Saturday, February 8, 2025

敬畏你的忠诚 stand in awe of your faithfulness

 亲爱的天父,我来到你面前 Qīn'ài de tiān fù, wǒ lái dào nǐ miànqián

满怀感激 mǎnhuái gǎnjī

今天的礼物,你的爱和怜悯是 jīntiān de lǐwù, nǐ de ài hé liánmǐn shì

永无止境的,我敬畏你的 yǒng wú zhǐjìng de, wǒ jìngwèi nǐ de

忠诚,当我开始这一天时,我 zhōngchéng, dāng wǒ kāishǐ zhè yītiān shí, wǒ

想起了诗篇作者的话,这是 xiǎngqǐle shīpiān zuòzhě dehuà, zhè shì


zhǔ chuàngzào de rìzǐ, wǒ jiāng

欢喜快乐,父亲,我接受这个真理,无论huānxǐ kuàilè, fùqīn, wǒ jiēshòu zhège zhēnlǐ, wúlùn

无论发生什么,我选择 wúlùn fāshēng shénme, wǒ xuǎnzé

为你而欢喜,因为你的手在我身上 wèi nǐ ér huānxǐ, yīnwèi nǐ de shǒu zài wǒ shēnshang

我相信你已经走在我前面了wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ yǐjīng zǒu zài wǒ qiánmiànle

dear heavenly father I come before you

with a heart full of gratitude for the

gift of today your love and mercy are

unending and stand in awe of your

faithfulness as I begin this day I am

reminded of the psalmist's words this is

the day that the Lord has made I will

rejoice and be glad in it 

father I embrace this truth no matter

for what comes my way I choose to

rejoice in you because your hand is upon

me I trust that you have gone before me

并准备好道路,你的恩典,平安和保护时刻伴随着我,只要知道我并不孤单,你就和我一起走,我的心就充满了平安,我把我的一切计划、我的想法和我的一天都放在你慈爱的手中,相信你会引导我的每一步,主啊,你的承诺是我力量和安慰的源泉,你在你的话语中说过,在我的一生中,善良和仁慈一定会跟随我。Bìng zhǔnbèi hǎo dàolù, nǐ de ēndiǎn, píng'ān hé bǎohù shíkè bànsuízhe wǒ, zhǐyào zhīdào wǒ bìng bù gūdān, nǐ jiù hé wǒ yīqǐ zǒu, wǒ de xīn jiù chōngmǎnle píng'ān, wǒ bǎ wǒ de yīqiè jìhuà, wǒ de xiǎngfǎ hé wǒ de yītiān dū fàng zài nǐ cí'ài de shǒuzhōng, xiāngxìn nǐ huì yǐndǎo wǒ de měi yībù, zhǔ a, nǐ de chéngnuò shì wǒ lìliàng hé ānwèi de yuánquán, nǐ zài nǐ de huàyǔ zhòng shuōguò, zài wǒ de yīshēng zhōng, shànliáng hé réncí yīdìng huì gēnsuí wǒ.

