Friday, February 14, 2025

Jesus Christ Great Physician Heals You And All

 Jesus Christ be your physician tonight.  Invite him to come and heal you while you sleep. As we prepare to sleep we invite God to manifest his goodness and peace in our hearts. In this tranquil and undisturbed night we pray for God to manifest his protection over us, keeping us safe through the night. May his peace which surpasses all understanding fill our hearts and calm any anxieties or fears. When life hits you with the unexpected whether it's a troubling health report, mounting bills or an unforeseen crisis, it can feel overwhelming and disorienting in those moments. Everything can seem out of control and we can quickly find ourselves gripped by fear, anxiety or confusion. The future suddenly feels uncertain and we may even question how we'll make it through. But in the midst of the chaos, our response is crucial. It's in these difficult times that our faith is tested and it's also in these moments that God invites us to trust him in a deeper way. We are called to put our full trust in God's wisdom, even when the path ahead seems unclear. His Word assures us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own  understanding; in all your ways, submit to him and he will make your paths straight. It's easy to rely on our own strength, our own resources, or our own ability to figure things out, but God calls us to something greater. Let us lean into his wisdom, knowing that he sees the bigger picture; something we cannot fully understand from our limited perspective. His ways are higher, his thoughts are deeper and his plans are always for our for good. Remember, God doesn't expect us to have all the answers but he does ask that we trust him with the questions. And when we do trust him , he is faithful to  respond. He is faithful to guide us, provide for us and give us peace that transcends all understanding in the midst of uncertainty. He becomes our stability. His peace doesn't come from  the absence of problems but from his presence in the midst of them. When we lean on his understanding, he will lead us to solutions, give us wisdom for our decisions and provide us with the strength we need to keep going when life doesn't go as planned and things seem out of our control. Remember that God is with you. He has never left you and will never forsake you. His wisdom will lead you through the  storm and his peace will guard your heart and mind. You don't have to have  all the answers or know every step ahead. You trust that God is working in ways you can't always see and lean on him with full assurance that his plan for you is perfect. He is faithful and his love never fails. 

 🙏 Now let us pray:  Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a humble  heart asking for your grace to cover us all. There is someone listening who has been betrayed and I pray that you would heal their wounded heart. Let them know that you will never abandon them, that you are with them through every trial. For those who have been hurt by cruel or hurtful words, l ask that your  healing hand touch every wound whether it came from an enemy, a friend or even a loved one. Heal the pain, Divine Lord, and restore peace to every heart that has been broken by words of malice or anger. Help us Holy Father to forgive those who have hurt us; to let go of bitterness, jealousy and hate. Replace these emotions with your love and grace. Teach us to love as you have loved us. Help us to live by your Word which calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. May we be vessels of your love and compassion reflecting your light in a world that desperately needs it. We surrender all our hurts to you, oh Lord, and trust that you will make us whole again according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails, but where there are prophecies, they will cease: where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is  knowledge, it will pass away. Lord Jesus grant us this kind of love in our hearts when others wrong us or speak  negatively about us. Help us to respond not with anger but with love. Fill us with grace so that we can forgive and show kindness even when we are hurt. Teach  us to love as you have loved us; without conditions or limitations. Let our actions  reflect your love so that others may see your grace in us. King Jesus, I lift up every person listening to this prayer, asking for your healing touch for those who feel rejected and unwanted. I pray that you would heal every wound of betrayal and bring them comfort. For those who have heard cruel and hurtful words, may you heal every ear that has been affected. For those whose spirits are low and heavy, I ask that you would lift them up and remove their burdens. God our Father, I pray that you uproot every root of bitterness and  resentment in our hearts. Help us to release the memories tied to toxic  emotions and grant us the strength to practice  forgiveness. Fill us with grace to love  genuinely as your Word commands in Romans 12:9-12, love must be sincere, hate what is evil, cling to what is good, be devoted to one another in love, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Oh Lord, help us to love without hypocrisy, to cling to what is good and to honor one another above ourselves. Empower us to serve you with zeal and to live out your love in every interaction. Thank you, divine Father, for hearing this prayer. I trust in your power to heal and transform. May the blood of Jesus cover us and bring us peace in Jesus name, amen 🙏. 

