Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gut and Psychology Syndrome : Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (Part 5)

DM= Dr. Joseph Mercola
NC=Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Good to Share Healthy Wealth  Empowering Network 

DM: How much is it going to weigh?
NC: That‟s about a couple of inches thick slab.

DM: How is it going to weigh? Does it weigh about 10 pounds or three kilos?
NC: That will weigh about… Yes, three or five kilos possibly, depending on the size of the animal. If you don‟t want that much, you can take only half of it or less than half of it. Just bring it home and put it in the oven for a few hours. Let it melt out.

DM: Okay.
NC: We haven‟t finished with the bone broth as well. When you have accumulated all those bones in your freezer, put them in the slow cooker. Fill it up with water. Add salt and pepper, as we have talked about before. And add some sort of acid in it, because the acid will help to draw minerals out of the bones.
If you are not allergic to fermented foods, add some vinegar. Vinegar is fine. But there are some people who are allergic to fermented food, and who cannot have any vinegar. Just squeeze half a lemon into it. Put fresh lemon, cut it in half, and squeeze half a lemon into the water. Close the lid, and put it on a low heat for about 24 hours. Let those bones cook for 24 hours, and some people even do it longer. They do it for two days. Just don‟t forget to check on the water, because it might boil out. Just keep tapping up the water.
When you‟re finished with it, the bones will be so soft. You can crush them with your hands pretty much. Your dog will appreciate it very much, or if you have chickens, they will appreciate those bones pretty much as well. They‟ll consume them.
The difference of these bone broths is that…

DM: Wait. So you can give those bones – because they‟re thoroughly cooked and soft – to your pets, or you don‟t want to consume those bones yourself, you throw them away if you don‟t have pets?
NC: You can munch it yourself if you like it.

DM: Okay.
NC: You can get all the bone marrow out. It‟s the spongy end of the bone where the joint is and where the bones connect with each other inside the joints. Those are very soft, succulent, and full of beautiful marrow and of beautiful fats. Just munch it. Eat it. A lot of people just eat it. You can eat it and swallow it. It will be digested very nicely, and will feed you beautifully.
It‟s particularly valuable for people who have lymphoma, leukemia, or any other abnormality in the immune system like that, who need to rebuild their bone marrow. Because here you‟re eating bone marrow from an animal, and your body knows what to do with that. It will translate it into your bone marrow, feed your own bone marrow, and restore it.
The bouillon itself, the water itself, is very different from meat stock. Its composition is quite different. It‟s very rich in minerals, amino acids, and fats. The meat stock is largely amino acids without so many minerals. They feed different purposes, but they‟re both extremely valuable.
Also, I have to say that the meat stock that we‟re talking about when you cook the joint of meat is tastier. It‟s more delicious. So, if you‟re dealing with a fatty child or you have somebody who got into a fatty phase, stop with the meat stocks. Let them get use to the meat first, because it‟s much more delicious.

DM: What type of cuts of the meat stocks do you recommend, most likely the inexpensive ones that you can get really cheap?
NC: Absolutely. If you could get the feet, head, neck of the animals and all the different pieces that are usually cheap. They‟re the least expensive, but nutritionally, they are the most valuable. That‟s the amazing thing. The giblets of birds – duck giblets, goose giblets, or chicken giblets – they‟re usually cheap, because majority of the people don‟t know what to do with them. They make a beautiful stock, if you get a large bag of giblets.
The bone broth is very valuable nutritionally, but quite often does not taste as nice. I recommend using this for making soups, stews, and for adding things to. That way it works very nicely, if you consume it that way.

DM: It sounds like you might be able to have some of the animal fat that you have gotten from the butcher to flavor it up.
NC: Oh, yeah. When you have made a good meat stock or bone broth, it will have a lot of fat in it. Yes. When you put that meat stock into the fridge, the fat will rise to the top, and the fat is the very hard layer at the top. Every time you warm up a portion of that meat stock, take a little or break a little part of that fat and add it into that portion, so you consume the bouillon with the fat. Don‟t throw that fat away. You can use it, if there‟s too much.
For example, if you‟re using bone marrow bones from a beef and a lot of the bone marrow basically dissolved in the bouillon, it will have about an inch of fat at the top of that bouillon. That can be too much for some people. They might feel nauseous or feel that they may not be ready to digest that amount. Take it off. Scoop it off. Put it in a glass jar, and use it like any other animal fat for cooking. You have another variety of animal fat in your fridge for cooking purposes.

