Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Truth About Candida

The Truth About Candida

Intro: Find out what’s making you sick and how to 
heal. Anthony William is the Medical Medium.

Anthony Williams: Hello! I’m Anthony William. 
You’re listening to the Medical Medium Radio 
Show where each week, I talk about the most 
advanced healing information and secrets about 
health, much of which is not found anywhere else 
and is decades ahead of what’s out there now.

As I’ve always said, who has 10, 20 or 30 years to 
wait for answers to their illnesses? Life is 
preciousThere’s no time to spare. We can’t waste 
a decade of our life just because the information is 
not out there. It’s not good enough. So we need to 
get the information out there. I need to get that 
information to you. You need answers. You need 
to know because knowing is half the battle to 
healing. That’s why people can’t get anywhere. 
That’s right! Because they don’t know.

And even though there’s information out there—
and there’s ton of it, it’s on the Internet, it’s all 
over the place, it’s in books—it’s still not enough 
because we have to know really what’s going on 
to move forward.

And today’s show is about the truth about 
Candida. So fasten your seat-belts, really click 
those seat-belts in because this is like a jetliner 
today. I need everything set up. I need all the 
safety mechanisms possible because this is just 
going to blow your mind really. It’s serious.

Candida is a hot word in the health community. 
Hundreds of thousands of people are being 
diagnosed with every year.

You probably know. Have you been diagnosed 
with Candida at least once at the doctor’s office 
or practitioner’s office in your day? That’s right! 
So, we’re going to talk about this.

Yet it’s severely misunderstood. And this lack of 
understanding is wreaking havoc on your health 
and our health.

Tune in to the show today. Don’t click off that 
dial today. Stay tuned in. Even if there’s some-
thing you don’t like hearing, just ride it out 
because I’m going to explain. Keep tuned in. 
We’re going to talk about the truth about Candida.

A little bit about me. Let’s talk about that for a 
second if we can. What’s going on about me is I 
got a gift at age four. That’s what happened. It’s 
gift I didn’t want, but it was forced upon me 
whether I liked it or not. I heard a voice perfectly 
clear at age four that told me what was wrong 
with my grandmother, that she had lung cancer. 
Since then, everybody I’m around or anybody 
I’m with, whether it’s somebody on the phone, 
whether it’s caller, whether it’s clients, whether 
it’s anyone, the information comes through as 
far as what’s going wrong, whether they have an 
illness or a condition, what’s really causing that 

And that’s the gift that I received at age four. I 
had been using it since. I dedicated my entire 
life and helped tens of thousands of people 
recover from Lyme Disease and CFS [Chronic 
fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder 
characterized by extreme fatigue or tiredness 
that doesn't go away with rest and can't be 
explained by an underlying medical condition. 
CFS can also be referred to as myalgic 
encephalomyelitis (ME) or systemic exertion 
intolerance disease  ] and fibro and lupus and 
everything else that’s misunderstood out there.

So, that’s a little bit about me. Let’s talk about 

This is a big one. I’m a little charged up about 
this because Candida has a history—it really 
does. It has a misunderstood history—it truly 

So, hang on for the ride on this one. We’re going 
to go into our time machine a little bit. We’re 
going to go back. I don’t know if you’ve seen me 
do that before, but I take us back in time a little 
bit. And there’s a reason. A lot of the clues about
things are in our past.

What happens is as decades go by, new 
generations (new generations of practitioners 
and doctors), everything starts to go different 
directions and things are forgotten—most 
important things too as well.

Also, we’re going to talk about what Spirit has 
to say about Candida.

So, let’s go back in time. We’re in the 1980s, 
early 1980s. You know, you probably have been 
there, late ‘70s or early ‘80s. This was an 
interesting time.

People were looking for answers more than ever 
before at this time, meaning this was a very 
important timeframe when people were getting 
sick, but they were tired of hearing that nothing 
was wrong with them at the conventional 
doctor’s office.

Now, remember, this is the time when everything 
was divided, really divided. You had conventional 
doctors in one room, and you had alternative 
doctors in another. And I don’t mean at the same 
thing. I mean we’re talking about as divided as 
you can possibly go in the days of medicine. 

This is when alternative doctors didn’t like the 
conventional doctors. You would never find 
anybody working together. It was rare.

And let me even tell you this. There was just one 
naturopath—that’s right, you’ve heard of a naturo-
path, right? One naturopath in California. Is that 
suprising? I guess it surprises me. I actually know
that naturopath. I do, I do. He’s still working. 
He’s devoted and he’s dictated. He’s like so 
many other practitioners. But there was one 
naturopath in the state of California. And that’s 
central for alternative medicine. It’s incredible.

So, people were looking for answers. They were 
tired of hearing the old chestnut theory or the old 
story where “There’s nothing wrong with you, 
Mrs. Jones. There’s nothing wrong with you, Mr. 
Stevens.” People would be like, “We need answers.”

So there was the uprising of alternative doctors 
coming out of schools right at this time and they 
needed something to sink their teeth in—they 
really did. Their offices were filing in with 
people that were tired being told nothing was 
wrong with them or told the wrong thing for 

So, people were filling into these offices, that’s 
right, of the natural doctors, the naturopaths, all 
the different varieties that we have. And the 
diagnosis of Candida was born. Pow!

That’s right! Right there at that time when the 
two worlds were starkly divided. Conventional 
was on one side, alternative was another.

