Saturday, October 26, 2019

Interview with Lorraine Day

DONALD BARRETT: Hello, my name is Donald Barrett, and welcome to another edition of ITV. Our guest  today is  medical  doctor and cancer survivor with a miraculous story  of recovery. In 1993, she was diagnosed with life-threatening breast cancer. After refusing to be pressured into chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, her doctor sent her home to die. She discovered in this country that there are natural healing techniques being  suppressed that can prevent and/or reverse disease. She's now 67 years old  and she looks better than ever. Dr. Lorraine Day, welcome to our show today.  DR. LORRAINE DAY:  Thank you very much. BARRETT:  Now, you're a medical  doctor, correct? DAY:  That's correct. Orthodox medical doctor. Have been for 25 years   BARRETT:  What are your credentials? DAY:  Well, I was—I graduated from the  University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.  I'm an orthopedic trauma surgeon; I was Vice Chairman and Associate Professor of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of California San Francisco Medical School for 15 years; and  I was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General  Hospital. So I have been in the heart of academic, orthodox, mainstream  medicine for virtually all of my career.  BARRETT:  Now, how did you find out  that you first had cancer? DAY:  Well, I had a small lump  on my  chest—really tiny—and I didn't think anything of it because it  was  fairly  high up on my chest, but it bothered me when I put my seatbelt on.  So, I thought I'll just have this taken off. And I went to a plastic  surgeon friend of mine, had it  taken off under local. He didn't think it  was anything; neither did I. And when we found out the biopsy report I  already had cancer all through my chest wall.  BARRETT:  So, not only was it a little spot of cancer, it was all through your chest. DAY:  All through my chest wall at the time. They could not get clear borders in  the biopsy. And I had  a second biopsy too. These were done at well-known cancer centers and the biopsy report was infiltrating ductal adenocarcinoma  of the breast, even though it was fairly high up. 
  Now, why, as a medical doctor, why would you refuse chemotherapy or radiation or even  surgery? I mean, that's what most doctors recommend.

Day: Right. Well, when we talked about  surgery I did have the biopsy and later on I had, what we call, a  debulking procedure just for pain relief. But I did not have a mastectomy. I refused a mastectomy. The reason I didn't go with any of those techniques is, first of all, chemotherapy is poison. Radiation is  very destructive to the immune system.  I have seen thousands of patients die  from the treatment we give them Doctors and dentists will  tell you don't get too many x-rays. X-rays cause cancer. And yet, when you  have cancer then we, doctors, tell them, oh, now you have to have huge  doses of exactly what we told you to avoid because it causes cancer. And there are  many articles in the medical literature about chemotherapy causing  secondary cancers later on, even if  they survive the first cancer because chemo is poison.  BARRETT:  So, what you're saying  is chemotherapy and radiation actually cause cancer? DAY:  That's correct. And there are numerous articles in  the literature and every doctor  knows this.  BARRETT:  Somebody out there who is watching right now, maybe they have cancer, maybe a loved one has cancer, they're probably saying why would my doctor recommend chemotherapy or radiation if they cause cancer.  DAY:  Because they don't know anything  else to do. What they're trying to do is  decrease the size of the tumor or destroy the tumor, and in many cases they will do that. However,  while it is destroying the tumor, it's destroying good cells, too,  and most of your immune system. The reason your hair falls out and you vomit your insides out when you have chemotherapy is because it's  destroying good cells as well as bad cells. And so it's  always a race.  Are you going to kill the patient first or destroy the tumors. But, you see, you never really cure the cancer because you've done nothing  to reverse the factors that cause cancer.  Cancer is not caused by a deficiency of chemotherapy nor a deficiency of radiation BARRETT:  Let me ask you this. Does  chemotherapy or radiation work for some people? DAY:  Well, it doesn't ever work for anybody. In other words, they never get well.  BARRETT:  So there's nobody out there that got well through chemotherapy or radiation? DAY:  No. They don't ever get well. They may survive, but they don't get well. In other words, they don't  reverse their cancer. What they do is. . . If you have termites in your house  I can get rid of the termites by putting an atomic bomb under your  house, and the termites will be gone, but so will your house. And that's what chemotherapy does. It destroys your immune system You see, the body is  made to heal  itself. If you have cut on your hand, that cut will heal unless you do something really strange to try to keep it from healing. If you pick it open every  day or if you put dirt in it, it will not heal. But if you just leave it alone it will heal. The body is meant to heal. And so when we develop cancer  it's because of the way we're eating and living.  