Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Natural Diabetes Cure

 The Natural Diabetes Cure

Curing Blood Sugar Disorders Without Drugs.

The most researched and comprehensive and complete book written on curing blood sugar disorders naturally with diet, supplements, hormones, and exercise.
by author Roger Mason

Seven Steps to Natural Health
 With these seven steps you can cure “incurable” 
illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and 
others naturally without drugs, surgery, or 
chemotherapy. These are seven vital steps to 
take if you want optimum health and long life. 
Do your best to do all of them. The only step to 
add would be prayer or meditation.

• An American macrobiotic whole grain based diet 
is central to everything. Diet cures disease;
everything else is secondary.

• Proven supplements are powerful when you’re 
eating right. There are only about twenty 
scientifically proven supplements for those over 
forty, and eight for those under forty.

• Natural hormone balance is the third step. The 
fourteen basic hormones are listed on the 
previous page. You can do this inexpensively 
without a doctor.

• Exercise is vital, even if it is just a half-hour of 
walking a day. Whether it is aerobic or resistance 
you need to exercise regularly.

• Fasting is the most powerful healing method 
known to man. Just fast from dinner to dinner on 
water one day a week. Join our monthly Young 
Again two day fast. This is the last weekend of 
every month.

• No prescription drugs, except temporary 
antibiotics or pain medication during an 
emergency. (There are rare exceptions such as 
insulin for type 1 diabetics who have no operant

• The last step is to limit or end any bad habits 
such as alcohol, coffee, recreational drugs, or 
desserts. You don’t have to be a saint, but you 
do need to be sincere.

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 About This Book

All blood sugar conditions should be treated the 
same way with diet and lifestyle- diet, proven 
supplements, exercise, natural hormones, 
avoiding prescription drugs, weekly fasting (if 
possible), and avoiding bad habits.

As long as you have an intact pancreas, you can 
cure yourself. Those whose pancreas has 
irreversibly atrophied, or been surgically 
removed, can still dramatically improve their 
health, and reduce their insulin requirements.

Diabetes and other blood sugar disorders are 
caused by what we eat and the way the live. 
You can cure yourself by making healthier food 
choices and living better. You can heal yourself 
in less than a year if you are sincere.

 Diabetes is the fastest growing epidemic in the 
Western world. One in three American children 
will grow up and needlessly develop diabetes. 
24% of American adults are insulin resistant and
45% of adults over the age of 60 are insulin 
resistant. In the last three decades diabetes and 
other blood sugar problems have become
epidemics in all of the developed countries of the 
world. It is estimated that about 18 million 
Americans have diabetes, 16 million are 
pre-diabetic, and a whopping 60 million (one in 
five) have metabolic syndrome. America leads 
the world in blood sugar dysmetabolism for a 
very simple reason; we have the greatest 
affluence, as well as the worst diets and 
lifestyles. We are overfed and undernourished.

Changing your diet and lifestyle will both prevent 
and cure blood sugar disorders. The medical 
profession cannot help you; you must help 
yourself. Treating the symptoms with toxic drugs 
is the road to ruin. You have to be your own 
doctor, and your own saviour. You must be 
willing to eat better foods, get regular exercise, 
and change your lifestyle. Please read my book 
Zen Macrobiotics for Americans. The Natural 
Diabetes Cure is the most researched, effective, 
documented, comprehensive, and complete
book on diabetes and blood sugar problems 
available. This research goes back over 30 years. 
Everything is backed up by countless published 
international clinical studies.

"Zen Macrobiotics for Americans" makes healthy 
eating fun and delicious. Expanding upon the 
Japanese macrobiotic tradition, this book offers a 
diet that is not only fun, creative, and less 
restrictive but also very tasty and effective. Learn 
about the healthiest foods to eat, foods to avoid, 
and the right supplements for you. A balanced 
diet can be the most powerful healer.

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Chapter 1: About Diabetes
The fastest growing disease in the world! The 
metabolic syndrome, or pre-diabetes, is the 
fastest rising epidemic on the planet. This 
condition is characterized by:

DYSLIPIDEMIA (blood fats)

Obesity may be responsible for 75% of the 
problem. Insulin resistance most often goes un-
diagnosed. Hypertension is another epidemic, and 
75% of such people have diabetes. High blood 
cholesterol, and especially triglycerides, are 
characteristic. High blood insulin levels also go 
undiagnosed. Almost one in four American adults 
suffer from metabolic syndrome, and will soon be
diagnosed with diabetes. Half of all diabetes goes 
undiagnosed! According to the Center for Disease 
Control (CDC) in Atlanta, one in three children 
born today in the United States will develop type
2 diabetes. One in three American children will 
be diabetic! Age is one of the biggest factors, 
since one in four Americans over the age of 65 is 
diabetic. Stress is also an important factor, and 
most Westerners are under a good deal of self 
imposed stress. No other country in the world will 
approach these statistics. Blacks, Latins, Asians, 
and Amerindians suffer disproportionately. 
American Pima Indians, for example, have an 
almost 50% rate of outright diabetes. Mexican 
Pima Indians, on the other hand, follow their 
traditional diet and lifestyle. They have a very 
low rate of just a few percent. One fourth of 
adult Navajo Indians are diabetic, according to 
CDC statistics. Asian adults in America generally 
have almost a 40% rate of diabetes, yet this is rare 
in the rural areas of Asia. Many Asian cities have 
now largely adopted the Western high-fat, high
sugar, refined foods diet, and their diabetes rates 
are soaring. Latin adults in America generally 
have a 15% diabetes rate, but not in their native 

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In Papua New Guinea- possibly the least civilized 
country in the world- diabetes is basically
unknown. Black American adults now have a 
high overall 15% diabetes rate. Yet, this is rare in 
Africa, where they eat their traditional diet.
Caucasian American adults have the lowest 
overall rate.

We are only going to discuss blood sugar 
metabolism in general, rather than the metabolic 
syndrome, type 1, type 2, gestational,
hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, and other 
conditions. These are all simply facets of the 
same basic problem. Diabetes is the most serious 
and deadly condition. Currently this is the fifth
leading cause of death in the U.S., and will soon 
be the fourth leading cause. Almost twenty 
million Americans now have actual diabetes, 
which means about one in every fifteen. In 
addition, there are probably about six million 
more, mostly poor people, who have diabetes, 
and simply haven’t been medically diagnosed. A 
million more are newly diagnosed every year. 
These are mostly the impoverished and elderly, 
who can’t afford the medical care they need. All 
in all, this would mean about one in twelve 
Americans are diabetic, with the rates rising 
every year! This is the fastest growing disease 
of all worldwide plain and simple. India and
China are also coping with growing epidemics. In 
the 1990s the diabetes rate in America increased 
a full one third. Almost $150 billion a year is
spent directly and indirectly worldwide on 
diabetes treatment. This money is basically 
wasted on toxic, harmful prescription drugs such 
as Metformin, Januvia, Onglyza, Amaryl, 
Avandia, Glucotrol, and Actos. None of these 
drug therapies are effective; actually they worsen 
your health.

The situation gets worse when you consider 
metabolic syndrome or Syndrome X. The CDC 
recently studied  8,814 normal men and women. 
They found that 22% of them exhibited at least
three of the six factors of metabolic syndrome. 
People over 60, with three of the factors, had a 
44% rate, or double the average. This means 
almost half of Americans over the age of 60 are 
prediabetic. This condition is called “pre-diabetes
”, since such people can plan on becoming 
diabetic within ten years or less.

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 Again, the basic indications are obesity 
(especially abdominal), insulin resistance, 
elevated blood sugar, high cholesterol and
triglycerides, and hypertension. There are three 
main types of diabetes. Type 1(insulin dependent) 
is due to the inability of the beta cells in the 
pancreas to produce insulin. Only 5% to 10% of 
people suffer from type 1. Surprisingly, 
Caucasians are more susceptible to this form. 
This usually happens in childhood or adolescence.
These patients have to inject insulin, since they 
can’t produce it naturally. If the pancreas has 
been removed, or is atrophied, the condition 
cannot be cured. Quality of life can be improved 
immensely, and insulin requirements can be 
reduced dramatically, by following the advice in 
this book. Pancreas transplants just don’t work 
despite the claims. Transplanting a pancreas from 
a cadaver to a type 1 diabetic requires dangerous 
anti-rejection drugs, and causes countless 
problems. Transplants of just the pancreatic beta 
cells also promise much more than is delivered. 
Within twenty years science may be able to 
successfully perform this procedure, but that will 
merely be allopathic. It will not deal with the cause!

[What is allopathic medicine?
Allopathic medicine is an expression commonly 
used by homeopaths and proponents of other 
forms of alternative medicine to refer to 
mainstream medical use of pharmacologically 
active agents or physical interventions to treat or 
suppress symptoms or pathophysiologic processes 
of diseases or conditions. Allopathic medicine 
and allopathy (from the Greek prefix ἄλλος, állos, 
"other", "different" + the suffix πάϑος, páthos, 
"suffering") are terms coined in the early 19th 
century by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of 
homeopathy, as a synonym for mainstream 

Type 2 diabetics (non-insulin dependent) produce 
insulin, but the cells simply don’t react well to it 
anymore. This type is very curable, usually in a 
year or less). Here,the pancreas not only 
produces insulin, but usually overproduces it, 
since the effectiveness is so reduced. 

The third type is called “gestational diabetes”,
since it only affects pregnant women. For some 
reason, pregnant women are more susceptible to 
diabetes than anyone else.

The best way to understand the dysfunction of 
insulin and blood sugar is the theory of oxidative 
stress. Here free radicals run rampant through the 
body, and use up our antioxidants– glutathione,
SOD (superoxide dismutase), beta carotene, 
vitamin E, vitamin C, CoQ10, melatonin, lipoic 
acid, and others. This is why it is so important to, 
first of all, lower the oxidative stress with better 
diet and exercise. Secondly, we need to take all 
the known antioxidant supplements to neutralize 
the excess free radicals. These supplements are 
discussed in detail in chapters six and seven. The 
high rates of alcohol and nicotine use add to 
oxidative stress. Coffee (or any form of caffeine) 
raises blood sugar, and has other very serious 
health effects. The scientists of the world are in
basic agreement that free radical oxidative stress 
is central to blood sugar conditions. 

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About a half million Americans die every year from
diabetes. If you are diabetic, you have about 
three times the rate of strokes, about three times 
the rate of heart attacks, and greatly increased 
rateof atherosclerosis (clogged arteries). Remem-
ber that heart disease is the number one cause of 
death, and the biggest killer by far. Blindness and 
vision problems are called “diabetic retinopathy”,
and are epidemic for people with impaired blood 
sugar metabolism. Amputation of limbs, due to 
poor circulation, is common. Various cancers, 
gastrointestinal infections, osteoporosis, erectile 
dysfunction, poorly healing wounds, kidney
infections and failure, poor sleep, are all part and 
parcel here. Psychology is affected including 
depression, senility, Alzheimers, impaired 
memory, and other problems. Any blood sugar 
dysfunction means poor quality of life and early 
death. The pancreas deteriorates, nerve damage 
of various kinds can be expected, liver disease is 
routine, and skin infections (especially 
Staphylococcus) are common. Your liver is 
central here since it produces the blood sugar 
from the food you eat. Your kidneys are the 
second most important organs. The list of side 
effects is almost endless, since the  total health 
of the body is destroyed.

If you have type 1 diabetes, pancreas transplants 
and beta cell (the insulin producing pancreatic 
cells) transplants just don’t work at all. You can 
dramatically reduce your insulin requirements,
reduce your medication, and improve your health 
immensely, with the information in this book. 
Even if your pancreas has been removed, or 
atrophied beyond repair, you can still live a good 
life with minimal insulin. Anyone with type 2 
diabetes can cure themselves within a year, and 
live a normal, healthy life.

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Chapter 2: Diagnosis

What are the diagnostic indications of blood sugar 
dysmetabolism? Look for any combination of 
obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, low 
HDL cholesterol, high LDL cholesterol, high 
triglycerides, hypertension, high homocysteine, 
elevated uric acid, increased C-reactive protein, 
hypercoagulability of the blood, fasting blood 
glucose over 85 mg/dL (European mmol/L is 4.7),
HbA1c over 4.7%, low white blood cell count, high 
creatinine, and proteinuria (albumin in the urine). 
Age is critical here. The older you are, the more 
blood sugar problems you can expect to have.
Diabetes rates go up dramatically after the age 
of 50. Genetics is obviously important, and any 
family history of such problems increases your 
chances. Obesity is one of the cornerstone factors,
and an entire chapter is devoted to this. Race is 
very important. You are far more at risk if you are 
of African, Asian, Amerindian, or Latin origin. 
Caucasians have the lowest rates (except type 1).
Smokers get far more diabetes than others, as do 
people who drink substantial amounts of alcohol, 
or use caffeine.

