found in restaurants, fast food joints, and pre-packaged foods contain a lot of low-grade salt. Making your own food gives you control over how much sodium it contains. Calcium is another mineral to watch in order to maintain a healthy fluid balance in the body.

How Potassium Helps: tassium, as well as calcium and sodium help make up the electrolyte balance in the body. Drinking enough water is essential for the right fluid balance, and you’ll want to determine the right amount of water for your body size and weight and be sure to drink it daily.

5. Stronger Bones

Potassium is one key to the healthy bone puzzle that you don’t want to forget. Calcium generally gets the most attention when it comes to essential minerals for bone health, but you’ll need to keep an eye on more than just one, including potassium.

The body is a system of complex subsystems all working together to keep you moving. Bones don’t rely on just one mineral, but an array of vitamins and minerals in order to thrive. You probably don’t pay much attention to your bones until they start having problems, so it’s best to be proactive and help them stay healthy long before any problems arise.

How Potassium Helps: Along with calcium, phosphorous, manganese, and other key minerals, potassium works to keep your bones strong and healthy. Bones need the right minerals in order to continue to stay hard and prevent diseases like osteoporosis, making potassium a very beneficial item indeed.

6. Reduced Stress Levels

We could all use a little less stress in this modern world of ours, and a proper potassium level is key to handling the triggers of everyday life. You may not even notice when you’re low on potassium and it’s causing excess stress because it may seem normal to you now, or you may have labeled yourself as a stressful person.

potassium reduces stress

Because potassium is used by every cell in your body to continue on with its function, it only stands to reason that when you’re not getting enough you won’t be able to cope as well with stress.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium benefits you by keeping your stress down and helping to regulate your blood pressure. You’d be surprised at how much less stressed you’ll feel when your blood pressure is at a healthy level. It also helps to relax your muscles, which keeps you from tensing up and exacerbating the situation.

7. Improved Blood Pressure Numbers

High blood pressure is definitely something to be concerned about, and there’s a reason why your doctor checks it each time you go in for a check-up. Getting the right amount of potassium each day will help lower your blood pressure, and should be used in conjunction with a blood pressure conscious diet and lifestyle.

There are several serious conditions that high blood pressure is a precursor for, including heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. Don’t leave yourself susceptible to these potentially life-ending conditions. Focus on your potassium intake until it becomes a habit.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium relaxes blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely and bringing down your blood pressure. Of course it is not the only factor in keeping your blood pressure where it needs to be, so consult with your healthcare professional to discuss diet and lifestyle changes you can make to keep it in a healthy range.

8. Increased Metabolism

metabolismPotassium helps knock out a sluggish metabolism and gets it back on track to natural levels of effectiveness. If you’ve ever had trouble losing weight while dieting, it could have been due to a slow metabolism brought on by, or worsened by, low potassium levels.

Getting enough potassium sets the stage for other minerals to do their job. Think of the vitamins and minerals you take in each day as a team designed to help you perform at your best. In order for the team to work properly, each team member must show up and do their job. Miss one component and it all works inefficiently and tends to break down.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium helps the body break down and metabolize foods by helping the other minerals you take in do their job. It’s a team player that is a vital component to your body’s metabolism.

9. Improved Nervous System

Your nervous system benefits greatly from regular consumption of foods rich in potassium. You may not be able to spot this benefit when you start getting more potassium, but running a shortage of potassium will produce symptoms that are identifiable.

This is a complex system that is responsible for sending signals throughout your body, and helping you interact with the world around you. It’s not something we generally give much attention to, and if you treat it right with adequate potassium from the foods you eat, it will treat you better in return.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium gets your nervous system to function the way it should by helping the tissues in your body on a cellular level. When your nervous system is happy, you’ll find that your health and wellbeing improve over time.

10. Prevents Muscle Cramps

One sign that you might be low on potassium is that your muscles are cramping for no apparent reason. If you’ve overused a muscle and it cramps up on you, that is understable, and may not be the result of too little potassium. But if you experience muscle cramps in muscles that haven’t been pushed to their max, you may want to put some attention on your potassium intake.

