Saturday, April 29, 2017


By Dr. Roger J. Callahan, PhD

  In my study of the medical literature on HRV, I 
find little or no reporting on what is a good score. 
I do not know why this is the case unless it is a 
result of a problem with the fact that the 
profession of heart care does not know how to 
dramatically improve HRV. In study after study 
and research after research HRV is properly 
lauded as the very best indicator of heart and also
of general health. Most professionals do not wish 
to put into bold relief their glaring inability to 
improve low HRV by putting such skill to the 
tests. See, e.g., the HRV research on depression 
and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

  In the HRV text book by Marek Malik and A.John 
Camm there is an illustration showing the length 
of survival after a heart attack by three groups of 
patients; this is from the original research by 
and colleagues. It is summarized by Bosner and 
Kleiger in their chapter on HEART RATE 

  On page 331 they state “The absence of 
variability is a highly significant risk factor for 
adverse outcomes following acute myocardial 
interaction, including all cause mortality, 
arrhythmic, and sudden death.

  They separated the research subjects into three 
groups – those with SDNN’s above 100, those 
between 50 and 100, and those below 50. To 
summarize the result, p 334,”… those with 
SDNN BELOW 50 “had a mortality risk 5.3
times as high as those with SDNN above 100.
This is a highly significant risk of death 
predicted by the SDNN.

  Another clear source of the relative merit of 
having a high SDNN is the interesting quantitative 
study by Bilchick et al, who concluded:

  “… each 10ms increase in SDNN results 
in a 20% decrease in the chance of death.”

Daugherty, CM and Burr, RL report in American 
Journal of Cardiology (1992), 70, Aug 25, pp 441-
448, in an article titled, “A comparison of 
survivors and non-survivors of sudden cardiac 

There were 16 survivors and 5 deaths in their 
group. The HRV (SDNN) score breakdowns 
were as follows:

  The 5 NON-SURVIVORS average score was 
SDNN = 52.3

  The 16 SURVIVORS average score was 
SDNN = 78

  It is very clear from these data that the higher 
the variability the safer one is, the healthier one 
is, and the farther from illness and death one is.

Experiment with HRV and toxic sweater:Joanne 
and I used HRV Live for this experiment which 
gives instant scores on HRV.

  SDNN before sweater identified as a toxin: 
SDNN=21.8 Test sweater and find it toxic.

     HRV LIVE showed an immediate improvement 
to SDNN 68.6. In Bilchick’s terms, the chances of
death were decreased significantly by removing 
the sweater – in fact death was postponed, 
according to the Bilchick research (published in 
The American Journal of Cardiology) by 100%.
  The difference in time between the pre and post 
sweater SDNN was a matter of the few seconds it 
took to remove the sweater.from the body. HRV 
Live gives scores instantly rather than waiting for 
five minutes. Such findings as this as well as other 
TFT impacts on HRV is revolutionary in that in 
no place in the HRV literature, of which I am 
aware, does anything like this kind of 
improvement, in speed or quantity, exist.


  The first client who had died and was brought 
back in the hospital where he worked was a 
physician. I worked with him about ten months 
after his revival. His SDNN prior to TFT VT 
therapy was 16. After VT therapy his SDNN 
immediately increased to a very healthy 91!

  The other client who came to my training a 
couple of months after being revived in a fire 
station near his home had an SDNN of 8. He 
was severely sensitive to his HIV- AIDS 
cocktail medication and using my recent 
discovery of treating toxins his SDNN 
immediately improved significantly and then 
with further time and treatments his SDNN 
score has gradually been restored to normal; i.e., 
above 100.

  To illustrate the significance of this statement 
consider this physician who suffered from 
depression for 20 years and was not helped by the 
many medications or the numerous 
psychotherapies he tried. He attended one of my 
training and he volunteered to have me treat his 
depression with TFT. He took an HRV test before 
and after treatment. His depression prior to TFT 
treatment was a 10, meaning it was the worst it 
could be. The treatment took a matter of minutes 
and his depression completely disappeared. His 
SDNN before treatment was a very low 32 ms. 
Immediately after my brief treatment his SDNN 
increased to 144.4ms.
Such dramatic improvements are unheard of in 
the HRV literature. As noted above, such an 
improvement will likely result in a profound 
decrease in the chance of death. If each 10 ms 
increase results in a 20% decrease in the chance 
of death, as Bilchick et al state, then it may 
readily be seen in the light of the of this study, 
that there is a dramatic decrease in the risk of 
death for this individual. How long will the 
treatment last? We never know until it lasts; 
however, I discovered in principle what can 
undo any successful treatment and this gives 
TFT a further important advantage over any 
other treatment.

  It should be noted that although such improve-
ments as this are commonplace with TFT, not 
everyone responds in this manner. I have learned 
that when SDNN does not respond immediately 
after stress removal, then toxins must be 
identified, treated and avoided. All cases needs 
to be followed in order to ensure that the 
dramatic gains hold over time. To understand 
how a highly successful treatment can be undone 
see Cure and Time in Stop the Nightmares of 
Trauma (Callahan and Callahan). In order to 
know what to do when a treatment is undone, see 
my recent important package The Identification 
and Treatment of Toxins.

  A study carried out at a major hospital using 
only my depression algorithm (number of patients
=106) found that depression was reduced from an 
average 7.3 (on a 10 point scale, where 1 means 
no trace of depression) to a 1.6 (Sakai, et al).

  Professionals all over the world are now 
eliminating the stress of such psychological 
problems as trauma, anxiety, anger, and 
depression with great speed and alacrity unknown 
before my discovery of TFT. It seems highly 
likely that the people treated successfully will, in 
addition to being free of their specific problem, 
be less likely to expire prematurely.
Note: There were 50 men who were put on the “Aids Cocktail” at the same time David started and David is the only survivor living today (March, 2008).