What specific diagnostic tests can you get? When 
you get your standard, basic blood analysis profile 
you’ll test glucose, uric acid, white blood cell 
count, total cholesterol, HDL (high density or 
“good”), LDL (low density or “bad”), and 
triglycerides. Total cholesterol should be about 
150 ideally, and very definitely well under 200. 
Triglycerides are very crucial here, and should 
be under 100. Uric acid should be under 5 mg/dl 
for men and under 4 mg/dl for women. The 
white blood cell count should be in normal range.
CRP should be less than 1 mg/l. Proteinuria 
(albumin) and creatinine tests will also reveal 
kidney health. The liver is very important here 
for a lot of reasons. Get both SGOT and SGPT
tests. Surprisingly, you do not need to get your 
insulin tested. You should also have your 
homocysteine (Hcy) tested and look for 10
mmol or less. This is a also good predictor of 
coronary heart disease (CHD) in general. 
Currently we do not have practical, inexpensive 
tests to determine total oxidative stress or general free radical levels. 

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It is costly and unnecessary to test the basic status
of antioxidants such as SOD, glutathione, vitamin 
C,  beta carotene, and vitamin E. The anti-oxidant 
supplements you should take are discussed in 
great detail in Chapter 6: Supplements.

Blood pressure is basic here, and you should look 
for a reading of 120/80 or better. Please read my 
book Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs to 
see how to normalize your blood pressure
naturally. By following the advice in this book 
you can have healthy blood pressure levels 
within 90 days. Inexpensive home electronic 
monitors are widely available in drugstores.

The most accurate test you can get is a glucose
tolerance test (GTT). This is more predictive 
than testing your insulin level per se, as it shows 
the sensitivity of your insulin. If your blood
sugar level is over 85 mg/dl you need to do this. 
A GTT is the “gold standard”, accurate, well 
known, inexpensive, but very under-utilized. It is 
just not commonly done due to lack of 
knowledge in the medical profession. Simply get 
a one hour, one blood draw test (you should 
already know your fasting blood glucose
level so you won’t need a draw before you drink 
the glucose solution). You go to the doctor 
fasting and drink a 50 g cup of glucose solution 
and wait one hour. Your blood glucose will then
be tested to determine the effectiveness of your 
insulin response. Use 20 points below the 
accepted medical figure for your cutoff point. If 
the medical figure is 140, then you want 120. 
This tells you how your cells actually respond to 
insulin, and not merely your blood sugar level. 
This is the gold standard.

A HbA1c test is very accurate. This tests long 
term glycation (sugar molecules attached to 
hemoglobin), and the result should be 4.7% 
(equals 85 mg/dL blood sugar) or less, and not 
the 5.6% (100 mg/dL!) the doctors will tell you. 
4.7% or less. There are exotic tests you can get 
such as leptin, malondialdehyde,
thrombomodulin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha 
(TNF), adoponectin, plasminogen, fibrinogen, 
and others. These are simply not practical or 
necessary; plus they can be expensive and hard 
to obtain. It is very difficult to test the amount 
of oxidative stress you suffer from, or your 
antioxidant status in general. There just isn’t any 
reason to spend the time and money on these 
tests. Your attention needs to be on curing 
yourself and changing your diet and 
lifestylerather than getting exotic diagnostic 
tests you don’t need.

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Generally people can simply get their total 
cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) tested. 
Here you can also test your high density (“good”) 
HDL and your low density (“bad”) LDL levels.
Your TC should ideally be about 150 mg/dl. The 
media and medical profession will tell you that a 
TC 200 level or less is good, but that’s just not 
the case at all. Even if you have genetically high
cholesterol you can still keep your level well 
under 200 with diet, supplements, hormones, and 
exercise. Please read my book Lower Cholesterol
Without Drugs. The TG level is the most 
important blood lipid marker of all for blood 
sugar problems. Even vegans and ethical 
vegetarians can (and usually do) have high levels 
due to an inordinate intake of sweets. Your TG 
means more than your TC, LDL, or HDL. You 
should keep your triglyceride level below 100. 
You can do this with the same means as for total 
cholesterol. People with blood sugar problems 
usually have low HDL and high LDL levels. 
People with low cholestserol (e.g. about150) will
naturally have lower HDL levels. You can raise 
your HDL and lower your LDL the same way 
with diet and lifestyle.

Fasting blood plasma glucose is part of your basic 
routine blood analysis. Again, your level should 
be at 85 mg/dl or less (European 4.7 mmol/L). 
Levels of 100 and higher are clearly prediabetic.
You need to have low blood sugar, and the usual 
accepted level of 100 and less just isn’t good 
enough. Doctors will tell you that any reading 
under 100 is “normal”, but this just isn’t true. 
This was proven at the Riks-hospitalet Hospital, 
in Norway, with a 22 year follow-up study of 
1,998 healthy men. Those with glucose
levels of 85 or less lived the longest, and had the 
least cardiovascular disease - the biggest killer 
of people in the world by far. Get an inexpensive 
($10) blood sugar meter to monitor your blood 
sugar if it is over 85.

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 C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker for 
inflammation, and a very important test for CHD 
conditions. Keep this under 1.0. The best study 
on this came from the Quebec Heart Institute. 
CRP correlates with obesity, blood glucose 
impairment, insulin resistance, hypertension, 
triglycerides, and uric acid. It has been found the 
CRP also accurately predicts blood sugar 
disorders. CRP is positively associated with 
obesity, impaired glucose function, the metabolic 
syndrome generally, and outright type 2 diabetes 
in otherwise healthy people. Everyone over the 
age of 40 should annually get a CRP test with 
their regular yearly checkup and blood analysis. 
Even children and young people can benefit from a
CRP test.

Uric acid is part of a standard blood analysis. The 
research is overwhelming that high uric acid is 
clearly associated with type 2 diabetes and the 
metabolic syndrome in general. Surprisingly, low 
uric acid can be associated with type 1 diabetes. 
This is not due to better diets in people with 
type- 1, but rather excessive excretion of uric acid 
in this condition. High uric acid levels are 
associated with obesity, high triglycerides, high 
systolic blood pressure, and a high total 
cholesterol to low HDL ratio. High uric acid 
comes from eating the animal proteins in meat  
and other animal products (not from purines)
The widespread purine theory is just not correct. 
Dairy foods have almost no purines, but raise uric 
acid levels. The less meat, poultry, eggs, and 
dairy products you eat the better. High uric acid 
is basically found only in wealthy developed 
countries where animal foods are staples.

There should be very low levels of albumin 
(protein) in your urine. Excess albumin is called “microalbuminurea”.You can use urine test strips 
from the drug store, instead of a urine analysis
from a physician. This is one very good indicator 
of kidney health. Serum creatinine is another. 
Eating a low protein diet is vital. Eat no more 
than 10% seafood if you like. Americans eat 
twice the protein they need, which causes many 
health problems. Again, don’t get carried away 
with diagnostic tests. Put your time and energy 
into curing yourself.

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Chapter 3: Whole Grains: The Staff of Life

Whole grains are literally “the staff of life”, and
have been the staple food of almost all 
civilizations throughout history. Since man 
started agriculture about 10,000 years ago,
whole grains have been the principal food of 
most all people in the world. Rice and wheat are 
the most consumed foods on earth. This
emancipated us from being mere primitive 
hunters and gatherers. The “Paleolithic” people 
on this diet had very short life spans. The
cultivation of whole grains parallels the very 
evolution of mankind. Our grains are refined, and 
we eat white rice, white bread, white pasta and 
white flour. Americans eat a mere 1% 
whole grains! Whole grains should 
be the very basis of your diet.

The real cure for blood sugar dysfunction of any 
kind is making better food choices, and eating 
whole natural foods. Diet is everything! Read 
Chapter 5: Diet, Diet, Diet. Eating fat, sugars, 
refined foods, and just plain too much food, is 
the basic cause of blood sugar problems. Eating 
whole, natural, high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar 
foods is the cure. Supplements, hormones, and 
exercise are secondary to what you eat. You can 
cure diabetes and other conditions with diet 
alone, but that is difficult, takes longer, and is
simply not necessary. Please read my book Zen 
Macrobiotics for Americans to learn more 
about making the best food choices, proven 
supplements, hormone balance, and sensible 

Whole grains such as wheat, rice, barley, corn, 
rye, oats, buckwheat, spelt, and millet should be 
the basis of your diet. This is very easy to do by 
eating such foods as whole grain pasta, whole
grain breads, brown rice, oatmeal, steamed 
barley, wholegrain breakfast cereals, polenta, and 
unrefined grain products of all kinds. There are 
so many human published clinical trials on these
we can’t begin to mention them all. We’ll stick to 
some of the largest.

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At the Famous Harvard School of Nutrition 
(PLoS Medicine v 4, 2007) 161,737 women 
(aged 37 to 65) in the classic Nurses’ Health 
Study were followed. Their dietary patterns 
were studied. The researchers concluded: “Whole
grain intake is inversely associated with risk of 
type 2 diabetes. Findings from prospective cohort 
studies consistently support increasing whole
grain consumption for the prevention of type-2 
diabetes.” You can just not debate the results 
from this many people studied over years. The 
more whole grains you eat, the less chance of 
getting diabetes or any other blood sugar 
disorder. More from Harvard (Annals of 
Internal Medicine v 136, 2002) was done 
with 42,504 men over a 12 year period. 
This is 466,508 person years!
stunning review with 24 references was 
done at Harvard (American Journal of 
Clinical Nutrition v 77, 2003) came to 
the very same basic conclusions.

At the University of Minnesota (Proceedings of 
the Nutrition Society v. 62, 2003) “Epidemio-
logical Support For the Protection of Whole 
Grains Against Diabetes” was published. This
impressive review was based on 160,000 men 
and women. “There is accumulating evidence to 
support the hypothesis that wholegrain 
consumption is associated with a reduced risk of 
incident type-2 diabetes. It may also improve 
glucose control in diabetic individuals”. They 
went on further to say, “Observations in non-
diabetic individuals support an inverse relation-
ship between whole-grain consumption and 
fasting insulin levels”. The more whole grains 
you eat, the more effective your insulin is 
metabolized in other words. “Glucose control 
improved with diets rich in whole grain in 
feeding studies of subjects with type 2 diabetes”.
You cannot argue with the results of 160,000 

In a collective study between the USDA, Harvard,
Tufts, and other institutions (American Journal 
of Clinical Nutrition v.76, 2002) one of the 
famous Framingham series of studies was used to 
study whole grain intake for the prevention of 
type 2 diabetes. “After adjustment for potential 
confounding factors, whole grain intake was 
inversely associated with body mass index,
waist-to-hip ratio, total cholesterol, LDL 
cholesterol, and fasting insulin”.

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They said further, “The inverse association 
between whole grain intake and fasting insulin 
was most striking among overweight participants
”. Their conclusion was, “Increased intake of 
whole grains may reduce disease risk by means 
of favorable effects on metabolic risk factors”. 
The series of Framingham studies are the most 
pretigious ever done. In the very same journal,
from Simmons College, a similar study was done.
“Whole Grain Intake and Risk of Type-2 
Diabetes”. 51,529 men were followed for 12 
years as part of the Health Professionals Study. 
This study is one of the most famous and best 
ever done. Their dietary patterns were examined 
in detail. The men who ate the most whole grain
foods had the least diabetes. Their conclusion 
was clear“. A diet high in whole grains is 
associated with a reduced risk of type-2 diabetes. 
Efforts should be made to replace refined-grain 
with whole grain foods”. Other similar published 
studies were done at Harvard with the very same 

At the University of Minnesota this same 
phenomenon was found with 36,000 women for 
six years (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 
v. 71, 2000). This was a first rate study complete
with 48 references. The more whole grains they 
ate, the less diabetes they suffered from. “These 
data support a protective role for whole grains, 
cereal fiber, and dietary magnesium in the
development of diabetes in older women”. They 
found that, “Total grain, whole grain, total 
dietary fiber, and dietary magnesium intakes 
showed strong inverse correlations with 
incidence of diabetes”. The more whole grains 
the less diabetes. 

