Saturday, April 4, 2020

Water cure hypertension

A new study, published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association, suggests adding calcium and magnesium to drinking water potentially could help lower blood pressure levels across the population. › 2019/05/07

Could adding minerals to drinking water fight high blood pressure?

What is the water cure for high blood pressure?
But, avoiding dehydration could lower the risk of high blood pressure, said medical website Vive Health. Drink eight glasses of water each day to avoid hypertension. Alternatively, drink at least five bottles of 500ml water. When exercising, it's important to increase the amount of water you drink, it added.2018年8月9日 › health

High blood pressure diet: Prevent hypertension symptoms by ...

Does water affect blood pressure?
Water also raises blood pressure in older normal subjects, but not in young normal subjects. The studies suggest that water is an important unrecognized factor in clinical studies of blood pressure medications. ... Drinking more water at 60 minutes caused the blood pressure effect to be sustained for another hour.2000年2月8日 › 200...
Water: The Unexpected Blood Pressure Drug -- ScienceDaily

Water Cures High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is being treated by thousands simply by doing the opposite of what most people are taught by modern medicine. It is a thousand year old medical treatment that keeps being rediscovered. People have found that taking unprocessed sea salt and drinking water it is possible to lower blood pressure naturally.
    Note: If you have kidney disease, if you are pregnant or are under a doctors care, you should not make any changes with out consulting your doctor. This is not for you.

High Blood Pressure Defined (Hypertension)

High blood pressure (BP) definition: High BP, hypertension or essential hypertension is a condition where the pressure of the blood against the walls of the arteries is higher than the normal for a healthy person. When the pressure exceeds the normal high levels, it eventually can cause health problems such as heart attack, stroke or other related heart diseases.
Incorrectly taking blood pressure readings, and especially in overweight people, has resulted in misdiagnoses of hypertension. Some of the ways the wrong blood pressure can be taken is by not supporting the back, the arm, not having the arm at the same level as the heart, having the person talking while measuring the pressure or using the wrong cuff size for the arm or using the forearm.

 Blood Pressure Readings: What the Numbers Mean

Blood pressure numbers are a measurement of the pressure at two different periods of the heart working. One is the systolic (sis-TOL-ik), a measurement of the pressure when the heart is beating and pumping blood. The diastolic is the top or higher number. The diastolic (die-a-STOL-ik) refers to pressure the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats.
When you see or hear a blood pressure reading, it will be the systolic number above or before the diastolic number, such as 150/90. The measurement is in mmHg or millimeters of mercury—the common way of measuring blood pressure.
It is important to use the right size cuff and the right location to get an accurate reading.

Proper Blood Pressure Reading

Proper blood pressure reading involves some basic principles of physics and human physiology.
The person who is having their BP taken needs to be sitting or standing depending on the reason for taking the BP. The part of the arm being used for the BP needs to be at the level of the heart. The best part of the arm is the upper arm around the biceps. Lower on the fore arm can result in a false high number. If the arm is not being supported or is being held lower than the heart, the BP can be abnormally high. If the arm is above the hart the BP can be lower than the actual pressure.
Additionally, the right size BP cuff for the size of the arm where the BP is being taken is also essential.

Low Magnesium High Blood Pressure

The low magnesium high blood pressure connection is well known in health care. It is in all the medical text books and in the medical literature. So why has your doctor not told you about it? Simple.
Yet your doctor may not know this information. Why? Because he is taught to treat you with drugs, potent chemicals that often will do more harm than good. Initially they may help you but the long term effects may be really bad. Worse, with each additional drug you are on, there is an increased risk of drug interaction. At some point, one way or another, your drug use will come to an end.

Can (Unprocessed) Sea Salt Lower Blood Pressure?

First we will review the causes and standard practice in treating high blood pressure. Then we will look at the high blood pressure magnesium level relationship. Consider why ordinary table salt can raise blood pressure. Finally and most importantly, find out how it is possible that taking unprocessed sea salt can lower high blood pressure for so many. A clue is the magnesium found in unprocessed sea salt. It corrects low magnesium high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Causes

Although there are many high blood pressure causes, we are only considering the ones related to low magnesium high blood pressure.
Diuretics causing the loss of minerals such as potassium and magnesium can cause high BP. Yep, the thing they give you to lower your blood pressure raises your blood pressure. The result is your blood vessels having spasms (contraction or shrinkage in size of the hole the blood runs through) is caused by low magnesium are ultimately caused by diuretics which cause you to loose the magnesium. The result, diuretics cause low magnesium high blood pressure.

The Diuretic Debacle

Doctors lower your blood pressure by removing some of the water from the reservoir that is your circulatory system. Less fluid means less pressure. Remember, one reason for the pressure is not enough magnesium and the vessels getting smaller, making the pressure increase. Remove some water and the pressure decreases. Hydrochlorthiazide (HCT) and other diuretics are cheap and easily obtained.
When we loose the water with diuretics, we also loose other vital minerals. Minerals that promote the proper function of the circulatory system. The loss of minerals include potassium and magnesium.
Symptoms of low potassium include weakness, tiredness and irritability.
The most important symptom of low potassium is high blood pressure.

