Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS)

 How Oral Solutions Help to Manage Dehydration

What is an oral rehydration solution?

Dehydration happens when your body loses more fluid than you consume. This can happen for many reasons, including excessive diarrhea or vomiting.

When left untreated, dehydration can be dangerous. This is because your body relies on water to perform basic functions.

Oral rehydration therapy is a treatment for dehydration. It involves drinking a beverage made of water, sugar, and electrolytes, specifically potassium and sodium. The beverage is called an oral rehydration solution (ORS).

The goal of oral rehydration therapy is to replenish the body’s fluid levels. It’s typically used to treat moderate dehydration due to diarrhea, vomiting, or other conditions.

Read on to learn about the benefits, uses, and side effects of oral rehydration solutions.

How does an oral rehydration solution work for dehydration

In general, mild dehydration can be treated with fluids like water and clear broth.

But for moderate dehydration, an ORS might be ideal. In addition to water, ORS contains specific amounts of glucose and electrolytes. The electrolytes are potassium and sodium.

These components maximize fluid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract relies on sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLTs), which are carrier proteins in the intestinal cells. Cotransporters help move substances across membranes.

Specifically, SGLTs pair together sodium and glucose transport in the small intestine. This allows glucose to increase the absorption of fluids.

Additionally, sodium needs glucose in order to be properly absorbed. This is why ORS contains both glucose and sodium.

Since 1975, the World Health Organization and UNICEF have used ORS to treat dehydration due to diarrhea. It’s commonly used in countries with limited access to clean water or other hydration options.

The success rate of oral rehydration therapy is high. According to 2018 researchTrusted Source, oral rehydration therapy has prevented 54 million deaths due to diarrhea since 2007. Since 1980, the therapy has also reduced diarrhea-related deaths in children by two-thirds.

Is oral rehydration therapy safe for children?

Oral rehydration therapy is safe for children. It’s commonly used to treat diarrhea-related dehydration in children.

Compared to adults, children are more likely to experience dehydration due to diarrhea. They have a higher metabolic rate, meaning their bodies quickly use water. Children might also be unable to recognize thirst or hydrate themselves.

Factors like burns, excessive sweating, or low water intake can further increase the risk of dehydration.

Oral rehydration therapy might also be used for older people and those with medical conditions. Like children, these individuals have a higher risk of developing dehydration.

Generally, healthy adults with mild diarrhea can also drink ORS, but it might be unnecessary. They can usually rehydrate with water, clear broths, or sports drinks that contain electrolytes.

Potential risks and side effects of oral rehydration therapy

Oral rehydration therapy is designed to normalize electrolyte levels. However, if the solution isn’t prepared or used correctly, it can cause salt toxicity. This is also known as hypernatremia.

Possible side effects include:




●loss of appetite


●severe thirst

●kidney damage

Who should avoid oral hydration solutions

You should use oral rehydration solutions with caution if you:

 ● have a kidney disorder

● have diabetes

 ● have heart failure

● are taking heart disease or blood pressure medications

A doctor can determine if oral rehydration therapy is safe for you.

When is an oral rehydration solution needed?

In general, oral rehydration solutions should only be used when prescribed by a doctor.

When used improperly, an ORS can lead to salt toxicity. This is more likely to happen if you drink an ORS when you don’t actually need it.

If you’ve had a lot of diarrhea or vomiting, speak with a doctor first. They can determine if you need an oral rehydration solution or if drinks like water are sufficient.

Similarly, if you think you’re dehydrated, contact a medical professional first. Your need for an oral rehydration solution will depend on many factors, including your age and overall health status.

In most cases, healthy adults can rehydrate by drinking:

● water

● clear broth

● diluted juices

● sports drinks

If you’re still experiencing dehydration symptoms after drinking these fluids, consult a doctor.

How to administer an oral rehydration solution

ORS is a liquid solution. It’s designed to be consumed by mouth.

If a person is unable to drink due to vomiting, nasogastric feeding might be used. This delivers the ORS via a nasogastric tube, which is inserted through the nose and into the stomach.

How to make an oral rehydration solution at home

It’s not recommended to treat dehydration with homemade ORS. Over-the-counter or prescription ORS is the safer choice.

Typically, ORS is available as powders in packets. The powders are designed to be dissolved in water.

The general steps for preparing an ORS are as follows:

Wash your hands with soap and clean water.

Next, wash a container and utensil with soap and clean water.

Pour one liter of clean water into the container.

Add the ORS powder to the water, then mix with the utensil.

How much to administer by age

The appropriate amount of ORS depends on your age.

This is because your age determines how much fluid your body needs to function. Younger children are naturally smaller, so they need less. Adults will need more because they have larger bodies.

Here are the recommended doses by weight or age, according to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital:

Weight or age : Dosage

● 7–10 pounds : at least 2 ounces (4 tablespoons or 1/4 cup) per hour

● 11–15 pounds : at least 2 1/2 ounces (5 tablespoons) per hour

● 16–20 pounds : at least 3 1/2 ounces (1/2 cup) per hour

● 21–40 pounds : at least 6 1/2 ounces (3/4 cup) per hour

● 41–60 pounds : at least 10 ounces (1 1/4 cups) per hour

● 10 years or older : up to 68 ounces (8 1/2 cups) per day

Other ways to treat dehydration

In addition to ORS, dehydration can also be treated by drinking:

● water

● tea

● sports drinks

● clear broth

● diluted juices

The exception is severe dehydration, which requires intravenous rehydration. This treatment can quickly replenish lost fluids in emergency situations.