The alternative doctors needed to showcase 
something because no one really respected them 
that much at that time-frame. It’s really sad. 
There wasn’t a lot of respect at all.

In fact, going back, I knew doctors that were in 
the natural field where their family members 
were in the conventional field and there was no 
respect at all for natural medicine. It was 
considered a joke.

So, something had to be done about it. And the 
Candida diagnosis was born. It was a relief. It was 
like, “Wow! Finally, something we can hold on to, 
something we can grab onto.” That’s right! Think 
about thousands and tens of thousands and
hundreds of thousands of women getting told 
finally that it wasn’t in their head because it was 
at that delicate place in time.

I don’t know if you’ve heard any of these, but this 
happened—it really did. So, the Candida switch 
was clicked on, that’s right. And it grew, and it 
grew, and it grew. It grew into our—hey, the 
quickest way we can tell someone something is 
wrong with that, whether it’s at any practitioner’s 
office, conventional and alternative, is, “Hey, 
you’ve got Candida. It looks like you’ve got 
Candida. I think you’ve got Candida.” That’s 
going like wildfire—and it still is.

But let’s talk about what Candida really is. It’s a 
fungus, right? You know that. You’ve heard that. 
You can hop online and you’ll probably be like, 
“Oh, it’s a fungus,” whatever. We’ve heard that.

But here’s the shocking thing. Today is not 
against Candida. Today’s show is not against 
Candida. That’s right. It’s not being against 
Candida. So, before you shut off your dial 
because that might be the one that turns you off 
because you’re like,“I know Candida is real. 
What’s he trying to say?” We’re for Candida for 
the positives because we need to make friends 
with Candida—we really do. We need to know 
it’s our friend.

That’s a shocker, right? That’s right. That’s a 

The truth is what people don’t know is Candida is 
not why people are sick. That’s right. It’s not why 
people are sick. And everybody has Candida in 
them. You do, I do, she does, he does, they do. 
Everybody has Candida in them. Without it, we’re
in big trouble.

That’s right. Without Candida in our system, in 
our intestinal tract, we are up the creek without 

There are reasons for this. Candida is the 
messenger. What’s the messenger when there’s a 
fire? You tell me. What’s the messenger? Is it the 
fire department coming? It’s smoke. Smoke is the 
messenger to when we have a fire. That’s right.
That’s right, smoke.

So, Candida is the messenger to something else 
wrong, something else going on in your health. 
That’s right. It really is. It’s a good messenger 
and it’s a happy messenger.

There are people out there loaded with Candida—
loaded. They’re playing tennis, they’re happy, 
they have tons of energy. They’re not being 
diagnosed with leaky gut at their doctor’s office, 
and yet they’ve got more Candida in them than 
you people filing into their doctor’s offices being 
told they have leaky guts.

And there are people with Candida pouring out of 
their eyes—they’ll do a swab of their eye—out of 
their ears, you name it. It’s coming out. They 
have Candida all over them—on their skin, 
they’re drinking wine, no big deal, they’re 
playing tennis, they’re having fun, they’re going 
shopping. Life is just normal. That’s right, that’s 
right. Life is just normal.

But that high Candida level there eventually is 
giving them the warning that, “Look, you’re not 
eating right. You’re not taking care of yourself.” 
That’s what it is. It’s the smoke for fire that 
could eventually start. It’s the smoke for a fire 
that may have started in someone else already.

So, say there’s a fire in someone, in their system. 
That means a chronic condition. Say there’s a 
condition building up. Something is really wrong. 
They go to the doctor, the doctor only cares 
about Candida when that’s not the problem. 
That’s right, that’s not the problem at all.

And this is why we don’t move forward fast 
enough. It’s as simple as that. We don’t move 
forward fast enough.

You see, Candida is friendly. It’s a harmless co-
factor to viruses, bacteria. Candida is the 
messenger to the fact that it’s trying to protect you. 
Did you know that? Did you know Candida is 
trying to protect you? When I said “make friends 
with Candida,” I mean that. We have to 
understand that Candida is trying to protect us
—it really is.

Let me tell you how it’s trying to protect us. Let 
me just lay this down the line right now. It’s 
trying to protect us because it’s eating things in 
your body that you’re not supposed to be putting in 
your body. That’s right. It’s gobbling it up. And 
thank God it is. Thank God Candida is gobbling 
up things you’re not supposed to be eating.

You know why I’m thanking God for that and that 
all of us have some Candida in us? Because if it 
wasn’t there gobbling down things it needed to 
eat that were bad for us, guess what would be 
gobbling it down? E. coli, streptococcal, 
streptococcal A, streptococcal B, that’s right, 
c. diff, h. pylori.

Who’s got h. pylori out there? H. pylori means 
your Candida was doing everything it could to 
gobble out as much junk as it possibly can that 
we’re eating and loading into us to try to stop 
h. pylori from doing the real damage because 
Candida doesn’t do harm or damage us. It’s a 
friendly fungus that we need desperately to thrive 
on planet Earth.

And you know what? When somebody says, 
“What does he know? What does he know?” Well, 
I’ve helped tens of thousands of people recover, 
I’ve helped people work because of Spirit—not 
because of me, I’m not a smart guy, because Spirit
knows. That’s right. 

Spirit is not created by man. That’s right. Because 
what’s created by man breaks all the time. That’s 
why we have all these things going wrong every-
where. Spirit doesn’t have that broken record 
because Spirit knows. And I’ve been able to take
that information and recover people and get them 
out of the wrong direction and get them in the 
right direction.