The Low Magnesium High Blood Pressure Relationship

High blood pressure can also result from a diet lacking foods containing magnesium. There is considerable evidence that shows the low intakes of potassium, calcium, and magnesium will cause elevated blood pressure for many.
Sometimes things we eat as well as drugs we may be on could result in the magnesium not being absorbed.
Table salt, for instance has anti-caking substances that could inhibit the ability of our gut to absorb the essential minerals like magnesium. We would normally get magnesium from our diet but the table salt prevents that from happening for some.
Table Salt Facts: When manufactured, essential minerals in table salt are removed, and the following may be added;
  • Ferrocyanide
  • yellow prussiate of soda
  • tricalcium phosphate
  • alumine-calcium silicate
  • sodium aluminosilicate: an acid salt comprising sodium, aluminium, silicon and oxygen.
  • Aluminum has been found to cause inflammation and decrease mucosal healing. This means it lowers the ability of the gut to absorb nutrients.
Note: Taking magnesium could affect some drugs. Do not supplement your magnesium without talking to your doctor if you are on any medications.

What About Supplements

The problem with supplements is that they do not work as good as the nutrients we get from food. In some cases, if they are not in the proper balance, they could cause us to loose other essential nutrients, causing other health problems.
There are some side effects of Magnesium you need to be aware of. While symptoms of overdoes often happen with IV magnesium, some may experience unwanted effects from supplements. These could include nausea, diarrhea, irregular heart beat. The best way to get magnesium is in our foods. We like liquid chlorophyll or spirulina as it has the necessary magnesium along with other necessary nutrients.
What if there was A Better Way?

What About Potassium

One study found that by increasing the potassium to sodium ratio there was a significant decrease in blood pressure. The article concluded that higher sodium and lower potassium consumption was associated with hypertension (high blood pressure). The sodium used in the test was 95% sodium found in table salt.
So, never use table salt. It is, as so many articles have pointed to, unhealthy. Instead use the safer and more healthy unprocessed salt or raw salt. This salt will have up to 80 or more trace minerals in it. To get the potassium, simply eat more raw veggies. A diet of at least 50% raw veggies will supply your needs in most cases.

Unprocessed Salt Has the Following Minerals:

Every 1/4 Teaspoon of Unprocessed Salt Has...

Bromine  ..............................

601.25 mg
460 mg
0.03 mg
0.02 mg
9.7 mg
0.02 mg
5.2 mg
0.02 mg
2.7 mg
0.02 mg
1.5 mg
0.02 mg
1.2 mg
0.01 mg
0.6 mg
0.01 mg
0.14 mg
0.01 mg
0.11 mg
0.01 mg
0.04 mg
0.01 mg
0.03 mg
0.01 mg

The Water Cures Protocol provides both the water needed to hydrate the body and the essential minerals in proportion. The result, many are lowering their blood pressure.
But wait, are these levels far less than the recommended dietary requirements than can cause low magnesium high blood pressure ?
Yes, they are less. However, there are two aspects you need to consider. One, most supplements do not get fully absorbed, much of what you take is wasted. When you take supplements in foods we need, as much as 100% of the nutrition could be used.
Also, the salt is only one part of our dietary intake of minerals.
Important Notice: If you have kidney disease or are on numerous drugs, are under a doctors care or have an intolerance to salt, then this is not for you. This is for informational purposes only and you should consult your doctor before starting anything new. Never change your medications without speaking to your doctor first.

How Sea Salt Reduce High Blood Pressure

The Water Cures Protocol provides essential minerals in balance and in a form easily absorbed by the body. It also provides sodium and chloride with the former acting as buffers to the latter.
In addition to the vital minerals, the water is able to hydrate the cells of your body. Properly hydrated and with the essential electrolytes, your body is able to promote you to a healthier you.
Together, they help your body to decrease inflammation, becomes ever so slightly alkaline and help your body normalize. When we are as close as possible to a state of balance, healing takes place and our body works to function at optimal levels. Our optimal blood pressure is not high blood pressure.

Exceptions to the Rule

Some people have an intolerance to salt or have specific disease processes that do not respond well when extra of certain minerals or electrolytes (such as are in unprocessed sea salt) are added to the diet. In their cases, the water cures may not work. Although it may sound like the greatest thing in the world (and we believe it is one of the greatest things), everyone should be informed about the pros and cons of any treatment they use. Thus, it is best to talk to your pharmacist or doctor if you are currently on numerous drugs or treatments.
Never stop any medication or treatment out first consulting you doctor or pharmacist. If necessary, find a holistic doctor or naturopathic doctor and discuss magnesium high blood pressure before self treating.

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