Nathan Pritikin was a real natural health pioneer 
back in the 1980s. He published two articles 
(Diabetes Care v. 5, 1982 and v. 6, 1983) on 
diabetes, diet and exercise. Diabetics on oral 
medication got off the drugs 
in just 26 days!, by simply eating a whole
grain based natural diet, and walking everyday. 
In less than a month they were drug free! This is 
nothing less than amazing. The supplements we 
have today were not available at that time, nor
were natural hormones like melatonin and DHEA.
Eating better food, and taking a daily walk, got 
most all of them off medication in less than a month.

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 Imagine the results Nathan could get today by
adding proven supplements and natural 
hormones! Beans and legumes are very closely 
related to whole grains, Beans are high in protein,
minerals, lignans, and sterols, but low in fat and 
calories. A four ounce serving of pinto beans, for 
example, has a mere 117 calories and 1% fat 
calories. Be sure to include beans and legumes in 
your daily fare. When you learn to cook beans 
and use them in stews, soup, dips, and spreads 
you’ll come to enjoy them very much. At 
Sun-Yatsen University in China (Ying Xue-bao v. 
20, 1998) diabetics were fed legumes. This 
lowered their glucose levels as well as their C-
peptide levels (a basic marker for heart disease). 
Tofu, by the way, is a heavily refined product, 
lacking in nutrition, and only to be used occasionally.

 Fiber is one of the important factors here. Whole 
grains and beans (legumes) have more soluble 
and insoluble fiber than any other food groups. 
Meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products are
completely lacking in fiber. There are many 
studies showing the importance of fiber, not only 
for blood sugar conditions, but for all major 
diseases. The best way to get fiber is by eating 
whole grains and beans every day. There are 
many studies to show that merely adding fiber to 
our diet improves glucose and insulin metabolism
dramatically. Fiber supplements are obviously 
not the answer at all. Eating whole foods gives 
you plenty of fiber, especially whole grains, 
beans, vegetables, and fruits. Americans are 
generally very fiber-deficient from eating 
refined foods and too many fiber-less animal 

↓Page 20

Chapter 4: Fats and Oils

Americans eat about 42% of their calories as 
saturated, artery clogging, animal fats You only 
need about 8% unsaturated vegetable oils, so this 
is more than 500% of what you need. These
saturated fats are the wrong kind of fats. This is a 
major reason we lead the world in heart disease, 
various cancers, diabetes, and other major 
illnesses. We are addicted to animal fats. While 
various sugars are the main cause of diabetic-type 
conditions, saturated fats (and omega-6 from 
vegetable oils) are another major factor. Fats and 
sugars work together synergistically to cause 
high insulin, high blood sugar, and increased 
insulin resistance.The combination is devastating.
How do we know for a fact that high fat diets 
cause diabetes and other blood sugar conditions? 
Epidemiological studies have consistently shown 
that countries like China, Vietnam,Thailand, 
Korea, and Japan have far less diabetes rates. 
Migration studies have shown that when these 
people move to the U.S., and adopt the typical 
Western diet, they get as much, and usually more,
blood sugar conditions than other Americans. 
Studies of what people eat also prove the more 
fats they consume the more diabetes they get. 
When diabetics are given low-fat diets, they
improve dramatically. Lastly, studies of the 
plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) in our blood give 
irrefutable proof that fats, especially saturated 
fats, cause blood sugar dysfunction. We must 
discuss obesity in relation to fat intake. It is not
food that makes you fat; it is fat that makes you 
fat. You simply cannot be overweight, or stay 
overweight, if you take dairy products, meat, 
poultry, and eggs out of your life. Overweight 
people always eat more fat, and have much 
higher levels of free fatty acids in their blood. 
These fatty acids are mostly all those from
animal foods, and not those from vegetable 

↓Page 21

It is not just the saturated fats that cause 
problems, but also excess vegetable oils (due to 
the omega-6 content). We eat far too many 
omega-6 fatty acids, and far too few omega-3s. 
This is why flax oil is recommended as a 
supplement. Flax is the best source of omega-3 
fatty acids known. Yes, the Mediterranean diet is 
better than the Western European and American 
diets, but is not the answer at all. Excessive 
intake of olive oil is just as harmful as any other 
vegetable oil. Vegetable oils are merely less 
harmful than animal fats. The point here is to eat 
a diet of less than 20% total fat- a 30% fat diet is 
not “low.” There is also the problem of 
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated 
“trans fatty acids”. These are made by forcing 
hydrogen gas into vegetable oil, under extreme 
pressure, with exotic catalysts. This “saturates” 
the molecule, and gives the oil longer shelf life. 
Hydrogenated fats are the worst possible choice, 
and you should avoid them. Read your labels. 
The published research, in just the last few years, 
on the effect of dietary fats is far too volumous to 
even attempt to cover. We certainly can mention 
a few of the largest reviews to prove this very 
clearly. The best evidence comes from an 
analysis of the free fatty acids (FFAs) in our 

At the University of Richmond (Metabolism v 51
, 2002) The effect of dietary fats on diabetes was 
reviewed. The Role of Plasma Fatty Acid 
Composition in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
This was a lengthy review with a full 55 
references. 14 different fatty acids were analyzed 
from patients and controls. Overall plasma 
saturated fatty acids (from animal fats) were 43% 
higher in diabetics. Specifically, saturated fatty 
acids like palmitic, oleic, and stearic were much 
higher in the diabetic patients. “Total saturated
fatty acid (SFA) concentrations (350 v 231 umol/
L) were significantly increased in the diabetic 
subjects.” Please  note, this is 350 umol versus 
only 231 umol. Vegetable oils did not play a part, 
but there was a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids
and an excess of omega-6. As usual, it was also 
found diabetics had dramatically higher 
triglycerides, higher cholesterol, lower HDL, as 
well as higher insulin and blood sugar. A detailed 
analysis of FFAs in human blood makes an 
inarguable case against animal fats in your diet 
causing blood sugar disorders.

↓Page 22

 This same phenomenon was demonstrated at the 
University of Minnesota (American Journal of 
Clinical Nutrition v. 78, 2003).

2909 adults had the fatty acids in their blood 
measured. This is a better means to determine 
fat intake than mere dietary analysis. “Our 
findings suggest that the dietary fat profile, 
particularly that of saturated fat, may contribute 
to the etiology of diabetes”. They further said, “…
diabetes incidence was significantly and 
positively associated with the proportion of total 
saturated fatty acids in plasma”. They specifically
found high levels of saturated (animal) fatty acids
such as palmitic, palmitoleic, and stearic in their 
blood. Again, we find animal products in the diet 
as the cause of diabetes.

 The Women’s Health Study (Diabetes Care v. 27
, 2004) has been one of the largest and longest 
ongoing studies of female health, and involved 
more than 37,000 women over the age of 45. The 
amount of red meat they consumed was 
compared to their incidence of diabetes. “Our 
data indicate that higher consumption of total red 
meat, especially processed meats, may increase 
risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women”. 
They also found that consumption of cholesterol 
and animal protein was also significantly
associated with high diabetes rates. These results 
were carefully adjusted to exclude other possible 
factors like dietary fiber. Always remember that 
cholesterol is only found in animal foods, and not
any plant foods.

We can further prove the relation of fat intake to 
blood sugar dysmetabolism by studies where 
people change from highfat to low-fat diets. This 
is especially true with regard to vegetable
oils instead of animal fats. At the University of 
Otago in New Zealand (British Journal of 
Nutrition v. 83 Supp, 2000) a heavily referenced 
review of the literature in this area was published.
“Lifestyle changes can reduce the progression of 
impaired glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes. 
Insulin sensitivity is enhanced by a range of diet-
related changes, including reduction of visceral 
adiposity, and a reduction in saturated fatty acids
”. Saturated fat intake causes diabetes- plain and 

↓page 23

Another powerful review with 44 references from
the University of Uppsala in Sweden, in the same
 journal (v 83, 2000), found high levels of 
palmitic and palmitoleic fatty acids (from animal 
foods) in the blood serum of diabetics. FFAs 
were clearly related to both diabetes and obesity 
as well. “A high  level of dietary fat is associated 
with impaired insulin sensitivity and risk of 
diabetes.” Similar studies show significant 
relationships between serum lipid fatty acid 
composition- which mirrors the type and amount 
of the fatty acids in the diet, and insulin 
sensitivity. You are just not going to have high 
levels of palmitic, palmoleic and stearic acids in 
your blood when you eat whole grains,
vegetables, fruits, and seafood as your basic 
sustenance, as these are basically from saturated 
animal fats.

These results were verified by the Centre de 
Recherche in France (Diabete & Metabolisme
21, 1995) in a review with 89 refer-ences. FFA 
levels were clearly and directly associated with
diabetes and other blood sugar problems. Also 
from Temple University in Arizona (Diabetes
46, 1997) in a review with 74 references. FFA 
levels are elevated in obesity as well. At the 
University of Napoli in Italy a 12 page review 
with 131 references was done (European Journal 
of Lipid Science v 103, 2001). They found
plasma FFAs to be strongly correlated with high 
cholesterol, high blood pressure, high 
triglycerides, obesity, insulin resistance,
coronary heart disease, and outright diabetes. 
That’s pretty clear!

 The literature is replete with studies such as 
these, and the scientific community is in good 
agreement that high-fat diets are one of the 
major causes of the growing epidemic of type 2 
diabetes and other blood sugar problems. We 
won’t quote more. Remember that “low-fat” 
means 20% or less, and mostly all unsaturated 
vegetable oils. This is very easy to do by simply 
taking animal products out of your diet, and 
eating moderate (10%) amounts of seafood. 

↓Page 24

Chapter 5: Diet, Diet, Diet

It has been repeated over and over that diet, 
lifestyle, and exercise are the way to cure blood 
sugar conditions of all kinds. Americans eat 42% 
fat calories (nearly all saturated animal fats),This 
is five time the fat they need. They also eat twice 
the protein, half the fiber, and twice the calories 
they need- plus 160 pounds of various sugars 
they don’t need at all. We are overfed and 

This chapter will cover the basic points in my 
book Zen Macrobiotics for Americans. Please 
read this book to really understand how to make 
the best food choices. Traditional Japanese
macrobiotics has a very limited selection of 
foods, and does not use supplements, natural 
hormones, rigorous exercise, or even fasting.
The word “macrobiotics”, simply means an 
overall (macro) view of life (bios). You will be 
eating the common foods you grew up with. 
There is really nothing exotic about it.

One of the basic causes of blood sugar dys-
metabolism is a diet high in saturated animal fats. 
This is documented in the previous chapter. 
Americans eat over 500% of the fats they need,
and nearly all of these are saturated animal fats, 
instead of vegetable oils. You do not have to be a 
vegetarian to cure diabetes and similar illnesses, 
as you can eat 10% seafood. Ideally you would 
eat no beef, pork, lamb, poultry, eggs, or dairy 
foods. Technically, diabetics could eat, say, three 
4 ounce portions of lean meat every week and 
still cure themselves, but this would slow down 
your progress. The best way to cure yourself is 
to stop eating red meat, poultry, eggs, and all 
dairy products. This includes low fat and lactose 
reduced dairy products.

 Milk and milk products are the most allergic 
foods known. They contain lactose (milk sugar), 
and cancer promoting casein. All adults of all 
races are lactose intolerant, since they no longer
produce the enzyme lactase. Without lactase you 
simply cannot digest lactose. Everyone over the 
age of three years old is allergic to dairy 
products. Fact. Nature provided cow milk for 
calves, and goat milk for baby goats.

↓Page 25
 Lactose-reduced milk is just not the answer here 
at all, nor are lactase tablets like Lactaid®. Dairy
cheese is low in lactose, but is extremely high in 
saturated animal fat, casein, and cholesterol. It is 
a very poor food choice. You can use soy, rice, 
almond, or oat milks instead of dairy milk. Very
good melt-able non-dairy cheeses are available at 
any grocery store. You can even buy soy cream 
cheese. Dairy yogurt has twice the amount of 
milk sugar, since powdered milk is added to 
thicken it. Soy yogurt and soy ice cream is readily
available, but contain quite a bit of sugar.