So, here’s what goes wrong. You start killing off 
your Candida because we’ve got a practitioner, 
we’ve got a direction that’s saying, “Oh, here’s…”
—well, everything that kills Candida, they’re 
killing something that’s valuable. Once they strip 
that Candida out of you, and you’re doing all 
those Candida cleanses, then guess what wasn’t 
cleansed out? Streptococcal, c. diff, h. pylori, 
e. coli, eight different strains of e. coli, mold.

Mold is not Candida. Mold is not Candida, I 
repeat. Mold is not Candida. That’s right, that’s 
right. Interesting.

So, that’s what goes wrong when you’re trying to 
strip out that Candida. That’s right. Candida is 
the warning button. It’s the smoke, like I said, 
that, “Hey, you ate…”—

If you’ve gone to the doctor’s office and they say 
you’ve got Candida, that’s not why you’re 
inflamed in the gut. You’re inflamed in the gut 
because streptococcal is inflaming the gut.

Look at Crohn’s, look at colitis, look at IBS. That’s 
not caused by Candida. That’s right. You have 
Candida when you have Crohn’s, colitis, IBS. But 
that’s not Candida. That’s streptococcal. That’s 
e. coli. That’s virus such as the shingles virus 
inside the lining of the colon, causing colitis, 
which is not known yet by medical research and 
medical science, but Spirit knows. So you just got 
another secret right there. Now, you don’t have 
to get my book because you just got one of the 
secrets. No, no, there are hundreds of secrets in 

So, it’s important to understand. We can’t go on 
witch-hunt. That’s what we do, we go on a 
witch-hunt when we’re after Candida. Nothing 
goes right when you go on a witch-hunt. 
Nothing goes right. I mean, honestly. We know 
that. We know what happened when we went 
on witch-hunts back in the 1600s and 1700s. 
We know.

So, Candida is like Robin Hood. That’s right. It’s 
robbing bad food, chemicals in food, processed 
foods, other things like that. It’s robbing that 
from e. coli, streptococcal, c. diff, h. pylori. It’s 
robbing that away—that’s right, it really is—so 
that that doesn’t grow. If that grows, you’re in 
trouble. That’s right, you’re in trouble. 

Candida grows, it’s a warning sign. “Hey, you’ve 
got to switch gears.” There’s something trying to 
protect you. That’s what it is.

So, I hope I got this point across. And honestly, if 
you say, “Obviously, Anthony doesn’t know 
anything about Candida,” okay, well, who knows 
anything about Hashimoto’s. That’s right, that’s 
right. No one does.

Spirit knows what creates Hashimoto’s, but no 
one else does yet. It’s another secret—same with 
lupus, same with Lyme disease and other things.

So, yeah. This information needs to get out to you
—it really does. It’s all I care about, that you have 
the information. Then I could rest. I could rest. 
I’m never going to rest until I know you have the 
information. I don’t know when that rest is going 
to come.

So, the whole point is we need to understand this 
whole balance.

So, what are we trying to protect ourselves from? 
We’re trying to protect ourselves from low HCl, 
low hydrochloric acid. We’ve got to be careful. 
We’ve got to keep our HCl up. We’re trying to 
protect ourselves from streptococcal, c. diff, 
h. pylori. We’re trying to protect ourselves from 
other bugs like dysentery, like drinking out of a 
pond in India or in Mexico, and we get something.

You have to have Candida to protect you for that, 
by the way. That’s something that protects you 
when that happens.

It’s the same thing as keeping your HCl 
(hydrochloric acid) up, making sure we take care 
of our livers—that’s critical, taking care of our 
livers—keeping our adrenaline low because when 
we’re cranking our adrenaline and it’s full [bore]
because of stress, it causes problems in the 
intestinal tract and our Candida has to work 
harder to try to clean up the mess and our 
immune system has to work harder to clean up 
the mess.

B12 deficiencies, I’m always talking about B12 
because it’s so critical. B12 is technically created 
in your intestinal tract. So, when you’re not 
eating good, not taking care of yourself and all 
these other things are off-balance, your B12 
drops and you get low B12. So, that’s another 
one that’s really important, that B12.

Look, I’m not saying Candida is the greatest thing 
in the world since life spread—it’s not. But it’s 
there showing us the warning signs. It doesn’t 
injure us.

One thing that’s completely wrong. This is mis-
information, I’m going to tell you right now. 
Candida does not drill a hole in the intestinal 
lining—it doesn’t. The worst that can happen is 
because you’re eating bad, and you’re doing all 
the wrong things, the Candida can make a mild 
callous on the inside of the lining of the colon.
Image result for inside of the lining of the colon That’s right. That’s the worst thing it can do. 
Exactly! But we still want it there because it’s 
trying to stop you from getting sicker, from 
getting other bugs taking over in the intestinal 

So, when you do your Candida cleanses, you 
might have had someone say, “Hey, you’ve got 
Candida. Here’s a Candida cleanse,” well, it’s 
probably, “You’ve got streptococcal. Here’s a 
Candida cleanse. Let’s get rid of the thing that 
protects you.” I’m being sarcastic, of course.

So, the bottomline is we want to protect your 
body. And one way is understanding Candida, 
understanding how it works. Sure, we don’t want 
the levels of Candida through the roof. That’s 
what I meant about it not being the best thing in 
the world. We don’t want it through the roof 
because that means something else is going 
wrong. That’s right.