and prepared the way your Grace peace

and protection are with me every

moment just knowing that I am not alone

that you are walking with me fills my

heart with peace I place everything my

plans my thoughts and my day Into Your

Loving Hands confident that you are

guiding every step I take

Lord your promises are a source of

strength and comfort for me you have

said in your word surely goodness and

mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

生命这个承诺提醒我,无论我去哪里,你的善良都在追随我,你的仁慈总是在我身边,我坚持这个真理,并在我的生命中宣告它,我恳求耶稣的血在我的精神,我的灵魂和我的身体上,今天我知道耶稣的血是强大的,它覆盖了我生活的每一个领域,我把我所有的恐惧,担忧和焦虑都放在你的手中,知道你比我可能面对的任何事情都强大,对你来说没有什么是太难的 Shēngmìng zhège chéngnuò tíxǐng wǒ, wúlùn wǒ qù nǎlǐ, nǐ de shànliáng dōu zài zhuīsuí wǒ, nǐ de réncí zǒng shì zài wǒ shēnbiān, wǒ jiānchí zhège zhēnlǐ, bìng zài wǒ de shēngmìng zhòng xuāngào tā, wǒ kěnqiú yēsū de xuè zài wǒ de jīngshén, wǒ de línghún hé wǒ de shēntǐ shàng, jīntiān wǒ zhīdào yēsū de xuè shì qiángdà de, tā fùgàile wǒ shēnghuó de měi yīgè lǐngyù, wǒ bǎ wǒ suǒyǒu de kǒngjù, dānyōu hé jiāolǜ dōu fàng zài nǐ de shǒuzhōng, zhīdào nǐ bǐ wǒ kěnéng miàn duì de rènhé shìqíng dōu qiángdà, duì nǐ lái shuō méiyǒu shé me shì tài nán de

life This Promise reminds me that no

matter where I go your goodness is

pursuing me and your mercy is always

near I cling to this truth and declare

it over my life I plead the blood of

Jesus over my spirit my soul and my body

today I know that the blood of Jesus is

powerful and it covers every area of my

life I place all my fears worries and

anxieties into your hands knowing that

you are bigger than anything I may face

there is nothing too hard for you every

担心我有每一种情况 Dānxīn wǒ yǒu měi yī zhǒng qíngkuàng

困扰我我把一切都交给你 kùnrǎo wǒ wǒ bǎ yīqiè dōu jiāo gěi nǐ

你是我的避难所和力量,在需要的时候非常nǐ shì wǒ de bìnàn suǒ hé lìliàng, zài xūyào de shíhòu fēicháng

随时提供帮助 suíshí tígōng bāngzhù

父亲,当新的一天开始时,我意识到 fùqīn, dāng xīn de yītiān kāishǐ shí, wǒ yìshí dào

我不知道那里有什么 wǒ bù zhīdào nà li yǒu shé me

可能会有挑战、惊喜,甚至 kěnéng huì yǒu tiǎozhàn, jīngxǐ, shènzhì

不确定的时刻,但我对一件事充满信心 bù quèdìng de shíkè, dàn wǒ duì yī jiàn shì chōngmǎn xìnxīn

你和我在一起,你是一个忠实的 nǐ hé wǒ zài yīqǐ, nǐ shì yīgè zhōngshí de

上帝,他从不离开我或抛弃我,我 shàngdì, tā cóng bù líkāi wǒ huò pāoqì wǒ, wǒ

相信你会引导我的脚步,xiāngxìn nǐ huì yǐndǎo wǒ de jiǎobù,

Lead Me into the path of peace and

strength my heart is set on obeying your

commands and I ask for your help in

keeping me steady calm and

focused help me not to be swayed by

emotions or distractions steady my

emotions father so that I may face today

with clarity and

purpose I invite you to stay close to me

throughout this day to keep watch over

me and to send your angels to guard me

in all my ways with you by my side I

我无所畏惧耶稣你是我的救赎主我的救世主救世主我的好牧人你是引领我到静水边的人让我躺在青草地上你的存在带来平安你的指引让我得到安息我请求你今天坚定我的信仰主啊帮助我完全信任你即使事情看起来不确定你是我的牧人我知道你会带我到我需要去的地方 Wǒ wú suǒ wèijù yēsū nǐ shì wǒ de jiùshú zhǔ wǒ de jiùshìzhǔ jiùshìzhǔ wǒ de hǎo mùrén nǐ shì yǐnlǐng wǒ dào jìngshuǐ biān de rén ràng wǒ tǎng zài qīngcǎo dìshàng nǐ de cúnzài dài lái píng'ān nǐ de zhǐyǐn ràng wǒ dédào ānxí wǒ qǐngqiú nǐ jīntiān jiāndìng wǒ de xìnyǎng zhǔ a bāngzhù wǒ wánquán xìnrèn nǐ jíshǐ shìqíng kàn qǐlái bu quèdìng nǐ shì wǒ de mùrén wǒ zhīdào nǐ huì dài wǒ dào wǒ xūyào qù dì dìfāng

I have nothing to fear. Lord Jesus, you are my redeemer, my Savior and my good shepherd. You are the one who leads me beside still waters and makes me lie down in green pastures. Your presence brings peace and your guidance leads me to rest. I ask that you strengthen my faith. Today, Lord help me to trust in you completely even when things seem uncertain. You are my shepherd. And I know you will lead me to where I need to be.

