Wednesday, February 26, 2025

...same yesterday, today and forever .

 在我们祷告之前,让我们花一点时间聆听上帝的话语,然后我们一起祷告。诗篇100说,全地都要向耶和华欢呼。当欢欣地事奉耶和华。当歌唱来到他面前。要知道耶和华是神。是他创造了我们,而不是我们自己。这是结束一天的美好提醒。没有担忧,遗憾或负担。而是感恩。无论你的一天过得如何。无论是充满喜悦还是挣扎,胜利还是失望,有一件事是一样的。上帝是善良的,他的怜悯永不失败。即使当生活感到不确定时,他仍然坚定。他的爱永不动摇。你不必在他面前说出完美的话语或雄辩的祷告。你的赞美不需要完美无缺。它只需要真诚。 即使只是在内心深处低声说一声感激就足够了。一句简单的“感谢上帝”带着信念说出的话比你意识到的更有力量。感恩会转移你的注意力。它提醒你什么是真实的,即使你的感觉试图说服你相反的观点。高兴地侍奉主不仅仅是宏大的姿态。它是关于在你生命中的点点滴滴中认出他的手。想想今天。他如何为你提供帮助。他如何以你甚至没有注意到的方式保护你。他如何给你力量继续前行。也许他回应了你的祈祷。在你紧张的时刻给你平静。或者让你身边都是鼓励你的人。每一次呼吸都是一份礼物。每一个祝福,无论大小,都是他忠诚的证明。所以当你准备休息时,带着感恩进入他的面前。 不要纠结于没有按计划进行的事情,而要关注那些永远不会改变的事情:他的爱、他的保护和他的承诺。诗篇 121:7 至 8 宣称,耶和华要保护你,免受一切邪恶的侵害,他要保护你的灵魂。你出你入,耶和华要保护你,从今时直到永远。这是你的保证。上帝在看着你。他看穿你的心。他知道你的担忧,他关心你生活的每个细节。所以当你躺下时,放下你不该承受的负担。将你的恐惧、你的焦虑和你的不确定性交到他的手中。他已经在以你看不到的方式工作。他正在开辟一条看似没有道路的地方。 无论明天会发生什么,你都可以安然入睡,因为你知道掌握你未来的人从不睡觉或打盹。他的计划比你的理解更伟大。他的爱比你的恐惧更深。所以,现在,保持安静。让感激之情充满你的心。让和平在你的灵魂中安顿下来。在他的平静中安睡。在他的爱中安睡。安睡吧,知道他现在和永远都与你同在。现在,让我们花点时间一起祈祷。

Before we pray, let's take a moment to  listen to God's word and then we'll pray  together. Psalm 100 says, Make a joyful shout to the Lord. All you lands. Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before his presence with singing. Know that the Lord, he is God. It is he who has made us and not we are ourselves.  This is a beautiful reminder to end the day. Not with worries, regrets or burdens. But with thanksgiving. No matter how your day has gone. Whether it was filled with joy or struggles, victories or  disappointments, one thing remains the same. God is good and his mercy never fails. Even when life feels uncertain, he remains steady. And his love never wavers. You don't have to bring perfect words or eloquent prayers before him. Your praise doesn't need to be flawless. It just needs to be sincere. Even a whisper of gratitude in the quiet of your heart is enough. A simple "thank you Lord" spoken in faith carries more power than you realize. Gratitude shifts your focus. It reminds you of what is true even when your feelings try to convince you otherwise. Serving the Lord with gladness isn't just about grand gestures. It's about recognizing his hand in the small moments of your life. Think about today. How he provided for you.  How he protected you in ways you didn't even see. How he gave you strength to keep going. Maybe he answered a prayer. Gave you peace in a stressful moment. Or surrounded you with people who  encouraged you. Every breath is a gift. And every blessing, big or small is proof of his faithfulness. So as you prepare to rest, enter his presence with thanksgiving. Instead of dwelling on what didn't go as planned, focus on what never changes; his love, his protection, and his promises. Psalm 121:7 to 8  declares, the Lord shall preserve you  from all evil he shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, from this time forth and even forever more. This is your  assurance. God Is watching over you. He sees your heart. He knows your worries and he cares about every detail of your life. So as you lay down, let go of the  burdens you weren't meant to carry. Release your fears, your anxieties and your uncertainties into his hands. He is already working in ways you cannot see. He is making a way where there seems to be none. No matter what tomorrow holds, you can sleep peacefully, knowing that the one who holds your future never sleeps nor slumbers. His plans are greater than your understanding. And his love is deeper than your fears. So, now, be still. Let gratitude fill your heart. Let peace settle in your soul. Sleep in his peace. Sleep in his love. Sleep knowing that he is with you now and always. Now, let us take this moment to pray together.