And for that rare case of someone hospitalized 
with Candida, that very rare case, they always 
find out in the end, it was a bacteria, not the 
Candida that was really the big one, that’s right, 
that was rampant and loose in the person. It’s the
bacteria, not the Candida. It always gets figured 
out along the way. And that’s for that really rare 
case, that person, “Well, I had Candida. I was
hospitalized. I had a fever.” No, you’re
hospitalized because of a bacteria. Candida 
happened to be present. It’s that innocent victim, 
it really is. You don’t want to be an innocent 
victim. Well, Candida is an innocent victim in 

So, understanding this is critical, let’s talk about 
what to do to protect your gut and to give the 
Candida a chance to balance out. Balance out, 
that means you’re protecting yourself. You’re 
balancing out the Candida. It’s putting it in line. 
It’s balancing it.
Raspberries, who likes raspberries? That’s a 
great antiviral, antibacterial and anti-mold. That’s 
right, anti-mold. Someone may say, “Well, a 
raspberry is a fruit and there’s mold on fruit.” 
Fruit mold isn’t mold. It isn’t the black mold 
growing inside of a sick building. That’s right. 
You have to know your different molds. They all
matter. They all matter. So, if you see 
raspberries, you see a moldy raspberry, you don’t 
have to eat it, that one raspberries, but you just 
make sure you get raspberries in you because 
they’re anti-mold. They destroy the bad mold. 
They destroy bacteria, viruses. So, raspberries 
are a really good one.

Grapefruit strengthens hydrochloric acid that 
protects you and it helps the Candida. It’ll lower 
the Candida. See, when you do good things like 
take out bad food, taking out processed sugar
—that’s different—taking out too much GMO 
products, wheat, corn, taking out lard in a 
cupcake, whatever it is. When you take out these 
bad foods, what you’re doing is you’re 
supporting the Candida in a good way. You 
could reduce it. Your Candida will reduce 
because it doesn’t have to feed off of garbage. 
So, when you take out those bad foods, your
Candida reduces.

Someone scratches their head and they say, “Hey, 
my Candida is lowering.” Yeah, that’s right. You 
see how it works?

So, cucumbers strengthens your HCl as well. 
Cucumbers calms the digestive spasms, digestive 
problems, people that have all that loading. They 
have gas and they have swelling. That’s not from 
Candida. That’s from other things going on like
low HCl, liver problems. We’ve talked about in 
other shows. We’ll do more shows about it, 

Spinach. Spinach massages and brushes the 
linings of the intestinal tract. It sweeps out the 
toxins. Who’s eating spinach? We want to make 
sure we get that in there. We want to have a 
spinach salad. Throw a little bit of avocado on 
there. That can’t hurt. It’s really helpful.
And you could put tomatoes and cucumbers. 
You’ve got cucumbers, that’s number two. 
You’ve got spinach and cucumber. Tomato 
strengthens and purifies the liver, which is a lot 
of what happens with people who have Candida 
elevations, their gut is a mess. Tomato strengthen 
the liver. It helps with that. So, absolutely, it gets 
the liver functioning so we can expel toxins out 
of the body. You don’t have to do a coffee 
enema. Just make sure you’re eating more 
tomatoes. So, okay, your spinach salad has 
spinach, cucumber. You’ve got three things.

Avocado, I mentioned it before. That’s another 
great food. That one is a great one. These foods 
like avocado, avocado feeds good bacteria. It 
feeds good bacteria. That’s right. Candida 
doesn’t want avocado. Candida wants the other 
foods to protect you against the other bugs. 
Remember that. That’s so important to know. It 
really is. And you heard it here. You’re not going 
to hear that one anywhere. You heard it here.
Avocado feeds good bacteria, microorganisms in 
the gut. It’s a powerful food. An avocado a day, 
that keeps the doctor away. That’s right. An 
avocado away keeps the doctor away.

Coconut, coconut oil, coconut itself. Try to get 
coconut from a good quality source. Look out for
sulfur. Look out meaning when they douse the 
stuff with chemicals and sulfur. Certain dried 
fruits you see at the other store—not at the 
health-food store, the conventional market—
they’ve got coconut. You’ve got apricots that are
shining like they came from planet Mars. Why 
are they so shiny and orange? Just look out for 
that preservative, that poisonous preservative 
that’s put on that.
But coconut, get the good quality stuff. Good 
coconut water, that one too. It feeds good 
bacteria. And that matters. It really does. It 
reduces other bacteria and mold and viruses.

So, these are some of the foods. Let’s talk about 

Top supplements for Candida—oil of oregano. 
Oil of oregano, yeah. Hey, eat oregano too. So, 
if you don’t want to get the supplement, you 
have oregano growing in your backyard or
whatever, you can do oregano. It keeps the 
bacteria that’s bad down, so then your Candida 
lowers. It lowers not because oregano is killing 
the Candida. Oregano is killing the other bugs, 
so that Candida doesn’t have to work so hard 
and multiply. It reduces. Pretty cool, right?

And then probiotics, get the best probiotic you 
can. Stay tuned. We’ll talk about other 
supplements in other shows as well. We’ll talk 
about different probiotics. But get a good 
probiotic. B12, the good B12 that we always talk 
about here that no one really knows about.

