Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dry Fasting And Raw Food Workshop

36 hours of Dry Fasting by Anna Yakuba

''A proper and reasonable practice of denying oneself food may fundamentally change your spiritual life, physical condition and mental activity. Therefore, I would like to appeal to you to embrace dry fasting as part of your life, to nourish your body, mind and spirit on a regular basis. I would also like to offer competent, constructive and practical advice based on my own experience.''

With these words in the introductory pages of her book "The School of Healing through Dry Fasting and Raw Food", Anna Yakuba explains the significance of dry fasting for human body.

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Anna Yakuba has been practicing naturopathy for more than 20 years. She leads the School for Dry Fasting  and Raw Food in Ukraine, which has been attended by more than 400 people in courses lasting from one to eleven days.

Mrs. Yakuba is an enthusiastic advocate of dry fasting, the healing method which implies complete abstinence from all food and liquids for a certain period, from a few hours to several weeks. It is considered a universal natural therapy that cleanses, regenerates and rejuvenates the body.

Dry fasting is used as an alternative medical therapy for many conditions, such as various forms of addiction and chronic diseases. It also serves to detoxicate the body and boost the immunity.

Anna Yakuba's personal dry fasting experience

Apart from other people's advice and experience, Mrs. Yakuba's book brings a detailed description of her own dry fasting practice, keeping a diary that charts her 9-day dry fast.

The diary reveals all her problems, fears and noticeable symptoms.

Relying on exercise, rest and prayer, she managed to keep track of her body's daily cycle and its changes.

She discovered that her body was adjusting to the new condition, expelling toxins and regenerating itself both externally and internally.

She lost 12 kilos, found new spiritual strength and regained optimism.

Mrs. Yakuba also broke many taboos and promulgated the benefits of this healing method, which has been gaining increasing popularity worldwide.

A one-day fast – body cleansing and mini recuperation

Long-term dry fasting (7-11 days) is a challenging method which should only be done under expert supervision and in compliance to all individual recommendations and schedules.

On the other hand, a short-term, usually one-day dry fast does not require expert supervision and may be done at home. Moreover, Anna Yakuba recommends it to be performed once a week as a regular method of body cleansing and mini recuperation.

What are the effects of a short-term dry fast on the body?

A one-day dry fast recuperates the body and gives it a new stimulus. It enhances the body's self-healing capacity, stimulates mental activities and helps discover your spiritual potential.

The body is put into more difficult conditions and must undergo reprogramming – it must actively dissolve its own fat tissue, destroy pathogens and expel toxins.

It helps your body to rid itself of excesses, both physically and spiritually.

36-hour dry fast – key facts

1. A one-day dry fast usually takes 36 hours. The fasting begins from the moment of your last water intake in the evening, continues the next day and ends with the next water intake the morning after.

2. During dry fasting, it is not allowed to consume foods or drink beverages or water.

3. It is essential to create an activity plan for a particular day and strictly adhere to it.

4. It is also important to keep an activity log, which may then be analyzed (how did you feel, what changes did you notice, what was hard to bear, did you lack energy.

How to practice dry fasting?

You may practice dry fasting any day you choose. However, due to the hectic lifestyle and lack of free time, many people prefer weekend to practice this healing method.

Therefore, if it's not suitable for you to perform dry fast during the week, we suggest practicing it on Saturday.

1. Friday – the preparation day for the fast

One day before dry fasting eat only fresh raw fruits and vegetables. If possible, drink fresh juices or green smoothies.

If you don't prefer raw foods, choose light meals instead and limit your intake of dairy products and animal-based foods.

Drink clean, filtered water.

You should eat your last meal by 15:00.

If you can't bear it, eat only fruits (avoid bananas and grapes) or drink your favourite green smoothie for dinner.

Drink water between 18:00 and 21:00.  After that time avoid food and drinks for 36 hours.

2. Saturday - dry fasting day

This is the day when you practice dry fasting. It should be incorporated in your daily activities.

You should get up as usual, complete your daily tasks, perform breathing exercises or stretching workouts.

If Saturday is your workday, coordinate your responsibilities, rest, sleep, exercise and walk.

To avoid the allure of food temptations presented in advertising, try not to watch TV.

You should also limit visits from family members and friends to make time for yourself and avoid explaining why you can't have coffee or eat meals.

If it gives you joy, do the cleaning or simply enjoy reading a book, listening to music, completing a crossword puzzle or playing chess.

We also recommend hiking or meditation/prayer. Such activities are focused on you and help both your body and spirit. 

Having abstained from food and water for a whole day, you may start experiencing a crisis. Endure it, since it's only several hours until morning.

Keep youself occupied with a book, take a walk, engage youself in meditation or prayer or go to bed early.

3. Sunday – a post-fasting day

The day after fasting clean your tongue of deposits and slowly drink a glass of clean water. After 15 minutes, drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice or green smoothie.

Take a warm shower to relax and feel comfortable.

Eat your breakfast, preferably a fresh cabbage and grated carrot salad.

It is best to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables as well as to avoid thermally processed meals and organic foods.

Do not forget to reward yourself with a trifle such as your favourite fruits or some other thing that gives you joy.

Dry Fasting expectations

People react differently to dry fasting.

Symptoms such as fatigue or headaches may occur during dry fasting. Anna Yakuba explains they are not harmful since our body produces them as a result of cleansing itself of toxins, waste and other pathologically altered tissues.


This healing method, however, has its limitations.

Dry fasting is contraindicated with serious brain traumas, mental illness, tuberculosis, kidney and liver diseases, serious cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and pathologies of the endocrine system.

It should not be practiced if the body is weak or if a person is suffering from low body weight.

In addition, nursing and pregnant women should not practice dry fasting either.

You may buy Anna Yakuba's book "The School of Healing Through Dry Fasting and Raw Food" online. 

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