帮助我坚定我的信仰 Bāngzhù wǒ jiāndìng wǒ de xìnyǎng


zhīdào nǐ zài


zhǎngkòng zhī zhōng


zhǔ a, qǐng ràng wǒ de tóunǎo qīngxī


yǐbiàn wǒ jīntiān zuò chū míngzhì de juédìng


xiāochú rènhé kùnhuò huò huáiyí


nǐ dehuà shuō nǐ bùshì


hǔnluàn de zuòzhě


ràng wǒ de sīxiǎng yǔ nǐ de yìzhì bǎochí yīzhì


yuàn wǒ tǐyàn dào


xìnrèn nǐ de píng'ān


fùqīn, wǒ qǐngqiú nǐ wèi wǒ ér zhàn


jīntiān kěnéng huì yǒu fēngbào láilín 

Help me to stand firm in my faith. Knowing that you are in control. Give me clarity in my mind, Lord. So that I may make wise decisions. Today, you remove any confusion or doubt. For your word says that you are not the author of confusion. Let my thoughts be  aligned with your will. And may I experience the peace that comes from trusting in you. Father I ask that you fight for me. Today, there may be storms that arise,

那些似乎势不可挡的挑战或 试图在我心中激起恐惧的情况,Nàxiē sìhū shìbùkědǎng de tiǎozhàn huò shìtú zài wǒ xīnzhōng jī qǐ kǒngjù de qíngkuàng,

但要知道你比它们都伟大 保护我免受任何可能动摇我的信心或蒙蔽我的判断的恐惧不是来自你,主啊,我拒绝它,dàn yào zhīdào nǐ bǐ tāmen dōu wěidà bǎohù wǒ miǎn shòu rènhé kěnéng dòngyáo wǒ de xìnxīn huò méngbì wǒ de pànduàn de kǒngjù bùshì láizì nǐ, zhǔ a, wǒ jùjué tā,

你给了我一种力量、nǐ gěile wǒ yī zhǒng lìliàng,

爱和健全的心智的精神,ài hé jiànquán de xīnzhì de jīngshén,

我声称真理在我生命中帮助我专注于你,wǒ shēngchēng zhēnlǐ zài wǒ shēngmìng zhòng bāngzhù wǒ zhuānzhù yú nǐ,

让我的思想专注于你的话语,ràng wǒ de sīxiǎng zhuānzhù yú nǐ de huàyǔ,

坚定信仰,让你的话语成为我的向导iāndìng xìnyǎng, ràng nǐ de huàyǔ chéngwéi wǒ de xiàngdǎo

challenges that seem overwhelming or situations that try to stir fear in my  heart, but I know that you are greater  than them all. Protect me from anything  that may shake my confidence or cloud my judgment. Fear is not from you, Lord, and I reject it, You have given me a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. And I claim that truth over my life. Help me to stay focused on you, to set my mind on your word and to stand firm in faith. Let your word be my guide.