Jesus is here, right at this very moment, waiting for you to hand over all your worries, pains and fears. You are not  alone, you never have been. Sometimes life circumstances make us feel as if we`re walking through a dark valley but we want to remind you that even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil because he is with you. That promises for you today. Maybe you have felt worn out as if your strength is fading but today we invite you to draw strength from the one who never grows weary. Jesus is waiting for you to release everything that burdens you. He is your strength, your refuge in times of trouble. You don't need to carry your problems alone. For he has already  promised to be with you. Healing begins when we stop relying on our own strength and start depending on the grace and power of God. No matter what kind of pain you're facing, Jesus has already won that battle for you. Today is the day you begin to walk in that victory. Perhaps the doctors have said there is no solution. Maybe you've received a diagnosis that fills you with fear but we want you to remember that Jesus has the final word. For Jesus,  nothing is impossible. When the world says there is no hope. Jesus says, "Yes, there is hope in me." At this moment, we want you to do something important. Breathe deeply and as you do, think of each area in your life that needs healing. As you exhale, imagine Jesus taking those burdens. Working in your life in ways you cannot see but are very real. Jesus is saying to you today, do not be afraid. Just believe. Only believe all things are possible . Mark 5:36 these words are not just for biblical times. They are for you in this very  moment. Faith moves mountains and we know there is a mountain you need moved in your life. That mountain could be fear, illness, or doubt. But Jesus can remove it if you  decide to trust him completely. Don't let despair take root in your heart. God has promised that those who hope in him will renew their  strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint. This is the promise we encourage you to  embrace today. If you feel like your strength has run out, you're in the right place. Because when we acknowledge our weakness, it is then that God's power is made perfect. It's not in your own  capabilities that you will find healing, but in his infinite mercy. Jesus never promised we wouldn't face challenges but he did promise he would be with us through them. Today, we ask you to trust in his presence, to seek Him in every moment of uncertainty. He will not only heal you physically but he will also bring peace to your mind and restoration to your heart. If you haven't already, we invite you to leave the name of the person who needs healing in the comments. Together we will pray for them because when we unite in faith, powerful things happen. Jesus is attentive to every word we say, to very request we make. We know that some of you are facing enormous challenges right now. It might be a terminal illness or a diagnosis that changed your life. But we want you to remember that Lord  Jesus is still the same. He is still performing miracles. He is still healing what he did for others. He will also do for you today. As you're here praying and  believing, we want you to visualize yourself healed.filled with life and hope because that is God's will for you. He didn't create you to live in anguish but to have an abundant life. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us, I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. That promise is not only for heaven, it's for here and now. Jesus wants you to live fully to experience his peace, his joy and his healing today. We invite you not only to ask for your healing but also to thank God for everything he has already done for you. Gratitude opens doors that fear and doubt close. When you thank God for what he has already started, even if you can't see it right away,  you're  showing your faith in his power and goodness. So. in this  moment, give thanks for the healing that's coming, for the relief you will feel, for the restoration that God is already working in your life. Philippians 4: 6-7 tells us, do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with  thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which  transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. This peace is the peace that surpasses all understanding is what I wish for you today. Even when the  world around you feels chaotic, Jesus is your peace. Sometimes, the pain we face isn’t  just physical. It can be emotional pain, too. The wounds of the soul are deep and hard to heal, but today we want you to know that Jesus also wants to heal those parts of you. He knows every tear you've shed, every night you felt  alone. And he promises that he is with you that he will never leave nor forsake you. If you felt broken inside, this is the moment to hand those pieces over to Jesus. He is the Potter who can reshape you. He can restore everything that has been broken. No matter how broken you feel, there is nothing that Jesus cannot heal. His love is greater than any pain and his power is stronger than any wound. Remember that when you give Jesus your burdens, he doesn't just carry them. Htransforms them. What was once pain