Saturday, February 11, 2017

Proof that an oral saline IV is better than a USD$525.00 intravenous one.

Oral vs IV Rehydration

Athletes Take Heed

When considering oral vs IV rehydration, oral is better. Why? Here you will discover what we think, what we know and what can we prove.

Both oral and IV hydration have been used by high-performance athletes through the years. It is common in the NFL, collegiate football, marathon and triathlon sports.

In third world and some second world countries, IV rehydration for athletes is a standard of care.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Research from 2005 found oral re-hydration to be more effective in children than IV fluid (IVF) rehydration, because it was faster to give and reduced hospital admissions in a certain group of small children.

When someone is unconscious or semiconscious, IV administration is the preferred form of hydration by healthcare professionals. But what about the rest of us? Is there a better way?

Oral vs IV Rehydration: The Sport Health Pro View

Because of the commonality of IV use, health professionals believe it is more effective than oral rehydration. It is thought that the IV will provide for far greater performance over oral hydration.

However, this is wishful thinking. There is no science to back this mindset.

Benefits Of Oral Hydration: The Science

Oral hydration has been found to be just as effective as IV hydration and studies show that oral hydration may actually be more beneficial. Oral hydration is also safer. It does not require medical staff to deliver it.
The safety and speed of administration alone makes it a better choice on the field of sports activity.

The study looked at the response to IV and Oral Rehydration. After 20 minutes of rehydration, the subjects exercised untill exhausted. The room temperature was 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity of 50%.

The findings....

During exercise, the....

Blood plasma (the liquid part of our blood) and other blood-pumping values were about the same for IV and oral rehydration.

Temperatures were lower with oral rehydration.

Feeling of thirst was lower in the oral rehydration group.

Feelings of exertion were lower in the oral rehydration group.

Performance improvement for the oral rehydration group were only slightly better.

Oral Rehydration: The Better Way

While the results were about the same in the IV vs Oral hydration methods, there are a number of unseen advantages. The risk of infection, bruising, discomfort may be considered minor reasons to avoid the IV. Any invasive treatment to the body has greater risks than natural treatments.

Additionally, the need to move an athlete to a secure place to provide the IV creates further challenges.

Add to this the thirst perception and the feeling of not being exhausted, the oral rehydration has a lot of reasons to consider it as being superior.

By following an effective oral rehydration protocol, athletes are taking charge of their own health naturally. This will help the athlete become more in tune to their body's needs and when it is speaking to them. This in turn may result in greater performance.

So, when it comes to oral vs IV rehydration, oral wins the competition.


Intravenous vs. oral rehydration: effects on subsequent exercise-heat stress.
J Appl Physiol (1985). 1997 Mar;82(3):799-806

Thermoregulation and Stress Hormone Recovery After Exercise Dehydration: Comparison of Re-hydration Methods
J Athl Train. 2013 Nov-Dec; 48(6): 725–733

A related trial in young children, even better results.

Oral versus intravenous rehydration of moderately dehydrated children: a randomized, controlled trial.

Pediatrics. 2005 Feb;115(2):295-301

So, How Much Water To Drink?

The following is the baseline water needs.

Age 2-17y-o daily minimum need is 75% body weight in ounces of water. Divide by 5 or individual dose. Take a pinch of salt dissolved on the tip of the tongue each time you drink.

Age 18+ daily minimum need is half the body weight in ounces of water. Divide by 5 or individual dose. An easier way, 10% your body weight each time you drink. Start with 2x and work up to 5 times. Take a pinch of salt dissolved on the tip of the tongue each time you drink.

Here is the break down and those who should not use this. Please read this entire section to find your specific need.

NEVER: drink more than 32 ounces in 2 hours.

NEVER: drink the water without taking the salt (unless otherwise directed). Too much water could wash out the electrolytes needed for normal health.

NEVER: Use the protocol if you have kidney disease without talking to a doctor.

NEVER: Use the protocol if you have congestive heart disease (CHF) or other fluid restrictions.

NEVER: use the protocol if you have a salt intolerance.

The Five Rights of Proper Hydration

Right Person: age 2-17 / 18-50 / 50-80 / 80 and older.

Right Time: 30 min before and 2 hours after meals.

Right Route: Dissolve the salt in mouth so it can be absorbed in the mucous membranes.

Right Amount: Salt: 1/8th tsp per 16 ounces, water: 10% of body weight in ounces of water each time you drink.

Why Dissolve the Salt On the Tip Of Your Tongue?