Jīntiān dāng wǒ chénsī nǐ de chéngnuò shí


ràng wǒ xīnzhōng chōngmǎn xìnxīn, nǐ


zhèngzài wèi wǒ de hǎo zhǔ zuò yīqiè shìqíng


bāngzhù wǒ shìfàng zuótiān de fùdān, wǒ kěnéng jīnglìguò tòngkǔ


shīwàng shènzhì shībài, dàn wǒ


xuǎnzé pāo kāi yīqiè


bāngzhù wǒ yuánliàng zìjǐ hé


tārén, fàngxià rènhé kǔsè,


kāishǐ xīn de shēnghuó, nǐ de huàyǔ gàosù wǒ, nǐ de liánmǐn


měitiān zǎochén dōu shì xīn de, wǒ xiāngxìn

today as I meditate on your promises

fill my heart with confidence that you

are working all things for my good. Lord

help me to release the burdens of

yesterday, I may have experienced pain

disappointment or even failure, but I

choose to leave it all

behind help me to forgive myself and

others to let go of any bitterness and

to start a new,

 your word tells me that your mercies

are new every morning, and I believe that


Jīntiān shì yīgè xīn de kāishǐ.


Bāngzhù wǒ kàn dào nǐ bǎi zài wǒ miànqián de xīn




Zhìyù zuótiān de shāngkǒu, gěi wǒ


lìliàng, ràng wǒ mǎnhuái xīwàng


bìng xiāngxìn nǐ de jìhuà. Wǒ zhīdào nǐ


wèi wǒ zhǔnbèile gèng hǎo de dōngxī, wǒ


xuǎnzé xiāngxìn nǐ de shénshèng shíjī.


Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, nǐ shì wǒ shēngmìng de jīshí.


Méiyǒu nǐ, wǒ huì míshī, dàn yǒule nǐ


wǒ jiù huì ānquán. Wǒ gāojǔ nǐ de míng. Zhǔ a, wèi nǐ

Today is a new beginning. 

 Help me to see the new opportunities you are placing before me.

Heal the wounds of yesterday and give me the strength to move forward with hope

and trust in your plan. I know that you

have better things ahead for me, and I

choose to trust in Your Divine timing.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the cornerstone of my life.

Without you, I would be lost, but with you

I am secure. I exalt Your Name. Lord, for you


zhídé suǒyǒu zànměi,


wǒ qǐngqiú nǐ jīntiān zhǐyǐn wǒ,


gàosù wǒ wǒ yīnggāi zǒu de lù. Wèile nǐ de míng, yǐndǎo wǒ zǒu nǐ de zhèngyì zhī lù.

你的话说,主的坚定之爱永不止息。他的怜悯 永不结束。Nǐ dehuà shuō, zhǔ de jiāndìng zhī ài yǒng bù zhǐxī. Tā de liánmǐn yǒng bù jiéshù. 


Tāmen měitiān zǎochén dōu shì xīn de. 

你的忠诚是伟大的。Nǐ de zhōngchéng shì wěidà de.


Zhǔ a, wǒ gǎnxiè nǐ de zhōngchéng. 

主啊,我相信你在引导我,即使我看不到它。Zhǔ a, wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ zài yǐndǎo wǒ, jíshǐ wǒ kàn bù dào tā.


Jīntiān ānpái wǒ de jiǎobù, ràng yīqiè 

are worthy of all praise,

 I ask that you guide me today and

show me the way I should go. Lead me in your paths of righteousness, for your name's sake.

 Your word says, the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every  morning. Great is your faithfulness .

I thank you, Lord, for your

faithfulness. Lord, I trust that you are

guiding me even when I do not see it.

Order my steps today and let everything 

我确实荣耀了你的名。Wǒ quèshí róngyàole nǐ de míng.


Tiān fù, wǒ qǐngqiú nǐ bǎohù wǒ jīntiān de shēnghuó,

愿耶稣的血遮盖我,yuàn yēsū de xuè zhēgài wǒ,

让我免受任何伤害,ràng wǒ miǎn shòu rènhé shānghài, 

我不会害怕遇到的挑战,wǒ bù huì hàipà yù dào de tiǎozhàn,

因为我知道一切都在你的手中,yīnwèi wǒ zhīdào yīqiè dōu zài nǐ de shǒuzhōng, 

你是我的保护者,nǐ shì wǒ de bǎohù zhě,

我相信你会照顾我和我所爱的人。wǒ xiāngxìn nǐ huì zhàogù wǒ hé wǒ suǒ ài de rén.