becomes testimony. What was once fear becomes  confidence. In this moment, allow him to transform everything that has hurt you, everything that has kept you bound because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. The enemy will try to fill you with doubt, making you think you don't deserve a miracle or that you aren't strong enough to overcome it. But today, we want to tell you that you are not alone in this battle. Jesus is fighting for you. He is with you and in him you are more than a conqueror. Brothers and sisters, we know some of you have been praying for a miracle for a long time and perhaps you're beginning to lose hope but we want to remind you of something. God does not forget his  promises. He hears every prayer, he sees every tear and even when it doesn't seem like it, he is working in your life at this very moment. Jesus taught us the  importance of persistence in prayer. In Luke 18, he speaks of the widow who  insisted until she received. Today, we invite you to keep insisting, to keep believing. Don't let time extinguish your faith because God has something  wonderful prepared for you. Sometimes the miracle doesn't come in the way we expect but it always comes. God does not forget his children and what he has for you is greater than you can imagine.   Trust that he is preparing something special for you. Something beyond your  expectations. Jesus loves you with a love that has no end. He sees you, he knows you and is working in every area of your life today. As you continue listening to this prayer we want you to feel his presence, his peace and his power. He is with you and will never leave you. Jesus is still working on you in this moment. His love and mercy are  surrounding you. And we want you to remember that he is the same yesterday, today and forever. What he did for others, he will also do for you. He has already seen each of your longings, each of your concerns and has  prepared something special for you. Don't despair. For his plan is perfect and today is a day of healing, restoration and miracles. Sometimes miracles are not immediate but that doesn't mean they aren't happening. God always works in  his time. A time that is different from ours but is the best. If  you've ever felt  impatient or frustrated, we invite you to hand those feelings over to Jesus, right  now. Let him fill you with peace as you wait for the fruit of patience brings  blessings. Cry out for Jesus healing  tonight. Deliverance from all evil that makes you sick. Let it be, dear God, today we ask for healing in Jesus' name. We believe that when we come together, in your name, you are with us. We agree that whatever we ask for in agreement will be done. We pray for those readers here asking for healing from any sickness they may be facing. Thank you God for sending your healing power to those listening, rescuing them from harm. We trust that Jesus has already  paid the price for their healing. Jesus the Word incarnate who lived among us, took on their pains and illnesses. He was pierced for their wrongdoing and crushed for their sins. He bore the punishment for their well-being and through his wounds they find healing. In the Book of James it's stated that the prayer offered in faith will bring healing to the sick and the Lord will raise them up.  We pray that they possess the mindset of Christ and we connect their thoughts, feelings and intentions to you. Every negative and ungodly aspect of their life attitudes,  addictions, ideas, desires, habits, behaviors and beliefs we bring before you, setting them free from their grip in Jesus's name. We release them from any negative strongholds and break their power over the listener's life. May the  angels of God who serve as ministering Spirits go forth to protect and provide for those who are listening, supplying all they need to walk in victory. We acknowledge that the power of the enemy is no match for the indwelling presence of the Lord in those people who hear and agree with this prayer. They are delivered from the influences of this corrupt world and the darkness that seeks to hold them captive. Heavenly Father, may your love overflow into every part of the lives of those who are listening. In your love, fear has no place. You grant them your peace and protection. Enveloping them wherever they may go, on land, in water or in the air.  Lord, we pray that you fill those who are  listening with your love, peace, spirit of wisdom, revelation and understanding in Jesus name. Thank you Lord for redeeming the listener from the grasp of Satan through the blood of Jesus. By Jesus' blood they are justified and made righteous, belonging wholly to you. The listener has been broken free from the devil's traps and no longer remains  captive. May they now walk in accordance with your will. They will honor and praise you in every aspect of their being; spirit, soul and body. Thank you Father for sending Jesus Christ to dismantle the works of the devil by his name. The devil's schemes are nullified in the lives of those who listen. We trust that those who are listening will thrive and enjoy good health just as their inner selves flourish. We believe and accept healing for all sickness, thanking you wholeheartedly in the powerful name of Jesus, hallelujah! amen. 

