Thursday, February 9, 2017

Denials and Affirmations in The Game of Life

Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be 
established unto thee."

All the good that is to be made manifest in man's 
life is already an accomplished fact in divine mind
, and is released through man's recognition, or 
spoken word, so he must be careful to decree 
that only the Divine Idea be made manifest, for 
often, he decrees, through his "idle words,failure 
or misfortune.

It is, therefore, of the utmost importance, to 
word one's demands correctly, as stated in a 
previous chapter.

If one desires a home, friend, position or any 
other good thing, make the demand for the 
"divine selection."

For example: "Infinite Spirit, open the way for my 
right home, my right friend, my right position. I 
give thanks it now manifests under 
grace in a perfect way."

The latter part of the statement is most 
important. For example: I knew a woman who 
demanded a thousand dollars. Her daughter was 
injured and they received a thousand dollars 
indemnity, so it did not come in a "perfect way."

The demand should have been worded in this 
way: "Infinite Spirit, I give thanks that the one 
thousand dollars, which is mine by divine right, 
is now released, and reaches me under grace in 
a perfect way."

As one grows in a financial consciousness, he 
should demand that the enormous sums of money, 
which are his by divine right, reach him under 
grace, in perfect ways.

It is impossible for man to release more than he 
thinks is possible, for one is bound by the limited 
expectancies of the subconscious. He must 
enlarge his expectancies in order to receive in a 
larger way.

Man so often limits himself in his demands. For 
example: A student made the demand for six 
hundred dollars, by a certain date. He did receive 
it, but heard afterwards, that he came very near 
receiving a thousand dollars, but he was given 
just six hundred, as the result of his spoken word.

"They limited the Holy One of Isreal." Wealth is a 
matter of consciousness. The French have a 
legend giving an example of this. A poor man was 
walking along a road when he met a traveler, who 
stopped him and said: "My good friend, I see you 
are poor. Take this gold nugget, sell it, and you 
will be rich all your days."

The man was overjoyed at his good fortune, and 
took the nugget home. He immediately found 
work and became so prosperous that he did not 
sell the nugget. Years passed, and he became a 
very rich man. One day he met a poor man on 
the road. He stopped him and said: "My good 
friend, I will give you this gold nugget, which, 
if you sell, will make you rich for life." The 
mendicant took the nugget, had it valued, and 
found it was only brass. So we see, the first
man became rich through feeling rich, 
thinking the nugget was gold.

Every man has within himself a gold nugget; it is 
his consciousness of gold, of 
opulence, which brings riches 
into his life. In making his 
demands, man begins at his journey's end
that is he declares he has already received.
"Before ye call I shall answer."

Continually affirming establishes the belief in the

It would not be necessary to make an affirmation 
more than once if one had perfect faith! One 
should not plead or supplicate, but give thanks 
repeatedly, that he has received.

"The desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose." 
This rejoicing which is yet in the desert (state of 
consciousness) opens the way for release. The 
Lord's Prayer is in the form of command and 
demand,"Give us this day our daily bread, and 
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors,
and ends in praise,"For thine is the Kingdom 
and the Power and the Glory, forever. Amen." 
"Concerning the works of my hands, 
command ye me." So prayer is command and 
demand, praise and thanksgiving. The sutdent's 
work is in making himself believe that "with 
God all things are possible."

This is easy enough to state in the abstract, but a 
little more difficult when confronted with a 
problem. For example: It was necessary for a 
woman to demonstrate a large sum of money 
within a stated time. She knew she must do
something to get a realization (for realization 
is manifestation), and she demanded a "lead."

She was walking through a department store, 
when she saw a very beautiful pink enamel 
papercutter. She felt the "pull" towards it. The 
thought came. "I haven't a paper cutter good
enough to open letters containing large cheques."

So she bought the papercutter, which the 
reasoning mind would have called an extra-
vagance. When she held it in her hand, she had 
a flash of a picture of herself opening an
envelope containing a large cheque, and in a few 
weeks, she received the money. The pink 
papercutter was her bridge of active faith.

