Monday, March 16, 2020

About Sinus Health


What are Sinus Cavities?

Sinus cavities are hollow cavities that are found in the front part of the skull (head bone) and are lined with mucus membranes. Each sinus cavity has an opening into the nose for the free exchange of air and mucus that is joined to the nasal passages by a continuous mucus membrane lining.
The human body comprises of four pairs of sinuses. They include the frontal sinus (located in the forehead), maxillary sinus (located behind the cheeks), ethmoid sinus (located between the eyes) and the sphenoid sinus (located behind the ethmoids). Together, these four sinus pairs are referred to as paranasal sinuses.
Frontal Sinuses
Sphenoid Sinus
Maxillary Sinuses
Ethmoid Sinuses

Why do we have Sinuses Cavities?
Sinus cavities are not just empty spaces that reduce the weight of the skull, add resonance to the voice and assist in the warming and filtering of air that enters the nasal passage.

The mucus membrane linings of sinuses perform the vital function of preventing foreign particles, including air-borne pollens and germs from making their way into the body. The microscopic cilia, which are hair-like structures, move the foreign matter around sinus cavities till they find their way into the stomach (and are then disposed off) through the back of the throat. 

What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is caused by an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses due to a viral, bacterial or fungal infection, or an allergic reaction. It occurs when these cavities become infected due to a blockage of the small tubes attached to the nasal passages.

More than 39 million people suffer from this condition every year. Our polluted environs are increasingly triggering allergies, which in turn have caused a high incidence in sinusitis cases.

General or acute sinusitis: Lasting for a period of less than a month, acute/general sinusitis is often caused by a common cold and bacterial infections. Some of its symptoms include pressure pains behind the eyes, headaches, nasal congestion, post nasal drip and sore throat. Sinus-Pro’s General Sinusitis Remedy provides fast relief from symptoms and prevents secondary infections of the sinus cavities and nasal passages.

Persistent sinusitis: Lasting more than three months, chronic sinusitis causes excess mucus build up and difficulty in breathing through the nose. This condition is characterized by throbbing headaches, facial pain, nasal congestion, cough, bad breath, and diminished sense of smell. The reasons behind chronic sinusitis could be infections or nasal polyps. Our Persistent Sinusitis Remedy reduces inflammation of the nasal passages, relieves pressure in the sinus passages and keeps post nasal drip at bay.

Infected Sinuses

Infected cavities
before taking
1 Week on Sinus-Pro remedies. The infection is almost clear.

What is a Sinus Attack?
A sinus attack refers to the inflammation/infection of one or more of the sinus cavities. Inflammation or an infection in the sinus cavities can cause poor drainage leading to a sinus attack. 
Sinus Attacks, drink water regularly.
Sinus-Pro RemediesGeneral Sinusitis Remedy
Assists in the treatment of Acute Sinusitis, Pressure, Headaches, Congestion, Bad Breath and Post Nasal Drip.

The sinus cavity (ostium) opens up into the nasal passages for free exchange of air and mucus. The lining of the sinus cavities have ciliated epithelium (cells with fine hair) that help move the mucus from the sinus cavities into the nasal passages. If air or secretions get trapped in these blocked sinus cavities, it may cause pressure on the sinus wall, which will result in pain, pressure or a sinus attack. When air is prevented from entering the paranasal sinuses due to a swollen membrane in the sinus cavity, a vacuum is created, which results in pain.

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