  Certain ordinary foods in some people act like a 
poison and can lower HRV, shorten life and cause 
serious illness. Since TFT is so powerful in 
eliminating stress of almost any kind, HRV 
typically responds immediately to an appropriate 
and correct treatment and the HRV will increase, 
often dramatically and immediately. Ingested 
toxins, however can take months to clear to the 
point where SDNN increases dramatically. It 
seems obvious that the difference in time is due 
to the greater inertia of the physical toxins as 
opposed to the psychological originated stress.

My Personal Standard
   As I write this, I celebrated my 84 birthday. My 
health is excellent. I know that if it were not for 
the powerful treatments I discovered and 
developed, I simply would not be here.

  I have had colon cancer and a triple bypass 
heart operation. Just before I made my 
discoveries, I suffered from severe chronic 
fatigue syndrome. I want to numerous 
physicians, chiropractors, (I even traveled to 
Detroit to see if Dr George Goodheart could 
help, numerous acupuncturists, etc. As my 
discovery of the role of toxins became 
more clear. I was able to cure this myself. It was 
wonderful that I could do it!!

  Today, I take my HRV regularly and if it goes 
below 100, I find out what is wrong by means of 
my own objective self-testing procedure. My 
HRV typically increases to 100 or over as I 
address the problem whether it is toxic or 
psychological stress. Since my body is mainly 
free of toxic stress in recent years, it is possible 
for my SDNN to rise immediately.

Bilchick KC, Fetics B, Djoukeng R, Gross-Fisher S, Fletcher RD, Singh SN, Nevo E, Berger RD. (2002) Prognostic value of heart rate variability in chronic congestive heart failure.
American Journal of Cardiology. 90(1):24-28.

Callahan, R. (2002) Objective evidence of the superiority of TFT in eliminating depression. The Thought Field.

Sakai, C., Paperny, D., Mathews, M., Tanida, G., Boyd, G., Simons, A., Yamamoto, C.,Mau, C., Nutter, L. (2001). Thought Field Therapy Clinical Applications: Utilization in an HMO in behavioral medicine and behavioral health services. Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol57,(10) pp1215-1227.

% Increase in HRV (SDNN) with Different Therapies

Image result for % Increase in HRV (SDNN) with Different Therapies

Time Scale: Exercise and smoking cessation are after one year. Biofeedback relaxation training is after two months. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for depression was carried out for 16 sessions. Sertraline (Zoloft) was administered for depression for 22 weeks in this study. Common side effects with Sertraline include nausea, diarrhea, tremor, insomnia, somnolence, and dry mouth. TFT for depression was done in one session within minutes (Callahan, 2002). Typically there is immediate elimination of depression and immediate increase in HRV averaging 80% in this sample. No harmful side effects with TFT.

I argue, along that HRV is an index of health - 
please see my article: Stress, Health, and the 
Heart: A Report on Heart Rate Variability and 
Thought Field Therapy, Including a Theory of 
the Meaning of HRV.

Some Statements From the Scientific Literature on SDNN (HRV)
First, a word on the ultra-conservative manner of scientific style: It is frowned upon in science, to express enthusiasm. Here is an exaggerated example of this mode of speech; Two academic scientists are riding on a train. One scientist looks out the window and seeing a field of sheep says. “Look, the sheep have just been shorn.” The other scientist looks and replies, “They do appear to have been shorn on one side.”

When I published my trauma treatment in 1980, 
the title of my article included the word 
“amazing.” It was and still is amazing but I broke 
tradition by using the word in the title. My work 
with HRV is even still more amazing but I must 
stifle my excitement which has not diminished in 
my 80 plus years. To indicate my enthusiasm for 
certain scientific findings, I use bold type – all 
bold below is my addition.

Stress Test and HRV “Low HRV has been shown to be a powerful independent predictor of all cause mortality in the post-MI (heart attack) population, as well as in patients with a number of non-cardiac disease states. Indeed, low HRV may be a more powerful predictor than left 
ventricular ejection fraction, wall motion 
abnormalities, frequency and complexity of 
ventricular ectopy, standard ECG and exercise
ECG indices …” p440 [in HRV text book]

“We examined the specific role of HRV in relation 
to sudden death. 245 died suddenly. Those who 
had an SDNN of less than 25ms had a 4.1 fold 
higher risk of sudden death than patients with 
higher short-term variability scores.”

“HRV (SDNN) was also associated with cardiac 
death in subjects without a history of myocardial
infarction which may indicate that HRV is also
a marker for sub-clinical disease. Thus, HRV 
may predict sub-clinical conditions.

“A reduced variability is a signature for disease
 and increased risk of mortality.” “HRV is a 
powerful prognosticator of overall mortality.”
“The lower the HRV, the greater the 
probability of a greater risk of lethal 

“In the Zutphen Study, a prospective study in 
middle aged and elderly dutch men, HRV was 
determined from 15 to 30 second recordings. 
A strong association between low HRV and
death from call causes, including cancer,
was observed.

“Low HRV is an indicator of poor general

“[Report] a progressive reduction of heart rate
 variability with eventual sudden death in two
 patients. These results suggest that sequential
 measurements of HRV may be useful in
 predicting sudden death”

“A Cox proportional-hazards model revealed that each increase of 10ms in SDNN conferred a 20% decrease in risk of mortality (P=.0001).” Bilchick KC, Fetics B, Djoukeng R, Gross-Fisher S, Fletcher RD, Singh SN, Nevo E, Berger RD. (2002) Prognostic value of heart rate variability in chronic congestive heart failure. American Journal of Cardiology. 90(1):24-28

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