The studies proving dairy products cause 
diabetes are numerous. At the Health Protection 
Branch in Canada (American Journal of Clinical 
Nutrition v. 51, 1995) the doctors said, “There is 
a significant positive correlation between 
consumption of milk protein and incidence of 
IDDM in data from various countries”. They also 
found that babies who were naturally breast fed 
were protected from type 1 diabetes. At the A2 
Corporation in New Zealand (Medical 
Hypotheses v. 56, 2001) the researchers clearly
found milk proteins related to diabetes, heart 
disease, and outright mortality. “Milk casein 
consumption also correlates strongly with type-1 
diabetes incidence”. At the University of 
Helsinki in Finland (Experimental and Clinical 
Endocrinology & Diabetes v. 105,1997), the 
research showed clearly that milk consumption 
both for mothers and children is a major cause of 
type-1 diabetes. Again, at the University of 
Helsinki (Diabetologia v. 41, 1998) they found
the children most allergic to dairy products 
(based on blood antibodies) had the highest rates 
of diabetes. At the University of Tampere in 
Finland (Diabetes v. 49, 2000) they said, “In 
conclusion, our results provide support for the 
hypothesis that high consumption of cow’s milk 
during childhood can be diabetogenic”. At NIZO 
Research in the Netherlands (Nahrung v. 43, 
1999) the same results were found. At the School 
of Medicine in Auckland, New Zealand 
(Diabetologica v. 42, 1999) it was clear that 
consumption of dairy products were strongly 
correlated with type-1 diabetes. The research is 
clear on this: take dairy products completely out 
of your life. Milk is not good food.

↓Page 26

Beans are an excellent food, and are very similar 
to whole grains in their nutritional profile. There 
are many delicious varieties of beans available, 
especially in ethnic grocery stores. Beans, bean 
soups, and bean dips should be a central part of 
your daily fare. Get a good cookbook, and learn 
how to make more gourmet bean dishes. If you 
have problems with gas or bloating, this is not 
due to the beans, but rather to your weakened 
digestive system. Take Beano®, or a generic 
version of alpha-galactosidase, temporarily until 
your digestive system is stronger.

Fish and seafood can be eaten by people who do 
not want to be vegetarians. If you look in your 
mouth, you will see we have canine teeth. 
Humans can eat about one-tenth animal food, and
the best choice is seafood. A few people are 
allergic to fish and seafood, however, and will 
not be able to eat them. Just limit seafood to 
about 10% of your diet. If you want to be a 
vegetarian or vegan, just don’t eat seafood. 
There are no other animal products in the 
American macrobiotic diet.

We eat twice the protein we need. This causes 
many health problems, including obesity ,kidney, 
and liver disease. Many studies prove a high 
protein diet raises uric acid, and causes kidney 
and liver problems. Anytime you hear an author 
advocating a high protein diet, you will know 
they are clueless, ignorant, and uninformed. 
Whole grains, beans, and vegetables contain all 
the high quality protein and fiber you need. There 
are many studies to prove this. At Nara Medical 
University (Nara Igaku Zasshi v. 46,1995) the 
doctors concluded, “A protein-limited diet was 
useful for prevention of diabetic nephropathy in 
patients with early-stage diabetic nephropathy”. 
At the University of Vermont (American Journal 
of Physiology v. 27, 1996) they found the same 
results. Decreased protein intake was found to 
improve symptoms of type-1 diabetes. Limit 
your protein intake.

↓Page 27

Most all green and yellow vegetables are a good 
choice, if you avoid nightshades, most tropical 
vegetables, and those high in oxalic acid. 
Japanese macrobiotics does not include many 
green and yellow vegetables, ironically. Actually, 
frozen vegetables are very nutritious; only the 
texture is harmed by the freezing process.
Canned vegetables should be avoided. Avoid the 
nightshade family. This includes potatoes, 
tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. Nightshades 
contain large amounts of toxic solanine. 
Macrobiotics is about the only diet system to 
warn against these nightshade vegetables. Also 
avoid vegetables high in oxalic acid, such as
spinach, Swiss chard and others. Tropical 
vegetables like taro, etc. are meant for tropical 
peoples living in tropical climates. If you are of, 
say, African or Indian descent living in southern 
Florida or Arizona, you certainly can eat such 
tropical foods. If you are of European descent 
these foods were simply not meant for you.

People with blood sugar dysmetabolism of any 
kind cannot eat fruit juice, dried fruits, 
or sweeteners of any type until they are
well. Avoid sugar substitutes like stevia. If your 
pancreas has atrophied, or been removed, this 
means you have to take them out of your diet 
permanently. You might think fruits provide 
important nutrients, and your diet will be 
incomplete without them. 
This is not the case at all, since fruits are 
basically made up of simple sugars, fiber, and 
water with very few vitamins and minerals. You
cannot use sweeteners including honey, fructose, 
fruit juice, dried fruit, maple syrup, stevia,lohan, 
agave, molasses, rice syrup, corn syrup, or any 
others. Sugar is sugar is sugar, and honey is 
biologically no better than white sugar. Artificial 
sweeteners are the worst, and none of them are 
safe. The newest claim from sucralose to be, 
“made from sugar, tastes like sugar,” is just not 
true. They don’t tell you this is a man-made 
halogenated (chlorine molecules are added), 
synthetic, chemical, unnatural analog 
that isn’t safe for human or animal use. Kick 
the sugar habit, and take the concept of
“desserts” out of your life. You don’t need 
desserts or sweets. The concept of desserts 
basically doesn’t exist in Asia.

Scientists in Japan concluded, “The main reason 
of recent increase of diabetic patients is ascribed 
to increased sucrose intake”(Chiba Igaku Zasshi 
72 (1996). Folks, Americans eat more than 160 
pounds of various sugars and sweeteners every 
year- which they don’t need at all.

↓Page 28

The worst offender of all is high fructose corn 
syrup, since it is the cheapest to produce. At the
Diabetes Research Centre in India (Diabetologica 
44, 2001) it was shown the urban (not rural) 
Indians have an inordinate sugar intake. This 
causes epidemic diabetes rates, even though they 
are largely vegetarian, and eat a very low fat 
diet. Eating sweets will raise your triglyceride 
levels dramatically without eating fats.

It will be difficult for some people to simply give 
up all sweets and fruits. You can go through a 
transition period where you eat no cakes, 
cookies, sodas, pies, candy, and the other high 
sugar foods.
 For a few months you can eat 10% fresh (not 
dried or juiced) local fruit. No tropical fruits, as 
these are meant for tropical peoples in tropical 
lands- genetics and climate. You can also get a
macrobiotic dessert cookbook and make whole 
grain desserts, lightly sweetened with whole fruit 
only. You’ll come to enjoy these, and the subtle 
sweetness will be enough for you. Remember
macrobiotic desserts are a temporary transition, 
and the sooner you take all fruit and sweeteners 
out of your diet, the faster you’ll get well. Your 
body simply cannot handle simple sugars, regard-
less of how “natural” they are. Honey is still 
sugar. When you are fully cured, you can eat 
10% local fresh (or frozen) fruit if you want.

You should enjoy a wide variety of natural soups. 
Eating soup will help you lose weight and stay 
slim. That’s right, if you eat just two meals a day,
and start with a delicious bowl of soup at each 
meal, you’ll actually feel full and eat less food. 
Get some soup cookbooks, and learn to substitute 
healthier ingredients where meat, poultry, eggs, 
and dairy are called for. Traditional Japanese
macrobiotics restricted you to only 5% soup 
daily, and almost always miso soup. There is just 
no reason for these kinds of unnecessary
limitations. There is nothing magical or special 
about fermented soybeans. There are countless 
delicious soups you can make at home and freeze 
for future use.

↓Page 29

You can eat a fresh, green salad every day, as 
long as you use a low fat, non-dairy dressing. 
Traditional Japanese macro-biotics had a bias 
against fresh salads for some reason. In fact they
had a bias against any raw foods at all basically. 
The best time to eat salads is in summer time, 
since they are rather yin. You can still enjoy fresh 
salads all year round. People who advocate a 
100% raw food diet are irrationally neurotic, and 
cannot stay on these very long as their health 
deteriorates so badly.

What about real world, published studies that, 1) 
show the difference it cultural diets and rates of 
diabetes, and 2) diabetics who are given whole 
food diets? At Pantox Laboratories in CA
(Medical Hypotheses v. 58, 2002) type 2 
diabetics were given a natural vegan (no animal 
products) diet, along with daily walking. This 
study was backed up by a stunning 170 
references. “The vegan diet/exercise strategy 
represents a safe, low-tech approach to managing 
diabetes that deserves far greater attention from 
medical researchers and practitioners”. The 
patients got very quick, dramatic improvements 
and benefits including basic changes in their
very blood parameters. They were fed local and 
tropical fruits, which should be omitted. You 
don’t have to be a vegan to do this.

A cross-sectional study was done at the famous 
Cambridge University (British Journal of 
Nutrition v. 83, 2000) concluded,“Healthy 
Balanced Diets as One of the Main Components 
of Disease Prevention”. 802 people were given 
GTTs (glucose tolerance tests). It was clear the 
ones who made better food choices had far less 
diabetes. The healthy people ate more vegetables,
 salads, fish, fruits, pasta, and rice. Those with 
poor GTT results ate more meat, dairy, eggs, and 
fried foods generally. In another study 25,698 
Seventh Day Adventist vegetarians were 
examined. (American Journal of Public Health v. 
75, 1985). Adventists are known to have far less 
diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and other 
conditions as a whole. The ones who did not eat 
eggs or dairy products were the healthiest. You 
can’t argue with the results of almost twenty six
thousand real men and women.

↓Page 30

Doctors at UCLA gave almost 5,000 male and 
female diabetics a diet and exercise program 
(Diabetes Care v. 17, 1994) for just three weeks. 
Glucose levels fell dramatically. In just 21 days, 
and 71% of the ones taking oral medication 
discontinued their drugs! That is over 7 in 10 in 
21 days! 39% of those on insulin stopped 
injecting themselves! That is almost 4 in 10 
getting off insulin in 21 days! They simply ate 
better foods, and did some moderate exercise. 
Imagine what would happen if they did this for a 
whole year. These results are simply amazing!

We’ve got to mention the Pima Indians again. 
Half the Pima Indians still live in Mexico, and 
follow their ancient traditions of diet and lifestyle.
The others live in the southwestern U.S., and 
have largely adopted the American lifestyle. 
Many studies have been done here because they 
are the same genetic stock. This one (Diabetes 
Care v. 24, 2001), from the University of 
Pittsburg, looked at their diabetes rates. The 
Mexican Pimas ate more corn, beans, squash, 
melons, and desert plants. They actually ate more 
calories (they do more physical labor), but had 
lower glucose levels and far less diabetes. The 
American Pimas have a 50% (!) diabetes rate, 
short lifespans, and many other diseases from
eating the usual high-fat, high sugar, refined food 
diet. American Pimas given their native diet 
decrease their disease rates immediately. This 
also shows genetics is not the problem.

A fine review from the Helicon Foundation 
(Medical Hypotheses v. 54, 2000), with 84 
references, was titled, “Toward a Wholly 
Nutritional Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes”. The 
authors suggest preventing and treating type-2 
diabetes with only diet, supplements, and 
exercise, rather than toxic, ineffective drugs.
They also point out obesity, one of the most 
important causes of all, would be basically 
eradicated by such dietary means. We need more 
such progressive doctors using natural means to 
cure disease.

Another study from Harvard (Annals of Internal 
Medicine v. 136, 2002) was titled, “Dietary 
Patterns and Risk for Type-2 Diabetes in U.S. 
Men”. Here over 42,000 men aged 40-75 were
studied for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease 
for twelve years. It was clear the ones who ate 
more whole grains, vegetables, fresh fruits, and 
fish lived the longest, and had the lowest illness 
rates. The ones who ate red meat, refined grains, 
dairy products, fried foods, and desserts had far 
higher disease rates, and much shorter lives. 
Forty-two thousand real people prove the point 

↓Page 31

The diet books in print are generally terrible, and 
there are very few authors who have any idea of 
what they’re talking about. If you go to a book-
store or library, you will see many books 
claiming to tell you how to cure diabetes. Nearly 
all of them are not only useless, but will actually 
make you worse. You can always tell if the books 
are spurious if the author suggests eating dairy 
products, eggs, meat, poultry, sweeteners of any 
kind (including honey, stevia, etc.), tropical foods
(like bananas and citrus), or nightshade 
vegetables (like potatoes and tomatoes). It is not 
considered “good form” in this business to 
mention these pseudo-authorities by name, so 
they won’t be named individually.