Very few people know about adenosylcobalamin 
mixed with methylcobalamin. This is for the 
ileum in the gut. This is for the gut, the ileocecal. 
That’s right, that’s an important one.

Barley grass juice powder. Now, I’m picky about 
my barley grass juice powders. I like Vimergy. 
That’s the one I like. It’s V-I-M-E-R-G-Y. That 
one is important. I like barley grass juice powder. 
It feeds all good bacteria. That’s what barley 
grass juice powder does. It feeds all good 
bacteria. It cleanses the liver as well. That’s 
really important. 

Another little thing it does is it gets the thyroid 
cleansed. It cleanses the thyroid, upgrades the 
thyroid. It can get it out of hypo. So I like that. 
It’s just another little zinger.

Lemon balm, that’s right, lemon balm. Lemon 
balm, you can do a lot of things with it. You can 
get the tea. You can buy it as a supplement. 
Lemon balm kills off unnecessary fungus—yeah, 
unnecessary fungus that’s not Candida. Candida 
is a necessary fungus that we need. And lemon 
balm kills off the other ones, the bad guys. It’s 
like a gang hanging out. There’s a couple of 
peeps in the gang that maybe are a little bit more 
trouble possibly, and then you’ve got some good 
ones in the gang.

It’s like the old saying, “There’s a bad apple in 
the bunch,” or a rotten apple. We have fungus 
that’s more of that, of a rotten apple, not a good 
apple. And so lemon balm kills off those rotten 
apples. That’s right, it gets those bad, bad little 
bugs in there. That’s how it works.
So, I hope that you got some good information 
today about Candida. Candida is something that 
we have to learn a little bit more about in order 
to protect ourselves. If our eye is not on the ball, 
and it’s on  something else, if it’s on the wrong 
thing, it’s called bait-and-switch. That’s what it’s 
called, bait-and-switch. That’s right, bait-and-

Bait-and-switch is an interesting thing. Bait-and-
switch is this. It’s where a store tells you that 
they have something there that they’re selling 
and it’s at a certain price. You go to that store 
looking for it, and it’s not there because they 
never intended to have it there.That’s right. So, 
you go there and you buy something else. Your 
antenna went somewhere else and you bought 
something else that they wanted you to buy.

Candida is like a bait-and-switch. That’s what it 
is. It sends you off in the wrong direction if you 
don’t know. Not knowing and having the eye on 
the wrong ball, we don’t move forward and we 
don’t get better. That’s how it all happens. That’s 
how it happens on planet Earth and the world of 
medicine, all the medicines.

So, look, I’m about watching your back. I’ve 
said it before, I’ll say it again. That’s what it’s 
really about. I try not to hurt feelings out there, 
but it’s about watching your back because it 
matters to me. That’s why the gift was given to 
me that it was. It’s for you. That’s the whole 
point or it’s useless, absolutely useless.

So, let’s take some callers. We’ve got line eight. We’ve got Ruby. 

Ruby: Hi, how are you?

Anthony: Good! Hi, Ruby.

Ruby: Hi! So, I was wondering, I switched to a 
vegan diet probably three months ago, and I still 
have a little bit of anxiety and fatigue. I just 

Anthony: If you switched to a vegan diet, one 
thing you have to know, that your calories
could’ve reduced. Now, what happens is—going 
vegan is fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. I 
like all diets out there. I like everything. But it’s 
about knowing certain things that are critical.
Spirit supports you over here in going vegan. 
Spirit says that’s fine for you. Everybody’s 
different, so Spirit may say, “Actually, bring in 
some salmon or something.” But with you, it’s 
fine to go vegan. And so here’s the deal. Your 
calories could’ve dropped substantially. You 
need to know that. There’s a heck of a lot more 
calories (even though it doesn’t say it on the 
package) when you’re eating meat or you’re 
eating grass-fed beef or you’re eating a high-
quality chicken, free range or whatever it is, or 
eggs. There are a lot of calories that nobody 
knows about. They’re in the fat. That’s right,
they’re in the fat. High calories, that’s why some 
people say, “Oh, I really needed that. That hit the 
spot” because they needed a lot of calories.
So, if you go vegan, which is fine, you just have 
to make sure you didn’t reduce your calories 
Number one, you need to graze. You need to eat 
every couple of hours. You need to eat every 
couple of hours because of the anxiousness—the 
anxiousness, any kind of anxiety. The anxiety 
stems from the brain. It stems from the brain.
I don’t know if you caught the last show…

Ruby: Yes, I did.

Anthony: You did, okay. It’s all about the brain. 
What do you need for the brain? You need 
glucose. So, if you run low, if you run low on 
brain sugar, glucose, I don’t care what fat is out 
there, what trend is out there, what fancy idea is 
out there, what fancy book is out there, the brain 
runs on sugar. That’s what it runs on. And we’re 
going to learn that all over again. As the trend 
takes us out, takes us away and it tries to teach 
us that our brain runs on fat, it doesn’t. It runs on 

It runs on glucose. 

So, I don’t care what book comes out and says it 
runs on fat, it’s wrong. I’m just saying that to 
protect you and others out there. It runs on 
glucose. You may know what it really runs on if 
you want to know about the brain. So, if you’ve 
got anxiety, that’s the brain, that’s the nervous 
system. So you do have to keep your glucose up 
and you do have to eat every couple of hours. 
That’s for sure.
If you go every three or four hours, you’re going 
to lower in calories because you’re not eating 
meat. You’re going to lower your calories. That’s 
one thing that’s going to go wrong. So you have 
to be mindful about this—you really do.

