Tuesday, August 7, 2012

American Dietetic Association (ADA) who is now known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is, to me, ‘the gift that keeps on giving’.

The ADA: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Parts of this article came from an article in Forbes written by Michael Ellsberg. You can access this article here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelellsberg/2012/07/10/american_dietetic_association_2/

For a blogger who likes to write about holistic medicine and the problems with conventional medicine, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) who is now known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is, to me,  ‘the gift that keeps on giving’.  What do I mean by ‘the gift that keeps on giving?’  I have written previous blog posts about how the ADA is trying to position their members—resident dieticians or RD’s—as the only people eligible to be licensed in order to discuss nutrition and diet with patients.  Here is a link to one of my posts: http://drdavidbrownstein.blogspot.com/2012/04/ada-wants-nutrition-prisons.html.   Under the ADA’s rules, anyone else providing advice about diet and nutrition would be subject to severe penalties including jail and fines. 

You may think I am making a mountain out of a molehill, but I disagree.  Just ask Steve Cooksey.  He is a blogger who writes about his success with changing his diet.  On his blog page (http://peak-fitness-now.blogspot.com/) he describes his journey from being vastly overweight and unhealthy--taking insulin shots and drugs for cholesterol and hypertension--to being off all prescription medicines and losing weight by changing his diet and exercising.  He is clearly writing this blog to offer hope for others suffering from similar problems.  His blog posts focus on diet and exercise recommendations only.  Although I did not read every single word on his blog page, I found his information useful.  His story is compelling.   

However, the powers-that-be, the ADA, did not find his information useful.  In fact, the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition sent Mr. Cooksey a 19-page markup letter objecting to his posts.  According to the Board, he faced prison time if he did not acquiesce to the Board’s complaints.  For a good laugh, take a look at the handwritten comments by the Board--http://www.diabetes-warrior.net/2012/01/28/this-site-free-speech-are-being-investigated/.   It can be found under the heading, “Official Investigation Review.”
Recall the ADA is trying to pass laws in all 50 states which would limit free speech.  These laws would make it a crime for anyone who is not licensed to give nutritional and dietary advice.  Of course, the only ones licensed under this law would be RD’s.  And, keep in mind, RD’s have little or no training in nutrition.  I have discussed this topic in previous blog posts such as this one-- http://drdavidbrownstein.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html.   

In the Forbes’ article, Mr. Ellsberg received a ‘smoking gun document’ that provides direct evidence that the ADA “openly strategizes on how to gain control of state legislatures, for the express purpose of limiting competition.”  This document was given to Mr. Ellsberg by ADA members who are unhappy with the organizations behavior.

Folks, the last group that I would want to be the only licensed group that is able to speak about nutrition and diet are the RD’s.  My experience with most (NOTE—I SAID MOST, NOT ALL) RD’s is that they have little or no knowledge about nutrition and health.  They are too busy recommending the disastrous American Diabetes Association diets. They parrot the party line about eating too many carbohydrates including refined soy products as well as limiting fat.  The ADA is an organization that is proud to be sponsored by such corporate food sponsors such as Coca-Cola, Mars, Hershey’s, General Mills, and others.  Just look at their website.  Perhaps, if the ADA wants to be taken seriously, they should refuse corporate sponsorship.  And, finally, a good start for the ADA is to actually teach their students about nutrition and health.  
post by Dr. David Brownstein 
 We are pleased to announce a NEW BLOG POST by Dr. Brownstein. Please go to www.drbrownstein.com to read the newest pos

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