主啊,我邀请你陪我度过这一天,引导我,圣灵,对我的心说话。Zhǔ a, wǒ yāoqǐng nǐ péi wǒ dùguò zhè yītiān, yǐndǎo wǒ, shènglíng, duì wǒ de xīn shuōhuà.

让我的眼睛 Ràng wǒ de yǎnjīng

I do bring glory to your name.

 Father God, I ask for your protection

over my life today, May the blood of

Jesus, cover me and keep me safe from any harm, I will not be afraid of the

challenges that come my way because 1

know that everything is in your

hands, you are my protector, and I trust

that you will watch over me and my loved

ones. I invite you, Lord, to walk with me

throughout this day, guide me, Holy Spirit

and speak to my heart. Let my eyes be 

 专注于天堂中的上帝,Zhuānzhù yú tiāntáng zhōng de shàngdì,

那里是我真正的希望。nàlǐ shì wǒ zhēnzhèng de xīwàng.

主啊,我信靠你。Zhǔ a, wǒ xìn kào nǐ.

你是我信仰的创始者和完成者,Nǐ shì wǒ xìnyǎng de chuàngshǐ zhě hé wánchéng zhě,

你的话说,当我的心思停留在你身上时,nǐ dehuà shuō, dāng wǒ de xīnsī tíngliú zài nǐ shēnshang shí,

你会让我保持完美的平静, nǐ huì ràng wǒ bǎochí wánměi de píngjìng, 

我请求你帮助我今天专注于你。wǒ qǐngqiú nǐ bāngzhù wǒ jīntiān zhuānzhù yú nǐ.

父亲,当我沉思你的话语时,Fùqīn, dāng wǒ chénsī nǐ de huàyǔ shí, 

请更新我的思想。qǐng gēngxīn wǒ de sīxiǎng. 

你给我的心带来平安,Nǐ gěi wǒ de xīn dài lái píng'ān, 

使恐惧或困惑的声音沉默。shǐ kǒngjù huò kùnhuò de shēngyīn chénmò.

不要让任何针对我的武器得逞。Bùyào ràng rènhé zhēnduì wǒ de wǔqì déchěng. 


Yīnwèi wǒ shòudào zhǔ yēsū jīdū de bǎo xuè de bǎohù.

fixed on God in heaven, where my true hope lies. 

I trust in you, Lord. 

You are the author and finisher of my faith, your word says that you will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you, and I ask that you help me to focus on you today. Renew my mind, father, as I meditate on your word. 

You bring peace to my heart and silence every voice of fear or confusion. 

Let no weapon formed against me prosper. 

For I am protected by the blood of Lord Jesus Christ.  

主耶稣,我释放一切与你对我生命的旨意不符的东西,Zhǔ yēsū, wǒ shìfàng yīqiè yǔ nǐ duì wǒ shēngmìng de zhǐyì bùfú de dōngxī,

旧习惯、罪恶的思想或关系,jiù xíguàn, zuì'è de sīxiǎng huò guānxì,

它们阻碍了我在基督里的灵性成长。tāmen zǔ'àile wǒ zài jīdū lǐ de língxìng chéngzhǎng. 

我选择继续被耶稣的宝血所覆盖,Wǒ xuǎnzé jìxù bèi yēsū de bǎo xuè suǒ fùgài, 

相信你的保护和供给。xiāngxìn nǐ de bǎohù hé gōngjǐ .

我知道你是关心你的子民的神,Wǒ zhīdào nǐ shì guānxīn nǐ de zǐ mín de shén, 

我把我今天面临的每一个情况都交到你的手中。wǒ bǎ wǒ jīntiān miànlín de měi yīgè qíngkuàng dōu jiāo dào nǐ de shǒuzhōng. 