🙏 亲爱的天父,感谢你从未放弃我。无论我跌倒多少次,你总是在那里扶我起来。无论我迷失多远,你都会用爱把我召回。你的忠诚超出了我的理解范围。为此,我永远心存感激。感谢你在我感到沮丧时让我心充满希望。感谢你在我心烦意乱时用你的平安围绕着我。感谢你在考验中给我喜乐。有时我会感到软弱。当我的力量不足以面对面前的挑战时。但即使在我最低谷的时刻,你仍然是我的力量。当我失败时,你的恩典总是在那里扶持我。你的爱不是基于我的表现或我的完美。你的爱是永恒不变、坚定不移和我不配得到的。然而,你却无偿地给予我爱。 被你爱是一件多么美妙的事情。今晚,我安息在你面前,知道你是我的保护者,尽管有些危险我看不到。我相信你大能的手保护着我和我所爱的人。我永远不会孤单,永远不会手无寸铁。因为你日夜守护着我。你的话说,耶和华必保佑你,免受一切邪恶。他必保佑你的灵魂。从今以后,直到永远,耶和华必保佑你出入。即使当生活感到不确定时,这个真理依然存在。不管明天会发生什么,你都在掌控之中。我可以安心休息,因为你走在我前面。你陪我度过每个季节,经历每一次快乐和悲伤。正因为如此,我没有什么可害怕的。主啊,你是我的供应者。我生命中的每一件好事都来自你;我桌上的食物,我头顶的屋顶; 我心中的爱,这些都是你赐予的礼物。甚至有时我认为理所当然的事情,比如我呼吸的空气和醒来时看到的日出,都提醒着我的善良。我可能无法总能看到前方的道路,但我相信你在幕后工作,准备着我尚未理解的祝福。你在雅各书 1:17 中的话让我放心,各样美善的恩赐和各样全备的赏赐都是从上头来的,从众光之父那里降下来的,在他并没有改变,也没有转动的影儿。你永远不变。主啊,你昨日、今日、一直到永远,是一样的。当我感到迷失或困惑时,你会看到更大的图景。当我不明白为什么某些事情会发生时,你提醒我,在你手中没有什么是浪费的。每一次失望、每一次拖延、每一次挑战,你都在为我好而使用它们。 即使我看不到,你的道路高于我,你的计划总是比我想象的更伟大。谢谢你,即使在我人生最艰难的时刻,当焦虑试图压倒我时,也给我平静。你邀请我把我的重担放在你的脚下。你提醒我,我不应该独自承担我的忧虑。你是我的避难所,我的庇护所,我的安全之地。知道我可以带着所有的恐惧、所有的挣扎、所有的泪水来找你,而你总是会倾听,这是多么珍贵啊。我赞美你,不仅为快乐的时刻,也为考验。正是在困难的时候,我最清楚地看到了你的手。我所面临的挣扎教会了我需要学习的课程。它们让我变得更坚强、更聪明,即使在生活感觉要崩溃的时候,也更依赖你。你提醒我,没有什么事情发生在你的意志之外。 而随着时间的推移,我总是看到您在引领我走向更好的地方。主啊,请原谅我曾经不知感恩,曾经抱怨而不是信任您。请原谅我曾经只关注自己的不足,而忽略了您已经提供的一切。请帮助我用您的爱来看待每种情况。让我记住,无论发生什么,万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处。您的计划总是完美的,即使与我的计划不符。今晚,我将一切都交给您;我的担忧、疑虑和恐惧,我都交托给您。请帮助我更加信任您,尤其是当前路不明朗的时候。教我不仅为您所做的赞美您,也教我为您仍在准备的一切赞美您。让我的心充满感激。永远不要将您的善良视为理所当然。 你是我坚定的锚,是我永远可以依靠的人。无论明天会发生什么,我都不会害怕,因为我知道你与我同在。你的爱永不止息,你的祝福永不停息。今晚我安息在你面前,因为我知道你的未来掌握在你的手中,主啊。你值得我所有的赞美。我赞美你。我全心全意敬拜你。感谢你成为我忠实慈爱的父亲。我可以安然躺下,因为我知道你会守护着我。奉耶稣基督大能而宝贵的名祷告,阿门🙏