Susan Powter has written two good books, Stop 
the Insanity and Food, on eating well, staying 
slim, and calorie density. Susan practices what 
she preaches, and looks great at 61. Neal Barnard 
is a member of the Physicians Committee for 
Responsible Medicine (PCRM), and is a very 
sincere person. His books include Turn Off
the Fat Genes, Live Longer, Live Better, Food 
for Life, and Eat Right, Live Longer. Gary 
Null has written Get Healthy NowVegetarian 
Handbook, and Seven Steps to Perfect Health
Terry Shintani is a very committed man who 
wrote The Hawaii Diet, and The Good 
Carbohydrate Revolution. Dean Ornish is 
also a member of the PCRM, and has written 
Eat More, Weigh Less and Program for Reversing
 Heart Disease. Robert Pritikin (Nathan Pritikin’s 
son) has written a half dozen books on low-fat 
vegetarian eating. The old Nathan Pritikin books 
are still available in your public library. Michio 
Kushi is a prolific writer on traditional Japanese
macrobiotics, as is George Ohsawa. You should 
read both of these authors, and then take the 
unnecessary, overly restrictive, limited, obsessive
-compulsive Japanese trappings out of their 
writings. It seems that macrobiotic authors are 
the only ones to understand such basic truths as 
the toxicity of nightshade vegetables, and 
the fact tropical foods aren’t meant for temperate 
peoples. None of the aforementioned authors 
really understand proven supplements, natural 
hormone balance, and fasting to any degree, 

↓Page 32

The ridiculous “glycemic index” must be 
mentioned. This pseudo-scientific silliness is 
ridiculous on its face. To start with, their 
standard of reference is white bread! Sadly 
enough, this glycemic absurdity now appears in 
medical journals! The glycemic theory says that 
brown rice raises blood sugar as much as a 
sugared donut, and that a bowl of hearty oatmeal 
raises blood sugar as much as a Twinkie®. If 
whole grains and beans raised blood sugar, the 
Asian countries would have the highest rates of 
diabetes in the world! The fact they have the 
lowest rates proves otherwise. You’ll notice that 
the advocates of the glycemic index suggest 
eating red meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products
- while warning against whole grains and 
legumes generally. The logical conclusion here is 
a deadly ketogenic diet.

 Anyone promoting the glycemic index is 
obviously ignorant and completely misguided.

Calorie restriction is an important part of curing 
blood sugar conditions. Americans eat twice 
the calories they need. We eat three meals a day, 
when we only need two. Be sure to eat two meals 
a day instead of three. You only need to eat twice 
a day, and soon this will become perfectly normal
for you. Breakfast is not, “the most important 
meal of the day”. The less calories you eat the
longer you live. Men can thrive on about 1,800 
calories a day, and women on about 1,200 
calories. Roy Walford is the only one who wrote 
extensively on this subject. Please read his The 
120 Year Diet, and Maximum Lifespan. Eat as 
little as possible, and keep your caloric intake 
down by eating low fat foods. It isn’t food that
makes you fat; it is fat that makes you fat. You 
don’t need to walk around hungry, nor can you. 
Willpower is an illusion. You can eat all you 
want, and still take in fewer calories by simply 
making better food choices. You can eat all you 
want, never be hungry, and still stay slim, if you 
just eat whole, natural foods. The answer is 
eating lower fat foods and not less food. Please 
take a good look at the calorie density chart in 
Chapter 13: Obesity to convince yourself of this.
You can literally eat all you want, if you just 
make better food choices. Americans eat twice 
the calories they need.

↓Page 33

It would literally take 80 years to study humans 
for the total benefits of calorie restriction, but 
we have 1) shorter term human studies, and 2) full 
term animal studies. Calorie restriction is 
the most effective way to extend lifespan 
and quality of life. At Heinrich-Heine University 
in Germany a heavily referenced review was 
published (Weiner Klinische Wochen v. 106, 
1994). Real people greatly improved their insulin 
sensitivity, and lost weight, by eating lower 
calorie foods. At the Franco-Czech Laboratory 
(Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & 
Metabolism v. 89, 2002) obese women improved 
their insulin resistance, and lost weight, by 
simply eating lower calorie foods. At Alexandra Hospital (International Journal of Obesity v. 27, 
2003) obese diabetic men were given lower 
calorie foods for 12 weeks. They lost weight, 
lost body fat, lowered their cholesterol, 
and improved glycemic control with no other 
intervention. At Nagasaki University 
(International Congress Series v.1209, 2000) 
diabetic women were fed a low calorie, low-fat 
diet based on rice and vegetables. Their glycemic 
status improved, and their glucose levels fell 

Fasting is always a part of any serious natural 
health program. With most blood sugar disorders 
it can be difficult to fast on water even for 24 
hours dinner to dinner. If you want to know more,
the recommended books on fasting are listed in 
Zen Macrobiotics for Americans. When you are 
cured, it is important you fast one day a week on 
water from dinner to dinner. This gives your body
52 times every year to rest, recuperate, and heal. 
Once you see the great benefits, you’ll probably 
choose to do longer fasts. If you can go 24 hours 
on water only, without problems, then you should 
do this every week from dinner to dinner.

↓Page 34

Chapter 6: Effective Supplements

It cannot be repeated enough that what you eat is 
the real cure for blood sugar and insulin 
dysmetabolism. Your daily food is basically what 
will cure you. Whole natural foods cure disease.
Proven supplements and natural hormones are 
very powerful, but secondary to diet. 
Supplements are only one of the Seven Steps to
Natural Health (p 4). People are understandably 
confused about which supplements work, and 
which are merely advertising promotions. This 
confusion can be explained in one word -
advertising. To know which supplements 
honestly have value, we merely need to look at 
the published scientific literature, rather than the 
very well written advertisements that inundate us.
 Science tells us which supplements really benefit 
us, not skillful ad writers. Please read my booklet 
The Supplements You Need. People under 40 
only need acidophilus, FOS, beta glucan, vitamin 
D, vitamin E, flax oil, minerals and vitamins.

First, we need to understand the difference 
between “endogenous” supplements and 
“exogenous” ones. Endogenous supplements 
exist in our bodies, and in the common foods we 
eat. This would include all vitamins, all minerals, 
all basic hormones, most amino acids, and such 
supplements as CoQ10, beta sitosterol, lipoic 
acid, DIM, PS, and beta glucan. You can, and 
should, take the appropriate and needed 
endogenous supplements the rest of your life for 
your general health. This is especially true if you 
are over forty. Exogenous supplements do not 
exist naturally in our bodies, nor in our common 
foods. This would include such things as herbs in 
general (e.g. ginseng, echinacea, milk thistle, 
golden seal, etc.), green tea, curcumin, guggul, 
ellagic acid, and aloe vera. Even if any of these 
supplements are appropriate for you, the effect
will only last for about six months to a year and 
then cease. To continue taking them would be a 
waste of time and money, and could even be 
counterproductive. Many people are, in fact, 
allergic to some of these exogenous products. 
Therefore, we will stress long term endogenous 
supplements, but still mention the temporary 
exogenous ones for short term use.

↓Page 35

Lipoic acid has so much research on it there is a 
separate chapter (Chapter 8: Lipoic Acid) 
devoted to the many international published 
studies on its benefits.

Vitamins and minerals are basic. There are only 
thirteen vitamins. Never take megadoses of any 
vitamin (or other supplement), as these overdoses 
unbalance our metabolism. Regular vitamin B-12 
is absorbed very poorly, so pick a supplement 
with 1 mg of methylcobalamin as the preferred 
form of B-12. Minerals are so important they are 
covered in a separate chapter (Chapter 9:The 
Minerals We Need).

Vitamin C is a very overrated and misunderstood 
vitamin. Megadoses of this will acidify your 
normally alkaline blood. Making the blood pH 
acidic causes your entire system to be sickly.
Megadoses of anything - including oxygen, sun, 
fun, food, sex, or whatever else - are harmful! 
Understand this simple fact. Vitamin C is only 
basically found in any quantity in tropical fruits, 
such as citrus. These are meant for tropical 
people in hot climates. You find very little 
vitamin C in temperate climate fruits and 
vegetables. Diabetics use up excessive vitamin C 
due to the increased need for all antioxidants. 
Therefore you should take 250 mg until you are 
well. The RDA is only 60 mg. Again, do not take 
more than 250 mg, as this is four times the RDA-
 Linus Pauling was wrong! Short term studies of 
megadoses of vitamin C may show limited 
benefits, but never in the long term.

Beta glucan is a very important supplement to 
take for all forms of sugar dysmetabolism. The 
usual dosage is 200 mg, but you should take 400 
mg for the first year to improve glycemic control. 
Beta glucan is the most powerful immune 
enhancer known to science, including interferon-
alpha. It doesn’t matter whether you use oat or 
yeast glucan, as all are 1/3 true glucans. The 
mushroom glucan is simply too expensive. 
Please read my book What Is Beta Glucan? to 
learn more. An entire chapter is devoted to 
diabetes. A good number of human studies have 
shown the benefits of beta glucan for all blood 
sugar issues. Beta glucan also has powerful
cholesterol and triglyceride lowering activity 
which, of course, is of great concern in blood 
sugar dysmetabolism. This is a very important 
supplement you must add to your regimen, and 
even healthy children and people under 40 
should routinely take this. Eat just a little oatmeal 
and barley regularly and you won’t need to take 
a supplement.

↓Page 36

Beta carotene has been shown to be deficient in 
most diabetics, but not vitamin A. (Beta carotene 
is the direct precursor to vitamin A.) Beta \
carotene is one of the most powerful antioxidants
in our diet. Some studies, such as the one done at 
Jikei University in Japan, show high serum 
vitamin A levels, but low levels of beta carotene. 
You only need 10,000 IU here, although you can 
take 25,000 for the first year if you want to. This 
is a very effective antioxidant, and should 
definitely be a part of your program. The Third 
National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (Diabetes v. 52, 2003) showed low levels 
of carotenoids (except lycopene) generally in 

CoQ10 is a basic supplement here, and you must 
take 100 mg of real Japanese ubiquinone a day. 
Do not take ubiquinol! Ubiquinol is 
unstable, and has no shelf life. Some 
unscrupulous companies offer smaller 
amounts of CoQ10 with “special 
delivery systems”, that are all but worthless. 100 
mg is what you need. Some “experts” 
recommend 300 to 400 mg a day, but this is a
waste of money and not necessary at all. Real 
Japanese bio-engineered can be found (60 X 100 
mg) for under $20. Studies around the world 
have shown the importance of this for diabetes.
For example, at Moradabad Hospital in India 
(Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease 
1999), a review with 59 references on the 
benefits of CoQ10 for diabetes and CHD was 
published. CoQ10 is a powerful and basic 

↓Page 37 

Beta-sitosterol is found in every vegetable you 
eat, but there just isn’t enough in our daily food. 
It is estimated the average American eats about 
300 mg daily, while vegetarians eat twice that
amount. Vegetarians have far less blood sugar 
problems. Take 300 mg a day of mixed sterols 
(mixed sterols is the only form available). You 
should take 600 mg a day for the first year, and
then just 300 mg. Beta-sitosterol is the most 
effective natural remedy known for both prostate 
problems and high blood fats (cholesterol and 
triglycerides). At the Gerontology Clinic (Vnitrni
Lekarstvi v. 50, 2004) blood levels of these plant 
sterols were shown to be very important in 
diabetic patients. “In diabetics the level of 
disease compensation correlated negatively with 
plant sterol values”. You can read more about 
plant sterols in my book Lower Cholesterol 
Without Drugs. All this is strongly related to
cholesterol and triglyceride dysmetabolism.

Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) is the preferred form 
of L-carnitine, as it is more bio-available, and 
passes into the brain more easily. 500 mg a day is 
the appropriate dose. There are a number of 
studies on both forms, but you will get all the 
benefits of plain L-carnitine by taking the acetyl 
derivative ALC. At the Instituto di Medicina in 
Italy (Metabolism v. 49, 2000) type 2 diabetics 
were given ALC. This effectively increased their 
glucose disposal and utilization. They concluded 
this was an important therapy. ALC is an 
important supplement for anyone over 40 for 
brain function, memory, and clarity of thought.

Vitamin D is not a vitamin at all, but rather a 
hormone. It does not occur in our food, except 
very small amounts in a few animal foods such 
as eggs. This is the most important “vitamin” of
all for blood sugar problems. Your daily vitamin 
supplement should have 400 IU, but you should 
take another 400 to 800 IU for many reasons. 
You should be getting a total of 800 to 1,200 IU 
of vitamin D, unless you are out in the sun 
regularly. In the summer, if you get regular 
exposure to the sun, you can just take the 400 IU
in your vitamin supplement. Most Americans are 
clearly deficient in “vitamin” D, as most of us do 
not get out in the sun regularly, especially in 
winter months. Science proves low serum levels 
are epidemic, correlated with endless illnesses, 
and clearly related to all-cause mortality and 
length of life. The international research is very 
strong here.