It doesn't fall out of the sky and it's not just cancer. It's everything else. Every other disease. Parkinson's and Lou Gehrig's disease and lupus and heart disease.  We give them to ourselves one day at a time by the way we eat and way we live. The good news is we can reverse them.  BARRETT:  There's doctors out there that still recommend chemotherapy and radiation. DAY: Oh, sure. BARRETT:  And you're saying there are natural approaches that can actually help people with cancer. DAY:  Well, there are natural  approaches  that can actually  get you well. Chemotherapy and radiation never get you well.  BARRETT:  Okay. When you were diagnosed with cancer you refused chemotherapy or radiation,  although you had the biopsy . . . like you explained. DAY:  Right. BARRETT:  Tell me what happened then  when you went home? How did you discover this  plan to get well? DAY:  Fortunately before I developed  cancer I had been speaking out on some other medical issues and I had  done a lot of major media, "60 Minutes" and "Nightline" and "CNN Crossfire" and all those, and . . . talking about another medical issue  that was not being made clear to the public.  And so I started getting a lot of letters from people saying if you think there is a cover-up in that  instance, you ought to see the cover-up in cancer cure. And I thought, oh, come on. I was very high up in academic medicine. I would know.  Well, no, not true. Doctors are the last  to know because they are totally propagandized with drugs and surgery. That's all we're ever taught in medical school partly because the  pharmaceutical industry controls a lot of what is taught in the medical  schools because they contribute the research funding for medical  schools. So, anyway, I started investigating this  before I ever knew I had cancer and  I was actually going around the country talking to  people who I had heard had gotten well from cancer, and investigated  and found out that they had been biopsied by legitimate doctors and legitimate hospitals with cancers that were virtually 100% fatal. Liver cancer, pancreatic cancer. And here they were alive and well  and  had no orthodox therapy.  BARRETT:  Using totally natural methods. DAY:  Totally natural methods. And so I actually  had my own national radio show, which was called “Truth Serum” where I was interviewing a lot of alternative doctors about these kinds of things. During that period of time I found out I had cancer. I knew I was not going to go the orthodox route and the first thing I did was I changed my diet completely, but diet alone is not enough to get you well from cancer or other serious diseases.  BARRETT:  So, at first you were just  experimenting with diet alone? DAY:  That's correct. BARRETT:  So you changed your diet completely? DAY:  And I got on the right diet. But  then I was all right for a while, for eight or nine months, and then suddenly my tumor returned because, you see, I hadn't changed anything else  in my life. And so my tumor returned in  about nine months and when it returned it was a little larger then. It was about the size of a  marble. And then I thought I'm in serous trouble. And so I started  trying one alternative after another, after another, and none of  them worked. And I knew was in serious trouble and I got sicker and sicker and sicker until eventually I was bedridden.  I was bedridden for six months. I got to the point where I couldn't eat and then—or I couldn't drink. And at one point I was not expected to live through the night. But what I found through this experience, and as you said earlier,  I, as a physician, I was an agnostic for most of my adult life,  but when you know what every other doctor knows and you know  there is no hope for you with orthodox methods, I turned to the Lord. And I started praying and I started reading my Bible, and I realized there  were totally natural things in their natural form that can get you well. BARRETT:  And you say things came  to you from the mail sometimes . . . through newspapers. DAY:  Right. Sometimes somebody would give me a book; sometimes I would be impressed to study in a  certain area. And actually at that time I had triple  vision, I was so  sick and so toxic. And my husband would have to . . .  BARRETT: You were seeing threes. DAY:  Three. Right. I couldn't read. My  husband would have to read to me because I couldn't read. And so I  started studying in these various areas and then suddenly I realized that there was more to the plan than just diet. And when  I started including these other nine steps, the plan has 10 steps, then I started getting well. And from the time I understood that I had the plan together, it only took eight months for the cancer to reverse itself. BARRETT:  And you had a tumor, and our crew is going to bring up the pictures. . .  DAY:  That's right. I had a tumor . . .  BARRETT:  But it was the size of a grapefruit. DAY:  That's right. It was the size  of a large grapefruit. And there are side views, and front views, and  a close-up view. You can see the tumor is huge. Now, I had a portion of that tumor. . .  BARRETT:  And in nine months later the tumor went away?  