耶稣基督今晚是你的医生。请他在你睡觉时来治愈你。当我们准备入睡时,我们邀请上帝在我们心中展现他的善良与平和。在这个宁静无扰的夜晚,我们祈求上帝保护我们,保佑我们平安度过夜晚。愿他超越一切理解的平静充满我们的心,平息任何焦虑或恐惧。当生活给你带来意想不到的事情时,无论是令人不安的健康报告、堆积如山的账单还是一场无法预料的危机,在那些时刻,你都会感到不知所措和迷失方向。一切似乎都失控了,我们很快就会发现自己被恐惧、焦虑或困惑所笼罩。未来突然变得不确定,我们甚至会质疑我们将如何度过难关。但在混乱中,我们的反应至关重要。正是在这些困难时期,我们的信仰受到了考验,也是在这些时刻,上帝邀请我们更深刻地信任他。 我们被要求完全信靠上帝的智慧,即使前方的道路看起来不明朗。他在箴言 3:5-6 中向我们保证,你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明,在你一切所行的事上都要认定他,他必指引你的路。我们很容易依靠自己的力量、资源或能力来解决问题,但上帝呼唤我们去做更伟大的事情。让我们依靠他的智慧,知道他能看到更大的图景;这是我们从有限的视角无法完全理解的。他的道路更高尚,他的思想更深邃,他的计划总是为了我们好。记住,上帝并不期望我们知道所有的答案,但他要求我们相信他,把问题交给他。当我们信任他时,他会忠实地回应我们。他忠实地引导我们,供养我们,并在充满不确定性的环境中给予我们超越一切理解的平安。他成为我们的稳定源泉。他的平安不是来自于没有问题,而是来自于他在问题中的存在。 当我们依靠他的理解时,他将引导我们找到解决方案,给我们做决定的智慧,并在生活不如意、事情似乎失控时为我们提供继续前行所需的力量。记住,上帝与你同在。他从未离开过你,也永远不会抛弃你。他的智慧将引领你度过风暴,他的平安将守护你的心灵。你不必知道所有的答案,也不必知道前面的每一步。你相信上帝以你无法总是看到的方式工作,并完全相信他为你制定的计划是完美的。他是忠实的,他的爱永不失败。🙏 现在让我们祈祷:亲爱的天父,我怀着谦卑的心来到你面前,祈求你的恩典覆盖我们所有人。有人在听,他被背叛了,我祈祷你能治愈他们受伤的心。让他们知道你永远不会抛弃他们,你会陪着他们度过每一个考验。 对于那些被残忍或伤人的话语所伤害的人,我祈求你用治愈之手触摸每一个伤口,无论它来自敌人、朋友甚至是爱人。神圣的主,治愈痛苦,让每一颗被恶意或愤怒的话语所伤的心恢复平静。圣父啊,帮助我们原谅那些伤害过我们的人;放下苦毒、嫉妒和仇恨。用你的爱和恩典取代这些情绪。教我们像你爱我们一样去爱。帮助我们按照你的圣言生活,爱邻居如同爱自己。愿我们成为你的爱和同情的容器,在这个迫切需要它的世界中反射你的光芒。主啊,我们将所有的伤痛都交给你,并相信你会按照哥林多前书 13:4-8 使我们再次完整; 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱不嫉妒,爱不自夸,不张狂,不羞辱人,不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理。爱是凡事包容,凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐。爱是永不止息。先知讲道之时,先知讲道之时便止息;方言之时,方言止息;知识之时,知识必消失。主耶稣,当别人冤枉我们或说我们坏话时,求祢在我们心中赐予这种爱。帮助我们用爱而不是愤怒来回应。让我们充满恩典,这样我们即使在受到伤害时也能原谅并表现出仁慈。教我们去爱,就像您爱我们一样;没有条件或限制。让我们的行为反映出您的爱,这样别人才能在我们身上看到您的恩典。