Monday, February 20, 2017

Water Cure Triumphs Over Addictions

From: Michael V. Krol 
            R.R. #2 Box 1645 
           Honesdale PA. 10431
           (570) 253-2259

To: Bob Butts 
       Cee-Kay Auto
       4949 Birney Ave.
       Moosic, PA. 18507
My life changed after two months on the "Water Cure." As the result of an accident on Oct. 5,1954, I suffered a broken back, dislocated shoulder, dislocated knees, a smashed foot and a fractured skull. I've had severe pain and discomfort ever since. I was taking Lasix, a diuretic for edema of both legs. I also took atenolol and lisinopril for high blood pressure and was told to use no salt. I was a heavy consumer of alcohol most of my life. It got to where I was drinking one or two six-packs of beer each day and sometimes as much as a full case. I prayed to God to help me stop drinking. 

I first heard about the "Water Cure" on "Positive Press on the Air." My wife and daughter went to Cee-Kay Auto and spoke to Bob Butts about the "Water Cure." I sat in the car. It wasn't easy for me to come in. I read the literature and it made sense to me, so I tried the "Water Cure." The day I started drinking a gallon of water a day while using sea salt liberally, I quit drinking alcohol. I've had no desire for any since, even when in the company of others drinking alcohol. My pain is diminished to the point that I don't park in handicap spots. I am now off all pain medication. The edema in my ankles disappeared in two days. In two weeks my blood pressure returned to normal and I've been off the medication since. Before going on medication my pressure was 166 over 126. On medication it would be about 156 over 83. Now it is 141 over 78. My energy also greatly improved. It's incredible how much my life changed for the better in just two months. 

I recommended the "Water Cure" to my daughter Kelly, who was suffering from compacted bowels. In five days she was restored to health. Her complexion also greatly improved. She had very severe blemishes and skin texture that was so bad it resembled alligator hide. It returned to almost normal in five days. She now feels like a million dollars Feel free to share my success with your listeners and readers. You may use my name, address and telephone number. Our E-mail address is

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These testimonials are all from the Natural Healing Center  - Wichita, Kansas. email:

I was a recovering drug addict and alcoholic for twenty-five years. I was a long-term member of AA, and still suffered from drug and alcohol cravings – anxiety, shakes, and general out-of-control feelings. Within twenty-four hours of starting the watercure, all of the symptoms began to subside. My high blood pressure dropped to 110/70. This is the best I have felt in years.

Gloria, Wichita, Kansas

I was an active alcoholic. Within twenty-four hours, the alcoholic cravings began to subside. The watercure has relieved the compulsive craving for alcohol.

Keith, Wichita, Kansas

I was an alcohol and drug user for many years. Hydration relieved withdrawal side effects within twenty-four hours. I am now using the watercure, and I am a strong believer and supporter of this program.

Christy, Wichita, Kansas

I am a dry alcoholic. I attended several programs (i.e. anger management and codependent programs, AA) with little or no relief. Within minutes of starting the watercure program, I relaxed and felt a calm come over my body like I have never felt in my life. The obsessive and compulsive behavior is going away. Nothing has helped me like the watercure.

Don, Wichita, Kansas

My father gave me the watercure book, and I grasped at what I saw as an unexpected deliverance. I had been an alcoholic since my twenties. I was gratified to discover the power of water to still the cravings of an alcoholic. The extra weight I had put on literally just disappeared. My complexion changed back to a wonderful, youthful glow – thanks to Dr. B’s book which was decisive in my redemption.

Mission Viejo, CA

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Date: November 10, 1997
From: D. E.  
To: Dr. F. Batmanghelidl 
      Global Health Solutions 
      P.O. Box 3189 
      Falls Church, Virginia 22043

My father introduced me to your water discoveries at a very critical time for me and my infant son. I am 35 years old and had been alcoholic since my twenties. As with most people so afflicted, my personal relationships were rocky and impermanent, and I had a broken marriage behind me. I had also just reached the end of a follow-on relationship, in a fashion that was both shocking and stressful, since I was without resources to continue my life in a city strange to me. 