DAY:  That's right. I had a portion of  the tumor removed just so it wouldn't open up and have  a big open wound on my  chest and for pain relief, and they sent me home to die. By that time I still had cancer all through my chest wall, in the nodes under my arm and in  the nodes at the base of my neck.  But within  that—that gave me some relief from pain and they thought they would just make my  death easier. But when I got on the plan, which is all very  simple, when I got on the plan. . .  BARRETT:  It's a 10-step program. DAY:  Ten steps and it's simple, but it's not easy. It's simple because all the things are out there in  nature, but it's not easy because you have to change.  BARRETT:  And all  10 steps are absolutely free, too.  DAY:  Everything except food and you have to buy that anyway. BARRETT:  We have to buy that anyway. DAY:  All free. BARRETT:  But here's the question because I think everybody out there has heard of somebody that has probably healed themselves of cancer naturally. 14 DAY:  Right!

BARRETT:  Maybe they've heard about it on the news, or they've read it on the Internet. But what about  the people that say everybody is different. Everybody is different. Not  one health plan is  going to work for everybody. DAY:  Well, actually  everybody is exactly the same on the inside. Okay. We couldn't have textbooks if we weren't all the same on the inside. If you came to me and you said  I have pain in my shoulder and I said, well, maybe it's your appendix. And you say no, my appendix is down here. And I say, no, we don't know.  Everybody is  different. We don't know where your appendix is. Of course, we know. Our personalities are different and the outside of our bodies may look  different and our faces are different, but inside we're all the same. Your stomach works exactly like my stomach and your intestines work like my  intestines. That's why we can have books—as  doctors, we can have textbooks of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, neurophysiology because everybody is the same. Everybody is  exactly the same on the inside. BARRETT:  Why does everybody think that  everybody is different.  Your example absolutely makes sense. DAY:  That's right. Well, everybody likes to be different. They say, you know, I'm special. Well, we are all  special. We are all special because we are different with personalities. But if you went to a doctor and a doctor had to start from scratch with everything, why go to medical school? It's just a crap shoot every time  somebody comes in. I don't have a clue as to where anything is. BARRETT:  Right. Hold on to that thought. I want to talk about genetics in a minute. But if you're watching  right now and you would like some more information on Dr. Day or her  10-step program that she used to get well, pick up the phone, get  some more information. We have trained representatives standing by  that can answer all of your questions. And for a limited time we're making available her video “Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore.”  It's a two-hour video that you put together for people out there that  are confused, maybe getting advice from their friends, relatives  and being pressured into chemotherapy and radiation.  It gives them really a  guideline to go by for them to be an educated patient.  DAY:  That's right. They will find out  what orthodox medicine will offer them and what it will do to them. BARRETT:  So we're making this video available today for $29.95 . . . . $29.95. Pick up the phone, get some  more information. And the wonderful  thing about it is  all 10 steps  that she mentions are absolutely free except for food. So, if you want  some more information or if you would like to pick up the video, give us a call. Dr. Day, let's talk about genetics because the medical industry . . . doctors say, well, if  you have cancer on your mom's side or cancer on your father's side that  you're more apt to get  cancer.  That I'm more likely to get cancer. For instance,  my dad has liver cancer and I had a brother that died of brain cancer.  So they say you should be on the look out for cancer. DAY:  Well, first of all, medicine doesn't prevent cancer. They just tell you, well, go see a doctor so he can  diagnose it. They don't prevent it. They just tell you when you have it. Okay. That's  number one.  But as far as genetics are concerned, virtually no cancer—maybe a few, but tiny, tiny portions of cancer are actually  transmitted through the genes, less than 1%  because, you see . . .  BARRETT:  But everybody says that—even on heart disease. If your mother has heart disease you're more apt to get heart disease. Diabetes. Everybody says . . .  DAY:  Well, if your mother has cancer  or heart disease you are more likely to get cancer or heart disease,  but not because it’s  in the genes. You see, grandmother teaches mother  how to eat, live and handle stress. And mother teaches daughter how to eat, live and handle stress, well or not well. And so it's  passed down in families all right, but not in the genes. It's done by teaching and observation, how we live and eat, you see.  And if a mother is very stressed and handles her problems without really knowing how to relieve her  stress and she eats wrong, well, that's the only way the daughter  learns how. You can change that if you just change the way  you're eating and living.  