Some drink water with salt in it. This is called Sole. It can and will make many people sick to their stomachs. Putting the salt on the tongue will allow it to get to the blood faster so that when the water arrives in the gut, it will better be able to be absorbed.

Right Electrolyte: While normally this would be unprocessed salt, it could include others depending on your health issues.

Right Person Age 2-17: If there are any health problems, do not use the water cures protocol without supervision of a healthcare provider. The growing years...According to Dr. B, the formula is 75% of their body weight in ounces of water is the total daily dose. Then divide by 5 or 6 for individual dose. During athletic performance, the hydration need goes up to 100% of their body weight in ounces of water.

Right Person Age 18-50: Start drinking the water 2 x a day (within 20 min of waking) and slowly increase.

Right Person Age 50-80: Start off slower. Use the least amount of water and the least amount of salt. Only start off drinking one time a day. Then after a week, increase to 2 times a day. Allow up to 30 days before increasing the amount of water you drink or the salt you take.

Right Person Age 80 and over: Only start with the help of a healthcare professional. You should be monitored for health changes.

Right Person 18-50: If you do not have any other health issues, this age group usually responds to the basic water cures protocol.

Right Route: Obviously you are going to drink the water. The electrolytes are another story. Some prefer putting salt in the water. This may make you sick to your stomach. Others prefer putting the salt on the tongue and letting it dissolve. There is a third way that also makes sense.

When adding a tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll to the last drink of the day, adding level teaspoon of honey and 1/4 tsp of salt into the glass, blend into the water, and it will be more easily absorbed in both your mouth before swallowing and in your gut after it goes down.

Note: By using the oral route, the best way to make it most effective, hold each sip in the mouth and allow your saliva to mix with it as well as some of it to be absorbed.

Right Amount: This is broken down into four answers. There are individual doses, daily doses and doses for those highly active or in very hot or humid conditions.

Drink the water all at once. Do not nurse your water. Think of your body as holding it rather than holding it in a bottle. The salt is what allows your body to store it.

One thing to note, many start losing weight. Sometimes the weight loss is dramatic. The amount of water we need will gradually decrease as you follow the water cures protocol.

First: Never drink more than 32 ounces at one time or inside of a 2-hour period and never drink that much without salt.

Individual dose: At a normal activity level, 10 percent of your body weight in ounces of water. So If you weigh 135 lbs, you would drink 13 ounces. If you weigh 190 lbs, you would drink 19 ounces. Ten percent in ounces is basically the first two numbers of your weight if you are over 100 lbs and the first number if you are under 100 lbs.

This is the baseline amount you need to drink. If you are active, you will need to drink more depending on the intensity of what you are doing.

There is science on drinking more. Urine Volume and Change in Estimated GFR in a Community-Based Cohort Study. Conclusions in this community-based cohort, decline in kidney function was significantly slower in those with higher versus lower urine volume.

Right Time: 30 to 45 min before meals, 2 hours after meals. The reason is simple. When we drink water and take the electrolytes on an empty stomach, the water more readily goes through the stomach and enters the gut. From there, it returns to the stomach through the blood circulatory system and prepares the stomach for the soon-to-arrive food. The preparation includes both having everything ready for the production of hydrochloric acid and the creation of the mucous lining for the arrival of the food. Additionally, any old salts are washed out of the stomach.

In addition to being the best practice of hydration of the body and to avoid diluting the stomach juices, drinking before allows the stomach to better prepare for the meal.

If you are doing water to lose weight, drink as soon as you get up. Ideally you want to drink your water and dissolve the salt in your mouth within 20 minutes of awaking. Likewise drink at least 20 minutes before bed.

Right Electrolyte: Normally the Water Cures protocol suggests using unprocessed salt. However, there are exceptions. While we do not understand the reason why, some fine ground sea salts tend to have less mineral counts than the coarse salts. This may be due to oxidation from exposure to air. So we recommend the coarse sea salt as perhaps the best.

And not all sea salt has the same mineral counts. It must be unprocessed. The best way to know, look for the mineral count. Mined salts likewise are rich in minerals. Some prefer one over the other. The best way to find out which works best for you is to try both or even switch back and forth.

Sometimes we may need additional electrolytes. Your doctor would be in the best position to tell you if you should use any others, how much and how long.

How Much Water to Drink to Prevent Dehydration
This is a work in progress. We will continue to study and define the answer to this question. One thing we do know, when there is illness or disease, the water cures protocol can help some to reset their health.

Please share your experience or questions to help us grow this knowledge base.

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