主啊,我将我的人际关系、Zhǔ a, wǒ jiāng wǒ de rénjì guānxì,  


wǒ de xiǎngfǎ hé wǒ de gùlǜ dōu jiāo gěi nǐ.

Lord Jesus, I release anything that does not align with your will for my life, old  habits, sinful thoughts, or relationships  that hinder my spiritual growth in Christ. I choose to remain covered by the blood of Jesus, trusting in your protection and provision. I know that you are the God who cares for your people, and I place every situation I face today into your hands. Lord, I surrender everything to you, my relationships, my thoughts, and my concerns. 


Nín xiāochúle wǒ de yílǜ hé kǒngjù,


bìngyòng nín de píng'ān qǔ'érdàizhī.


Yòng nín de shènglíng chōngmǎn wǒ,


gěi wǒ líng yǎn qù guānchá,


gěi wǒ ěrduǒ qù qīngtīng.

我不想被敌人的阴谋所欺骗,Wǒ bùxiǎng bèi dírén de yīnmóu suǒ qīpiàn, 


dàn wǒ xiǎng zǒu zài nín de zhēnlǐ zhōng.


Fùqīn, wǒ jiāng wǒ de shēngmìng xiàn gěi nín,

并把我的愿望、bìng bǎ wǒ de yuànwàng, 

抱负和 梦想,bàofù hé mèngxiǎng,

以及对我来说重要的一切,yǐjí duì wǒ lái shuō zhòngyào de yīqiè, 

都交给您。dōu jiāo gěi nín.

You take my doubts and fears and  replace them with your peace. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear. I do not want to be deceived by the enemy's schemes, but I want to walk in your truth. I Lay My Life before you, Father, and give you my desires, my ambitions, and my dreams, everything that is important to me.

我臣服于你,Wǒ chénfú yú nǐ,

相信你的计划比我能想象到的任何东西都好。xiāngxìn nǐ de jìhuà bǐ wǒ néng xiǎngxiàng dào de rènhé dōngxī dū hǎo.

当我放下一切时,Dāng wǒ fàng xià yīqiè shí, 

我请求你用你的圣灵充满我。wǒ qǐngqiú nǐ yòng nǐ de shènglíng chōngmǎn wǒ.

让你的存在在我的生活中强大起来。Ràng nǐ de cúnzài zài wǒ de shēnghuó zhōng qiángdà qǐlái.

今天,用爱、喜悦、和平、耐心和你精神的所有果实充满我, Jīntiān, yòng ài, xǐyuè, hépíng, nàixīn hé nǐ jīngshén de suǒyǒu guǒshí chōngmǎn wǒ, wǒ huānyíng nǐ de shènglíng yǐndǎo wǒ, dàilǐng wǒ zuò chū měi yīgè juédìng.

我欢迎你的圣灵引导我,wǒ huānyíng nǐ de shènglíng yǐndǎo wǒ,

带领我做出每一个决定。dàilǐng wǒ zuò chū měi yīgè juédìng.


Bāngzhù wǒ zǒu yītiáo fǎnyìng nǐ de ài hé shànliáng de dàolù.

I surrender to you, trusting that your

plan is better than anything I could

imagine. As I empty myself of everything,

I ask that you fill me with the fullness

of your Holy Spirit. 

   Let Your Presence be strong in my

life. Today, fill me with love, joy, peace,

patience and all the fruits of your

spirit, I welcome your Holy Spirit to

guide me and lead me in every decision I

make. Help me to walk in a way that

reflects your love and goodness.

我相信今天没有什么可以将我与你的爱分开。Wǒ xiāngxìn jīntiān méiyǒu shé me kěyǐ jiāng wǒ yǔ nǐ de ài fēnkāi.

我全心全意地坚持这一真理。Wǒ quánxīnquányì dì jiānchí zhè yī zhēnlǐ.

主啊,教我在任何情况下选择你的道路。Zhǔ a, jiào wǒ zài rènhé qíngkuàng xià xuǎnzé nǐ de dàolù.