Ruby: Okay. I guess I’m just not hungry very 
much, but I completely feel aligned with what 
you’re sharing because I keep telling my 
husband, “We’re not eating enough.”

Anthony: Well, what happens is when you’re 
eating meat or chicken, you could do small
portions but it’s dense calories, so your stomach 
stays small—your stomach itself, the pouch. 
See? So, when you eat more vegetables, your 
stomach expands a little. But you’re not going to 
be hungry really. You’re going to feel not as 
hungry because your stomach is still small. And 
it’s healthy to expand that stomach a little bit. 
We don’t want it shrunk and small because we’re 
eating dense, little meals. We want some bigger 
meals—more salads, more vegetables.
And I say that for anybody who’s also into eating 
meat or into eating chicken or turkey, whatever it 
is they like. Still do some big salads so that your 
stomach doesn’t shrink and you end up losing 
appetite when you need those calories to keep 
you going in your busy life. So, really, take on 
any of that if you can. Thanks for calling.

Ruby: Thank you.

Anthony: Great! Wonderful! So, line two, Surrey. 
Infertility, I think, let’s talk about that.

Surrey: Hello.

Anthony: Hi!

Surrey: Hi, how are you? I’m so excited to talk 
to you.

Anthony: Good, good. I’m excited to talk to you 
too. How are you?

Surrey: I’m good. I’m a raw vegan and I’m 
trying my best for my fertility. But I lost my
period since I went raw vegan. I’ve had two 
ectopic pregnancies in the past. [Ectopic 
pregnancy, also known as tubal pregnancy, is a 
complication of pregnancy in which the embryo 
attaches outside the uterus. Signs and symptoms 
classically include abdominal pain and vaginal 

Anthony: Well, you mean as far as being vegan, 
you had those?

Surrey: Well, I was vegan for a long time. I went 
raw vegan about almost a year ago. But I had my 
two ectopic pregnancies before I was raw.

Anthony: Okay. Well, I’m doing the scan here…

Surrey: And since then, I haven’t been able to 

Anthony: Yeah, I’m doing a scan. Spirit is taking 
a look and I’m listening to Spirit. So if I sound 
kind of not there for a second, bear with me.

Surrey: Okay, sure.

Anthony: It’s like someone else yelling in your 
ear at the same time you’re trying to talk to
someone else.

Reproductive system looks fine. I don’t see any 
illnesses in there or diseases that’s holding 
anything back. I don’t see that on the scan. I’m 
just double checking.
Okay, your reproductive system is on low battery
, that’s what it is. Low battery means that your 
body’s reserves are not going to the reproductive 
system. That’s what’s happening. So, it’s low 
energy, low reserves to your reproductive system.

Surrey: Oh, I see. Why? Is it going somewhere 

Anthony: Yeah, absolutely. It’s going other 
places in the body. Your body thinks it needs to
be in other places. So, we have to connect this, 
we really do.
First of all, you have to connect the mind to your 
reproductive system. You have to tell your 
reproductive system that you’re charging it up, 
you’re going to start charging it up now. You 
know how you plug in your cellphone?

Surrey: Yeah.

Anthony: Well, you have to have…

Surrey: But how do I do that? I’m eating the best 
foods in the world. I’m eating fruits and
vegetables all day.

Anthony: …which is going to pay off, it really is. 
And it’s going to head you in the right direction. 
Spirit says you’re in the right direction for what 
you need for infertility. But you’ve got to 
imagine that you’re plugging a wire into your 
reproductive system. You have to start 
connecting. You have to see a vision that you’re 
recharging your reproductive system. You have 
to say, “Okay, we’re going to charge you up.”
Just like you’re charging up a device, your iPad, 
your phone or whatever it is, you have to 
envision that you’re charging up your 
reproductive system. You have to tell your body 
that it’s time to work on the reproductive system. 
That’s number one. That’s critical.
Another thing, you have to have enough fruit in 
your diet if you want the reproductive system to 
be fed because, basically, you’re trying to 
produce a fruit.

Surrey: Right.

Anthony: That’s what you’re doing. You’re 
trying to produce a fruit. So, fruit is critical.

Surrey: Any particular fruit?

Anthony: Avocado, that’s actually the most important.

Surrey: Oh, okay. I cut that out because I went to 
low fat raw vegan.

Anthony: Look, here’s the deal because 
everything changes. If you want to have a baby, 
you don’t want to be a low fat raw vegan. Now, 
you don’t want to be a high fat raw vegan. You 
want to have enough fat in the diet if you’re 
trying to have a baby.

Surrey: Okay, so one avocado a day?

Anthony: And it’s not because of the fat that’s 
going to protect your reproductive system. It’s
because of the type of sugar that’s in an avocado 
that feeds the reproductive system. Avocados 
have got a lot of sugar in it. It’s got fructose in it. 
People say, “Well, avocados are really high in fat.
” Actually, it’s not. It’s got water, pulp, a little bit 
of fiber, minerals, vitamins, nutrients, two kinds 
of water.
There are different kinds of co-factor waters 
(which science won’t discover for another 30 

Surrey: Wow! Most people look at it as too much

Anthony: Yeah, of course, they do. We judge. 
We’re a society that judge. We judge. That’s what 
we are. We judge everything. We judge people, 
we judge things. We just judge. That’s all we do 
all day long. We think we’re a judge. But here’s 
the point. It’s the sugar that’s in the avocado 
that’s critical for the reproductive system.
Raspberry leaf, Spirit says is important for you.