We know that from all medical centers now. Major medical centers have cardiovascular sections where they say  you've got to get on  a different diet. You've got to start exercising. And they  know they can reverse and prevent heart disease by those things. Well,  cancer is the same thing. They know that if your father and your  grandfather died of heart disease, well, you have a bigger chance but not because it's genetic.  Another illustration is if you look  at the Japanese  women who are in their 60s or 70s, they have a very  low incidence of breast cancer in Japan because they have been eating  mainly rice and vegetables and a little bit of fish. You bring those same women to America—and they've done studies on this—to America, give them the rich Western diet, put them under the same stresses, they have the incidence of breast cancer as American women. It's  not in the genes. We do it  to ourselves one day at a time, by the way we eat and the way we live.  The good news is since we do it to  ourselves, we can reverse it. BARRETT:  Well, most doctors say they don't know what causes cancer. Right? Everybody says we don't know what causes cancer. What is the cause of cancer? Do you have any idea? DAY:  Sure. Oh, of course. The causes of cancer are all known and they're all  in the medical  literature. Fifteen years ago I used to say the same thing. We don't know what causes cancer. In  fact, doctors don't know what causes practically  every disease and yet the answers are all out there. Even the American Cancer Society, in their Journal for Clinicians, I think it's  in 1999,  they say that if people will go on a vegetarian diet and exercise  on a regular basis  and decrease their alcohol intake, they will decrease the incidence of cancer by 33%, all kinds of cancer.  The Harvard School of Public Health  says the same three things will reduce it by 66%. There are  numerous articles . . .  BARRETT:  So there is medical—there's  actually research to back up what you're saying, or there's research to back up your 10 steps. DAY:  Absolutely. On every single step. Such as, sunlight reduces the size of internal cancer tumors.  BARRETT:  I thought sun causes cancer. DAY:  Well . . .  BARRETT:  Everybody says stay out of  the sun because it  causes cancer. DAY:  That's right. They did a study  at Baylor University where they took two groups of experimental animals. They gave  one the standard American diet, which is terrible;  they gave the other one a highly nutritious diet. Then they exposed  both groups of animals  to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. In the group on the standard American diet, 25% got skin cancer. In the group on the highly nutritious diet, not one animal got skin cancer. It's the  way we're eating and how our bodies handle the sun’s rays. Skin cancer is a relatively new phenomenon in the last 60 years or so, and yet our ancestors, for hundreds of years,  had been living outdoors, working outdoors and they didn't get skin cancer. It's a new phenomenon. It's because we have changed from a plant based diet, mainly eating from fruits, grains and vegetables as we did in the early 1900s, to now people are just gorging  on animal products and we have all sorts of disease, including cancer.  BARRETT:  Right. Now, I know you don't recommend vitamins, so to speak. You recommend whole food nutrients. DAY:  That's right. BARRETT:  Will whole food nutrients help  someone fill in the holes of a diet? DAY:  Well, see, it's not so much that they fill  in the holes. What we're eating is actually destroying us. It's actually causing cancer and other diseases.  MSG, NutraSweet, all these things are toxin. They have terrible, terrible side effects. And so when we eat things that are processed foods, they all have NutraSweet and MSG and these kinds of things in  them. And so we've got  to start eating natural foods. It's not so much that you're filling in the holes of the vitamins and minerals. The natural food that you're eating has all the nutrition in it that you need. You cannot develop cancer  unless your immune system is suppressed.  BARRETT:  But everybody says the soil  is depleted and the minerals aren't in our food. DAY:  Well, the soil  is depleted. But remember, I didn't get well from cancer 100 years ago. I got well in  the last 11 years. All right. The soil is just as depleted now, as  you know, when I was getting well, as it  is now.  I got well—I started eating food  that was grown organically, which means it was grown in soil that has  more nutrition in  it, and it didn't have pesticides sprayed on it. But you have to do the best that you can. Some people live in  an area where that's not available. So then you just do the best that you can. But  I drank a lot of juices because, you see, the three factors that actually  cause cancer and all  other diseases are malnutrition, dehydration, and stress.  The body is 75% water; the brain is  85% water. Every day you lose 10 glasses of water just by living. You lose it from  perspiration even when it's not. You lost it from breathing because your breath is moist. You'll fog up a mirror. And you lose it because your body has to take huge amounts of water out of your cells and  put it in  your stomach to make digestive juices for every meal.  You lose that through your kidneys and colon every day. So if you don't  drink 8 to10 glasses of water every day you are getting behind. 