Many stories are told of the power of the 
subconscious when directed in faith.

For example: A man was spending the night in a
farmhouse. The windows of the room had been 
nailed down, and in the middle of the night he 
felt suffocated and made his way in the dark to 
the window. He could not open it, so he smashed 
the pane with his fist, drew in draughts of
fine fresh air, and had a wonderful night's sleep.

The next morning, he found he had smashed the 
glass of a bookcase and the window had 
remained closed during the whole night. He had 
supplied himself with oxygen, simply by his thought of oxygen. 

When a student starts out to demonstrate, he 
should never turn back. "Let not that man who 
wavers think that he shall receive anything of the Lord."

A colored student once made this wonderful 
statement,"When I asks the Father for anything, 
I puts my foot down, and I says: Father, I'll take 
nothing less than I've asked for, but more!" So 
man should never compromise: "Having done all - 
Stand." This is sometimes the most difficult time
of demonstrating. The temptation comes to give 
up, to turn back, to compromise.

"He also serves who only stands and waits."

Demonstrations often come at the eleventh hour 
because man then lets go, that is, stops 
reasoning, and Infinite Intelligence has a 
chance to work.

"Man's dreary desires are answered drearily, and 
his impatient desires, long delayed or violently 
fulfilled. For example: A woman asked me why
it was she was constantly losing or breaking her 

We found she often said to herself and others with
vexation,"I wish I could get rid of my glasses." So 
her impatient desire was violently fulfilled. What 
she should have demanded was perfect eye-sight, 
but what she registered in the subconscious was 
simply the impatient desire to be rid of her 
glasses; so they were continually being broken or lost. 

Two attitudes of mind cause loss: depreciation, as 
in the case of the woman who did not appreciate 
her husband, or fear of loss, which makes a 
picture of loss in the subconscious.

When a student is able to let go of his problem 
(cast his burden) he will have instantaneous manifestation.

For example: A woman was out during a very 
stormy day and her umbrella was blown inside-
out. She was about tomake a call on some people 
whom she had never met and she did not wish 
to make her first appearance with a dilapidated 
umbrella. She could not throw it away, as it did
not belong to her. So in desperation, she 
exclaimed: "Oh God, you take charge of this 
umbrella, I don't know what to do."

A moment later, a voice behind her said: "Lady, 
do you want your umbrella mended? There 
stood an umbrella mender.

She replied, "Indeed, I do."

The man mended the umbrella, while she went 
into the house to pay her call, and when she 
returned, she had a good umbrella. So there is 
always an umbrella mender at hand, on man's 
pathway, when one puts the umbrealla (or 
situation) in God's Hands.

One should always follow a denial with an affirmation.

For example: I was called on the 'phone late one 
night to treat a man whom I had never seen. He 
was apparently very ill. I made the statement: "I 
deny this appearance of disease. It is unreal, 
therefore cannot register in his consciousness; this 
man is a perfect idea in Divine Mind, pure 
substance expressing perfection."

There is no time or space, in Divine Mind, 
therefore the word reaches instantly its 
destination and does not "return void." I have 
treated patients in Europe and have found 
that the result was instantaneous.

I am asked so often the difference between 
visualizing and visioning. Visualizing is a 
mental process governed by the reasoning 
or conscious mind; visioning is a spiritual
process, governed by intuition, or the 
superconscious mind.
The student should train his mind to receive these 
flashes of inspiration, and work out the "divine 
pictures," through definite leads. When a man can 
say, "I desire only that which God desires for me,
" his new set of blueprints is given him by the 
Master Architect, the God within. God's plan 
for each man transcends the limitation of the 
reasoning mind, and is always the square of life, 
containing health, wealth, love and perfect 
self-expression. Many a man is building for 
himself in imagination a bungalow when he
should be building a palace.

If a student tries to force a demonstration 
(through the reasoning mind) he brings it to 
a standstill. "I will hasten it, " saith the Lord. 
He should act only through intuition, or
definite leads. "Rest in the Lord and wait 
patiently. Trust also in him, and he will 
bring it to pass." 