Surrey: Mm-hmmm… okay. I do that every day.

Anthony: Raspberry leaf tea is critical. You drink 
that every day. What that does is it tells your 
body—it’s a lactating herb. It tells your body to 
start thinking about breast-milk because we need 
to get pregnant. That’s a secret right there to 
really click it in. It’s not a secret about raspberry 
helping as a lactating herb. It’s a secret that it 
tells the body it’s time to click on the switch and 
recharge the reproductive system.

Surrey: Mm-hmmm… gottcha!

Anthony: So raspberry leaf is important. Nettle 
leaf is another one.

Surrey: Okay.

Anthony: Yeah, nettle leaf recharges the 
reproductive system. But Spirit says your diet is
fine. Don’t go so low fat. Other people need to 
be low fat, absolutely. And meat eaters need to 
be lower fat because meat eaters are too high in 
fat and they like those kinds of animal fats, that’s 
not good. That hits the reproductive system all 
the wrong way. But you can somewhere middle 
of the road. Make sure avocadoes are in there.
Spirit is proud of you, really proud of you.

Surrey: Oh, thank you. It’s hard word.

Anthony: Well, yeah…

Surrey: Let me ask you. I have one more 
question. I have a friend that [I’ve spoken to] and
she’s really sick. Her name is Nikki. I think she’s 
listening again to you. She’s really sick and she’s 
trying so hard. She drinks green juices and she’s 
just eating the best food, and she’s just feeling 
sick every single day.

Anthony: Yeah. When did she start doing all that?

Surrey: I know that she’s been vegan for three 
years. And then, recently, she went fully raw.

Anthony: Okay.

Surrey: High fruit, very high fruit. She’s doing 
more greens now.

Anthony: But she’s still not feeling better yet?

Surrey: She actually ordered the B12 you 
recommend a few days ago, and she just started
I think Saturday.

Anthony: That’s going to help. When she gets 
that B12 in her, then life is going to change for 
her. That’s the kind of B12 that actually changes 
everything. That’s the one the liver takes in. 
That’s the one the nervous system takes in. 
That’s a critical piece of it.

Surrey: And should she be on any adrenal 

Anthony: How old is she? 

Surrey: I’m not sure of her age. I think she’s in 
her low twenties.

Anthony: Sorry, you cut out.

Surrey: She’s on her low twenties I believe.

Anthony: Yeah, yeah. She’s on the right track 
with her health, Spirit says. So, Spirit says she’s 
on the right track.

Surrey: And is there any adrenal glandulars 
should she take because she’s on them and she’s 
not sure about it.

Anthony: Yeah, Spirit says try to be—as far as 
the glandulars, adrenal support is fine, but
plant-based adrenal support is better.

Surrey: Oh, okay. So, just move away from the…

Anthony: Yeah, when she’s on B12 long enough, 
then she’s going to start seeing the big shifts 
she’s worked so hard for. Spirit says she’s 
headed in the right direction for what she needs. 
Thank you, Surrey.

Surrey: Excellent! Thank you so much. I 
appreciate it.

Anthony: Okay, great. Bless you. So, we have 
line six, Ari.

Ari: Hi, Anthony. Oh, my God. I’m so happy to 
hear from you. I hope that you and Spirit can 
help me because I’m about to make my new 
[name] scared and confused because that’s really 
how I feel.

Anthony: Yeah, I understand completely. It 
breaks my heart to even know that you’re even
feeling that way, really. It saddens because it’s 
not easy when you’re not feeling good. And 
when you feel that way, it breaks the spirit. Your 
spirit gets broken and your soul gets a little 
tattered along the way.
And have you been to your doctor? Have you 
been to your practitioners? Tell me what’s going 

Ari: I’ve been to the doctor’s. I’ve been to an 
iridologist. I just feel like I’m spending money 
and everybody is telling me something totally 

Anthony: So, one person is saying you’ve got a 
parasite. Another one is saying you’ve got
Candida. Another one is saying you have adrenal 
problems. Another one is saying you have 
thyroid problem. Is this kind of similar?

Ari: Yes. And I’m buying supplements here. And 
then I’m buying different supplements here. My 
husband is like, “This is costing a lot of money, 
and you’re just spinning your wheels.” 

Anthony: What you do because we can’t have a 
session actually online right now, but what you 
do is you look at some of the archive shows and 
you go to the baseline.
There’s a supplement show—I think it’s one of 
the supplements show I did where there was a 
baseline of things. So, that baseline is critical to 
understand. It’ll have the B12 in it. It’ll have a 
few things in there, a zinc. That baseline is 
important, number one, so that you’re not buying
There are a million supplements out there, a 
million of them. It’s insane. I think there’s some 
10,000 new ones that are being stamped out 
every minute. That’s probably not accurate. So 
you have to know that the baseline is critical to 
understand for sure. Spirit says you have a low-
grade viral problem. So, if your practitioner 
hasn’t told you that, what your problem is—
meaning being viral—you’re at the wrong door.
So, what you do is you look for a naturopath or 
you look for a functional medicine doctor or 
somebody, and you tell them, “Do I have a low-
grade viral condition?”And if they’re onboard, 
then you’re getting a great start.