BARRETT:  How many people out there would drink nine glasses of water a day? And then the American Cancer Society is saying you have to eat eight fruits or vegetables every day. How many people eat one fruit or vegetable every day?  DAY:  That's right. But you see, I changed that. I started eating fruits, vegetables, and grain, and drinking lots of water and fresh homemade vegetable juice, carrot juice and  green leafy vegetable juice because you've got to nourish the body. The  body is sick when it develops any disease. It is sick and you've got to  feed it properly. The only place the body has to get the raw materials to  make new cells is  by what you put in your mouth. It doesn't just, kind  of, come out of the sky. You have to feed it properly. BARRETT:  So, nutrition plays a role. DAY:  Oh, a major role, but it's  only  10% of the plan. There are other things in the plan such as fresh air. As I said, cancerous tumors grow twice as fast if you're breathing indoor air as if you're breathing outdoor air.  BARRETT:  Just hold onto that thought.  I just want to let our viewers tune in again for a minute. If you're watching right now and you  would like some more information on Dr. Day or her 10-step lifestyle  program to get well, pick up the phone and call the number on the screen. She has trained representatives standing by  that can answer all  of  your questions. And for a limited time, only while supplies last, we have her  video, “Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore.” For $29.95 you can get this video. If you put it in  the hands of somebody that has cancer, you could be saving their life. So, if you would like some more information, pick up the phone and give us a call. Now, we talked about cancer an awful  lot on this  show. Does your 10step program work for any other diseases? DAY:  Virtually all diseases because all diseases are caused by the same three factors: malnutrition, dehydration and stress. And that is a short version of violation of  those 10 laws of health. . .  BARRETT:  How can such simple techniques. . . . I mean, the average person out there is  saying how can  such simple techniques work on such devastating diseases like cancer or heart disease, even diabetes. DAY:  Well, let me give you an illustration. When you have a headache, the average American will take an  aspirin. Why? Well, headaches certainly are not caused by  a deficiency of aspirin.

BARRETT:  But it sure goes away fast. DAY:  That's right. We want a quick  fix. All right. But, you see, headaches are caused by too much  tension, too much stress, not drinking enough water, too much sugar, caffeine withdrawals, whatever. Lots of reasons. But not  one single headache  is caused by a deficiency of aspirin. We take an aspirin because we want a quick fix because we've been programmed to do  that and because we don't really think about what's causing the headache. So we just cover up the symptoms and then what we do is  the problem continues to get worse.  When we have joint pains, it's  supposed to be a red flag to tell  us something is wrong in your body.  You better change something. You better start eating differently.   You better cut out the sugar. You better start getting more rest.  We don't do that. We just take caffeine to rev us up. We take sugar to give us more energy. We don't go to sleep when we're tired, you  see. And so what we're doing is we're covering up symptoms over and  over and over again. So then one day we go to the doctor and the  doctor says you have cancer, or Parkinson's, or heart disease, or lupus and you say, well, doctor, how did this  happen? And the doctor says, we don't  know. These things just happen.  But they don't. We give these diseases  to ourselves one day at a time by the way we eat and the way we live. BARRETT:  But how come doctors only recommend drugs? DAY: That's all they know. That's  all I ever knew because all we're taught in  orthodox medicine is to  give drugs, which never cure disease.   They only cover-up the symptoms. Any doctor will admit. . .  You see, if you're put on high blood pressure drugs, they'll tell you you have to be on them for the rest of your life.   Why? Because they don't cure anything. All right. They cover  up the symptoms. You still have high blood pressure. It's just that this  drug is  artificially keeping it low. All right. But it's not curing the  problem. You can cure the problems. So, drugs just cover up the symptoms  and surgery just takes out the organ. If you went to a car mechanic and you say I have trouble with my engine and the warning light is flashing on my dashboard. And the mechanic went and got his pliers and  cut the lines to the warning light, he says, now it's not going to bother you anymore,  you don't see the warning light. Well, you still have  the trouble in  your engine.   BARRETT:  Well, you say the cancer industry is  controlled.