DM: Now, do you find that macrobiotic people who advocate that approach to healing and who basically advocate seasonality to their foods…. Traditionally, about things like consuming soup when it‟s cold or wintertime, do you find that it‟s important to make that distinction, or do you just rely and listen to your body, so that you could have soups in the summer?
NC: Exactly. Just rely on your body, because your body knows the best that it wants. For example in the summer, if you are rundown from a stressful period of time, if you have picked up a virus or something like that, you wouldn‟t want a cold solid. You would want a hot beef stew, because that will restore you beautifully.
When a person has a virus altogether, viruses get stronger and would cause more problems for you. It particularly applies to people who have chronic herpes, genital herpes. They have cold sores on their lips too often or get other forms of that kind of infection. Stay away from cold solids, citrus fruits, and nut proteins, because they aggravate this problem. They balance your immunity in such a way that you become more vulnerable to the viruses.
What you want to focus on to bring the virus down in your body is rich hot soups, stews, animal fat, eggs, sour cream, butter, and these sorts of things. Cook vegetables in a lot of fat. Make sure they‟re swimming in fat. If you eat like that for a few days, your cold sore will heal very quickly, the genital herpes will disappear, and your viral infection – cold or flu – that you have picked up will disappear quite quickly.
But if you are more prone to yeast – if you feel yeasty at the moment – it‟s not a virus raising its ugly head in your body at the moment but yeast, then it's a good idea to have less meat stew, less meat soups, and less fat to cleanse a bit more. Have more of the raw salads, nuts, avocado, and things like that.
Just listen to your taste. Your body will give you a signal: “Right now, I‟m struggling with a virus, so this is what I want,” or “Right now, I'm struggling with yeast. I want something very different at the moment.”
That‟s why even society listens to your body. Listen to your desires. Listen to your pleasure. Life is about pleasure, because pleasure has a very important role to play in your health. It isn‟t your enemy. It‟s your friend, so listen to pleasure.

DM: Terrific. We talked about the Introduction and the Full GAPS Diet, but then there‟s another diet, is that correct?
NC: Then there is coming off the GAPS Diet.
The beauty of the GAPS Nutritional Protocol is that you don‟t have to be on it forever. You don't have to permanently be. For example, a gluten-free diet for Celiac disease. They tell you that you that since you have Celiac disease, you have to be gluten-free for the rest of your life. That‟s not the case with the GAPS.
If you as a Celiac person follow the GAPS Nutritional Protocol for a couple of years, you can come off it, and you can eat pasta, bread, and plenty of gluten that you can eat and you'll be healthy and fine, because you have healed and sealed your gut. You have restored your gut‟s integrity, so gluten is not a problem for you anymore. It is not an incurable condition at all.
Once the person has healed and they have been for six months (at least healthy and well), their old conditions have gone, they‟re feeling healthy, well, and strong, then we‟ll start introducing potatoes first and see what happens, because here we introduce starch.
Then we'll introduce gluten-free grains one at a time, and we'll start with buckwheat, quinoa, and then millet. We'll always start with a tiny amount of each of these foods, and watch what's happening. If you have introduced a little bit of a potato, and one of your symptoms have returned, that's the right signal for you that you are not ready. Wait for a month, then try again, and see what happens. You might find that in a month's time, you can introduce it and your symptoms don‟t return anymore.
Once potatoes are introduced, try a little bit of buckwheat, and then a bit more buckwheat, then a bit more buckwheat. Continue with potato, and on different nights try a bit of buckwheat. If it does go in fine, fantastic, and if you‟re ready, try a bit of quinoa and then add a bit of millet. Once those grains are tolerated nicely, you can try a bit of rice.
Then if rice is tolerated nicely, you can make sourdough at home. That is ordinary wheat flour, ordinary rye flour, or a mixture of rye and wheat, which you ferment at home first before cooking. You ferment it with your homemade whey, yogurt, or kefir. What the fermentation process will do is it will predigest that flour for you. You ferment that flour for 24 hours.
Once you have fermented it, add the rest of the ingredients – the eggs, salt, or any other ingredients – and you bake. You can either bake bread or you can make crepes, thin pancakes, which are the ordinary crepes. That is usually a celebratory moment for people who have been on the GAPS Nutritional Protocol for a while to have a first normal pancake. [Laughs]

Good to Share Healthy Wealth  Empowering Network 

DM: Sure.
NC: Their first normal crepe with some butter, jam, or something like that. See how you react to that. If your body‟s ready and if it's healed completely, you will find that you can sail through that, and you can introduce all these things. Then you can move on introducing commercial sourdough bread and all the other foods.
You‟ll find that on an occasion, you can't have anything with sugar. You can‟t have an ordinary commercial ice cream. You can't go on a holiday and have a bowl of pasta, pizza, or anything like that. Your body will take that abuse, and it will be fine.

