Sunday, May 6, 2018

Timeline of human life on Earth


History Timeline of Life

  5 Trillion years ago
The solar system forms
  15 Billion years ago
The universe was born
  5 Billion years ago
The Milky Way was born
  4 Billion years ago
The Earth was born - Formation of the Earth
and the Moon
  4.6 to 3.8 Billion years ago
From 'Hades' refering to the "hellish"

conditions of the Earth.
No evidence of life on earth. A mass

of dust, elements and particles and
volcanic eruptions. Earth developed
gravity and formed the earth's crust.
  3.8 to 2.5 Billion years ago
The earliest known rocks formed
  2.5 Billion to 570 Million years ago
The first life began to appear as

hard-shelled animals.
  570 Million years to the Present,
Abundant life and diverse animals
  570 Million years to 245 Million years,
Ancient life such as fish, amphibians,

and primitive reptiles
  245 Million to 65 Million years,
The first mammals and birds appeared
  65 Million years to the Present,
Mammals flourished and became dominant
  570 Million years to 505 Millions years,
Cambrian Period
Marine invertebrates (lacking a backbone)

appeared, simple fish (big and small) with
eyes, mollusks, crustaceans, sponges,
worms, corals and aquatic algae. The first
insects appeared.
  505 Million years to 438 Million years,
Ordovician Period
The origin of land plants
Marine life flourished
The first vertebrate fish appeared
  438 Million to 408 Million years,
Silurian Period
Fish developed jaws, scales and fins
First air-breathing animals
Mountains formed
  408 to 360 Million years
Devonian Period
The appearance of amphibians and the

development of forests, ferns, fungi
and seeds. Scorpions and spiders
appeared. Amphibians evolved into
small reptiles.
  360 to 320 Million years
Mississippian Period
The first winged insects appeared
Ammonites (prehistoric sea creatures

similar to modern squid living in
coiled shells) appeared.
  245 to 208 Million years
Triassic Period
The ancestors of dinosaurs were the large

reptiles, early mammals and mammal-like
reptiles appeared with 'sails' on their backs.
  208 to 145 Million years
Jurassic Period
The "Age of the Dinosaurs". Huge creatures

that walked on two-legs and had powerful
claws and teeth. The pterosaurs the first
true flying reptiles appeared. The first
birds appeared.
  145 to 65 Million years
Cretaceous Period
The dinosaurs disappeared.
The age of reptiles and the appearance of

modern insects and flowering plants
  65 Million to 1.6 Million years ago,
Many mammals developed including
primitive whales, rodents, pigs, cats,
and rhinos.
  2 Million to 4 Million years ago,
Gelasian Pleistocene period
Apes such as the gorilla and chimpanzee

Homo habilis, an upright East African

hominid having some advanced
humanlike characteristics
Australopithecus is an extinct genus of

  1.8 Million years ago
Homo erectus meaning "upright man"
  600,000 to 350,000 years ago
(Homo neanderthalensis)
an extinct species or subspecies
of the genus Homo which is
closely related to modern humans.
  350,000 years ago to present day
Homo Sapiens - modern human

Timeline of Life  
Timeline of Life Timeline
History Timelines of Events provide fast facts

and information about natural events in
Timeline of Life

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