When to see a doctor for dehydration

Mild dehydration can usually be treated with fluids like water and clear broth. However, symptoms of moderate to severe dehydration warrant a doctor’s visit.

Medical emergency

Severe dehydration is a medical emergency. Call emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room if you experience:

● persistent fatigue

● lack of sweat production

● dizziness

● excess thirst

● fast heart rate

● rapid breathing

● low blood pressure

● sunken eyes

● dark urine 

You should also see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms after consuming an ORS:

● nausea

● vomiting

● weakness

● poor appetite

● confusion

● excessive thirst

These symptoms might indicate salt toxicity.


An oral rehydration solution is used to treat moderate dehydration. It’s made of water, glucose, sodium, and potassium. The combination optimizes the absorption of fluid in the intestines, which helps quickly replenish fluids.

The solution is often used to treat dehydration due to diarrhea or vomiting. You can buy it over the counter or get a prescription.

If you’ve had a lot of diarrhea or vomiting, speak with a doctor. They can determine if you need an oral rehydration solution or if you can rehydrate with plain water.

84 kg body weight  needs at least 2,732.52 ml of water , daily. 

10% of this amount is 273 ml of water per dose.

Dosage : Every 90 minutes , intake  273 ml water with a pinch of sea salt or Himalayan Pink salt on your tongue. 





口服补液疗法是一种脱水治疗方法。它包括饮用由水、糖和电解质(特别是钾和钠)制成的饮料。这种饮料称为口服补液 (ORS)。





但对于中度脱水,ORS 可能是理想的选择。除了水,ORS 还含有特定量的葡萄糖和电解质。电解质是钾和钠。

这些成分可最大限度地提高胃肠道对液体的吸收。胃肠道依赖于钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白 (SGLT),它们是肠细胞中的载体蛋白。协同转运蛋白有助于跨膜运输物质。

具体来说,SGLT 将小肠中的钠和葡萄糖转运配对在一起。这使得葡萄糖能够增加液体的吸收。

此外,钠需要葡萄糖才能被正确吸收。这就是 ORS 同时含有葡萄糖和钠的原因。

自 1975 年以来,世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会一直使用 ORS 治疗腹泻引起的脱水。 它通常用于清洁水或其他补水选择有限的国家。

口服补液疗法的成功率很高。根据 2018 年的研究,口服补液疗法自 2007 年以来已防止了 5400 万人因腹泻死亡。自 1980 年以来,该疗法还将儿童腹泻相关死亡人数减少了三分之二。



















 ● 患有肾脏疾病

● 患有糖尿病

 ● 患有心力衰竭

● 正在服用心脏病或降压药





如果您腹泻或呕吐严重,请先咨询医生。 他们可以确定您是否需要口服补液盐,或者喝水等饮料是否足够。



● 水

● 清汤

● 稀释的果汁

● 运动饮料



ORS 是一种液体溶液。它旨在通过口腔摄入。

如果一个人因呕吐而无法饮水,则可以使用鼻胃管喂养。这通过鼻胃管输送 ORS,鼻胃管通过鼻子插入胃中。


不建议使用自制 ORS 治疗脱水。 非处方或处方 ORS 是更安全的选择。

ORS 通常以小包装的粉末形式提供。粉末可溶于水。

准备 ORS 的一般步骤如下:




将 ORS 粉末加入水中,然后与器皿混合。


ORS 的适当剂量取决于您的年龄。




● 7–10 磅:每小时至少 2 盎司(4 汤匙或 1/4 杯)

● 11–15 磅:每小时至少 2 1/2 盎司(5 汤匙)

● 16–20 磅:每小时至少 3 1/2 盎司(1/2 杯)

● 21–40 磅:每小时至少 6 1/2 盎司(3/4 杯)

● 41–60 磅:每小时至少 10 盎司(1 1/4 杯)

● 10 岁或以上:每天最多 68 盎司(8 1/2 杯)


除了口服补液盐,脱水也可以通过以下方法治疗 饮用:

● 水

● 茶

● 运动饮料

● 清汤

● 稀释果汁





严重脱水是医疗紧急情况。 如果您出现以下情况,请拨打急救电话或前往最近的急诊室:

● 持续疲劳

● 排汗不足

● 头晕

● 极度口渴

● 心率加快

● 呼吸急促

● 低血压

● 眼窝凹陷

● 尿液呈深色

如果您在服用 ORS 后出现以下症状,也应该去看医生:

● 恶心

● 呕吐

● 虚弱

● 食欲不振

● 意识模糊

● 极度口渴






84 公斤体重每天至少需要 2,732.52 毫升水。

此量的 10% 是每剂 273 毫升水。

剂量:每 90 分钟,摄入 273 毫升水,舌头上撒少许海盐或喜马拉雅粉红盐。

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