Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 2021/03/17 David Lifshultz: Rebuttal The 'Not-So-Hidden Agenda' Behind Bossche's Concern Over 

 COVID Mass Vaccination – Children Health Defense

You do it right.

The very concept of vaccines is erroneous. It is useful to circulate his views as it might put a brake on the current madness but as to whether this fellow is worthwhile the truth is that he is a fool. The key problem is the destruction of the immune system by artificially polluted air, water (fluoride), agricultural (chemical fertilizers), inorganic food pollution, and inorganic medicines just to name a few artificial contrivances. It used to be that the lack of good hygiene which was caused by stupid people was giving us the most serious diseases as small pox, diphtheria, and other diseases but finally the fools woke up. The fools of today create the pollution by producing inorganic and toxic, inorganic foods, etc. Disease is not natural. It is a punishment for wrong actions. Nature is not responsible for causing disease but we are. “Our faults, dear Brutus, lie not in our stars but in ourselves” (Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene III, L. 140-141).

We do not believe in the evil spirit concept of medicine as explained by George Bernard Shaw and Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy even though it is now given a new face as a germ or virus. We think as Shaw that doctors are just as corrupt as politicians. They want their swimming pools, grass tennis courts and Mercedes Benz Maybachs. So they want to force everyone to take a dangerous genetic vaccine to make pharmaceutical companies another trillion dollars against the Nuremberg Laws. When I did a study of the Influenza vaccine, I found that it had no effect on the prevention of the disease though Americans received 200 million shots a year and Gates may have seen it as he shortly after agreed. I did not discuss how many people may have died from the vaccine. Gates and Fauci are to me the new angels of death as Josef Mengele. They should be tried for crimes against humanity for everyone who dies from these vaccine.

Ecclesiastes 7:29 (KJV) Lo , this only have I found , that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

Behind the scenes, companies helping big Covid-19 vaccine makers are getting rich

By Olivia Goldhill  March 25, 2021

Pfizer and Moderna aren’t the only vaccine money-makers. Much of the revenue and profits from Covid-19 vaccines are flowing behind the scenes, going to the contract manufacturers and clinical-trial organizers that turn the shots from lab-bench theory to mass-produced reality.

Both AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson publicly committed to not profiting off their products during the pandemic — though AstraZeneca has reserved the right to declare the pandemic over on July 1, even if the World Health Organization has not. Pfizer and Moderna made no such pledge, with Pfizer expected to make $15 billion in vaccine-related revenue this year, while Moderna is forecasting $18.4 billion in vaccine sales.


 由奥利维亚·戈德希尔(Olivia Goldhill)2021年3月25日

 辉瑞和Moderna并不是唯一赚钱的疫苗。  Covid-19疫苗的大部分收入和利润都在幕后,流向合同制造商和临床试验组织者,使制造商从实验室工作台理论转变为大规模生产的现实。

 阿斯利康和强生公司都公开承诺在大流行期间不会从其产品中获利-尽管阿斯利康保留了在7月1日宣布大流行的权利,即使世界卫生组织没有宣布。 辉瑞和Moderna没有做出这样的承诺,辉瑞今年的疫苗相关收入预计为150亿美元,而Moderna的疫苗销售额预计为184亿美元。

 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.

They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. 

 I have written as reminders to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. 

Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.

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