Saturday, May 13, 2017

Post-traumatic Stress

The symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress can be resolved quickly. Unlike chronic anxiety problems (which
are often caused by, perpetuated by, or aggravated by Individual Energy Toxins), these problems are a direct
result of a traumatic event. Once the event is over, the associated perturbations can be resolved, and the
symptoms will generally not return. If they do return, it is most often as a result of a new thought field with
new perturbations. They can also return as a result of the person being exposed to a toxin.

Crisis Intervention
Crisis intervention applications are many. Use the TFT trauma algorithm at the scene of a trauma or immediately
afterward to help people recover their functioning. When someone has just witnessed a life-threatening
event affecting them directly, or a loved one has tears running down his/her face, has rapid shallow
breathing, and is apparently in emotional distress, you do not have to ask for a SUD. Assume it to be a 10,
and have the person mirror you in tapping for PR and the Complex Trauma with Anger and Guilt algorithm.
As the person settles down, you can apply other TFT algorithms and other crisis intervention steps as required
or as appropriate.

Acute Stress Disorder
In resolving Acute Stress Disorder symptoms, TFT is unparalleled in its effectiveness. As distress associated
with telling the story about a trauma arises in a person, use the appropriate algorithm to eliminate it.
When the person can think through the whole story with appropriate affect (feeling calm), other thought
fields may need to be addressed. After getting the SUD for the initial trauma down to 1 (or 0), ask the person
what other aspects of the trauma he/she is thinking about now. Complex traumas such as the sudden death of
loved ones require more than a single TFT session, as many facets are usually involved.

Do not hesitate to refer clients to other specialists to assist them in making life changes as needed. Always
make sure that you give a copy of the complex trauma algorithm to the person for future reference.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a diagnosis that is given to people 30 days after the precipitating event
who have many severe symptoms disrupting their day-to-day functioning. Use TFT algorithms to resolve
these symptoms as they present. Most often, a person will have little trouble getting to the thought field that
needs attention. The core of the problem has to do with the ongoing, overwhelming thoughts, sensations,
emotions, and memories associated with events that are out of the person’s control.

  After a trauma, people often develop avoidant or addictive behaviors to enable them to cope; however,
these only cause more problems. In addition, feelings of rage, embarrassment, shame, depression, and pain
related to the original trauma can and often do appear. You can address these problems with a variety of
algorithms that you can combine, having the person think about the rage or embarrassment as he/she is tapping
the rage or embarrassment algorithm. Some examples are below. The Tooth, Shoe, Lump principle is
often apparent with traumas.

Trauma Algorithms

Simple Trauma

Eyebrow, Collarbone (using the Protocol)

( eb, c )

Complex Trauma
Eyebrow, Under Eye, Under Arm, Collarbone
(using the Protocol)

( eb, e, a, c )

Complex Trauma with Anger
Add Tiny Finger, Collarbone (using the Protocol)
to the end of sequence above for complex trauma:

( eb, e, a, c, tf, c )

Complex Trauma with Guilt
Add Index Finger, Collarbone (using the Protocol)
to the end of the sequence above for complex trauma:

( eb, e, a, c, if, c )

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