DM: Terrific.
NC: What I find with GAPS people – 100 percent of them – is that once they have been through the GAPS Nutritional Protocol, it is such a huge paradigm shift for them. They can never go back to the processed junk diet that they used to live on before. They just can't do that anymore to themselves. They have developed a very healthy eating habit. They learn to cope. They find the pleasure and the joy of eating real natural foods. They can‟t go back to junk anymore, so they continue eating a very wholesome and healthy diet for the rest of their lives.
Now they can eat anything, and on occasion they can abuse themselves. They can go to a party and eat whatever is available. They'll be fine. Their body will take that and deal with it.

DM: Terrific. You provided us an enormous amount of information. Of course, you have follow-up resources. There„s a number of them. You have your books, the initial GAPS book, and the forthcoming one, which is the Gut and Physiology Syndrome, which is not out yet but will be out at some point. Then of course, you have a DVD, which implements some of these as Cooking with GAPS, and we‟ll have a link to that, which some of your associates have put together. Then you also have courses. Do you want to discuss what those courses are?
NC: One more resource that I would like to mention and which I forgot to mention to you is the book about the heart disease, it‟s called Put Your Heart in Your Mouth. Why did I make that book, because every patient – as soon as I start talking about animal fat – is asking me the same question: “What about heart disease? I've heard that animal fat will cause you heart disease.” Having explained to a hundred patients that animal fats have nothing to do with heart disease, I thought I ought to write a book about this.

DM: Yes, indeed. [Laughs]
NC: So, I have written a book, which explains that concept very well to you. Please, if you're worried about heart disease, if you‟re worried about atherosclerosis, please read this book, Put Your Heart in Your Mouth, or give it to your doctor.

DM: I think that even if you‟re not worried about it, I think that it's probably a good book to get, because more than likely 95 percent of the people that you interact with – your family and certainly, your healthcare professionals – are going to give you grief about this. They‟re going to challenge you about it, so you need some good data to refute that. This is a great source of that.
NC: Exactly. The book is fully referenced, so every statement that's made in the book is referenced. Your doctor can find all the backing of the science for all treatment and for all the explanations. That‟s very important.

DM: Sure.
NC: I'm training GAPS practitioners. I'll be doing training in Europe shortly. I'll be doing training in Australia and New Zealand very soon. In the USA or America, now we have 160 certified GAPS practitioners who are ready and willing to help you to go through the GAPS Nutritional Protocol.
Please, if you need help, if you're struggling with something, you might have started the program already and you just need a few issues clarified, or if you would like to start the program and the guidance of a professional, please go to my website: It's There is a button there that says, “Find a GAPS practitioner.” Go there, and they're all listed by country and state. You can find the practitioner, which is in a local area closest to you.
Most of these practitioners are going to run a local GAPS group, which is a group of people who are doing the GAPS Nutritional Protocol and which can meet on a regular basis, fortnightly or weekly somewhere in a local area to share their recipes and experiences or to help each other with shopping, finding food, finding kitchen utensils, and fermentation.
If you want to find friends in the same boat, people who are doing the same thing that you're trying to do – just for the moral support and help – please go this meeting. Meet these people and practitioners. You don't have to be a patient of the practitioner to attend the meetings. You can just attend the meetings. It's up to you, but it will be a great resource for you to tap into.

DM: Terrific. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you'll continue to do. We're going to have a large number of additional interviews that will talk about these specific conditions. It's important to understand those conditions and some of the specifics. But ultimately, it comes down to implementing the GAPS Diet, which is why we had this long interview to actually help people understand and implement it at a very deep level.
I want to extend my deep appreciation for all that you have done and for me personally, too. It has just been a phenomenal change in my own life. Interestingly, I have started consuming fermented vegetables about six weeks ago now, and my dental hygiene was a bit of a challenge.
I mean I would brush my teeth twice a day, floss, I'd be really avoiding sugar, and I had a pretty good diet, but I would still have such dental plaque buildup that I had to see my hygienist once a month because of the tartar and the plaque buildup. I just got back from there yesterday, and she told me that this is the first time ever that there was a 50 percent reduction in the plaque.
NC: Perfect.

DM: So, I want to continue to do that, have some other elements, and hopefully eliminate that completely. I have always been envious of people who didn't have to see their hygienist for years. They have no plaque. It wasn't me.
NC: [Laughs]

DM: Clearly, there was something going on in my own physiology that is benefiting profoundly from your program, so I deeply appreciate it.
NC: Thank you for that. Thank you for your work.

DM: All right. We‟ll be in touch soon, and we‟ll take it from there.
NC: Absolutely.

Good to Share Healthy Wealth  Empowering Network 

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