I have seen the law work in the most astonishing 
manner. For example: A student stated that it 
was necessary for her to have a hundred dollars 
for the following day. It was a debt of vital 
importance which had to be met. I "spoke the
word," declaring Spirit was "never too late" 
and that the supply was at hand.

That evening she phoned me of the miracle. She 
said that the thought came to her to go to her 
safe-deposit box at the bank to examine some 
papers. She looked over the papers, and at the 
bottom of the box, was a new one hundred dollar
bill. She was astounded, and said she knew she 
had never put it there, for she had gone through 
the papers many times. It may have been a 
materialization, as Jesus Christ materialized the 
loaves and fishes. Man will reach the stage
where his "word is made flesh," or materialized, 
instantly."The fields, ripe with the harvest,
" will manifest immediately, as in all of the 
miracles of Jesus Christ.

There is a tremendous power alone in the name 
Jesus Christ. It stands for Truth Made 
Manifest. He said,"Whatsoever ye ask the 
Father, in my name, he will give it to you."

The power of this name raises the student into 
the fourth dimension, where he is freed from 
all astral and psychic influences, and he becomes 
"unconditioned and absolute, as God Himself is 
unconditioned and absolute."

I have seen many healings accomplished by using 
the words, "In the name of Jesus Christ." 
Christ was both person and principle; and the 
Christ within each man is his Redeemer and 

The Christ within, is his own fourth dimensional 
self, the man made in God's image and likeness. 
This is the self which has never failed, never 
known sickness or sorrow, was never born and 
has never died. It is the "resurrection and the 
life" of each man! "No man cometh to the Father
save by the Son," means, that God, the Universal, 
working on the place of the particular, becomes 
the Christ in man; and the Holy Ghost, means 
God-in-action. So daily, man is manifesting the 
fruits of the Holy Ghost.

Man should make an art of thinking. The Master 
Thinker is an artist and is careful to paint only 
the divine designs upon the canvas of his mind; 
and he paints these pictures with masterly 
strokes of power and decision, having perfect 
faith that there is no power to mar their 
perfection and that they shall manifest in his life 
the ideal made real.

All power is given man (through right thinking) to 
bring his heaven upon his earth, and this is 
the goal of the "Game of Life."

The simple rules are fearless faith, nonresistance and love!

May each reader be now freed from that thing 
which has held him in bondage through the ages, 
standing between him and his own, and "know 
the Truth which makes him free"- free to fulfill 
his destiny, to bring into manifestation the 
"Divine Design of his life, Health, 
Wealth, Love and Perfect Self-Expression." 
"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Denials and Affirmations

For Prosperity

God is my unfailing supply, and large sums of 
money come to me quickly, under grace, in perfect ways.

For Right Plan

Every plan my Father in heaven has not planned, 
shall be dissolved and dissipated, and the Divine 
Idea now comes to pass.

For Right Conditions

Only that which is true of God is true of me, for I 
and the Father are ONE.

For Faith

As I am one with God, I am one with my good, for 
God is both the Giver and the Gift. I cannot 
separate the Giver from the gift.

For Right Conditions

Divine Love now dissolves and dissipates every 
wrong condition in my mind, body and affairs. 
Divine Love is the most powerful chemical in 
the universe, and dissolves everything 
which is not of itself!

For Health

Divine Love floods my consciousness with health, 
and every cell in my body is filled with light.

For the Eyesight

My eyes are God's eyes, I see with the eyes of 
spirit. I see clearly the open way; there are no 
obstacles on my pathway. I see clearly the 
perfect plan.

 For Guidance

I am divinely sensitive to my intuitive leads, and 
give instant obedience to Thy will. 

For the Hearing

My ears are God's ears, I hear with the ears of 
spirit. I am nonresistant and am willing to be 
led. I hear glad tidings of great joy.

For Right Work

I have a perfect work
In a perfect way;
I give a perfect service
For perfect pay.

For Freedom from all Bondage

I cast this burden on the Christ within, and I go free! 

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