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for never giving up on me. No matter how many times I fall, you are always there to pick me up. No matter how far I stray, you call me back with love. Your faithfulness is  beyond anything I could ever comprehend. And for that, I am forever grateful. Thank you for filling my heart with hope when I feel discouraged. Thank you for surrounding me with your peace when my mind is restless. And thank you for giving me joy even in the midst of trials. There are times when I feel weak. When my strength is not enough to face the challenges before  me. But even in my lowest moments, you remain my  strength. When I fail, your grace is  always there to lift me up. Your love is not based on my performance or my perfection. Your love is unchanging,  unwavering and  undeserved. And yet, you give it freely. How amazing it is to be loved by you. Tonight, I rest in the safety of your  presence knowing that you are my  protector though there are dangers I  cannot see. I trust that your mighty  hands shield me and my loved ones. I am never alone, never unguarded. For you watch over me day and night. Your word says, the Lord shall preserve you from all evil. He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, from this time forth and even forever more. Even when life feels uncertain, this truth remains. You are in control, no matter what tomorrow brings. can rest securely because you go before me.  You walk with me through every season, through every joy and every sorrow. And because of that, I have nothing to fear. Lord, you are my provider. Every good thing in my life comes from you; the food on my table, the roof over my head; the love in my heart, these are all gifts from your hands. Even the things I sometimes take for granted, like the air I breathe and the sunrise I wake up to are reminders of your goodness. I may not always see the way ahead but I trust that you are working behind the scenes, preparing blessings I have yet to  understand. Your word in James 1:17  reassures me, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes  down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. You never change. Lord, you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. When I feel lost or confused, you see the bigger  picture. When I don't understand why  certain things happen. you remind me that nothing is wasted in your hands.  Every disappointment, every delay, every challenge, you are using them for my good. Even when I can't see it, your ways are higher than mine and your plans are always greater than what I could ever imagine. Thank you for giving me peace even in the hardest moments of life when anxiety tries to overwhelm me. You invite me to lay my burdens at your feet. You remind me that I am not meant to carry my worries alone. You are my refuge, my shelter, my place of safety. How precious it is to know that I can come to you with every fear, every struggle, every tear and you will always  listen. I praise you not just for the joyful moments but also for the trials. It is in the difficult seasons that I have seen your hand most clearly. The struggles I have faced have taught me lessons I needed to  learn. They have made me stronger, wiser, and more dependent on you even when life felt like it was  falling apart. You reminded me that nothing happens outside of your will. And in time, I always see that you were leading me to something better. Forgive me, Lord, for the times I have been ungrateful for the moments I complained instead of trusting you. Forgive me for the times I focused on what I lacked instead of all that you have  already provided.  Help me to see every situation through the lens of your love. Let me remember that no matter what  happens, all things work together for  good to those who love God. Your plans are always perfect even when do not match my own plan. Tonight, I surrender it all to you; my worries, my doubts, my fears, I place them in your hands. Help me to trust you more especially when the path ahead is unclear. Teach me to praise you not just for what you have done but also praise you for what you are still preparing. Let my heart overflow with gratitude. Never taking your goodness for granted. You are my steady anchor, the one I can always rely on. No matter what tomorrow holds, I will not be afraid because I know you are with me. Your love never fails and your blessings never cease. I rest in your presence tonight, secure in the knowledge that you hold my future in your hands, Lord. You are worthy of all my praise. I praise you. With all that I am, I worship you. Thank you for being my faithful loving Father. I lay down in peace  knowing you watch over me. In the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen 🙏 

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