I got into Alcoholics Anonymous determined to prevent any repetition of my agonies. At this point, my father gave me your book and urged me to act on its content with full resolve. I did so, grasping at what I saw as an unexpected deliverance -- like the hand of God. I was gratified to discover the power of water to still the cravings of an alcoholic. Soon I realized that alcoholism was really a THIRST SIGNAL that I was habituated to respond to with alcohol, which is a powerful dehydrating agent. One became like a dog chasing' its own tail. Dehydration through alcohol is self-perpetuating, unless the thirst sensations are answered with water. Persevering with adequate daily water intake, and eliminating dehydrating caffeinated drinks, I found myself able to deal effectively with my personal vocational crisis. I was able to got my belongings and furniture together, rent a truck and load it, and drive myself and my son back to California from Las Vegas. My former, alcoholic self could not have done this. I resettled myself in California, went back successfully into my work as a beautician, and buckled down to raising my son. 

Of course I still have normal problems like everyone else, but alcohol is not one of them. water has lifted this curse from my life. As I write, I have been ten months "dry," and I have been able to reorganize my life rationally. 

Adequate daily water intake is the bedrock on which to rebuild a life deranged by alcohol, and to help others do the same. There are other benefits that will have great appeal to all alcoholic women, in particular. 

As an alcoholic, I had begun to lose my youthful looks. Steady self-poisoning and dehydration with alcohol dulled and aged my complexion. In recent years, my weight had steadily increased for the reasons you outline so clearly in your book. I began to look puffy and pallid. Therefore I was elated – absolutely "stoked" -- when rehydration caused my excess weight to just disappear. I could not believe it, and nor could my friends, as I regained the perfect figure I had enjoyed as a young woman. I did not have to "sweat" this, it -just happened. My complexion began to change back to a wonderful, youthful glow that everyone remarks on, and which has delighted my father. My regained radiance is a big asset in my professional work as a beautician. The weight loss and adequate daily water intake invigorated my whole being. I began running on what you call -"hydro-electric power," in your book. 

With these changes came an overall renewal of life and outlook. I continue to help others through AA. I began attracting lift positive gentlemen of purpose and substance, instead of the lesser follows who would tolerate an alcoholic woman. Church attendance brought me comfort, and I wanted to attend. I plan and work for an ever-improving life. Reviewing my post from my normalized perspective, I apologized to my father for my many years of outrages, and for the suffering I had caused him because of his love for me. Dad had almost given up on me, but his provision of your book was decisive in my redemption. my father tells everyone that you are one of the greatest physicians In the history of thhe world. I think he is right. 

Thank you, Dr. Batmanghelidj, for all you have done, not alone for me with my turnaround in life, but for all mankind. The weight loss and adequate daily water intake invigorated my whole being. I began running on what you call -"hydro-electric power," in your book. With these changes came an overall renewal of life and outlook. I continue to help others through AA. I began attracting lift positive gentlemen of purpose and substance, instead of the lesser follows who would tolerate an alcoholic woman. Church attendance brought me comfort, and I wanted to attend. I plan and work for an ever-improving life. 

Reviewing my post from my normalized perspective, I apologized to my father for my many years of outrages, and for the suffering I had caused him because of his love for me. Dad had almost given up on me, but his provision of your book was decisive in my redemption. my father tells everyone that you are one of the greatest physicians In the history of the world. I think he is right. 

Thank you, Dr. Batmanghelidj, for have done, not alone for me with my turnaround in life, but for all mankind.  
Dear Dr. Batmanghelidj,

Almost every time I got drunk, I would get in a fight. I had no control of myself whatsoever. I ended up in jail too many times. I eventually went on the watercure and was amazed that I was able to rid myself of the alcohol cravings that were wrecking my life in a few days. That was the last time I had any violent behavior. Everything in my life got better, especially relationships.

Just sign me,
“Freedom at Last”

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The Recipe: Drink no caffeine, alcohol or soda.
Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water
while adding 1/4 tsp. unrefined sea salt to your
food for every quart of water consumed.
If you have congestive heart disease or kidney
problems, consult your M.D.

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