Friday, April 28, 2017


Program Outline

Week 1: Introducing a new paradigm
TFT terms and glossary
Types of applications
Levels of effectiveness
Q & A’s – submitted in advance

Week 2: Measures of Effectiveness
Radio studies
Current Research
Demonstrations – submitted in advance

Week 3: Application – Key Components of TFT
Case studies
Psychological reversals
Major treatment points
Nine Gamut procedures
Collar bone breathing
Floor to ceiling eyeroll
Advanced procedures (just mention- 7 second and chakra)
Demonstrations – submitted in advance

Week 4: Application – Trauma
Case studies
Complex trauma
Q & A’s – submitted in advance

Week 5: Application – Fears, Phobias and Anxiety Related Problems
Case studies
Common phobias
Other phobias
Panic and anxiety disorders
Q & A’s – submitted in advance

Week 6: Application – Addictions and Obsessive Behaviors
Case studies
Addictive cravings or urges
Underlying anxiety
Obsessive behaviors
Q & A’s – submitted in advance

Week 7: Application - Miscellaneous
Case Studies
Physical pain
Jet lag
Visualization and peak performance
Q & A’s – submitted in advance

Week 8: Troubleshooting
Products that support toxin identification and elimination
Chronic problems
Recurring reversals
Products that support psychological reversal corrections
Apex problem
Further support

Using Thought Field Therapy to Instantly Conquer Your Fears,
Anxieties, and Emotional Distress

Week 1: Introducing a new paradigm
1. History – Timeline handout
2. Discoveries
i. Psychological Reversal
ii. Severe water phobia – Mary
3. TFT terms and glossary – Glossary handout
4. Types of applications – examples of emotional, physical, spiritual
5. Levels of effectiveness – handout

6. Q & A’s – live interaction at the end of the  class.

Thought Field Therapy® (TFT) and Optimal Health
The Evolution of Callahan Techniques® and Thought Field Therapy®
Levels of TFT – From algorithms to the most effective
Algorithms > Self-testing >SELF-TREATMENT > Diagnostic > Voice Technology > Optimal Health 

During the late seventies and early eighties, Dr. Roger Callahan worked diligently on finding a simpler, more effective way to
help his patients. He found traditional psychological methods slow, sometimes painful and often ineffective.

As a clinical psychologist, his focus was on emotional problems. Through his research and clinical testing, he discovered some simple procedures that quickly eliminated phobias and identified and eliminated self-sabotage, which he termed psychological reversal.

His book, The Five Minute Phobia Cure (Enterprise, 1985) detailed and presented these new discoveries and brief treatments, “The Callahan Techniques”. He demonstrated them live, on radio and television across the country. While treating
thousands around the world, he developed procedures for many other psychological problems including grief, trauma, addictions and cravings, depression, anxiety disorder and many other emotional problems.

This work led to his development of a causal diagnostic process, where he could quickly determine a specific tapping sequence (healing code) for any problem. This diagnostic process, repeated over many years, led to the development of
commonly used algorithms. The Callahan Techniques® now had two levels of treatment, simple algorithms and a causal
diagnostic procedure for more complex problems.

As Dr. Callahan was asked to treat more and more people and do more radio shows, he realized he needed to find a way to
treat these people successfully, over the phone as well as face-to-face. This work led him to discover the Voice Technology,
which has proved to be the most effective and rapid level of the Callahan Techniques® treatment procedures.

Then in 1994, Florida State University began a search for a cure for PTSD. They invited Dr. Callahan and I to participate in
the study along with three other therapies, EMDR, TIR and VK/D a form of NLP. They told Dr. Callahan to come up with a
descriptive name. And so, we had the birth of Thought Field Therapy® from the Callahan Techniques®.

Our first newsletter published details of the study as did an article in the Family Therapy Networker where the author, stated “if it had been a horse race, the TFT contingent would have won hands down”. Thought Field Therapy® (TFT) was off to a great start.

Over the next fourteen years, TFT was used by more and more practitioners and lay people alike, treating and helping not
only emotional problems but many physical problems with amazing success. We began to realize TFT must be “nature’s
healing system” as we saw miraculous improvements with problems like mennieres disease, cancer, chronic pain, immune
disorders, anaphylaxis, and so many others. TFT was appearing to be equally effective in the physical realm.

Dr. Callahan found that many physical problems responded to TFT very quickly and the healing lasted. He also found that
much of poor health, both emotional and physical, was affected or aggravated by toxins, and, that TFT could be used to
identify and treat these toxin problems with great success. He was even able to find a way to eliminate the side-effects of
necessary medications, greatly improving the quality of life for those individuals needing them.

Today we receive reports daily, from all over the world, about how TFT has helped healing from many physical problems
and chronic diseases. Dr. Callahan and our VT practitioners, can work with anyone, anywhere, and have had amazing healing successes for their friends, family and clients. Dr. Callahan’s latest book, Tapping the Healer Within, teaches methods for many of life’s daily stresses and is available in 10 languages throughout the world.

As Dr. Callahan has been developing TFT in the physical realm, we have others who have used TFT to improve in the spiritual realm. We first presented this in an article for our newsletter. Fr. Luis Jorge Gonzalez, ocd., PhD, said “TFT opens a door to God’s grace and makes possible the spiritual healing for people who have been suffering for years and years.”

Our recent work with the genocide victims of Rwanda also suggests TFT can help remove blocks to spiritual growth.
Many who were locked in trauma, nightmares, anger, grief, move into higher levels of consciousness. After treatment they
could express love and caring for others and demonstrated improved self-esteem. Others have reported they can use TFT
to successfully quiet their mind and aid in the meditation process.

TFT can help heal the whole person, in the emotional, physical and spiritual domains. It is truly a divine healing system and

a gift to the world. Join us in achieving Optimal Health.

TFT Time Line

Late 1970’s/Early 1980’s
Callahan Techniques 1978
Five Minute Phobia Cure 1980
Psychological Reversal 1985

Late 1980’s/Early 1990’s
Diagnostic procedures
Common Algorithms 1988
Voice Technology
Thought Field Therapy 1994

Late 1990’s/Early 2000’s
Physical conditions 1998
Spiritual applications 2000
HRV 2001
Toxin treatments
Voltmeter 2002

Mid 2000’s to date
Objective Self-testing
VT for the masses
Personal spiritual
Optimal Health 2008

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