Ari: And how do I fix that?

Anthony: Well, first of all, hopefully, we find a 
smart guy. And then, he’ll know, “Okay, let’s
start doing some anti-virals and stuff” and you’ll 
at least be on the right track. But one of the ways 
to fix that is that baseline I was telling you about. 
You go back to one of the old shows, you find 
the baseline of some of the things. That helps 
you on a viral level. That will get you started.
The B12 that we talked about—I was just talking 
to Surrey a few minutes ago—that B12 is critical 
in the baseline. You can start at least pulling out 
of this.
And then, you find yourself a practitioner that 
understands you’ve got a low-grade viral issue.
So, that’s where I would start, Ari.

Ari: Okay.

Anthony: Great, great. Thanks for calling.

Ari: Thank you.

Anthony: Okay, bye. So, we have line nine. We have Michelle.

Michelle: Hello.

Anthony: Hi, how are you? 

Michelle: Well, I’ve been very sick for 13 months 
now. I’ve gone to many practitioner, naturopaths, 
many GI doctors. I’ve had burning for 13 months
. My [innings] are so bad that I’m literally 
screaming into my pillow. And no one has been 
able to help me—not medication-wise, naturally.
I’ve gone to acupuncture, colon therapist. I’ve 
lost 50 lbs. I’ve been very, very, very sick. I’m 
down to skin and bones almost. I’m drinking and 
eating almost anything, I’m mostly doing 
cantaloupe, watermelon, mostly fruits right now 
because everything is so painful, even water. If I 
drink water, it will make bile acid just come up. 
It’s been a living hell really.

Anthony: And you went to every doctor. You 
went to the regular conventional doctor, and they 
did all the tests?

Michelle: Yeah, naturopaths. Well, recently, I 
was diagnosed with bile reflux and acid reflux.
That’s what they’re telling me. I’ve had 
colonoscopies. They’ve gone upper, lower. 
They’ve taken tissue samples. I mean, I can’t tell 
you. I’ve had the pH study done four times.

Anthony: Oh, poor thing, honestly.
Well, first of all, Spirit says you’re going to get 
better. You are going to heal. So, you have to 
know that. Don’t lose hope at all. Don’t let your 
spirit get broken.

Michelle: It is broken.

Anthony: No, no. We have to glue that back 
together, for sure. We have to keep your spirit
strong through this.

Michelle: Thank you, Anthony.

Anthony: Yeah, you’re going to heal. And so you 
have to know that it’s just going to take a little 
time, but you have to plan it out basically. You 
have to know, “Hey, it’s going to be a little bit. 
You’re not going to heal next month.” Spirit tells 
me though that it’s going to be a slow recovery, 
but in about a year, a year and a half, you’re 
going to be back to getting to where you need to 
be. But you can’t panic about it taking a little 
time. You’re going to heal.

Michelle: What do I just do? I’ve done your B12, 
zinc, l-lycine, spirulina, your barley wheat grass 

Anthony: It’s amazing you can even take 
anything and that’s incredible because that is 
huge. It’s a huge part of you getting to the 
healing process.

Michelle: What do you mean?
Anthony: …meaning like you’re doing all the 
right things. Spirit says it’s going to heal on its
own, but doing the support and doing the things 
you’re doing is amazing in all part of it. It’s 
going to be all part of it. It’s all going to work 
together and get you there faster. But Spirit says 
you have the gastric spasm. See, the vagus nerve 
spasm. So, basically, your vagus nerve is on fire.

Michelle: My intuition told me that my vagus 
nerve was involved because I had a very bad 
back injury and it got to the point where I was 
bed-ridden. This came on super sudden. I mean, 
I never had a heartburn or problems with any 
kind of food my whole life. And then all of a 
sudden, I can’t still eat barely anything.

Anthony: Be patient. Yeah, be patient with it, 
really be patient. Try to keep a light heart in any 
way you can even though you’re in agony. Do 
little things that give you joy even though you’re 
laying in bed and you can barely sit on a coach. 
Do little, tiny things that you can try to learn to 
enjoy whether it’s getting a puzzle out and 
putting a puzzle together. But you’re going to get 
there. It’s a spasm. It’s like the switch was turned 
on and you have a vagus nerve spasm. That’s 
what’s occurring. That spasm will ease off and 
will ease off over time, but you have to stay light
-hearted because you’re going to heal. Keep your 
Spirit strong. And Michelle, thank you for calling.

Michelle: But what do I do about food or
 calories? What do I do about…?

Anthony: You’re doing the right thing. You’re 
actually doing the right thing with that. Exactly 
what you’re telling me is all right, everything 
you’re doing. You’re trying to put various fruits 
in you. Fruits have calories. You’re trying to get 
calories and you’re doing the right thing. Just
don’t let too many hours go in between so your 
calories drop.
Bless you, Michelle. And listen, just stay strong 
because you’re going to get through this Spirit 
says. Okay, bye bye.

So, we’re at the end of the show which is always 
a sad thing because, really, I just love giving out 
the information in any way I can.
Also, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, 
Instagram, Pinterest where, every day, I post
about the healing power of different fruits, 
information nobody knows about, vegetables, 
herbs, spices and teas that’s decades ahead of its 
time. And I also give out other information too 
that inspires you and keeps you going.
Listen, it’s all about you healing. That’s what 
matters to me, you healing. It really does. That’s 
why the gift was given to me. It was to help you. 

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