Sunday, February 2, 2025

有三种男人 是受老天保护的

 There are three kinds of men; 

They are protected by God

有三种男人  是受老天保护的

Yǒusān zhǒng nánrén  shì shòu lǎo tiān bǎohù de


Kàn yī kàn yǒu méiyǒu nǐ

Take a look , whether you are there

如果有的活 Rúguǒ yǒu de huó

If there is ...

1. 第一种 Dì yī zhǒng

The first type

只付出不求回报的男人 Zhǐ fùchū bù qiú huíbào de nánrén

Man who just gives without asking for anything in return

很多人以为他们是傻 Hěnduō rén yǐwéi tāmen shì shǎ 

Many people think they are stupid.

但其实这种男人 Dàn qíshí zhè zhǒng nánrén

But in fact, this kind of man

是真正大智慧. Shì zhēnzhèng dà zhìhuì.

It is truly great wisdom.

因为他们的回报 Yīnwèi tāmen de huíbào

Because their rewards

往往不在生活 Wǎngwǎng bùzài shēnghuó

Often not in life

而在功德 Ér zài gōngdé

But in merit

因为他们的回报往往不在生活而在功德 Yīnwèi tāmen de huí fù wǎngwǎng bùzài shēnghuó ér zài gōngdé 

Because their rewards are often not in life but in merit.

2. 第二种 Dì èr zhǒng 

The second type

经历过低谷 Jīnglìguò dīgǔ

Experienced lows

却依旧真诚善良的男人  Què yījiù zhēnchéng shànliáng de nánrén 

But still a sincere and kind man.

这种男人 Zhè zhǒng nánrén

This kind of man 

命中注定是要翻身的 Mìngzhòng zhùdìng shì yào fānshēn de

destined to turn over 

古人说厚德载物 Gǔrén shuō hòu dé zǎi wù The ancients said that virtue can carry all things.

说的就是只有好的德行 Shuō de jiùshì zhǐyǒu hǎo de déxíng

That is to say, it means only good virtues

才会承载起最大的福报 Cái huì chéngzài qǐ zuìdà de fú bào

Only then can you bear the greatest blessing.









The second type ,

A man who has experienced a low point 

but is still sincere and kind .

This kind of man 

is destined to turn things around.

The ancients said that virtue can carry all things 

which means that only good virtues 

can carry the greatest blessings.

第二种 经历过低谷 却依旧真诚善良的男人  这种男人 命中注定是要翻身的 古人说厚德载物 说的就是只有好的德行 才会承载起最大的福报 Dì èr zhǒng jīnglìguò dīgǔ què yījiù zhēnchéng shànliáng de nánrén  zhè zhǒng nánrén mìngzhòng zhùdìng shì yào fānshēn de gǔrén shuō hòu dé zǎi wù shuō de jiùshì zhǐyǒu hǎo de déxíng cái huì chéngzài qǐ zuìdà de fú bào.

The second type is a man who has experienced lows but is still sincere and kind. This kind of man is destined to turn things around. The ancients said that virtue can carry all things. This means that only good virtues can carry the greatest blessings.

3. 最后 一 种是有灵性的男人 Zuìhòu yī zhǒng shì yǒu língxìng de nánrén

The last type is a spiritual man

这种男人 Zhè zhǒng nánrén

This kind of man

你乔要觉得他善良 . 心软就好欺负

Nǐ qiáo yào juédé tā shànliáng. Xīnruǎn jiù hǎo qīfù

You think he is kind. He is easy to bully because he is soft-hearted.

他可是跟所有人都不样 Tā kěshì gēn suǒyǒu rén dōu bù yàng

He is different from everyone else.

这种智慧是通过 Zhè zhǒng zhìhuì shì tōngguò 

This wisdom is achieved through

生活里的苦长出来的 Shēnghuó lǐ de kǔ zhǎng chūlái de

the bitterness of life grows out of

那种艰苦 Nà zhǒng jiānkǔ

that kind of hardship

就是换一个人 Jiùshì huàn yīgè rén

Just change someone

未心能够挺得过来 Wèi xīn nénggòu tǐng dé guòlái

I don't know if I can survive.

但他不但挺得过来 Dàn tā bùdàn tǐng dé guòlái

But he not only survived

而且还守得生自己的善良 Érqiě hái shǒu dé shēng zìjǐ de shànliáng

And also keep his own kindness.

那这样的男人 Nà zhèyàng de nánrén

That kind of man

可谓是人间难得 Kěwèi shì rénjiān nándé

It is rare in the world

这种男人 Zhè zhǒng nán rén

This kind of man,

说的是你吗 Shuō de shì nǐ ma?

is it talking about you ?


最后 一 种是有灵性的男人 这种男人 你乔要觉得他善良 . 心软就好欺负他可是跟所有人都不样 这种智慧是通过  那种艰苦 就是换一个人 未心能够挺得过来但他不但挺得过来而且还守得生自己的善良那这样的男人 可谓是人间难得 这种男人 说的是你吗. 

Zuìhòu yī zhǒng shì yǒu língxìng de nánrén zhè zhǒng nánrén nǐ qiáo yào juédé tā shànliáng. Xīnruǎn jiù hǎo qīfù tā kěshì gēn suǒyǒu rén dōu bù yàng zhè zhǒng zhìhuì shì tōngguò nà zhǒng jiānkǔ jiùshì huàn yīgè rén wèi xīn nénggòu tǐng dé guòlái dàn tā bùdàn tǐng dé guòlái érqiě hái shǒu dé shēng zìjǐ de shànliáng nà zhèyàng de nánrén kěwèi shì rénjiān nándé zhè zhǒng nánrén shuō de shì nǐ ma.

The last type is a spiritual man. If you think he is kind and soft-hearted, you will bully him. But he is different from everyone else. This wisdom is gained through hardship. If it were someone else, he would not be able to survive. But he not only survived, but also kept his kindness. Such a man is rare in the world. Is this man you?

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