君王耶稣,我举起每一个听到这个祷告的人,祈求您治愈那些感到被拒绝和不受欢迎的人。 我祈祷你能治愈每一个背叛的伤口并给他们带来安慰。对于那些听到残忍伤人的话语的人,愿您治愈每一只受影响的耳朵。对于那些精神低落的人,我请求您鼓舞他们,卸下他们的负担。天父啊,我祈求您连根拔除我们心中的苦毒和怨恨。帮助我们释放与有毒情绪相关的记忆,并赋予我们力量去实践宽恕。让我们充满恩典,让我们真诚地去爱,正如您在罗马书 12:9-12 中命令的那样,爱必须是真诚的,恨恶邪恶,坚持善良,在爱中彼此忠诚,在指望中要喜乐,在患难中要忍耐,在祷告中要忠诚。哦,主啊,帮助我们去爱,不要虚伪,坚持善良,尊重彼此。赋予我们力量,让我们热情地为您服务,并在每一次互动中活出您的爱。感谢您,神圣的父亲,听到这个祷告。我相信你治愈和改变的力量。 愿耶稣的宝血遮盖我们,奉耶稣的名带给我们平安,阿门🙏。

耶稣就在这里,就在此刻,等待你交出你所有的忧虑、痛苦和恐惧。你并不孤单。你从来都不是。有时,生活的境遇会让我们感觉好像我们正在走过一个黑暗的山谷,但我们想提醒你,即使你走过死亡阴影的山谷,你也不会害怕邪恶,因为他与你同在。这是今天对你的承诺。也许你已经感到疲惫不堪,好像你的力量正在消退,但今天,我们邀请你从永不疲倦的人那里汲取力量。耶稣在等你释放所有让你负担的东西。他是你的力量,是你遇到麻烦时的避难所。你不需要独自面对你的问题。因为他已经承诺与你同在。当我们不再依靠自己的力量,开始依靠上帝的恩典和力量时,治愈就开始了。无论你面临什么样的痛苦,耶稣已经为你赢得了那场战斗。 今天是你开始走向胜利的日子。也许医生说没有解决办法。也许你得到的诊断让你充满恐惧,但我们希望你记住,耶稣有最终决定权。对耶稣来说,没有什么是不可能的。当世界说没有希望时。耶稣说:“是的,我心中有希望。”此时此刻,我们希望你做一些重要的事情。深呼吸,同时想想你生活中需要治愈的每个方面。呼气时,想象耶稣承担这些负担。以你看不到但非常真实的方式影响你的生活。耶稣今天对你说:“不要害怕。”只要相信。只要相信一切皆有可能。马可福音 5:36 这些话不只是适用于圣经时代。它们适用于你此刻。信念可以移山,我们知道你的生活中有一座山需要移开。那座山可能是恐惧、疾病或怀疑。但如果你决定完全信任耶稣,他可以把它移走。不要让绝望在你心中扎根。 上帝承诺,那些希望他的人将重新获得力量;他们将像鹰一样展翅高飞;他们奔跑却不疲倦;他们行走却不疲乏。这是我们今天鼓励您接受的承诺。如果您觉得自己的力量已经耗尽,那么您来对地方了。当我们承认自己的弱点时,上帝的力量就会变得完美。您不是靠自己的能力找到治愈的,而是靠他无限的仁慈。耶稣从未承诺我们不会面临挑战,但他确实承诺过他会与我们同在。今天,我们请您相信他的存在,在每个不确定的时刻寻求他。他不仅会治愈您的身体,还会给您的心灵带来平静,让您的心灵恢复活力。如果您还没有这样做,我们邀请您在评论中留下需要治愈的人的名字。我们将一起为他们祈祷,因为当我们团结一致时,就会发生强大的事情。耶稣会留意我们说的每一个字,以及我们提出的每一个要求。 我们知道你们中的一些人现在正面临着巨大的挑战。这可能是绝症,也可能是改变了你生活的诊断。但我们希望你记住,主耶稣仍然是一样的。他仍在创造奇迹。他仍在治愈他为他人所做的一切。他今天也会为你这样做。当你在这里祈祷和相信时,我们希望你能想象自己痊愈并充满生命和希望,因为这是上帝对你的旨意。他创造你不是让你生活在痛苦中,而是让你过上富足的生活。在约翰福音 10:10 中,耶稣告诉我们,“我来了,是要叫人得生命,并且得的更丰盛。”这个承诺不仅是为了天堂。它是为了此时此地。耶稣希望你今天充分地生活,体验他的平安、他的喜乐和他的医治。