Thursday, December 21, 2017

Natural Eyesight Improvement

 The Original Method for Practicing Natural Eyesight Improvement Described by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates


 September 1927

 Perfect Sight

 By William H. Bates

If you learn the fundamental principles of perfect sight and will consciously keep them in mind your defective vision
will disappear. The following discoveries were made by W. H. Bates, M. D., and his method is based on them. With it
he has cured so-called incurable cases:

I. Many blind people are curable.

II. All errors of refraction are functional, therefore curable.

III. All defective vision is due to strain in some form.
You can demonstrate to your own satisfaction that strain lowers the vision. When you stare, you strain. Look fixedly
at one object for five seconds or longer. What happens? The object blurs and finally disappears. Also, your eyes are
made uncomfortable by this experiment. When you rest your eyes for a few moments the vision is improved and the
discomfort relieved.

IV. Strain is relieved by relaxation.

To use your eyes correctly all day long, it is necessary that you:

1. Blink frequently. Staring is a strain and always lowers the vision.

2. Shift your glance constantly from one point to another, seeing the part regarded best and other parts not so
That is, when you look at a chair, do not try to see the whole object at once; look first at the back of it, seeing that
part best and other parts worse. Remember to blink as you quickly shift your glance from the back to the seat and
legs, seeing each part best, in turn. This is central-fixation. (with shifting.)

3. Your head and eyes are moving all day long. Imagine that stationary objects are moving in the direction opposite
to the movement of your head and eyes. When you walk about the room or on the street, notice that the floor or
pavement seems to come toward you, while objects on either side appear to move in the direction opposite to the
movement of your body.


 December 1927


 By William H. Bates

The most important fact is to impress upon the patient the necessity of discarding his glasses. He is told that when
glasses are used temporarily a relapse always follows and the patient loses for a short time, at least, everything
that has been gained. If it is impossible or unnecessary for the patient to return at regular intervals for further
treatment and supervision, he is given instructions for home practice to suit his individual case, and is asked to
report his progress or difficulties at frequent intervals.
The importance of practicing certain parts of the routine treatment at all times, such as blinking, central-fixation,
shifting and imagining stationary objects to be moving opposite to the movement of his head and eyes, is stressed.
The normal eye does these things unconsciously, and the imperfect eye must at first practice them consciously until
it becomes an Uunconscious habitU.
The Natural Vision Improvement student practices, imitates these normal, natural eye functions (relaxed, natural,
Correct Vision Habits) to gently coax the brain, eyes, eye muscles, body (visual system) back to normal, relaxed
function and clear vision. Then, the eyes, brain… function correct, automatically ‘on their own’ maintaining clear

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