↓Page 38

Vitamin E is the second most important vitamin 
for blood sugar problems. Vitamin E is also very 
deficient in our diets, because we eat a mere 1% 
whole grains (the main source). Always use the 
natural mixed tocopherols for a few dollars more, 
and not the inexpensive single tocopherol (d-
alpha). You should only use 200 IU a day (or 400
IU every other day). Do not exceed this, since the 
RDA is only 30 IU. The international, published 
research on this is simply overwhelming. Vitamin 
E is one of the most powerful of all natural anti-
oxidants, and must be a part of your healing
program. This is very good for your heart and 

Hunan Medical University gave vitamin E to type 2
diabetics with dramatic benefits in only 30 days. 
The University of Chieti in Italy showed 
significant benefits in only 14 days in type 2
diabetics. Vitamin E supplementation should be 
standard practice. The research here is obviously 
overwhelming, and can’t possibly all be quoted. 
People of all ages should use vitamin E since we 
get so little in our diets.

Flaxseed oil is the best source of omega-3 fatty 
acids, and better than fish oil for a lot of reasons. 
All the studies on fish oil would be even more 
effective with flax oil. Regardless of your age,
take a 1,000 mg flax oil capsule every day. Or ½ 
teaspoon of bulk flax oil. Buy and keep this 
refrigerated- do not buy unrefrigerated flax oil, 
as it easily oxidizes. We eat far too much omega-
6 fatty acids, and far too few omega-3s. The 
research is overwhelming on the benefits of 
omega-3 supplementation for health blood sugar
metabolism, as well as CHD health, and blood 
At North Dakota University (Nutrition Journal
44, 2011) “Flaxseed supplementation improved 
insulin resistance in obese glucose intolerant 
people” was published. The results were no less
than dramatic. There are many such studies using 
real flax seed to help cure diabetes and other 
blood sugar issues. The research here is too much 
to continue with. This is a definite!

↓Page 39

L-glutamine is a proven amino acid for good 
intestinal health. You should take a gram (two 
X 500 mg) in the AM and another gram in the 
PM. You can also take a tablespoon of 
inexpensive bulk glutamine powder every day 
for even better results. This will also spike 
(temporarily raise) your growth hormone levels. 
While L-glutamine has shown no specific value 
for blood sugar problems, always remember we 
are treating the whole body, and not just our 
glucose metabolism. Regardless of our age, our 
digestive systems are generally in terrible shape 
from our poor diets. Taking L-glutamine, with a 
good brand of acidophilus and FOS, will help us 
digest our food well. Strong digestion is an 
important part of maintaining normal blood 
sugar and insulin levels.

Fructooligosaccarides (FOS) are indigestible 
sugars that feed the good bacteria in our 
intestines, but not the “bad” bacteria. This will 
not help blood sugar dysmetabolism directly, but 
will help keep your intestines healthy to better 
digest your food which helps normalize glucose 
metabolism. Taking 750 mg once or twice a day 
works very well with acidophilus and 
L-glutamine to keep our digestive system strong 
and healthy.

Acidophilus keeps the good bacteria in our 
intestines alive. Find a good refrigerated brand 
and keep it refrigerated. Take 6 billion units (with 
8 strains) once or twice daily, and use FOS and
L-glutamine with it. This will help strengthen 
your digestion.

Phosphatidyl serine (PS) is a relative of lecithin 
or phosphatidyl choline. Only in the last few 
years has inexpensive PS become available to the 
public, and the human research verified its value. 
Take 100 mg a day if you are over the age of 40 
to support good brain function. This is not going 
to help glycemic control per se, but you are 
treating your total health, and not just glucose
metabolism. Pregnenolone and acetyl-L-carnitine 
work very well with PS. You can also benefit 
from taking a 1,200 mg soft-gel of lecithin for 
both better brain metabolism and lower 
cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

↓Page 40

Glucosamine will not specifically help your blood 
sugar condition, but it is an important supplement 
for anyone over the age of 40. Literally 95% of 
Americans over the age of 65 suffer from 
arthritis and joint inflammation. Glucosamine 
500 -1,000 mg a day is a proven supplement for 
bone and joint health. Do not take chondroitin, 
as it is not absorbed by our intestines and is 
therefore useless. Glucosamine cannot work 
alone, and must have a complete supply of 
minerals, flax oil, and vitamin D to be effective.

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of our two main
antioxidant enzymes. Unfortunately, oral SOD 
pills don’t work, nasal sprays are illegal, 
sublingual SOD isn’t available, and the use of 
DMSO transdermal solutions is prohibited. Oral 
SOD tablets are worthless. Doctors don’t know 
how to inject this, and it wouldn’t be practical 
anyway. Nevertheless, SOD is very important to 
blood sugar problems because of the antioxidant 
stress. The University of Tiemcen in Algeria 
found low SOD blood levels in type-2 (but not 
in type-1) diabetics. Hyogo University, in Japan, 
found low SOD in type-1.

What can we do? Fortunately, we can keep our 
SOD levels elevated with diet, supplements, 
exercise, lifestyle, and generally supporting our 
antioxidant defense system. By eating well, 
exercising, balancing your basic hormones, not 
taking prescription drugs, and avoiding negative 
habits (such as coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, 
recreational drugs) you will have higher SOD levels.

Glutathione is our other basic antioxidant enzyme.
You can take oral glutathione, but it is not as 
effective as NAC. NAC is N-acetyl cysteine
and is a much more effective way to raise your 
glutathione levels than glutathione itself. Take 
600 mg a day. The other varied benefits of NAC 
have been well documented in the last ten years. 
In diabetic conditions glutathione has been shown 
to be of great importance because it is so basic to 
our antioxidant process. This is a vital 
supplement for blood sugar conditions, and much 
research has been done here.

↓Page 41

Soy isoflavones can be taken in 40 mg doses of 
combined genestein and diadzein. It is unrealistic 
to think we are going to get a sufficient intake of 
these valuable isoflavones by eating a variety of 
soy products. Tofu is the white bread of soybeans,
is highly refined, and lacking in nutrition. 
Westerners rarely eat any amount of soy products 
such as miso, seitan, soy flour, tempeh, or other 
traditional Asian foods. Soy sauce is merely a 
condiment. There is an overwhelming amount of 
published research on the benefits of soy 
supplementation. Anyone who tells you soy is 
“bad” for you is mentally deficient. The dairy 
and meat industries are very upset by the 
popularity of soy products, especially soy milks. 
Billions of Asians for centuries prove the value 
of soy isoflavone intake. Okinawans eat more 
soy than anyone, and live the longest of all.

DIM (di-indolylmethane) is a fine supplement, 
and better than I3C (indole-3-carbinol) for 
improving estrogen metabolism. Take 200 mg of 
DIM daily. All “special delivery systems” are just
expensive advertising promotions.. DIM is oil 
soluble, so just take it with your food or with 
your flax oil. If you test your free estradiol and 
estrone levels, and find them to be in the low 
normal (the ideal) range, you won’t need to take 
this. Men over the age of 50 generally have 
higher estradiol and estrone levels than their
postmenopausal wives! Excess estrogen in men 
or women is harmful, and low normal levels are 
best. American and European women rarely have 
insufficient estrogen levels due to their high-fat,
low fiber, nutrient deficient diets, obesity, lack of 
exercise, and other factors. Asian women who 
have lower estradiol and estrone (but not estriol) 
levels have less heart disease, osteoporosis, and
menopausal problems. The idea that American 
women generally are somehow “estrogen 
deficient” after menopause is silly.

A complete program of natural supplements is 
vital for healing, but will never compensate for 
poor diet, lack of exercise, and other basic factors.

↓Page 42

Chapter 7: Temporary Supplements
There are a variety of temporary supplements to 
take for up to a year. Most of these are 
“exogenous”, and not in our bodies or in our 
common food. The rest are endogenous (in our 
bodies and common food), but just not needed 
after about a year. TMG (betaine) or 
trimethylglycine is the most powerful liver 
rejuvenator known. Taking 3 grams a day (6 X 
500 mg capsules) for six months to a year will do 
wonders to cleanse and strengthen your liver. 
The liver is the largest internal organ, and vital to 
blood sugar metabolism. Our livers supply 
glycogen (blood sugar). Liver problems, 
especially such conditions as fatty liver, are 
central to blood sugar problems. While TMG is 
endogenous, there is just no reason to use this 
much for more than a year. You can take 1 gram 
(2 X 500 mg) as a permanent supplement after
this. This is a very important addition to your healing 
program. The human studies are excellent. To cure 
diabetes you must have a strong healthy liver.

Vitamin C was covered in the previous chapter. It must 
be emphasized that megadoses weaken your immunity 
in the long run. It is not a dietary deficiency of vitamin 
C here at all, but rather the fact the body is using up all 
the vitamin C and other antioxidants it can get to 
balance the free radicals. You should only take 250 mg
for a year, and then the 60 mg in your vitamin 
supplement is enough as a permanent one. Never 
overdose on this!

Aloe vera is a classic healing herb that helps our 
digestive system, and our liver among, other 
benefits. Taking 2 X 100 mg capsules of a 200:1 
extract is easier than trying to drink the 
equivalent of 40 grams of fresh gel. Aloe gel is 
99.5% water. Just six to twelve months as it is 

↓Page 43

Ellagic acid has no proof of efficacy for blood 
sugar disorders per se, but has shown very 
powerful anti-cancer and other effects. Taking 
100 mg a day for six months to a year will help 
your immunity in general.

Milk thistle is the most effective herb for liver 
health. Taking 2 capsules of a good extract every 
day for one year will work with the TMG to 
strengthen your liver. Milk thistle is the most 
researched herb for liver health, but is exogenous 
and will not help you after a year. There are 
many human studies on the active ingredient 

Taurine finally has good human science behind it 
for diabetes. Numerous animal studies showed 
great promise here, and now real people verify 
this. Take 500 mg of taurine daily for one year. 
This inexpensive amino acid also has much value for
coronary heart conditions generally, and helps 
lower blood fats and blood pressure. Beijing 
Hospital in China, Cardiology Research Center 
in Moscow, Bengbu Medical College in China, 
and Research University in Italy all showed 
improvement in glucose levels, insulin 
sensitivity, blood parameters, and other benefits 
in both type -1 and -2 diabetes. Studies at the 
University of Messina, and the Diabetes Unit in 
Italy, showed diabetics had low blood plasma 
and platelet taurine levels. In 2004 an extensive 
review of the literature with 114 references from 
the University of Sassari in Italy showed that 
taurine supplementation is valuable in treating 
diabetes and insulin resistance. Take until you 
are well.

Curcumin taken in 500 mg amounts daily for six 
months to a year is a powerful and proven natural 
antioxidant. Good studies.

Green tea extract is very worthwhile. Just take 
two capsules daily. Green tea is simply regular 
old tea (Thea sinensis) that is not fermented. 
There is a lot of good research on green tea
polyphenols, but all of it is short term only. The 
fact it must have the caffeine removed to be safe 
is rather worrisome. This must be decaffeinated! 
It is unlikely you will drink two cups of decaf 
green tea every day, so the capsules are much 
more practical.

↓Page 44

Quercetin is technically an endogenous antioxidant
although basically only found in apples and 
onions. You can take100 mg daily for one year. 
Only one study was found where diabetic 
animals improved with quercetin 
supplementation. There is good science on the 
antioxidant benefits of quercetin. 

Polysaccharide plant gums such as glucomannon
guargum, pectin (citrus or apple), and sodium alginate 
(from seaweed) are very valuable, inexpensive, and 
safe temporary supplements. These gums have shown 
value in lowering cholesterol, blood sugar 
normalization, removing toxic metals, and other 
benefits. Take at least 3 grams a day (6 X 500 mg 
capsules) to get real benefits. Choose the one you 
prefer, the one that is least expensive, or try each of the 
four above for three month periods successively. The
added rewards of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides 
will be an important factor in your healing. Some 
people have lost weight using these, since the gums 
swell up dramatically with water, and fill the stomach. 
This gives you a feeling of having eaten when you
haven’t. The science here is very strong. “Modified” 
citrus pectin is expensive and has no benefits at all.. 
Buy regular inexpensive fruit pectins.