我们邀请您不仅祈求治愈,也感谢上帝为您所做的一切。感恩会打开恐惧和怀疑关闭的大门。当您感谢上帝已经开始的一切时,即使您不能马上看到,您也表明了对他的力量和美德的信心。所以,在这一刻,感谢即将到来的治愈,感谢您将感受到的解脱,感谢上帝已经在您的生活中所做的恢复。腓立比书 4:6-7 告诉我们,应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。这种出人意料的平安是我今天对您的祝愿。即使你周围的世界感到混乱,耶稣也是你的平安。 有时,我们面临的痛苦不仅仅是身体上的,也可能是情感上的。灵魂的伤口很深,难以愈合,但今天我们想让你知道,耶稣也想治愈你的这些部分。他知道你流过的每一滴眼泪,每个你感到孤独的夜晚。他承诺他与你同在,永不离开你,也不会抛弃你。如果你感到内心破碎,现在是时候把它们交给耶稣了。他是可以重塑你的陶工。他可以修复一切破碎的东西。不管你感觉多么破碎,没有什么是耶稣不能治愈的。他的爱大于任何痛苦,他的力量比任何伤口更强大。请记住,当你把你的重担交给耶稣时,他不只是背负它们,他还会改变它们。曾经的痛苦变成了见证。曾经的恐惧变成了信心。 此时此刻,让他改变所有伤害过你的、束缚过你的一切,因为哪里有主的精神,哪里就有自由。敌人会试图让你充满怀疑,让你觉得你不配拥有奇迹,或者你没有足够的力量去克服它。但是今天,我们想告诉你,你并不孤单。耶稣在为你而​​战。他与你同在,在他里面,你不仅仅是一个征服者。兄弟姐妹们,我们知道你们中的一些人已经祈求奇迹很久了,也许你们开始失去希望了,但我们想提醒你们一件事。上帝不会忘记他的承诺。他听到每一个祷告,他看到每一滴眼泪,即使当你看起来不像的时候,他此刻也在你的生命中工作。耶稣教导我们坚持祈祷的重要性。 在路加福音第 18 章中,他谈到了那个坚持到最后得偿的寡妇。今天,我们邀请你继续坚持,继续相信。不要让时间消灭你的信仰,因为上帝已经为你准备了美妙的东西。有时奇迹不会以我们期待的方式出现,但它总会出现。上帝不会忘记他的孩子,他为你准备的比你想象的还要多。相信他正在为你准备一些特别的东西。一些超出你预期的东西。耶稣对你的爱是无穷无尽的。他看见你,了解你,并在你今天生活的每个领域工作。当你继续聆听这个祷告时,我们希望你能感受到他的存在、他的平安和他的力量。他与你同在,永远不会离开你。耶稣此刻仍在为你工作。他的爱和怜悯围绕着你。我们希望你记住,他昨日、今日、一直到永远都是一样的。 他为别人所做的,也会为你做。他已看到你的每一个渴望、每一个顾虑,并为你准备了一些特别的东西。不要绝望。因为他的计划是完美的,今天是医治、恢复和奇迹的一天。有时奇迹不会立即发生,但这并不意味着它们不会发生。上帝总是在他的时间内工作。一个不同于我们的时间,但却是最好的时间。如果你曾经感到不耐烦或沮丧,我们邀请你现在就把这些感觉交给耶稣。让他在你等待忍耐的果实带来祝福的同时给你充满平安。今晚呼求耶稣的医治。从一切让你生病的邪恶中解脱出来。亲爱的上帝,愿它如此,今天我们奉耶稣的名祈求医治。我们相信,当我们以你的名义聚集在一起时,你与我们同在。 我们一致同意,凡是我们在协议中要求的事情都会得到实现。我们为那些在这里祈求治愈他们可能面临的疾病的读者祈祷。感谢上帝将你的治愈力量传递给那些听众,将他们从伤害中拯救出来。我们相信耶稣已经为他们的康复付出了代价。道成肉身的耶稣生活在我们中间,承担了他们的痛苦和疾病。他为他们的过犯被刺穿,为他们的罪恶被压伤。他为他们的福祉承担了惩罚,通过他的伤口,他们得到了治愈。在《雅各书》中,有人说,满怀信心的祈祷会给病人带来医治,主会让他们复活。我们祈祷他们拥有基督的心态,并将他们的思想、感受和意图与你联系起来。