Muscle cramps may not be a huge problem, but preventing them with potassium is easy enough. Muscle cramps and twitches can also be used as an early sign that your potassium levels are low. Take action to correct this imbalance and you should see an improvement in symptoms.

How Potassium Helps: Potassium keeps muscles from cramping by helping the tissues relax. When you get an unexplained muscle cramp be sure to up your potassium intake and see if that makes it go away.

Potassium in diet

Potassium is a mineral that your body needs to work properly. It is a type of electrolyte.


Potassium is a very important mineral for the human body.

Your body needs potassium to:

  • Build proteins
  • Break down and use carbohydrates
  • Build muscle
  • Maintain normal body growth
  • Control the electrical activity of the heart
  • Control the acid-base balance

Food Sources

Food Sources has been expanded.

Many foods contain potassium. All meats (red meat and chicken) and fish, such as salmon, cod, flounder, and sardines, are good sources of potassium. Soy products and veggie burgers are also good sources of potassium.

Vegetables, including broccoli, peas, lima beans, tomatoes, potatoes (particularly their skins), sweet potatoes, and winter squash are all good sources of potassium.

Fruits that contain significant amounts of potassium include citrus fruits, cantaloupe, bananas, kiwi, prunes, and apricots. Dried apricots contain more potassium than fresh apricots.

Milk, yogurt, and nuts are also excellent sources of potassium.

People with kidney problems, particularly those on dialysis, should not eat too many potassium-rich foods. Your health care provider will recommend a special diet.

Side Effects

Side Effects has been expanded.

Having too much or too little potassium in your body can cause serious health problems.

A low blood level of potassium is called hypokalemia. It can cause weak muscles, abnormal heart rhythms, and a slight rise in blood pressure. You may have hypokalemia if you:

  • Take diuretics (water pills) to treat high blood pressure or heart failure
  • Take too many laxatives
  • Have severe or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea
  • Have certain kidney or adrenal gland disorders

Too much potassium in the blood is known as hyperkalemia. It may cause abnormal and dangerous heart rhythms. Some common causes include:

  • Poor kidney function
  • Heart medicines called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin 2 receptor blockers (ARBs)
  • Potassium-sparing diuretics (water pills) such as spironolactone or amiloride
  • Severe infection


Recommendations has been expanded.

The Food and Nutrition Center of the Institute of Medicine recommends these dietary intakes for potassium, based on age:


  • 0 to 6 months: 400 milligrams a day (mg/day)
  • 7 to 12 months: 860 mg/day


  • 1 to 3 years: 2000 mg/day
  • 4 to 8 years: 2300 mg/day
  • 9 to 13 years: 2300 mg/day (female) and 2500 mg/day (male)
  • 14 to 18 years: 2300 mg/day (female) and 3000 mg/day (male)


  • Age 19 years and older: 2600 mg/day (female) and 3400 mg/day (male)

Women who are pregnant or producing breast milk need slightly higher amounts (2600 to 2900 mg/day and 2500 to 2800 mg/day respectively). Ask your provider what amount is best for you.

People who are being treated for hypokalemia may need potassium supplements. Your provider will develop a supplementation plan based on your specific needs.

Note: If you have kidney disease or other long-term (chronic) illnesses, it is important that you talk to your provider before taking potassium supplements.

Alternative Names

Alternative Names has been expanded.

Diet - potassium; Hyperkalemia - potassium in the diet; Hypokalemia - potassium in the diet; Chronic kidney disease - potassium in diet; Kidney failure - potassium in diet


References has been expanded.

Mozaffarian D. Nutrition and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In: Zipes DP, Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann, DL, Tomaselli GF, Braunwald E, eds. Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 49.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine website. Dietary reference intakes for sodium and potassium (2019). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi.org/10.17226/25353. Accessed June 30, 2020.

Ramu A, Neild P. Diet and nutrition. In: Naish J, Syndercombe Court D, eds. Medical Sciences. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019:chap 16.

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