Sunday, July 22, 2018

Coconut Health Benefits

Coconuts do contain a significant amount of fat, but the fats are what are known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are converted into energy quickly rather than being stored as fat.

This energy boost, which helps with physical performance, is simply to that given by carbohydrates, but without the weight gain and insulin-spike which can lead to health problems, especially in diabetics. studies have also shown that eating coconut can increase thyroid activity, which helps with stabilizing weight and boosts the body immune system.

MCTs also help boost the human body's ketone levels which help  maintain good brain health and avoid neurological problems such as dementia, Around half the fat in the coconut is a at called lauric acid which is converted by the body into an antibacterial and antiviral compound called monolaurin which strengthens immunity and fights infection and viruses. Lauric acid does raise cholesterol levels but to a greater degree it boost cholesterols which prevent blood vessels becoming blocked, thus countering the risk of heart disease. eat coconuts in moderation though, due to this high fat content.

Coconuts are also full of vitamins including Vitamin C, essential for boosting the body immune system, and Vitamin E, which is needed to promote new cell development and helps maintain good skin health.
Coconuts also contain B vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B6, which work together to release energy from food and keep the nervous system, blood cells and skin healthy.

Coconuts are also rich in minerals including iron, potassium, calcium, selenium and zinc, all essential to good health. potassium helps fight depression and regulates heart rate as well as being good for digestion.
Calcium from coconuts is good for bone health, while zinc and selenium help repair cells and fight infection.
Iron from coconuts is an essential mineral as it aids the production of red blood cell which carry oxygen round the body.

Coconut water is high in electrolytes which are essential for hydration, digestion and a good metabolism. It contains cytokinins which fight ageing, cancer, and thrombosis.

Coconuts contain folates which prevent stroke and heart disease, as well as guarding against birth defects in unborn fetus. they are rich in fibre so help you stay fuller for longer and thus avoid overeating.

It is not surprising that for centuries the coconuts has been regarded as a unique source of all nutrition a man need to survive!

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