At the 7th annual Gums and Stabilizers Conference, in
England, researchers reviewed the benefits of these 
gums and found, “improved glycemic control and a 
reduction in plasma cholesterol”, which, of course, are 
precursors to diabetes. At the University of Helsinki a 
review with 59 references was published showing 
guar gum therapy had favorable long-term effects on
glycemic control and lipid levels in NIDDM subjects. 
At St. Marianna University in Japan (Eiyogaku Zasshi 
v. 56, 1998) galactomannon (from fenugreek) was 
found to benefit by feeding five grams a day to type 
2 diabetics. At the Institute of Investigations, in Cuba 
guar, pectin and glucomannon were all shown to help 
remove toxic heavy metals from the blood, improve 
digestion generally, and lessen the effects of diabetes.

↓Page 45

L-arginine is an overrated and promoted amino acid 
with little scientific evidence behind it. There are a few 
possible studies, however, for blood sugar conditions. 
You can use 3 grams (6 X 500 mg) daily for one year. 
At the University of Vienna L-arginine was found to 
inhibit lipid peroxidation in human diabetics. At the 
Medical College of Wisconsin diabetic rats benefited 
from L-arginine in their water. At Cumhuriyet 
University in Turkey rabbits lowered blood glucose 
levels with oral L-arginine. Arginine is commonly promoted without clinical backing. This is an optional 
supplement, as it is not well clinically proven at all.

Asian or American ginseng can be used temporarily, 
but not in hot weather, or in tropical climates, because 
of its extreme yang (warm) nature. Find a reliable 
brand, and take one or two capsules a day during the 
coolest six months of the year (October thru March in 
the Northern Hemisphere).

Nopal cactus has been promoted for normalizing blood
sugar levels, but where is the evidence? There are no 
human or animal studies published in any of the 
international medical journals. There is just no reason 
to use something unproven like this, when you have so 
many proven supplements to use. Bitter melon 
(Momordica) has also been promoted for blood sugar
problems, but, again, where is the evidence? Banaba 
leaf has corosolic acid in it, and has been promoted for 
blood sugar problems. The published evidence is just 
not convincing so far. Fenugreek herb (containing 
galactomannon fiber) has been commercially promoted for diabetes, but the science is lacking here, too. 
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been promoted for
weight loss as well as diabetes, but, again, the evidence 
isn’t there.

The herb most promoted for normalizing blood sugar is
Gymnema sylvestre. There are just no valid human 
studies here. Remember that exogenous supplements 
will not work for some people, and will be biologically incompatible (allergenic) in others. If you feel any of 
these temporary supplements are not compatible with 
your individual biochemistry then drop them. Some 
people will get mild side effects from exogenous 
supplements like these.

↓Page 46

Chapter 8: Alpha Lipoic Acid

Lipoic acid (aka thioctic acid) or “LA” is a natural 
antioxidant in our bodies. This is the most important 
single supplement you can take for diabetes and blood 
sugar disorders. There is no lipoic acid in our daily 
food. It does not exist in the free form in our bodies, 
but rather as dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA). You are not
going to get any from your diet. Do not think this is a 
Magic Supplement that can work alone. Diet and 
exercise is the basic cure for blood sugar dys-
metabolism, while supplements and hormones play 
secondary role. The research on lipoic acid is so 
overwhelming, we are going to devote a separate 
chapter to it.

Actually, lipoic acid is a disulfide (two sulfur atoms) 
that is converted in the body to dihydrolipoic acid or 
DHLA. The lipoic acid of commerce, and the one used 
in nearly all the studies, is equally composed of two 
mirror image (racemic) isomers R- and S-. Almost 
every one of the published studies use the regular 
racemic natural R/S form. You will see Internet 
advertisements claiming that only the very expensive 
R-isomer has biological value, while the S-isomer is 
somehow ineffective. R-only lipoic acid is a promotion 
for money, with no science behind it! Do not be taken 
in by such unfounded unscientific promotions. Clinical
studies using these R- and S- forms separately found 
that they equally convert to DHLA (General 
Pharmacology v 29, 1997). Just use regular, normal, 
everyday, inexpensive R,S-lipoic acid.

Anyone over the age of forty should take lipoic acid as 
part of their basic supplement program for its powerful 
antioxidant properties. For most people 400 mg a day 
is sufficient. Clinical studies have used up to 1,000 mg, 
but only in the short term. Injected lipoic acid is much 
more effective than oral use, but very impractical 
obviously. Overdoses of lipoic acid, or anything else,
merely unbalance our metabolism, and are 
contraindicated. If you have a serious problem, you can 
safely take 800 mg a day for one year, Just use 400 mg 
in the AM, and another 400 mg in the PM, to maintain 
maximum blood levels.

↓Page 47
Lipoic acid is safe, inexpensive, and non-toxic, but 
there just isn’t any reason to take more than 400 mg for 
the long term. Short term studies have used higher 
doses, but you’ll be doing long term therapy.

At Eberhard-Karls University in Germany (BioFactors 
10,1993) a study, “Thioctic Acid- Effects on Insulin 
Sensitivity and Glucose Metabolism” was done. They 
pointed out that, “Thioctic acid is a co-factor of key 
mitochondrial enzymes, involved in the regulation of 
glucose oxidation, such as the pyruvate dehydrogenase
and the alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, both 
enzyme complexes which are known to be diminished 
in diabetes”. In plain words, this means lipoic acid 
works with our body enzymes to prevent glucose from 
being oxidized. Their conclusion was, “The clinical and experimental date indicate that this compound has
beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity, correcting 
several metabolic pathways known to be altered in 
type 2 diabetes, such as insulin stimulated glucose 
uptake, glucose oxidation, and glycogen synthesis”. 
The authors quote two human studies published in
Diabetologica 1995 and Arzneimittelforschung 1995. 
Here insulin sensitivity was increased from 27% to 
51% in merely 10 days! This is nothing less than 
incredible! No dangerous, synthetic, toxic prescription 
drugs can even start to approach results like that.

At the University of Southern California (Nutrition v 17,
2001) “Molecular Aspects of Lipoic Acid in the 
Prevention of Diabetes Complications” was published. 
People with diabetes suffer from an endless list of 
complications, eventually ending in premature death. 
These include vascular (heart and artery) disease,
cataracts, retinopathy (vision loss), and neuropathy 
(nerve deterioration).
“The available data strongly suggest that LA, because 
of its antioxidant properties, is particularly suited to the 
prevention and/or treatment of diabetic complications…
In addition to its antioxidant properties, LA increases 
glucose uptake…Further, recent trials have 
demonstrated that LA improves glucose disposal in 
patients with type 2 diabetes. In experimental and 
clinical studies, LA markedly reduced the symptoms of 
diabetic pathologies, including cataract formation, 
vascular damage, and polyneuropathy”. Rather 
powerful statements from top doctors in the best 

↓Page 48

Reviews are always best. A most impressive seventeen
page, heavily documented review, “The Pharmacology 
of the Antioxidant Lipoic Acid”, from Vrije University 
in Amsterdam (General Pharmacology v. 29, 1997) 
leaves no doubt about the effectiveness. Here they 
prove that the R- and S- isomers equally convert to 
DHLA in humans. Do not waste your money on R-only
lipoic acid. This review is about the antioxidant 
properties of LA for general health, rather than the 
benefits for diabetes specifically. The language here is 
highly technical, and refers to reactive oxygen species 
(ROS), NADH, chelation, oxidative stress, and other 
such topics. In plain English, they show LA 
supplements to be a most powerful and proven 
antioxidant, that has many benefits as we age. It is an 
important overall anti-aging supplement everyone over 
40 needs.

At the University of Arizona (Oxidative Stress and 
Disease v. 8, 2002) a long, well documented review 
was done on hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. 
They strongly suggest using LA as a therapy for both 
conditions. Further, they discuss the underlying 
mechanisms for using LA in diabetic and pre-diabetic 
conditions, so we can better understand how it is so 
effective. At Oregon State University (Current 
Medicinal Chemistry v. 11, 2004) a 12 page review 
with extensive references was done showing the power 
of LA to help ameliorate the patho-physiologies of 
many chronic diseases, and not just diabetes, and other 
forms of blood sugar dysmetabolism. They found 
lipoic acid therapy to have dramatic benefits in patients 
in only 30 days. This was true, not only for diabetes, 
but also other diseases associated with oxidative stress.
LA was found to be an effective agent to ameliorate 
certain path-ophysiologies of many chronic diseases. 
Here the evidence was examined for the effectiveness 
of lipoic acid against such diverse age-related disorders as unwarranted apoptosis (programmed cell death), 
cardiovascular disease, and cataract formation.

↓Page 49

 The famous Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota, did a most
impressive 16 page review, complete with 77 references
(Antioxidants in Health and Disease v 6, 1997) on 
lipoic acid. This study leaves no doubt as to the proven effectiveness on any disease associated with oxidative 
stress- including blood sugar disorders generally. At the 
University of California, in Los Angeles, a 
sophisticated review, with an impressive 78 citations 
(Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology v 182, 2002), 
was done on the general antioxidant and pro-oxidant 
properties of lipoic acid. They showed both lipoic acid 
and dihydrolipoic acid exhibit direct free radical
scavenging properties. Other studies provide evidence 
that lipoic acid supplementation has pro-oxidant 
prop-erties, decreases oxidative stress, and restores 
reduced levels of other antioxidants in real people.

Three different reviews were done at the 
University of California, in Berkeley, another 
good review with 34 references (Annals of the
NY Academy of Sciences v 738, 1994)was done 
on the properties of lipoic acid in relation to 
oxidative stress and disease. Another was
published in Environmental & Nutritional 
Interactions v 3, 1999). This thorough 28 page 
article showed the effectiveness of LA for
diabetes itself and the serious complications that 
comes with it. Neuropathy is the worst side effect 
of diabetes. Many dozens of studies show that 
LA alone helps relieve the symptoms of mono-,
poly, autonomic- and peripheral neuropathy. A 
third from Oxidative Stress and Disease v 4, 
2000 had 38 references. This demonstrated the 
dramatic antioxidant effects of LA.

There are many other published human studies 
from around the world on the benefits of oral 
lipoic acid supplementation for blood sugar and 
insulin metabolism. Make this a part of your
supplement program to prevent and cure blood 
sugar issues.

↓Page 50

Chapter 9: We All Need Minerals

We’re all mineral deficient, every one of us. No 
matter how well you eat, or what supplements 
you take, you’re still lacking in some of the vital 
elements you need. Every illness is due in part to
mineral deficiency of some kind. Our soils are 
depleted of minerals. Our food lacks minerals. 
We don’t eat well anyway. Please read my 
booklet The Minerals You Need to learn about 
the essential elements that science has shown us 
we need in our bodies, but don’t get. This is the 
most researched and comprehensive book ever 
written on minerals, and is very easy to read. 
There are 96 natural elements, but modern 
medicine only recognizes ten of them as essential. 
This is irrational and defies logic. While sodium, potassium, phosphorous, and sulfur are all 
essential elements, we get enough of these in our 
food. Let’s look at the twenty-one elements we 
are known to need for optimal health.

Calcium is very misunderstood. The idea that we 
need 1,000 mg a day is ridiculous, and the 
official government RDA is not based on science 
whatsoever. The only abundant source of calcium 
is dairy products, and at least two thirds of the 
world’s population does not include dairy foods 
in their diet. Billions of Asians prove this. You 
cannot possibly get 1,000 mg of calcium a day 
without eating dairy foods. You should not eat 
dairy foods because of the lactose (milk sugar) 
and casein content. All adults of all races are 
lactose intolerant- period. Americans and 
Europeans eat more calcium than anyone on 
earth, yet have the highest rates of bone and joint 
disease, especially arthritis and osteoporosis.
Obviously, calcium intake isn’t the problem, but 
rather calcium absorption. You need -at the 
minimum- magnesium, boron, silicon, strontium, 
omega-3s, and vitamin D in order to absorb the
calcium. You aren’t getting enough of these 
nutrients. There are certainly other nutritional 
factors in calcium absorption we haven’t 
discovered yet. Taking 250 mg a day of any 
common, inexpensive calcium salts such as 
citrates and carbonates is sufficient. Overdosing 
yourself on calcium is irresponsible, and won’t 
benefit you. More is not better.

