Wednesday, March 28, 2018





by Yeong Sek Yee & Khadijah Shaari

Essentially, it burns the body. Radiation (or radiotherapy) is designed to kill cancer cells or damage their DNA in a way that keeps them from dividing. The goal may be to destroy a tumour; to shrink the tumour prior to surgery, allowing for a less invasive procedure; or to use radiation after surgery to reach any cancer cells inadvertently left behind. In some circumstances, radiation may also be used to relieve pain, such as by shrinking a tumour exerting on the spine.

However, do the benefits outweigh the risks or side effects? To find answers to this question, we reviewed some books written by prominent medical doctors to help us understand what radiation does to our body. Hopefully with this knowledge, you will be able to make a better judgment when your doctor tells you that…” you must do radiation, you have no choice, it is the standard operating procedure, etc”

In Part 1, we reviewed “A WORLD WITHOUT CANCER” by Dr Margaret Cuomo, a board-certified radiologist at North Shore University hospital in Manhasset, New York. In Chapter 4 Cut, Poison and Burn, Dr Cuomo made some very frank revelations. Some of these are:
  • Research indicates that advising patients to undergo radiation is not always appropriate.
  • Although we have gotten much better at aiming radiation directly at a tumor, we can’t target it with the precision necessary to burn only cancer cells and leave healthy ones intact. That means that this therapy, too, is damaging.
  • Acute side effects caused by radiation can also include skin irritation, damage to the salivary glands, urinary problems (if the abdominal area has been treated), and sometimes nausea. While many of these eventually disappear, some can linger for a long time or become permanent.
  • Months or even years after radiation, chronic side effects can surface. With radiation, as with chemotherapy, the list of potential problems is lengthy.
  • Most troubling is the possibility that other cancers will emerge, often near the original site, long after receiving radiation therapy…children who survived cancer were 15 times more likely to die of a subsequent cancer later in life.
  • Though the young are most vulnerable, secondary cancers can develop as a result of radiation at any age.
  • Breast cancer radiation seems to carry a particularly higher risk, and may be associated with subsequent lung cancer, as well as cancers of the blood vessels, bone and connective tissues.
  • Women who have received radiation for ovarian cancer may be more likely to develop cancers of connective tissues, the bladder, and the pancreas, while radiation for cervical cancer raises the risk of cancers of the colon, rectum, small intestine, uterus, ovary, kidney, soft tissue, and stomach.
  • Men treated with radiation for prostate cancer subsequently have a higher risk of cancers of the bladder, colon, and rectum, compared with men who had surgery. Those same risks, as well as others, are evident after radiation for testicular cancer.
  • Radiation exposure is also associated with leukemia (including acute myelogenous, chronic myelogenous, and acute lymphoblastic leukemias}.
What all this tells us is that, once again, we have a treatment that initially works well for some people some of the time but in the long run fails to deliver a cure and carries significant side effects.

Dr Cuomo concluded the chapter by revealing the comments of Carole Baggerly, a breast cancer patient who was alarmed by the effect of her radiation treatment. Initially hesitant, Carole decided to accept her oncologist’s reassurance that the side effects would be minimal, only to develop a red, oozing burn on her chest and more redness on her back. “It was extremely painful,” she recalls. “The fact that the redness went through to my back was proof that the   x-rays had scattered.”

If you would like to research further on the dangers of radiation therapy, we recommend Dr Cuomo’s hard hitting article, “WHY CANCER TREATMENT IS FATALLY FLAWED “


In this article, Dr Cuomo revealed that  Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts announced  that she had been diagnosed with  myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) — a group of conditions in which the cells in the bone marrow are damaged…just barely having “beaten breast cancer” after having completed treatment involving chemotherapy and radiation which are both risk factors for MDS. In fact, ionizing radiation, according to Dr Cuomo, increases the risk for MDS.

You can read Robin Roberts story on MDS at the following link: 

It is extremely tragic and incomprehensible that the medical (or cancer) establishment still uses ionizing radiation that is clearly proven and known to be carcinogenic (as established by the International Agency for Research on Cancer).It is also inconceivable that such conventional cancer treatments should cause so much pain, agony and money and then the patient has to suffer another form of cancer, heart disease or disorders to the bones, etc. Hence the cycle of treatment has to be repeated.

Is this why conventional cancer treatment is referred to as “the Cancer Industry?” Is this healing or what do you want to call it?

We welcome your opinion.

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