Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies

“All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God
in nature, the challenge of science is to find it.”
 – Paracelsus (1493-1541)

Natural remedies are more popular than ever, and for good reason. Our medical system is broken. The days of relying on your doctor or the latest drug to take care of you are LONG gone.
Don’t believe me? Check this out:
Did you ever consider that pharma companies are using us as a guinea pig for all of their drugs? And WE are almost always losing!
It’s all because of a statistic no medical doctor or pharma rep wants you to know about called “number needed to treat” or NNT. Let me show you some shocking statistics…
What if I told you that I had a new natural remedy for the flu but that in order for it to help just ONE person stay well, 1000+ others would need to have gotten the flu without seeing any benefit from the natural remedy. And in fact, most of them would likely experience nasty side effects as a result of following the treatment.
I don’t think I would be in business too long and you certainly wouldn’t have confidence in trying such natural remedies, right? Yet, when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs, that’s exactly what’s happening.
What’s worse is in spite of these absurd statistics and nasty side effects, millions of people still line up to fill their prescriptions every day. It’s crazy. I feel like I’m living in the Twilight Zone sometimes.
Thankfully, you and I are different. We know the value of healing our body with natural remedies that, in many cases, are safer and more effective than deadly drugs.
Before I show you some sickening stats about NNT, here are some of my most popular natural remedies that I think you’ll really enjoy. 

Bonfire Cider: The Natural Flu Remedy

Do you have a thing for apple cider vinegar? You absolutely should. I’ve addressed its powerful health benefits before.
If you haven’t already started “drinking the kool-aid” so to speak, you’ll want to read these 3 Science-Backed Reasons to Drink Apple Cider Daily and add my Apple Cider Soda Detox Drink to your daily diet regiment.
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent and affordable natural remedies out there. Alkalizing, nourishing and naturally detoxing, it’s an absolute must-have in your nutrition arsenal.
So, what happens when you take apple cider vinegar, spike it with immunity-boosting and bacteria-blasting herbs and spices, and leave it to ferment for a month on your shelf?
It becomes what I call “the ultimate flu-fighting torcher”, a.k.a. Bonfire Cider. This stuff is downright essential when you want a flu remedy to torch potential viruses from your system.
Can’t wait a month? Try my Feel Better Tea for Cold and Flu instead.

All About My Ultimate Flu Remedy, Bonfire Cider

This flu remedy elixir is amazing. It not only soothes and warms, but works to clean your internal systems and provides a natural boost to your immune system. As the seasons change, we’re all likely to pick up some unwanted cold and flu viruses, but if you keep this incredible elixir in your medicine cabinet, you can stave them off.
Apple cider vinegar is amazing on its own, but once it’s infused with roots, bulbs, and herbs, the resulting flu remedy drink contains potent antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. After you let it ferment for a month, you’ll have a spicy, nutrient-fueled cider that you can enjoy daily.

Why This Natural Flu Remedy Works

Bonfire cider may be new to you, but it’s actually been around for a while, and has deep roots in folk medicine. It contains several simple, natural ingredients, all of which are immensely powerful and have been used in healing for centuries. Here’s why it’s so powerful:
  • Ginger, garlic and peppers promote a healthy circulatory system by stimulating blood flow throughout the body. This helps to remove wastes and acidic pH levels in the body.
  • Echinacea root and the high levels of vitamin C in this drink work to boost your immune system and help fight off potential illness.
  • The powerful antiviral properties of both garlic and apple cider vinegar will help to reduce any flu-ey symptoms you come down with.

How to Use It

Since this is a folk preparation, you can use whatever herbs and ingredients that are in-season when you prepare it. Just make sure to include a base of apple cider vinegar, garlic, ginger, onion and peppers, and add on from there.
When preparing this recipe, be sure to clean the outer peels of all veggies thoroughly with fruit cleaner, since you’ll be using the peels in the fermentation process.
Once you’ve prepped a batch, there are a dozen ways to include bonfire cider in your diet, from taking it straight by the spoonful to adding it to recipes such as fried rice and salads. Add a splash to your soups (my Garlic Soup for Colds plus this Bonfire Cider makes for a killer nutrient-dense combo). Or, keep it simple and sweeten your bonfire cider with honey, stirring it into your favorite teas or taking by the spoonful in a daily dose.
Despite the wild combination of ingredients, I think you’ll find the flavor to be quite palatable. It’s much more mild than you might guess, and not at all hard to swallow. It’s strong, yet simple medicine that will knock out any bug you catch.

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