↓Page 51

Magnesium is the most studied and most 
important element in diabetes. Magnesium is 
vitally important for our total health since, we’re 
generally deficient in it. One in seven Americans
is seriously deficient according to blood analysis 
studies. The major source of magnesium is whole 
grains, yet almost all of the grain we eat is 
refined. Americans only eat 1% whole grains
The RDA is 400 mg, so taking 200 mg is good. 
Citrates, lactates, or oxides are good choices. 
There is overwhelming evidence that magnesium 
is critical to blood sugar and insulin metabolism, 
as well as outright diabetes.

Iron is very important, as it is the “heme” in 
blood hemoglobin. Women need more than men, 
and studies consistently show that Americans are 
generally iron deficient, especially women,
vegetarians, and the elderly. People with diabetes 
may have a problem excreting iron, and end up 
with excessive blood levels of it. This is a rare 
condition, which is not due to excessive intake, 
but rather inability to get rid of unneeded iron. 
Just be careful not to take more than 18 mg a day. 
Studies also prove iron from animal foods is the 
real culprit. Men need about 10 mg a day, and 
women about 18 mg. Common, inexpensive salts 
such as sulfates, fumarates, and gluconates are 
good. Again, diabetics often show a problem 
with iron retention, and high blood ferritin (iron) 

Zinc is also deficient in our diets generally. Whole 
grains and beans again are the primary source, yet what 
little grains we eat are almost all refined with the 
nutrition removed. Eating whole grains and beans 
(legumes) every day will go a long way in raising
your levels. The elderly, the poor, and people who 
drink alcohol have the lowest levels generally. The 
RDA is 15 mg. You have to be careful not to take too 
much zinc, as amounts over 50 mg can cause side 
effects. This is a heavy metal, and can accumulate in the
body. The problem in diabetes is poor zinc metabolism, rather than
deficient intake. There are many clinical studies showing poor zinc
metabolism in blood sugar conditions. Common, inexpensive salts 
such as citrates, sulfates, or oxides are good.

↓Page 52

Boron is acknowledged as an essential element, but the
RDA has never been set. It was only in 1990 that boron was even
accepted as essential! A valid estimate is 3 mg a day, but Americans generally only eat about 1 mg. Our soils are boron deficient,
our food is boron deficient, and vitamin supplements rarely contain
what you need. Boron is necessary for calcium absorption, among
many other important processes. You would think that all widely
sold vitamin and mineral supplements would contain 3 mg of this
inexpensive and vital element, but very few actually do. Any common salt such as citrate, or even plain boric acid is fine. It must be
emphasized how important it is to get boron in your diet every day.
Our soils and foods are very deficient. You cannot absorb calcium
without sufficient boron. The published research here is overwhelming. Take 3 mg a day of boron.

Manganese has overwhelming research on it for its value
in human and animal nutrition. The RDA was only recently set at 2
mg. Many people do, in fact, get that much in their food. Whole
grains, beans, and leafy vegetables are the best sources. We only
have about 20 mg of manganese in our entire bodies. You can take
any normal form such as sulfates or oxides.

Copper also has an RDA of 2 mg. Common salts such as
citrates, oxides, or gluconates are good. Americans only get about
half this much in their food. Whole grains and beans are the best
source. Copper levels vary greatly in diabetics; some have low
blood levels, while others have high levels. Our bodies contain a
total of only about 150 mg. Anything over 15 mg daily could cause
side effects, as it is a heavy element. It is almost impossible to get
excessive copper in your diet, even with copper water pipes in your
home. Inexpensive salts such as citrates, gluconates, or oxides are
very bioavailable.

↓Page 53

Silicon is a vital, yet ignored, element with no 
RDA set, even though it has been proven 
essential in human and animal health. You will 
almost never find this in any vitamin supplement.
A good dose is 10 mg, although you probably don’t need that
much. It isn’t toxic, so 10 mg would be a safe and effective
amount. Silicon levels in common foods vary so greatly, it is hard
to be more precise. Plain silica gel (silicic acid) is the best form to
take. Do not use horsetail herb. Make sure the label says silicic
acid. One major need for silicon (not to be confused with silicone which is a polymer of silicon and oxygen) is for bone and joint
metabolism, and calcium absorption. Why aren’t vitamin companies putting this inexpensive, essential element in their formulas? Be sure to get silicon in your mineral supplement.
Iodine is most needed for thyroid metabolism. The RDA is
150 mcg, and most mineral supplements have this. There are only
about 30 mg (30,000 mcg) of iodine in your body, and three
fourths of this is in your thyroid gland. If you have low T3
(triiodothyronine) or low T4 (L-thyroxine), you should take bioidentical hormones to raise them. Iodine supplements will not raise your hormone levels. Seaweed and kelp are the best sources, but the problem here is that they are too good! While Asians often eat sea vegetables as a staple, a mere teaspoon of kelp powder can
contain twenty times the RDA. This can cause side effects such as
skin problems. Megadoses of any mineral are clearly contraindicated. You do not need iodized salt, by the way.

Chromium has finally gotten an RDA of 120 mcg. This is
toxic in high amounts, so don’t exceed 400 mcg. The research is
most impressive here. Chromium has dozens of published studies
showing that people with diabetes usually have deficient levels.
This is due to lack of chromium in their food. It must always be
emphasized that we need all the known essential elements, and not
just ones like chromium that are proven to benefit glucose metabolism. Again, whole grains are the best source, and the refined grains we eat lack any significant amounts. You can take inexpensive chelates (a metal ion bound to non-metal ions) here. Do not listen to advertising telling you that a certain patented form is the “best”, or “only”, form that works. The research on chromium and blood sugar metabolism is overwhelming. This must be in your supplement program.

↓Page 54

Vanadium has finally been accepted as an 
essential element (not a mere trace element), but 
no RDA has been set. There is overwhelming 
recent research on blood sugar metabolism and
vanadium in the last decade. Scientists around 
the world have studied this for diabetes and 
Syndrome X in dozens of published studies and 
reviews. Therefore, vanadium becomes over-
emphasized as a diabetes mineral, and the other 
supporting minerals that work with it are ignored. 
While there is no RDA, a daily dose 1,000 mcg 
(1 mg) is sufficient. It is not a good idea to take 
more than this, although short term studies have 
used more. Using more than one milligram is 
very irresponsible, and will result in vanadium 
toxicity eventually. Take only 1 mg daily
Inexpensive chelates, or vanadyl sulfate, are both 
good choices. You will almost never find this in 
vitamin supplements. This must be in your
supplement program, as it is proven to be 
essential, not only for blood sugar metabolism, 
but your general health.

Molybdenum has an official RDA of 75 mcg, but 
some scientists feel this is too low. This in most 
vitamin-mineral supplements. Inexpensive 
common salts are all good sources. Molybdenum
is safe and non-toxic, even though it is a very 
heavy metal. Research on molybdenum is 
extensive, and goes back decades. Progressive 
farmers use this to fertilize their soils, and 
ranchers to insure the health of their livestock. 
Deficiency is not widespread here, but taking a 
mere 75 mcg a day is good insurance, especially
since dietary intake varies so greatly.

↓Page 55

Selenium has an official RDA of 70 mcg, which 
was only recently established. Deficiency is 
common, because the main source is whole 
grains, and most all our grains are heavily refined.
Chelates are the best form here. Taking 200 IU of 
natural mixed tocopherol vitamin E works 
synergistically, and helps selenium metabolism. 
Do not take more than 200 mcg, as toxicity can 
occur over this amount. It is a heavy metal, and 
will accumulate in the body if overdoses are 
used. This is a very important antioxidant 
element, and fights free radicals. Studies have 
shown people with low selenium intakes have 
more cancer, heart and artery disease, diabetes, 
and other illnesses. Generally, most vitamin 
formulas contain the 70 mcg you need.

Germanium is something you almost never find 
in anyvitamin-mineral supplement. There is no 
RDA here. Science has proven this is, in fact, 
essential. 100 micrograms would be a good dose, 
as it is an ultra-trace element. In 1988 a very 
impressive review was published in the journal 
Medical Hypothesis complete with 72 references. 
This showed the importance of germanium in
human and animal nutrition. Very irresponsible 
promoters offer 100 mg (100,000 mcg!) doses. 
This is one thousand times what you need - a 
three year supply every day! Germanium 
sesquoxide is safe, but germanium dioxide is not. 
You will almost never find a supplement with 
100 mcg of germanium for a complete minerals
program. This is an essential element.

Strontium has no RDA, but is definitely 
essential, and needed for calcium absorption. 
Do not confuse this with radioactive strontium-
90! A good dose would be 1,000 mcg (1 mg) a
day. A chelate or aspartate is a good choice. 
There is no need to take more than this, although 
some irresponsible natural health “experts” 
recommend much more. Food and blood analysis 
studies around this world show that 1,000 mcg 
(1 mg) a day is certainly enough. Doctors 
prescribing 250 mg of strontium ranelate is
outright insanity! Make sure this is in your 

Nickel has no RDA, but is definitely an essential 
element. This is an ultra-trace element, and 100 
mcg would be a reasonable dosage based on 
various analyses of human dietary intake and
blood analyses. The published research has 
concentrated on animals rather than humans. 
The few human studies we have are most 
impressive however. You’ll almost never find 
meaningful amounts in any supplements, so 
look for one with 100 mcg.

↓Page 56

Tin has no RDA, but is definitely an essential 
ultra-trace element. A reasonable dosage would 
be 100 mcg, but the FDA irrationally limits this 
to 30 mcg. The same comments apply regarding 
research on tin as to that of nickel. Human 
research has found low tin levels in various 
pathological conditions and diseases. We need 
more human research on tin. You’ll almost never 
find meaningful amounts in any of the 
supplements currently in the marketplace.

Cobalt is a very neglected element, although it is 
the central atom for chlorophyll in plants and 
vitamin B-12 in animals. Humans cannot 
synthesize B-12 without available cobalt, and 
oral vitamin B-12 supplements are barely 
absorbed. (Use 1 mg of methyl cobalamin as 
your B-12 source.) We probably only need about 
25 mcg of cobalt a day, but it is not toxic and 
you could certainly take up to 100 mcg. This is 
a very important ultra-trace element, even though 
it is needed in such tiny amounts. Almost no
mineral supplements contain cobalt.

Cesium has no RDA, but is certainly essential. 
This ultratrace element has proven value from 
extensive research, especially in human blood. It 
is almost impossible to find in any supplements.
100 mcg would be a reasonable dose, although 
irresponsible promoters have been recommending
much larger, toxic quantities supposedly to cure 
cancer and “alkalinize” the body. This is an
ultratrace element, and 100 mcg is an ideal dose.

Rubidium has no RDA, is not a mere trace 
element, and is definitely essential. 500 mcg 
would be a reasonable dose. Why is an element 
that is needed in such large amounts and found in 
large amounts in common foods misnamed a 
“trace” element? Rubidium is very ignored for 
some reason. No deficiency has been shown for
this however. This is found rather abundantly in 
common foods.

 Gallium is an important, but ignored, ultra-trace 
element. 100 mcg of gallium nitrate is a good 
dose. Human blood studies, as well as animal and 
food studies prove this is essential. It is found in 
all our organs. The earth’s crust has an amazing 
10 mg per kg of gallium. A Japanese study 
showed people were only taking in a mere 12 
mcg a day. Other human blood and organ studies 
indicate common deficiency.

↓Page 57.

 Let’s talk about other essential, and possibly 
essential, ultra-trace elements. Tungsten is 
definitely needed. Barium is definitely essential. 
Lithium is definitely essential, but we seem to get 
sufficient amounts in our food. Doctors giving 
people 1,000 times the needed amount for 
depression is irresponsible and very dangerous. 
Titanium has evidence showing it to be essential.
Europium seems to be essential, and research 
will probably validate this within the next ten 
years. Lanthanum has considerable research 
behind it, and is probably essential. Indium is 
claimed to have numerous benefits on Internet 
sites, but published research simply doesn’t 
verify any of this. Neodymium has shown 
potential in animal as well as human metabolism.
Thulium (not thallium) has soil and edible plant 
studies to indicate its importance, and animal 
studies will soon tell us more. Praseodymium has 
some animal and human research that indicates
value for our health. Gandolium may also be 
shown to be essential eventually. Samarium is 
found in our blood in significant amounts. 
Yttrium may be essential. Cerium has evidence it 
may be needed. Erbium is found in our blood and 
food. Dysprosium may be essential as well.

We need all the known essential elements and not 
just some of them. All elements work 
synergistically and harmoniously together, in 
concert, as a team. You must get all of them, and 
not just some of them. We know there are at least 
twenty-one we need. Look up “mineral 
supplements” on the Internet to find one that has 
the minerals you are known to need.


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