Monday, February 3, 2025

Morning Pray First "Lord I trust you with my day"

Lord, I trust you with my day ! Amen 🙏 

 Beloved, as the dawn breaks and the sun rises to illuminate the world we are  reminded of God's unending faithfulness. Every morning he grants us the gift of a new day, a fresh start, a renewed hope and another opportunity to walk in his Divine Purpose. This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice in, be glad in it, Psalm 118:4. As you take a deep breath and prepare to step into this day, I invite you to pause and reflect. God has given you this moment not just to exist but to thrive in his grace. You were not created by accident. There is a Divine assignment upon your life. The battles you face are not meant to destroy you but to shape you into the person God has destined you to be. That is why we begin each day in prayer aligning ourselves with the will of God, surrendering our worries and receiving his peace. Imagine waking up each morning not in fear or stress but in total confidence that the Almighty God walks before you making every crooked path straight, lsaiah 45:2. Imagine starting your day not with anxiety but with faith knowing that God has already provided for your needs. This is the power of morning prayer. When we start our day with God, we invite his presence to guide our steps, open doors no man can shut and protect us from unseen dangers. Jesus himself  demonstrated the importance of morning prayer. The Bible tells us in Mark 1:35, very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed. If Jesus, the son of God, needed to seek the Father in prayer every morning, how much more do we. My brother, my sister, do not rush into your day without first seeking the presence of the One True GOD, who holds the day in his hands. The enemy seeks to distract you. He wants to fill your mind with worries doubts and fears. He wants you to forget that you are more than a conqueror through Christ, Romans 8:37, but today we stand in faith. Today, we declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, Isaiah 54:17. Today, we Proclaim that the Lord is Our Shepherd and we shall lack nothing, Psalm 23:1. Today, we commit to seeking God first knowing that all other things will be added unto us, Matthew 6:33.  Right now, I want you to write, Lord, I trust you with my day  Say it with boldness let your words be a declaration of Faith. The Bible says  in Proverbs 18: 21, death and life are in the power of the tongue. What you speak has the power to shape your reality when you declare, "Lord, I trust you with my day!" You are choosing Faith over fear. You are choosing Divine Alignment over human  worry you are choosing to walk in the Promises of God rather than the uncertainties of the world so go ahead type it out, Lord I trust you with my day. and as you write it, share this message with someone who needs encouragement. Today, someone in your life is battling anxiety, feeling lost or struggling doubt. You be the vessel that brings them back to God's presence. Let this be more than just another morning. Let now be the start of Spiritual  Awakening in your life and the lives of those around you.

Now, You Be strong and courageous ...


Heavenly Father, thank You for the

gift of today. I know that without

You, I'd be lost. Please forgive my

mistakes and calm my mind. Кeep

me safe and let Your light shine

through me so I can be a blessing to

others. May You grant me faith and

strength, guide me on the path of

holiness so that I can be in line with

Your will and be with You forever.

May February 2025 bring new joy

and opportunities to all. Lord, I love

You, and God's blessings along with

Me! with others. Amen 🙏 


Zhǔ a, wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ huì gěi wǒ yītiān! Āmén 🙏

亲爱的,当黎明破晓,太阳升起照亮世界时,我们就会想起上帝永恒的信实。每天早晨,他都会赐予我们新的一天、新的开始、新的希望和另一个机会去实现他的神圣目的。这是主创造的日子,我们将在其中欢喜快乐,诗篇 118:4。当你深吸一口气,准备踏入这一天时,我邀请你停下来思考。上帝给你这一刻不仅仅是为了生存,更是为了让你在他的恩典中茁壮成长。你不是偶然被创造的。你的生命中肩负着神圣的任务。你所面临的战斗不是要摧毁你,而是要把你塑造成上帝注定要你成为的人。 这就是为什么我们每天以祷告开始,顺服上帝的旨意,放下我们的忧虑,接受他的平安。想象一下,每天早晨醒来时,你没有恐惧或压力,而是完全相信全能的上帝走在你前面,修直每条弯曲的道路,以赛亚书45:2。想象一下,你不是带着焦虑开始新的一天,而是带着信心开始新的一天,知道上帝已经满足了你的需要。这就是晨祷的力量。当我们以上帝开始新的一天时,我们邀请他的存在来引导我们的脚步,打开无人能关上的门,保护我们免受看不见的危险。耶稣自己就证明了晨祷的重要性。圣经在马可福音1:35告诉我们,清晨,天还黑的时候,耶稣起来,离开家,到旷野去祷告。 如果上帝之子耶稣需要每天早晨在祈祷中寻求天父,那么我们更需要这样做。我的弟兄,我的姐妹,在开始新的一天之前,不要先寻求唯一真神的存在,他掌握着这一天。敌人试图分散你的注意力。他想让你的头脑充满忧虑、怀疑和恐惧。他想让你忘记,你靠着基督已经得胜有余了,罗马书 8:37,但今天我们凭着信念站立。今天,我们宣告,凡为攻击我们造成的器械必不利用,以赛亚书 54:17。今天,我们宣告主是我们的牧羊人,我们必不缺乏,诗篇 23:1。今天,我们承诺首先寻求上帝,知道所有其他的东西都会加给我们,马太福音 6:33。 现在,我希望你写下,主啊,我相信你度过我的一天。大胆地说出来,让你的话语成为信仰的宣言。圣经在箴言 18:21 中说,生死在舌头的权下。当你宣称“主啊,我相信你度过我的一天”时,你所说的话就有力量塑造你的现实。你选择信仰而不是恐惧。你选择神的一致而不是人类的担忧,你选择走在神的应许中而不是世俗的不确定性中,所以继续打字吧,主啊,我相信你度过我的一天。当你写下它时,请与需要鼓励的人分享这个信息。今天,你生命中的某个人正在与焦虑作斗争,感到迷失或在怀疑中挣扎。你是将他们带回神面前的器皿。让这不仅仅是一个普通的早晨。 让现在成为你和周围人生活中精神觉醒的开始。




愿 2025 年 2 月为所有人带来新的欢乐和机遇。主啊,我爱你,愿上帝的祝福与我同在!与他人同在。阿门🙏


Zhǔ a, wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ huì bǎoyòu wǒ de měi yītiān! Āmén

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