我们把他们生活中每一个消极和不敬虔的方面,包括态度、上瘾、想法、欲望、习惯、行为和信仰,都带到你面前,奉耶稣的名将他们从控制中释放出来。我们将他们从任何消极的堡垒中释放出来,打破他们对听众生活的控制。愿上帝的天使作为侍奉之灵出去保护和供养那些正在聆听的人,提供他们走向胜利所需的一切。 我们承认,敌人的力量无法与主在那些听到并同意这个祷告的人心中的存在相匹敌。他们摆脱了这个腐败世界的影响和试图囚禁他们的黑暗。天父,愿你的爱溢出到那些正在聆听的人生活的每个部分。在你的爱里,恐惧无处可去。你赐予他们平安和保护。无论他们去哪里,在陆地、水中或空中,你都保护着他们。主啊,我们祈求你以耶稣的名义用你的爱、平安、智慧的精神、启示和理解充满那些正在聆听的人。主啊,谢谢你通过耶稣的血将听众从撒旦的魔掌中救赎出来。靠着耶稣的血,他们被称义、成为义人,完全属于你。听众已经从魔鬼的陷阱中挣脱出来,不再被囚禁。愿他们现在按照你的意愿行事。 他们会从各个方面尊敬和赞美你:精神、灵魂和身体。谢谢您,天父,派遣耶稣基督以他的名义瓦解魔鬼的所作所为。魔鬼的阴谋在那些聆听的人的生活中被化解了。我们相信,那些聆听的人会茁壮成长并享受健康,就像他们的内心自我蓬勃发展一样。我们相信并接受所有疾病的治愈,以耶稣的大能之名全心全意地感谢您,哈利路亚!阿门。

As we prepare for rest, we come before God asking him to manifest his protection over us through the night. In this tranquil and undisturbed night, we pray for God to manifest his divine covering over our minds, bodies and  spirits. Surrounding us with his angels and shielding us from every attack may his presence be our stronghold keeping us safe and secure in his love. Heavenly Father in the precious and wonderful  name of your son, Jesus, we come  before you. Today, with hearts full of gratitude and praise, we thank you for the amazing opportunity to draw near to you, to call upon your name and to seek your face in prayer. You are the creator of all things.   The Sovereign Lord who holds the world in your hands and  yet you welcome us into your presence with open arms before we ask for  anything. We want to acknowledge your greatness, your goodness, and your  faithfulness. You are worthy of all honor  and praise. And we thank you for your unwavering love 

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