帮助我凭信心行事,而不是凭感觉或情绪。Bāngzhù wǒ píng xìnxīn xíngshì, ér bùshì píng gǎnjué huò qíngxù. 

正如诗篇作者祈祷的那样,主啊,请听我的话,因为我无助而软弱。Zhèngrú shīpiān zuòzhě qídǎo dì nàyàng, zhǔ a, qǐng tīng wǒ dehuà, yīnwèi wǒ wú zhù ér ruǎnruò.

救我免于死亡,因为我忠于你。Jiù wǒ miǎn yú sǐwáng, yīnwèi wǒ zhōngyú nǐ.


Zhěngjiù wǒ, yīnwèi wǒ shì nǐ de púrén, wǒ xìn kào nǐ.

I believe that nothing can separate me from your love today. And I hold on to that truth with all my heart. Teach me, Lord, to choose your way in every   situation. Help me to walk by faith not by feelings or emotions. As the psalmist prayed, listen to me, Lord for I am helpless and weak. Save me from death because I am loyal to you. Save me, for I am your servant and I trust in you. 


Zhǔ a, wǒ quánxīnquányì dì xìn kào nǐ,


méiyǒu rénxiàng nǐ yīyàng,


wǒ zànměi nǐ zài wǒ shēngmìng zhòng suǒ zuò de yīqiè,


nǐ shì qiángdà ér qímiào de,

有一天,所有的创造物都会在你面前屈服,主啊,保护我,yǒu yītiān, suǒyǒu de chuàngzào wù dūhuì zài nǐ miànqián qūfú, zhǔ a, bǎohù wǒ,


yuǎnlí wǒ zìjǐ cūxīn de sīxiǎng,

言语和行为,yányǔ hé xíngwéi,


ràng wǒ bù bèi dírén de huǎngyán fēn xīn huò qìněi,

我祈求你的圣灵今天充满我,wǒ qíqiú nǐ de shènglíng jīntiān chōngmǎn wǒ,

引导我做我所做的一切,yǐndǎo wǒ zuò wǒ suǒ zuò de yīqiè,

感谢天父听到我的祈祷并回应它,我宣布,gǎnxiè tiān fù tīng dào wǒ de qídǎo bìng huíyīng tā, wǒ xuānbù,

我今天以耶稣基督的名义取得了胜利,阿门,wǒ jīntiān yǐ yēsū jīdū de míngyì qǔdéle shènglì, āmén,

如果这个祈祷触动了你的心。rúguǒ zhège qídǎo chùdòngle nǐ de xīn.

请打字,阿门。Qǐng dǎzì, āmén.

我祈祷,这个祈祷中的每一个祝福现在都以耶稣的名义降临到你身上,Wǒ qídǎo, zhège qídǎo zhōng de měi yīgè zhùfú xiànzài dōu yǐ yēsū de míngyì jiànglín dào nǐ shēnshang,

如果你希望我们为你特别祈祷,rúguǒ nǐ xīwàng wǒmen wèi nǐ tèbié qídǎo,

请在评论部分告诉我们。 qǐng zài pínglùn bùfèn gàosù wǒmen. 

愿我们主耶稣基督的恩典和平安永远与你们同在。Yuàn wǒmen zhǔ yēsū jīdū de ēndiǎn hé píng'ān yǒngyuǎn yǔ nǐmen tóng zài.

 I trust in you, Lord, with all my heart, there is no one like you and I praise you for all that you have done in my life you are Mighty and Wonderful. And all creation will one day bow before you.   Protect me, Lord, fro my own careless  thoughts, words and actions. Keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the enemy's lies. I ask that your Holy Spirit fill me today and guide me in all that I do. Thank you Father for hearing my prayer and for answering it, I declare that I have Victory today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen. If this prayer has touched your heart. Please type "amen". I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Lord Jesus , and please let us know in the comments section if you would like us to pray for you specifically. 

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

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