DAY:  That's correct. It is. BARRETT:  Explain—I mean, what do you mean controlled? DAY:  Well, just to give an example, in  medical  journal articles that doctors read . . . there  are more pages in the  medical journal  of full color, high-priced, pharmaceutical  ads than there is medical information. So when you start talking about natural  medicine, when you try to get that into a journal, the pharmaceutical companies say we're going to pull our ads, and when  we pull our ads you don't have any journal.  BARRETT:  Well, your 10-step program, there's no return on investment. DAY:  That's correct. You know, who is going to research the importance of water because water is  free, you see. But actually those studies have been done and they were done in  the 30s, 40s and early 50s, and I have all those medical journal articles showing that . . .  Well, even new studies show forgiveness changes your cell  structure. If you are harboring anger and you have grudges that you're holding against people, you cannot get well.  You have to learn to forgive everyone who has ever wronged you.  Because, you see, when you are angry—in fact, if you are angry  you are more prone to die of a heart attack if you have one than  if  you are not angry. When you are angry or when you are stressed, the  body pours out huge amounts of adrenaline from the adrenal  glands and cortisol. Cortisol  is like cortisone.  It suppresses your immune  system and the adrenaline gives you a rapid heart rate and it can give  you an irregular  heart rate and it all hypes you up. And so when you  are under a lot of stress or when you are angry, the body pours out  the hormones, actually, that suppress your immune system, and so  you cannot fight disease.  BARRETT:  Do doctors disagree with you? DAY: When I give you these specific  things they don't disagree with that. But they just don't believe you can get well  from cancer by natural methods. And you know why? Because they, like I, have been taught year after year after year after year that the only way to do it is  with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.  BARRETT:  Why do you say the average person out there shouldn't be scared of cancer anymore? That's the name of your video. “Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore.” DAY:  Because cancer is  just a disease of deficiency and excess. Now, if you had scurvy, which is a Vitamin C deficiency, nobody would be too upset. They would just eat some oranges or some lemons and they would be over it. And so I say cancer is  the same thing. It's just a disease of deficiency. You're not  eating the right things, you're not getting enough rest at  the proper time of night because the healing hormones are produced between  10:00 p.m. and 2:00 in  the morning. If you're staying up all night because you're a night person, you're going to be sick eventually. And so  you've got to—you've got to adhere to these laws and you can get well.  All you have to do is not violate those laws. And doctors will agree that nutrition does have something to do with your health, but, they say  . . . once you have cancer you can eat anything you want and it won't make any difference. But if—if doctors agree that your diet will  contribute— the wrong diet will contribute to cancer then why would you keep doing it  and expect you could get well. BARRETT:  Right. Dr. Day, I'm sorry. We're running out of time, but we'll have you back. Thanks for being on our show today. If you're watching right now and you want some  more information on Dr. Day or her 10-step lifestyle program, pick up the phone and get some more information. If you don't  have cancer, you know somebody that does, we can drop-ship this  product for you for only $29.95. We have the video, “Cancer  Doesn't Scare Me Anymore.” Let that cancer patient in your life be an educated patient. For $29.95 you could be saving their life. And the wonderful  thing is all 10 steps are absolutely free, except for food, which you need anyway.  My name is Donald Barrett, and this  has been a very exciting show on I-TV. Dr. Day, again, thanks for being my guest and we'll see you next time on I-TV. Thanks for being with us. 

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