Monday, March 1, 2021

There Are 4 Types Of Intuition: Which Are You Dominant In?


All of us have been at least a little bit intuitive. And just as there are varying degrees of intuition, there are also different types of it—four types, in fact, known as the four "clairs." 

Someone with very strong intuition may actually experience all four clairs, though one or two will dominate for most people. So, if you're wondering which type of intuition you have,  here is a quiz to help you start to figure it out. But first, a bit on the four clairs.

1. Clairaudience

Clairaudience sounds like someone talking in your mind. Unlike a tormenting voice that may be present in someone with a mental illness, clairaudient messages are calm and clear. As an example, say you're driving down an unfamiliar road and you're not sure where to go. As you approach an intersection, you hear "turn right." That would be clairaudience.

2. Clairvoyance

Where someone who is clairaudient hears messages, those who are clairvoyant see them. It can look like a flash of a mental image or scene and is often symbolic or metaphorical. Perhaps you meet up with a friend and you see an image of them standing in the rain, unhappily. You would know that something must be bothering them.

3. Clairsentien

Clairsentience is actually the most common of the clairs, and it involves feelings: physical feelings, emotional feelings, or energetic feelings. People who are clairsentient often get a lot of gut feelings—literal intuitive hits they can feel in their gut, whether it's a sinking pit in your stomach, butterflies, or a warm and fuzzy feeling. Clairsentient folks may also be able to pick up on other people's energies, feeling them for themselves.

4. Claircognizance

And lastly, claircognizance involves thoughts that seem to just drop into your head. Unlike clairaudience, you don't actually "hear" them. Suddenly, you just know. Many people call these bursts of intuition "downloads" because of the way they seem to just appear in the mind, as if from somewhere else. Claircognizance happens whenever you feel some instantaneous insight or knowledge about yourself, another person, a particular situation, and so on.

A quiz to find out your dominant source of intuition.


What kind of intuitive are you?

Q1/5. You're about to go into a job interview and your intuition is telling you it's going to go well. What do you experience?

• A calm voice reassuring you, "This is the job."

• An image of yourself planting in a garden of fertile soil, or something else positive.

• You feel really relaxed and at home in the office.

• You suddenly get a great idea about a point to make in the interview.

Q2/5. Your night flight is delayed and you're trying to decide whether to stick around for a later flight or go to a hotel. You decide on the hotel because:

• You had a sudden breakthrough that the hotel just made more sense and you're not questioning it.

• You heard your intuition tell you the word, "Go."

• The airport is making you feel anxious. 

• You saw an image of yourself enjoying a bubble bath at the hotel.


You recently started dating someone and your intuition is giving you good signs. Which of these sounds most likely?

•  You hear a voice say, "they're a good one" or " you can trust them."

•  You see the images of two of  you together in future, laughing and enjoying each other's company

You have an a-ha thought about what to do on your next date, which tells you that you into them. 

You get feel-good chills when you look at them or find something you have in common. 


You're at a party and your intuition is telling you it's time to go. How is it telling you?

• You hear your intuition say, "No one will be upset with you if your need to go."

• You see yourself sitting by your fireplace, resting, enjoying alone time.

• You energy is very low and you feel tired, maybe a little depressed.

• Suddenly you feel something like "This is a great time for me to have my apartment to myself if I leave now."


You think you want to go somewhere specific for vacation but you want to ask your intuition. How do you know it's a yes?

• You suddenly think of all the fun things you could do in this particular destination.

• You feel very excited and high energy when you see pictures of this destination. 

• When you think of this destination, you see yourself on your favorite vacation of the past, indicating that this too would be a great trip. 

• You hear a voice say. 
"You'd love it there."

Result: You're clairaudient.
Clairaudience sounds like someone talking in your mind. Unlike a tormenting voice that may be present in someone with a mental illness, clairaudient messages are calm and clear. As an example, say you're driving down an unfamiliar road and you're not sure where to go. As you approach an intersection, you hear " turn right." That would be clairaudience.

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Result: You're clairsentient.

Clairsentience is the most common of the clairs. Those who are clairsentient receive intuition through physical feelings, emotional feelings, or even energetic feelings. People who are clairsentient often get a lot of gut feelings—literal intuitive hits they can feel in their gut, whether it's a sinking pit in your stomach, butterflies, or a warm and fuzzy feeling.

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