Sunday, April 15, 2018

How to Make Magnetic Water

How to Make Magnetic Water

Magnetic water or liquids can be made in several ways. Water can be magnetized as it moves through the water pipe or by applying a magnet to a container of liquid.Regular users of magnetic water keep a container of water or juice on a flat ceramic block magnet in the refrigerator. If water is treated while moving through the pipe it will be fully magnetized as it comes out of the tap. If a large container of still water is treated with magnets it will require several hours to become fully magnetized.

Three ways to make North pole water
1. Attach a North pole magnet or  a set of North pole magnetic clamps on either side of the cold water pipe. This method works on copper,  plastic or stainless steel pipe.
2. Place a container of water or liquid on the North pole face of a flat magnet. The magnet should be at least 4” x  6” x 1/2” thick. The container can be made of glass, plastic, stainless steel or copper.
3. Tape the North pole side of two ceramic magnets, which are at least 2” x 5” x 1/2” in size, on opposite sides of the container.

Three ways to make both pole water1. Attach a North pole magnet on one side and the South pole of a magnet on the other side of the cold water pipe close to the tap. This method will work on pipes made of copper, plastic or stainless steel.
2. Tape the North pole side of a ceramic magnet (at least 2” x 5” x 1/2” in size) to one side and a South pole magnet on the other side of  a container made from glass, plastic, stainless steel or copper.
3. Place a container of water or liquid over the juncture of two ceramic block magnets which have been placed together, one magnet with the North side up and the other with South side up.

Three ways to make South pole water
1. Attach a South pole magnet or a set of South pole magnetic clamps on either side of the cold water ppe. This method works on copper,  plastic or stainless steel pipe.
2. Place a container of water or liquid on the South pole face of a flat magnet. The magnet should be at least 4” x  6” x 1/2” thick. The container can be made of glass, plastic, stainless steel or copper.
3. Tape the South pole sides of  2 ceramic magnets at least 2” x 5” x 1/2” in size on opposite sides of a container made of glass, plastic, stainless steel or copper.



The Benefits of North Pole Magnetic Fields 

The following Information is posted with permission of 
the author. These excerpts are from the copyrighted 
book; The Invisible Force by Fred Rinker.

The North Pole magnetic field of a magnet travels in a spiral manner in a counter-clockwise rotation. South 
pole energy travels in a spiraled clockwise rotation. 
This can be observed by using a magnet and TV 
screen (warning - do not bring the magnet too close to a 
coloured screen as the magnet may temporarily 
demagnetize the monitor). 

North pole energy produces an alkalizing oxygenating effect which can help normalize Ph. 
Other benefits are related to reducing infection and the 
support of the body’s own healing mechanism.

Important benefits are the ability of a North Pole magnetic field to produce a deep restorative sleep, to 
treat insomnia and sleep apnea.

Supplementing the earth’s magnetic field by sleeping 
on a North Pole magnetic mattress or by  wearing 
magnetic jewelry and other magnetic devices helps 
restore the natural magnetic field. Wearing a North 
Pole magnet over the heart provides the body with 
magnetic energy through blood circulation.

 Expert Opinions

In his book, The Body Electric, Dr. Robert Becker observed that an injury site registers South-positive immediately. It changes to North-negative during the healing process, indicating that a North-negative field promotes healing.

 Dr. W. Philpott explains the pH and the calcium factor 
in his book, Cancer The Magnetic/Oxygen Answer.
A negative magnetic field combats inflammation and infection and enables the body to resolve troublesome calcium and mineral deposits. A negative magnetic field is effective in relieving pain due to its oxygenation and alkalinizing action. A negative magnetic field enhances deep restorative sleep. The pineal gland produces melatonin in the presence of a negative magnetic field. Oxygen and water are paramagnetic and can carry a magnetic field to all parts of the body through blood circulation.

 Polarity Explained

Opposite poles attract, and like poles repel
The earth’s North Pole attracts the South pole of a magnet.
The earth’s South pole attracts the North pole of a magnet.
 These recommended magnetic applications conform 
with the biomagnetic polarity designations established 
by Dr. Albert Roy Davis and Walter Rawls, which have 
been proven in thousands of tests and experiments.

The Davis-Rawls Biomagnetic identification of polarity:
North Pole or Negative polarity The side or end of a magnet causing the same reaction as the earth’s North pole when using a compass. Since opposites attract, this this is also known as the South-seeking pole.

 South Pole or Positive polarity The side or end of a magnet causing the same reaction as the earth’s South pole when using a compass. Since opposites attract,

this is also known as the North-seeking pole.

Author’s Update.

There are many models of magnetic mattress pads available. Those that produce a pure North pole 
magnetic field are most recommended. Producers achieve this in two ways, either by having the mattress 
pad used in a position below the mattress itself or: with a 
mattress pad topper, using a construction method that 
that keeps the magnets in the bottom layer in a 
close alignment that eliminates the South pole 
magnetic field from rising to the surface of the pad.

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